Christopher Daniels Released

Kenny Powers

Bulletproof Tiger
Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer

According to a source, it has been confirmed that Christopher Daniels was released by TNA earlier this week and explains why he was able to make an appearance at Ring of Honor's "Big Bang" PPV last night. We're told Daniels was released from his TNA contract this past Wednesday.

Daniels was using his old "Fallen Angel" gimmick during his ROH appearance. He remains listed on the TNA website as of this writing.

Christopher Daniels is claiming to friends within the industry that he was released by TNA recently as well. The MCMG also performed for ROH but they are still with the company. I don't know any more details about this but it seems like Daniels could be released from the company. It is surprising considering he had positive conversations with Eric Bischoff about the future of the X Division.

I guess that future didn't involve him. Besides Daniel's ladder match at Destination X, Daniels has been pretty much a jobber after his main event match with AJ Styles in December. I'm not a huge Daniels fan but I respected him and his work as a TNA Original. Do you think more TNA originals will get the axe? Is TNA better off with or without Daniels?
Well this is really disappointing to me, I've always been a fan of Christopher Daniels, but at the same time I can understand why TNA decided to cut him, they have alot of dead weight in TNA that they need to cut if they want to excel in the future. Don't get me wrong, I love Daniels and he's a phenomenal worker and an asset to any company he wrestles for, but with the limited amount of TV time TNA has, this seems like a decision that needed to be made.

It'll be great to see him in ROH again, he could definitely help out that company right now by being a familiar face and name and a great veteran to work with the younger wrestlers. Shit, perhaps even the WWE might take a peek at Daniels and see if they're interested, I'd love to see what he could do in the WWE midcard scene. All in all I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Daniels in a major American wrestling promotion, so while this is sad, I'm not too bummed out.
TNA needs to cut some of the 'fat' on its roster. And I can only assume there were no plans for Daniels to be involved in any storylines in the near future, hence is why he was released. Sure he's an awesome worker, but if there's nothing for you to do, then it really doesn't matter.

In ROH, Daniels can show off his talent and continue to work and get better. It's all he wants to do anyway. And as far as more 'originals' being cut? Don't be shocked to see some other wrestlers who you haven't seen on TV in a bit to be released. TNA has to start some cost cutting measures and make sure they're maximizing their potential to be profitable. And by releasing non-active wrestlers out of their contracts, they're doing that. Hate to seem him go, but Daniels is better off now.
I can't say I'm surprised. With TNA workers not allowed to work ROH events (hopefully just PPVs or this means goodbye to MCMG too), it was fairly obvious he either quit or was released.

I like Daniels, not as much as other posters, but I've always enjoyed his work in TNA for the most part. He wasn't being utilized very well anymore aside from the Destination X PPV and it did not look like he had any story or angle moving forward. To be honest, I'm in total agreement with X here, I'm sure Daniels will make it either to the E or back to TNA at some point, so I'm not very sad to see him go.

I also fully expect other originals to get released as well. I've said for quite some time that TNA's roster is far to large and I believe those with contracts that haven't been used or aren't planned to be used will be let go as well.
Much like the other posters I think this was an effective cost cutting move. In theory you only have to cast for 5 shows a month on TV so you can't plan to use the entire roster rationally. I haven't really seen much of ROH so I can't say with any certainty that he'll be good but if others who have seen ROH say otherwise then I'll defer to them. When it comes to WWE personally I'd love to see him working with Dolph or Morrison but that's just my wish modest wish list

it sucks that daniels left, one of TNA's best young talents
Uh, Chris Daniels isn't a young talent. He has been wrestling for about 15 years if my memory serves me right.

I hate seeing Daniels go as I have always been a huge fan of The Fallen Angel, but ever since TNA started billing him as Daniels they managed to make him bland and just not standout.

I'm actually glad to see him back in ROH because that's where he did his best work and he is a true ROH original and can really help them out at this point in his career. WWE has had several chances to sign Chris over the years and never did, he just doesn't fit the WWE mold.

