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Christopher Daniels wasted opportunity by TNA managment?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Since Hogan and crew took off the landscape of TNA has changed greatly and one thing that I really took notice to was the lack of the majority of TNAs' stars appearing on Impact regularly. Joe just now appeared for the first time
in weeks, Beer Money has only been on once in the last month, and Daniels has been limited to jobbing to Morley at the PPV and is nowhere to be seen following, not even being included in the World Title tournament. So my question is do you think TNA managment is dropping the ball by not building up Daniels and focusing on him like they are with Styles and Joe?

I say yeah they are. Daniels is a great talent in the ring and has mic skills that should all be showcased. He is a bit small but that makes for interesting matchups and feuds. I was thinking the other day that a feud between Daniels and Abyss could be interesting considering their size and style difference. Abyss is in need of a serious feud and Daniels could be it for him. Hell, throw in Tomko to align with Daniels as his enforcer and help against Abyss and you could have one hell of a personal mid card feud with TNA originals that doesnt need any of Hogans lackeys. Regardless, Daniels deserves better and should be right up there with the top TNA talents.
His skills are definitly being wasted, all of the TNA originals are being wasted. The problem with Christopher Daniels is that he doesnt look like a wrestler, he looks to athletic and more of cycler. Im hoping management realizes this and we are not stuck with guys who cant wrestle.
Well at this point in time, as much as I hate to say it, TNA will never give Daniels a serious main event push. They took him for granted and they wasted him. He is definitely the most underrated wrestler in TNA history and the greatest wrestler to never hold a World Title today, no doubt about that.

Daniels is pretty much my favorite wrestler of this generation but at this point in his age, it's too late..and that's TNA's fault. He's worked very hard and is a company man but he's been held back when it comes to getting to that next level. Shameful...
If this were a few months ago, I'd probably agree. But I can't remember who said this, but they made a great point. The old things TNA was doing, which was basically showcasing all the talent, all the time, as much as possible, wasn't working in the company's best interest.

It may be hard for us to swallow, but ever since a lot of the homegrown favorites haven't appeared so often, more people are talking about TNA and the ratings have steadily increased. Which is good so that as TNA fans we don't have to worry about WWE easily being able to take talent away because they can pay more. But it's bad because a guy like Daniels may be appealing to many of the original fans, but on the larger scale he may also be someone that just isn't cut out to be the face of a promotion.

Would it be nice to see Daniels on TV a little more? Sure. But does TNA owe him some major role? No. He's been paid for everything he's done in TNA over the years, he hasn't been working for free. So he's not owed anything. Joe being MIA for those few weeks has actually helped his appeal. So we may need to be patient to see what TNA has planned for guys like Daniels and the Guns.
Daniels is definitely being wasted at the moment but at the same time maybe something is being planned for him, I personally would like to see him return to a more undertaker like version of the Fallen Angel gimmick (maybe even a stable with Abyss as his monster and a tag team of some kind joining) that's where I thought they were going with him a while back and all of a sudden they dropped it for some reason. If not that at least just let him be, well pretty much who he is and have bid fueds and maybe 1 or 2 world title runs (at his age I honestly would hope for about 2 or 3). Am I the only one who thinks that if TNA doesn't use all it's really good original guys (Daniels, MCMG, etc) we might get a Radicalz 2010 and they end up in WWE like Jericho and the Radicalz did back then, TNA might be shooting itself in the foot then, but who knows, lol
Am I the only who doesn't care about Daniels? I've never really seen all the appeal about the guy. The only thing that semi-interests me is that he does a pretty good moonsault. Other than that he bores me to death. So no I don't think Daniels is a wasted opportunity by TNA. I'm sure I'll get a lot of heat for saying that, but I've just never seen anything in Daniels that screams anything more than X Division.
Daniels is just one of many with great in ring work and some pretty good mic skills being wasted by TNA. And besides that he has been in some of the most famous matches in TNA history, Turning Point 04 Cage Match Triple X vs. AMW, Ultimate X himself and AJ vs. LAX, and just alot of other great matches. Yet much like Matt Morgan and Hernandez, he got pushed and then it randomly stopped, unfortunately for Daniels he wasent put into Tag hell like Supermex and Morgan to at least stay on TV consistantly and be at least somewhat relevant. I was actually excited when Daniels-Joe-Styles 2 was announced and it was a pretty good match but no where near the first one IMO. Then his match with AJ I was hopin to hell he would win, but of course he didnt, and since then he hasent had anything. I would mention the match with Morely at Genesis but thats only because I watched the ppv. This may be irrelevant but w.e. But there are just so many guys being wasted like Daniels. Abyss was just a pure monster up until James Mitchell left, and since BFG 08 when he went through the flaming table I havent cared about him at all, but his match with AJ styles at lockdown 05 was incredible. Dont even need to explain about the guns. Red lost the X title for no reason to Williams without any buildup whatsoever so he belongs on this list, and Eric Young losing to Rob Terry:wtf::banghead: Point being, all of these guys I listed along with Daniels are victims of the Hogan Regime and its pathetic how much talent and potential is being wasted, mostly with Daniels. I mean after busting his ass all those years and to get nothing.:banghead:
Theo "Hitman" Mays;1790284 said:
Am I the only who doesn't care about Daniels? I've never really seen all the appeal about the guy. The only thing that semi-interests me is that he does a pretty good moonsault. Other than that he bores me to death. So no I don't think Daniels is a wasted opportunity by TNA. I'm sure I'll get a lot of heat for saying that, but I've just never seen anything in Daniels that screams anything more than X Division.

