Christian Is A Name Change Away From The Big Time

Yeah... I'm gonna have to ahead and agree with PEP3 here. He didn't even mention former World Champions Mankind, Kane, Diesel, (or if you wanna go the ECW route) Sabu, Rhyno, Tazz, etc. Having 1 name has never held anyone back guy. Christian should definitely be main-eventing by 0'10

Oh, snap! I can't believe I left those off. Green Rep! for coming up with a great and extensive list of additionally valid examples. However, I think NSL is somehow going to discount half of your list because they were ECW and "don't count" as "big time" main-eventers. The other half he'll discount because they don't sound "boring."

Rather than the "nobody with one name main events" he's trying to argue as a reason for Christian to take on a last name, the argument seems to have more accurately become either "Christian is a boring name" (which is highly subjective) or the more fact-based statement "Nobody named Christian has become main event."

That, of course, is true. But it's also true that there's a first time for everything, and Christian looks like he's ready to make that first time happen sooner rather than later.
Ron Simmons being renamed "Farooq Asad"...You show me how changing these men's names helped them to get over, at all, with the fans, and I will bow before you.

Personally, I'd argue that Ron Simmons changing his name to Farooq Asad did help him get over with the WWF fans. It was part of a major storyline development where Simmons assumed a Nation of Islam-type of character, which worked perfectly fine because it was legitimately believable. Real people do those very things daily.

Simmons' character change wasn't along the lines of Mike Rotundo (or Rotunda, depending on which year/wrestling company we're talking about) becoming Irwin R. Schyster (I.R.S., the tax man). It wasn't like Barry Darsow becoming The Repo Man. Those were just plain bad gimmicks (though IRS worked well, it still ranks as a bad gimmick in my mind) intended to make us forget Rotundo and Darsow ever existed.

With Farooq, it was a complete and total ideological change for the character. He still acknowledged his past, still maintained his entire body of work up until the name-change, he just became a "new man" very much the same way someone might if they became a Born-Again Christian.

Speaking of which, that brings us back to the original topic of Christian. He not only doesn't need a gimmick change -- his lack of a defined "gimmick" is working just fine -- he doesn't need a last name which would add absolutely nothing to his character. It worked for him in TNA, but giving him a new last name just seems pointless. The man is as over as he's ever been as-is. Why fuck with something that's not broken?
I will say that "Christian Cage" sounds more like a big-league name than simply "Christian." I think that name as well as his sheer talent in the ring and on the mic, got him over in TNA and in the minds of fans.

But there's no reason to change his name. He is too far into his career and has amassed a big enough body of work, where it's hard to identify him as anything else. It would be like Hulk Hogan showing up in WCW as "Maxxx Power."

Christian's skills will get him into the main event. Whatever happens with ECW, he will pass the torch to the next up-and-coming star and show up on one of the main shows. That's a given. Unless Vince still has issues with him, and keeps him in purgatory forever.
I don't think it would make much sense to change his name. If they were going to change it, i think they would have done it the day he returned.

I think the most important thing to do that would give him credibilty is getting him off ECW. Everyones raving about Kofi and the fact he is involved with Orton and Legacy but we look at Christian and who has he got? Bar Regal, hes not getting any recognised talent to feud with. Dreamer? Ryder?

As for the name change, i don't think he needs it because Christian as a name works. The guys got talent and i think he just needs a move to prove it. Christian Cage works too but he can't use that.
Christian does sound very generic, Christian Cage had a great appeal you heard that name and you paid attention, however I don't see Christian changing his name at this stage in his career if he does it should be to Christian Cage (im sure he has the rights to that name)
Christian does sound very generic, Christian Cage had a great appeal you heard that name and you paid attention, however I don't see Christian changing his name at this stage in his career if he does it should be to Christian Cage (im sure he has the rights to that name)

Actually, I'm fairly certain he doesn't have the rights to that name. It was probably a creation of TNA, so they held those rights. Personally, I wouldn't be opposed to Christian picking "Cage" up as his last name again if he could, but I think that's pretty much out of the question. Even if he does have the rights to it, WWE generally wants to own the copy-righted names of its employees.
Perhaps I can throw a wrench into the works without straying too far off topic here. What is Christian were to either adopt a new (or alternate) finisher or a submission maneuver into his arsenal? I think that would really help him springboard into the big time.

The Killswitch is a unique move, but most of the time it across as weak, because the opponent either just falls to their knees, or it's fairly obvious their face doesn't touch the mat. I can't really think of an alternative to it, but maybe he needs something to complement it or a new finisher altogether.