I'd also imagine he left TNA on good terms and could eventually resurface there. Daniels has been around the block, but he is still a great work with at least another decade left on his career.
Really disappointed, Im just a casual viewer but I liked TNA for its young up and coming stars. Atleast WWE has Swagger as champion I guess.
don't see why anyone would consider this a bad move. Lets be totally honest, he hasnt done anything in nearly 2 years. There is only so much they could have done with him at this point anyway- can anyone seriously think of anywhere they could go with Daniels or his character that he hasnt already done?! Couple that with the fact he's no spring chicken. I'd rather see Kaz, Kendrick, Moore and Williams anyway
I wonder if Vince would sign him and try to make him into a star just to stick it to TNA for thinking they can compete with him. Remember Vince's ego is enormous.
What the hell is TNA thinking? This is just another example of how poorly run TNA is and why it's so far in the shitter. Of all the talents on the roster you get rid of, and all the people you cut to get rid of dead weight, you let go of Christopher Daniels? TNA is hopeless. They have all these old, useless wrestlers.. and then they have young talent unable to get over and lacking in very key skills.. but they get rid of the well rounded Christopher Daniels. There's nothing Daniels can't do.. he can wrestle far beyond most on the roster, he's above average on the mic compared to most of TNA's roster, and he's not old by any means and still has years and years to offer. What a bad move this is and a bad loss for TNA. TNA needs veterans to compliment and help build their younger talent, not only does Daniels fit perfectly into that role but he can still have the potential to become a star himself and his best years aren't even behind him. Instead you want to use other talent for this role who are older, who can't wrestler for shit, and who no one wants to watch? TNA gets more and more like WCW every day, it's depressing.
Bit of a shame as I enjoy watching him wrestle but I guess I can still do that if I really want to.

As others have said the TNA roster has been in need of a trim and with The Nasty Boys, Creed, Morley and Daniels they have started to do that.

I suppose there wasn't much left for him to do in TNA but I wouldn't have minded seeing him stick around to help out the X-Division both on screen and behind the scenes.

But there you go, time and people move on, best of luck to him.
don't see why anyone would consider this a bad move. Lets be totally honest, he hasnt done anything in nearly 2 years. There is only so much they could have done with him at this point anyway- can anyone seriously think of anywhere they could go with Daniels or his character that he hasnt already done?! Couple that with the fact he's no spring chicken. I'd rather see Kaz, Kendrick, Moore and Williams anyway

And every blessed wrestler you just named could get wonderful experience from working with Daniels. I got a sneaky feeling though that MCMG will lose their tag-team title shot (if they haven't done it already!) and get tossed out too...TNA DOES need to do some fat-trimming (lot of it was done with the nasty boys getting released :lmao:) but let's start with people who have no business being on TV and/or haven't been on TV in a long while. Examples:

Shark Boy (keep him on the backstage team but keep him OUT the ring!)
Kiyoshi (who needs to go back to Japan where he got some respect)
Lacey von Erich (complete embarrassment to her family name, not even that hot)
the Black Machismo gimmick (either let Lethal work without the gimmick or hand him walking papers s he can go to ROH)
Orlando Jordan (I ain't got a problem with his lifestyle, I just don't like him as a wrestler and he doesn't seem over)
the Band (who should all be retired by now with possibly the exception of Waltman)
Hamada (I love seeing her wrestle but she'll never be used properly by TNA, she needs to go somewhere where she'll be used properly)
Shannon Moore (never was a fan of his work, certainly not liking his Dilligaf crap)
Jeff Hardy (That's right I said him. TNA needs to cut him because if he IS found guilty, the resulting damage control needing to be done will likely sink TNA further than it already is)
Brutus Magnus (Can't talk, less entertaining to watch than a Nasty Boys striptease [eww!], seeing as TBI is pretty much finished he needs to go)

I can think of a few others that should have been released before getting rid of Daniels. Bad TNA, no cookie for you!
Bit of a shame as I enjoy watching him wrestle but I guess I can still do that if I really want to.

As others have said the TNA roster has been in need of a trim and with The Nasty Boys, Creed, Morley and Daniels they have started to do that.

I suppose there wasn't much left for him to do in TNA but I wouldn't have minded seeing him stick around to help out the X-Division both on screen and behind the scenes.