Not really, I don't see the appeal to the guy either. I will admit that he and AJ and Joe had some awesome matches. The guy is a mid carder at best though, the same with Eric Young. Even though I will give Daniels more credit than Eric Young. I still think he should be used more though. He could have a feud with The Pope or Big Rob and put some legitimacy to that Global title.

I don't know if he will be used though. Losing to Val Venis is the kiss of death nowadays. Just like when Kendrick lost to Jerry Lawler. I would like to see the guy in the tournament or the upper mid card, but we have seen him in the main event already. I would much rather see the young guys in the main event then Daniels.
Right off the bat I'll say that I don't like "small" wrestlers. Wrestlers under 6 feet tall and weighing less than 230lbs have to do a *lot* to impress me. Christopher Daniels has always been just at the edge of that size issue. Bigger than a lot of the small guys, but way smaller than a lot of the bigger ones.

That being said, he is the best worker TNA has. His moves look great, he isn't a spot monkey like the rest of the craptacular X-Division, and he is one of the precious few in TNA that actually has a grasp on telling a story in the ring.

Since The Hogan and The Bisch have taken over, things have looked grim for Daniels, but it actually started way before. This guy needs a hook. Not necessarily a full blow gimmick, but a hook of some sort. Even dropping his name to just plain Daniels has done nothing but make him bland. I mean, what's more exciting when the announcer speaks: "Weighing in at 224 pounds, Daniels!" or "Weighing in at 224 pounds, The Fallen Angel, Christopher Daniels!"?

TNA has continually tossed him around the card to the point of ridiculousness. And there's been no payout. Daniels is a great example of one of the big flaws with TNA booking: When an idea they have doesn't pan out the way they think it will, they just abruptly drop it.
Daniels is being 100% wasted in TNA's new era.

The old TNA, the old x division Daniel's was freaking awesome seriously, his old matches with Styles and Joe were so much better than any match the WWE has had in the past few years.

His mic skills are far from Jericho quality, however much better than Hornswoggle's, he can cut a promo and make it believable.

Would Daniel's make it big in WWE?
Proberly not he doesn't have the look of a wrestler to him, more like a diver and Vince likes big men.....................
However he has the wrestling ability, but then so does Chavo Guerrero and look where he is!
I've seen Daniels in some pretty entertaining matches. His best have definitely been against Styles and/or Samoa Joe, at least from what I've seen. He can be fun to watch in the ring and that's always a big plus of course, but Daniels has never really done or said anything that's made me say "Wow, I can't wait to see what they've got in mind for him". It's just never happened with Christopher Daniels.

Daniels is someone that I think is a workhorse. Against most guys, you can expect him to have some pretty damn good matches most of the time, but I just do not see Daniels as a main eventer. He doesn't have the presence, he doesn't have the charisma, I've not been overly impressed with his mic skills. He just doesn't have that X factor.

However, has he been wasted to some degree? Sure, most definitely. Christopher Daniels went from wrestling for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship in the past few TNA ppvs to jobbing to Sean Morley and Hernandez cleanly. Daniels is too good to lose to Morley at anytime really. As for Hernandez, I just think it was a waste having him go over Daniels in the 8 Card Stud Tourney. Hernandez is one half of the tag champs and we all know he's not going to be TNA World Heavyweight Champion anytime soon. Given the fact that Daniels has been in the title scene until recently, it just makes more sense for me to have him go over Hernandez and keep up the idea that "just maybe" it could happen.

However, Daniels has fallen hard and quickly over this past month. I think these losses do signify that there's nothing of any true importance in Daniels' future in TNA at this moment in time. Also, he turns 39 in about 6 weeks and he's still not really a solidified main eventer despite being in TNA from the start. I just don't think it's gonna happen or it probably would have by now.
Let's start with this. I am a huge fan of Daniels and I could be considered a Daniels mark. But I am also a realist and I have to say with all the good that Chris has I just can not see him being World Champion. I hate saying that but it's true. Perhaps it's just the way he is now of being the cocky, arogant jerk that just bores me. I really like the Fallen Angel gimmik and I think it could work. Hell a few years back when he returned wearing a suit and attacked Jeff Jarrett was good because he had direction and he looked like he was going somewhere and he was interesting. Now he's just doing the same thing. I'm always hoping the guy gets a break and is able to do something big.