As far as the submission hold, I prefer the Texas Cloverleaf. He performed it on Jericho in their match at Wrestlemania XX a few years back, and it seemed to suit him very well. This is just my opinion, though.

So is is offense varied enough? Or should he expand it? Or perhaps he just needs a new name?
Gotta be honest, I disagree. I think what would be better if he had a different nickname. I don't know about anybody else but I HATE Captain Charisma. Look at Jeff Hardy; for a long time he was just Jeff Hardy, then when he was put into more high-profile matches, he gained several nicknames, such as 'the rainbow-haired warrior', and 'the extreme enigma', and even 'the legend thriller'. I do think that they helped. A lot is in a nickname, not just the ring name. If he had something like 'The Livewire' or something like that, maybe that would help his cause a bit.

Also, adding to the one-word ring name argument. One words disproves what you say. Wait, listen . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheamus!!!!!!!

Joking aside, you also have Batista, whom, lets face it, is a WWE mega-star.

I disagree with the thought of him needing a new finisher, too. I think The Killswitch (used to hate that name, but its really grown on me. much better than the unprettier) is one of the best finishers in WWE. It looks so different it just stands out more than others, it is one of the truly unique finishers and I think its worthy of a potential world champion.
Big disagree for me on this one. Changing a superstar's name, particularly an established one, rarely works at all. All the people that changed their names did so before becoming a big deal. I don't think that there is very much in a name at all to be honest with you. There have been plenty of one word World Champions, there's one right now and will probably be another soon in Batista. Sting, Mankind, Goldberg, Kane etc. all add into this. Christian may not sound particularly menacing or fearsome, but neither does Dory Funk. A name means very little in wrestling, it is the character and the man himself that matter.
NSL is right. Christian is just one name change away from hitting it huge. The guy is hugely over as it is. But he was more over when he was Christian Cage. Very rarely do single word names catch on. Sting was luicky, but he has more Charisma and natural ability than Christian. Goldberg was a powerhouse who people believed in, plus he also went by his first name a lot too. Same with Batista. Edge and Sting are the only two prominent ones.

The question is, what would he change his name to? I don't know if he could use Christian Cage, or he would want too. It's a toughie, and I can't honestly think of it. But if he just added another name on it, a catchy one. He would hit it big. I do like Christian Reso, Or even Jason Christian. But those are obvious. That would be up to creative. But it is a very solid idea.
Ummmm.... What about Sheamus?

I don't think Christian needs a name update/change to break into the main event. He's established enough with his current name to be successful as a main eventer. If he was just starting out then maybe, but he's so known as Christian there's no need for it although that's not to say it couldn't help if it was good. Like Cage was for TNA.

He's good enough and over enough to be in the main event right now. It baffles me as to why he still isn't feuding for a world title (Not ECW).

I really hope 2010 is his year because his wrestling and promo skills are beyond a vast majority of the current roster.
Most of the One named superstars are not real names. Who would name their kid Edge or Sting. Christain does need an addition to his name and make him have an additude change at the same time so it will work better. Which looks like it is on the way.
The "Captain Charisma" moniker scream "I'm a midcarder." He should really just go by Christian Cage. I've never understood why he shortened it to just Christian in WWE.

Christian can call himself whatever he wants, Vince will still think he sucks and keep him in ECW.
I thought about this long and hard (no homo) after you brought this up and this is the conclusion I drew. If Edge can be a 9 time World Champion with his name so can Christian. His name isn't really holding him back but it was a good thought. No if it was then Edge would still be wrestling Kane in meaningless midcard feuds. Christian is just as good in every way as Edge. So if Edge can do it so can Christian. Christian just needs to show Vince he is a team player and work his way back into his good graces after that little TNA debacle they brought him back for a reason. If theres money to be made in Christian all those little bitter things get swept under the rug. All the talk of Vince punishing Christian should be gone after Captain Charisma carried the extreme brand this entire year helping make stars like Yoshi Tatsu,Zack Ryder,and Ezekial Jackson along the way. Christian will make a move to one of the big two brands by draft time and we'll all be able to enjoy Christian the same way we enjoy Edge after all the hard work he has put in.
Let me see...






These names are a bit different from just a regular name like Christian. I doubt we will ever have a world champion going by the name Dave, Bob, MIke, etc. The important thing about the name is that some way develops a character and it's this lack of character that IMO is holding back someone like Christian.