But there you go, time and people move on, best of luck to him.

Except they're getting rid of the wrong people. The Nasty Boys, sure, needed to go and that cut was expected and is best for the company. But Creed had potential in a lot more ways then some of the talent in the X Division they've kept, instead. Morley would've been one of the better experienced veterans to use to help build younger stars, instead of some of the old, crap names they have on TNA right now that's leading them to a .6 rating. And Daniels should be at the top of the TNA roster developing feuds and having great matches with other up and comers, not gone entirely while we're forced to watch crap storylines with Hogan, Flair and the Band in them. Not to mention they lost Awesome Kong and the Knockouts division is now falling from grace faster then TNA's ratings are, too. This is why TNA's on a very fast downward spiral and they have no one to blame but themselves.

With Daniels gone that's just one more reason I have no interest in starting to watch TNA again.
I wonder if Vince would sign him and try to make him into a star just to stick it to TNA for thinking they can compete with him. Remember Vince's ego is enormous.

This would be amazing if he popped out on smackdown or raw. everyone would already know who he was, and Daniels and Vince would both give a huge middle finger:flipa:to TNA without them actually acknowledging TNA. TNA is dumb for letting this great x-division wrestler that could also be the heavyweight champ, go...stupid.
Huge mistake. It makes TNA look incredibly dumb because this was a guy who on the main event of their last two PPV's of 2009. Whoever it was that decided to feed him as a jobber to Sean Morely is an idiot. He can preform in the ring and has a solid set of mic skills. Big loss for TNA.
Shark Boy
Lacey von Erich
Orlando Jordan
Rob Terry
Raven(like the guy but you want to talk about somebody who is doing nothing. He has been way less relevant than Christopher Daniels)
Dr. Stevie(Another wrestler I like but same as Raven)
Scott Hall and Possibly Syxx-Pac(I'm not 100% on these guys yet I'm kind of into their storyline at the moment so I'll see where it takes us till I draw a better conclusion. But TNA signs these unreliable guys but they are worth giving TV time to more than a reliable and better worker in Christopher Daniels)
Mr. Anderson(Funny thing is I was one of his biggest supporters when he got dropped by WWE but is it me or does it seem like he's not even trying working for TNA. I feel like he is a blander version of his WWE self and is just working at TNA till WWE shows interest again.)
Brother Runt( I don't know if he was a one time deal or not, but does anybody see TNA giving him anything to do once helping team 3D winning a few 6man tags finishes up.)
Jesse Neal
Kaz(I'm not sold on him. If he is so great then why did TNA decide to put him under a mask for almost 2 years).
Rhyno/Rhino(same as Stevie and Raven)

I'm sure I can go on quite a bit more but all the wrestlers I just listed deserved their walking papers before Christopher Daniels did. I mean if they can find TV time and story-lines for the aforementioned wrestlers then how hard would it have been for Christopher Daniels to get tossed a bone. I mean you have a Global Championship division that is severely lacking depth that Daniels could have more than helped with. Or he could have helped re-ignite the X-Division. Daniels was #1 contender to the World Championship for the last two TNA PPV's of 2009 so would it have been hard for him to have Top Tier fights? He definitely could have been in the 8-Card stud tournament and he could have fought people like Dinero, Wolfe, etc. as a gatekeeper of sorts before they move up to title contention fueds. Daniels could have definitely still been useful in TNA. I don't keep up with ROH too much but I hope he gets treated well there or maybe WWE will pick him up and let him snag a U.S./IC/Tag Title or two.
This can be viewed as either good or bad, depending upon where you stand. I like Daniels ok, I'm not a huge fan of the guy but I do enjoy watching his matches. Since the beginning of the Hogan/Bischoff Era in TNA, there really hasn't been much going on for Daniels. I'm not surprised to see him gone because I didn't expect his standing or future within TNA to remain all that bright on the very first night Hogan showed up in TNA. When they had Daniels go from wrestling for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship to jobbing out clean to Sean Morley, the writing was already on the wall.