And just to say, losing a few matches is not jobbing. It's hillarious when people lose one or two matches and they are suddenly jobbing. I dont think half the people know the lingo they spit out.
Daniels is a very good wrestler i cant lie about that.But his gimmick doesnt go with him he should go back with his correct gimmick the fallen angel gimmick was the shit.As for him missing his push i really dont know what he did to not get another push or maybe if guy like anderson wolfe pope wouldnt of been there maybe he would been the TNA champ right now and not AJ or JOE but hopefully he get that push but i dont think that push will be this year.
Reasons why I don't believe Daniels is being wasted in TNA

- TNA is going through a major transition right now. One where they can't afford to simply push someone because they've been around and put in work in the past. So forcing a push for Daniels would probably do more harm to the overall product than it would do good to Daniels.

- Looking at Angle, AJ, Pope, Wolfe, Anderson, and Joe, I can't say I'd want to see Daniels replace either of them as the potential top talent in TNA.

So if I'm on TNA's booking team I'm sorta a stand still on what to do with Daniels. He's talented, but as many others have pointed out, not the guy make the face of your promotion. So I'd say the best way to use Daniels is in a tag team (Triple X was great) or for TNA to get a mid-card title like the IC or US belt, and then push him within that division.
I wouldn't go as far as to say that Daniels is a wasted opportunity, but I do think he should be pushed a bit more because he is just as talented as Joe and Styles in the ring as well as on the mic. The three of them should be pushed at the top together similar to how they were in the X Division a few years ago. That was only done for one PPV recently and it could be done for a few more in my opinion, it would be awesome.
If this were a few months ago, I'd probably agree. But I can't remember who said this, but they made a great point. The old things TNA was doing, which was basically showcasing all the talent, all the time, as much as possible, wasn't working in the company's best interest.

It may be hard for us to swallow, but ever since a lot of the homegrown favorites haven't appeared so often, more people are talking about TNA and the ratings have steadily increased. Which is good so that as TNA fans we don't have to worry about WWE easily being able to take talent away because they can pay more. But it's bad because a guy like Daniels may be appealing to many of the original fans, but on the larger scale he may also be someone that just isn't cut out to be the face of a promotion.

Would it be nice to see Daniels on TV a little more? Sure. But does TNA owe him some major role? No. He's been paid for everything he's done in TNA over the years, he hasn't been working for free. So he's not owed anything. Joe being MIA for those few weeks has actually helped his appeal. So we may need to be patient to see what TNA has planned for guys like Daniels and the Guns.

I agree completely with you Tolk. I think TNA is probably going to repackage him in some way. I mean his character was never really a stand out.. yes he could wrestle but he lacked character. And I think they are just going to give him more character now.

To answer the OP's question.. no I don't think he is being wasted.. I think before Hogan and company came in.. he was over used. I mean he had all those great matches but why didn't they ever give him a title run? its not Hogan and company .. it was TNA.

Hopefully now with Hogan in the mix and his knowledge of how to get over with character they can repackage him into something great.

Poɘt;1792078 said:
Reasons why I don't believe Daniels is being wasted in TNA

- TNA is going through a major transition right now. One where they can't afford to simply push someone because they've been around and put in work in the past. So forcing a push for Daniels would probably do more harm to the overall product than it would do good to Daniels.

- Looking at Angle, AJ, Pope, Wolfe, Anderson, and Joe, I can't say I'd want to see Daniels replace either of them as the potential top talent in TNA.

So if I'm on TNA's booking team I'm sorta a stand still on what to do with Daniels. He's talented, but as many others have pointed out, not the guy make the face of your promotion. So I'd say the best way to use Daniels is in a tag team (Triple X was great) or for TNA to get a mid-card title like the IC or US belt, and then push him within that division.

I can agree with all that too. also the fallin angel gimmick is not doing it for him.
To the OP, Daniels WAS apart of the Tourny going on. He lost the qualifier to Hernandez. Anyways, like someone above me said, TNAs going through a transition period. Im confident that in a month or two Daniels will be repackaged and givin a push.
To me, the best way to use him would be in a Tag Team. Put him with Tomko and let them be back up for AJ. I think they would make a great tag team. Tomko as the enforcer/big man and Daniels as the Flyer/Technician. They would be the best new team in a long time.
There is a glaring punch you in the face obvious reason why Christopher Daniels is not being pushed as hard as AJ Styles, apart from the fact that he isn't as good a wrestler, and that is his age. Styles is 31 and has a long career ahead of him while Daniels is 38. Seeing as it would take probably two years to push him to the point he could be considered a true champion, then you are presented with a new star who is 40 years old. It makes a lot more sense to push guys like Styles, Joe and Elijah Burke, because they are much younger and much better.
He is a midcard guy. He has the talent to get the main event guys over. He doedn't have the look or the star power to be any higher than that.
Daniels was a part of the tournament. He lost to Hernandez. With the tournament taking up a lot of TV time, as well as Dinero, Wolfe, Morgan, and Hernandez all getting pushes, there's not enough time to go around. He'd end up just jobbing to one of them if he was forced on to TV. He's under a legit contract, so he's getting paid, and there's no harm in giving him a few weeks off TV to redistribute the talent, and see who's getting pushed, and who's not.

He's less than 2 months removed from headlining a PPV, so don't think he's being misused.

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