Edge has been descrided as Edge "the ultimate opportunist" and Edge the "R-rated superstar" gimmicks. Christian got over in TNA with the Captain Charisma description. ATM Christian is known as Christian which doesn't really tell you much about him other than his name is Christian. :rolleyes:
I couldnt agree more that his name is unique. i loved the fact that at the rumble that he used a little play on words, with a style only he could bring, to quote scripture in a manner only he can bring it. Thats what makes him so unique, and special too. Full props to the guy for staying on ecw or wwe nxt or whatever they want to call it for as long as he has. But yeah, his name, his gimmick, everything about the guy is unique. Screams world champion too.
well, weve had a 7 time champ with the regular name of "john". :) Thats as common and generic a name as it gets. I would know! i love the Christian name. And to his credit, hes the one whose made it work for so long, both in tna, and both his stints in wwe, especially the last one. I liked the instant classic moniker better then the "captain charisma" one, it is a bit midcard, but everyting about him should overcome that. His promos are second to none in my opinion, his ring work is fantastic, and his ability to drag a good match out of anyone(c'mon, did anyone think we'ld see anything remotely good at the rumble w jackson?) make him so unique. So maybe a moniker change and him moving out of the purgatory hes been in for a year now are he only things holding him back. And if Vince thinks he sucks, hes lost all eye for talent, if he ever had one.
I agree in a way with a new name needed. It needs to be a nickname however. You have the heart break kid, the game, the legend killer, etc etc etc. To me the best way to do this is for Christian to go to Smackdown and reunite with Edge. Set up for either Survivor Series or Wrestlemania a storyline where Christian would turn on Edge with a heel turn and in a promo add some form of a nickname other than "Captain Charisma".
Christian will never get to the "big time". He is a mid-carder at best. Look, he has been in the WWE on and off for a long time. If they haven't seen fit to give him the spotlight in all that time, what incentive do they have to do it now? Christian is the Marty Jannetty compared to Edge. He simply isn't as good. If Vince ever decided to give him either the WWE title or WHC, I would seriously wonder what the hell he was thinking. Christian can't draw. Despite the nickname, he isn't charismatic. He is boring. He belongs exactly where he is...a professional high level mid-carder. He is Tito Santana, the Honky Tonk Man or Brutus Beefcake.
Christian will never get to the "big time". He is a mid-carder at best.

Really? His several World Title reigns and rabid fanbase would beg to differ.

Look, he has been in the WWE on and off for a long time. If they haven't seen fit to give him the spotlight in all that time, what incentive do they have to do it now?

Because they need to create new stars, new main eventers? No shit Christian wasn't seen as World Champion material during the earlier part of this decade, you had an absolutely STACKED main event in the WWE. Undertaker, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, The Rock, Austin, Jericho, Batista, John Cena, Edge, should I continue? Notice half of those names are gone though. It's time for Christian to be given his shot at the main event.

Christian is the Marty Jannetty compared to Edge. He simply isn't as good.

I disagree. I've always thought Christian was superior both in the ring and most certainly on the microphone.

If Vince ever decided to give him either the WWE title or WHC, I would seriously wonder what the hell he was thinking. Christian can't draw.

Well that's bullshit. Christian's TNA signing helpe that company IMMENSELY in drawing, and he basically carried the entire ECW brand for the past year single-handedly. Do you not watch Christian at all? He gets some of the biggest pops in the entire WWE, bar none. He can hold a crowd in the palm of his hand. He's everything you want in a main eventer, and the only people who seem to disagree are the ones who are too stubborn to accept that someone might be able to rise from the midcard to the main event over the years.

Despite the nickname, he isn't charismatic. He is boring. He belongs exactly where he is...a professional high level mid-carder. He is Tito Santana, the Honky Tonk Man or Brutus Beefcake.

Well I'm sorry, but you're simply wrong here. Dead wrong. He's boring? Is that why he has a massive fanbase? Is that why when he was a heel in 2005 and spouting off his "Captain Charisma" personality that he started gathering a massive cult following, similar to that of The Rock's in 1998? He isn't charismatic? I'm afraid you must not know what charisma is then.

Christian doesn't need to change his name. He has a huge fanbase, he can work a crowd PERFECTLY, and he's already proven he's capable of carrying a brand over the last year with ECW. It is time for him to be moved up to Smackdown and given his rightful shot at the main event, as he deserves. Anyone who thinks otherwise is simply being stubborn.
Agreed, the 'Instant Classic' moniker was great, but I dont think a name change will hold him back. I think he's paid his dues in ECW, and when he debuts on raw or smackdown, it will only be a matter of time before he's a legitimate main eventer again, and is placed in a high profile feud. He has too much to offer to be held back simply because he only has 1 name.

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