I doubt very much that Daniels will wind up in the WWE and he'll probably head for ROH. If he were to wind up in the WWE, I doubt Daniels would be made into a major star, due in large part to his age. I know that some like to think of Daniels as a young TNA star, but he's really not. Christopher Daniels is almost 40 years old and has been with TNA from the beginning. After all the time and hard work he spent in TNA, literally helping to build up the promotion, he still never really reached the level of a main eventer. Sure, he wrestled in the main event on occassion, but he's never been a solid or consistent presence there. So, I doubt very much Daniels would see greater success if he went to the WWE.

On one hand, TNA does need to trim its roster and it's been obvious that they just don't really have anything for Daniels. On the other, I've no doubt that this will be seen by some TNA fans as another sacrifice of what made TNA great. TNA hasn't been drawing in new fans and a significant portion of the devoted following and base that they've had for a long time has stopped watching over the past several weeks.
I could honestly say that I'm not surprise about Christopher Daniels release. When Daniels made his return back to TNA he kind of just faded off. And as of recently Daniels wasn't putting in good work for TNA, He just looked like he didn't wanted to be there in TNA.

I could easily say that Both Eric and Hogan didn't had any plans for Daniels in TNA right now. Hey but I guess that TNA is making a good move by not wasting money on unused stars.
I'm a big Daniels fan...I'm already disappointed with the direction TNA has taken lately, this just makes it that much easier to miss Impact. As a long-time fan who got the first TNA PPV, I'm incredibly disheartened. They'd rather give TV time to Brooke Hogan and Bubba the Love Sponge than a guy who could actually work...this is a dying company. I hope they can sign some huge free agent like the Gobbledegooker to replace him.
i for one am glad to see him go this guy was crap to start with. tna has hogan the greatest of all time,ric flair the greatest world champ of all time,the band one of the greatest groups of all time,kurt angle the greatest wrestler of all time. young talent wise they have aj and pope and joe. they certainly dont need daniels this guy is as entertaining as a card board box. they dont need anybody else certainly daniels i am glad to see tna triming the fat and getting rid of a total waste like daniels. by the way i was watching the jeff jarrett dvd and i saw daniels from 2002 and 2003 for the record he sucked then to. thank you tna
i for one am glad to see him go this guy was crap to start with. tna has hogan the greatest of all time,ric flair the greatest world champ of all time,the band one of the greatest groups of all time,kurt angle the greatest wrestler of all time. young talent wise they have aj and pope and joe. they certainly dont need daniels this guy is as entertaining as a card board box. they dont need anybody else certainly daniels i am glad to see tna triming the fat and getting rid of a total waste like daniels. by the way i was watching the jeff jarrett dvd and i saw daniels from 2002 and 2003 for the record he sucked then to. thank you tna

Dude, are you a total troll or what? You have no idea what wrestling needs and you keep posting this crap.

Anyway, Daniels leaving TNA really sucks. I was hoping he was going to be able to run with the X Division again, but I guess not. Hopefully he finds what he is looking for in RoH. TNA's loss is their gain.
Maybe i could be way off here but dos anybody think that maybe this is all a work? Maybe he might be coming back as Suicide?
i really feel that daniels never "looked" like a main event wrestler but hes a solid competiter and much better than hogans bum buddies (like jordan and the "band")
Dude, are you a total troll or what? You have no idea what wrestling needs and you keep posting this crap.

Anyway, Daniels leaving TNA really sucks. I was hoping he was going to be able to run with the X Division again, but I guess not. Hopefully he finds what he is looking for in RoH. TNA's loss is their gain.
ah dude troll wtf is a troll?you been watching to many cartoons or something whatever the case may be. anyway i know what wrestling needs but more important in this case i know what wrestling dont need, and they dont need daniels like i said he is as entertaining as a carb board box. a lump on a log is more entertaining them him as a matter of fact i would rather watch a lump on a log. tna has wasted enough time and money on this nobody, he is not even good enough to be world champ when tna sucked and only had jarrett as their only legit star. he sure is not good enough to make it in tna today with all the star power they have now. the truth hurts sometimes but the truth is the truth. so what do you think about that you troll or what ever that dumm crap was you said? SO HOW BOUT THAT DUDE? what a joke

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