Christian Is A Name Change Away From The Big Time


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
KB made a comment a few days ago, that "Christian" just doesn't sound like a main eventer, and that the name would forever hold him back. It really made me think. You have no idea how much I thought about it, and then it hit me. He's right.

In TNA, Christian was "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage. That name just screams main event, and guess what, he held the title, and main evented more than a few pay-per-views. Obviously WWE can't use "The Instant Classic" as part of his name, and they won't use "Cage" as a "last name", but they can certainly think of something that would work.

Edge is the only wrestler I can think of that had a large amount of success in the main event with a single word name. Even 'Taker is The Undertaker. Christian is a great wrestler, and his promos could sell any feud with little to no help, but I think he's in dire need of a slight name change/adjustment, before he takes the step to the big time, and main events RAW or Smackdown.
I think that Christian won't be held back because of his name forever. That shouldn't really be an issue. He is over enough that he would make a great champion. I will agree that "Christian Cage" does sound better than just "Christian".... but it would be a bad idea to change his name so late in his career because he has gone by "Christian" for such a long time. Maybe he could use one of his nicknames like "Captain Charisma".... but I dunno. The name thing should not be that big of a deal, he can still be a good World Champion or WWE Champion someday. Just look at his former partner, Edge. It can still happen without a name change.
I think that Christian won't be held back because of his name forever. That shouldn't really be an issue. He is over enough that he would make a great champion. I will agree that "Christian Cage" does sound better than just "Christian".... but it would be a bad idea to change his name so late in his career because he has gone by "Christian" for such a long time. Maybe he could use one of his nicknames like "Captain Charisma".... but I dunno. The name thing should not be that big of a deal, he can still be a good World Champion or WWE Champion someday. Just look at his former partner, Edge. It can still happen without a name change.

While I agree that Christian is great, and doesn't need a name change to be successful, I don't think he'll be main eventing any pay-per-views until they do something for him. Either adding a name, or giving him a nickname, would be a big help.

Edge was getting pushed by just about everybody, including Hulk Hogan, so there's no comparison between the two. They're equal, except for Edge never leaving the company. He was also called Edge: The Ultimate Opportunist for a long time, and that flows better than simply "Edge".
Let me see...






All have single-word names. And among them, they also have a a significant number of World Heavyweight championships and spent much of their career in the main event.

Now I know you're going to point out that Goldberg's name is Bill, but it was rarely if ever used. It only served to "flesh out" who he was, as it does when Sting is oh-so-rarely called "Steve Borden.' Even without him, I think the first four provide enough star-power to challenge your theory.

While I haven't yet weighed in on whether or not a name change is required to get Christian over that final hump and into the WWE World Title picture (isn't "Captain Charisma" good enough as an addition?), I'm just trying to poke a hole in your theory that a first and last name or more-than-one-word name is required to make it to the big time.

Just to add another person to you list who main-evented under a single-word name, though he never held a World title, is the recently-departed Umaga. The early portion of his televised career was spent as a serious challenger for the WWE title.

Side Note: The Undertaker was a description of his gimmick as well as his character name when Mark Calloway started with WWF. Stamford was big on giving wrestlers gimmicks based on professions for a while. "The Repo Man," "The Model," "The Barber." It usually explained their unusual ring attire. These days, most people know him as Undertaker, though I suppose you can categorize him as "Undertaker, The."
Let me see...






Edge is the exception that proves the rule.

Yokozuna is a relatively long name, I wouldn't count it in this discussion.

Sting was almost never called just "Sting". He is "The Icon" Sting, and was "A Man Called" Sting...Even when he was introduced in his early days, they never said "...and the challenger, Sting!"...It was "This...Is...STING!". His name was always added in with something else to make it work.

Raven was never a main eventer on the caliber that Christian is aiming for. Yes, he main evented ECW, and I love him for that, but he never main evented a WWE pay-per-view, or was a fan favorite to headline WrestleMania.

Goldberg might be another exception to the rule, but given that it's his real name, I'm not so sure. Christian is not his real name. It's Jason Reso. Hell, Christian Reso even works as a main eventer's name.

Side Note: The Undertaker was more of a description of his gimmick rather than a character name when Mark Calloway started with WWF. Stamford was big on giving wrestlers gimmicks based on professions for a while. "The Repo Man," "The Model," "The Barber." These days, most people know him as Undertaker, though I suppose you can categorize him as "Undertaker, The."

This is proof that "The" can be important. If he was "The Christian" (as religiously pompous as it sounds), it would still be better. As it stands, it works great for headlining ECW, and opening up minor pay-per-views, but it's not a marquee-type name that can be seen outside Madison Square Garden, or other major arenas.
While I agree that Christian is great, and doesn't need a name change to be successful, I don't think he'll be main eventing any pay-per-views until they do something for him. Either adding a name, or giving him a nickname, would be a big help.

Edge was getting pushed by just about everybody, including Hulk Hogan, so there's no comparison between the two. They're equal, except for Edge never leaving the company. He was also called Edge: The Ultimate Opportunist for a long time, and that flows better than simply "Edge".

They still referred to Edge as "Edge" when saying he was champion though. "World Heavyweight Champion Edge".... "WWE Champion Edge".... Yeah, nicknames like "Rated R Superstar" and "The Ultimate Opportunist" helped out, but he just had his one name when he was announced as champion. They could do the same thing for Christian.

How about this? Refer to him as "Captain Charisma" but then when (not if, WHEN) he wins a world title then I think "WWE Champion Christian" or "World Heavyweight Champion Christian" have a good sound to them, and he would still sound like a believable champion at the top of his brand. So that is what I think they should do, use nicknames when calling matches but keep his "official" in ring name as it is. He'll still be a great champion.
I love how you have discounted Yokozuna because it's "long sounding." "Onomatapoeia" is a really long word, too, and sounds even longer, but it's still just one word.

"Edge" is even shorter than "Christian," as is "Sting." Your inclusion of "The Man Called Sting" or "The Icon" Sting doesn't negate the fact that his name is Sting. Period. By those standards, this debate should never even be happening. Christian already has a similar nickname: "Captain Charisma."

As for your assertion that "Christian Reso" sounds more like a main-eventer than plain ol' "Christian," I guess that's a matter of personal taste, because I disagree.
I love how you have discounted Yokozuna because it's "long sounding." "Onomatapoeia" is a really long word, too, and sounds even longer, but it's still just one word.

Would boring be a better descripton, than anything "one word"?

"Edge" is even shorter than "Christian," as is "Sting." Your inclusion of "The Man Called Sting" or "The Icon" Sting doesn't negate the fact that his name is Sting. Period. By those standards, this debate should never even be happening. Christian already has a similar nickname: "Captain Charisma."

Edge and Sting had entirely different pushes than what Christian is getting, or will get. Sting was carrying a company, and Edge got hot at just the right time.

If they actually called him "Captain Charisma" Christian, I'd laugh. It's a nickname, and it's painfully obvious. "Instant Classic" was an adjective. Maybe it is personal taste, as to what should be in the main event, but I still think for him to be taken seriously as a future main eventer, he needs something fresh.
If they actually called him "Captain Charisma" Christian, I'd laugh. It's a nickname, and it's painfully obvious. "Instant Classic" was an adjective. Maybe it is personal taste, as to what should be in the main event, but I still think for him to be taken seriously as a future main eventer, he needs something fresh.

I like both "Captain Charisma" and "Instant Classic".... but if he needs something, then knowing how awesome Christian is, he'll be able to come up with a new nickname if he needed to. Whether it's a corny one or not. I think he'd do alright just the way he is now. Picture his ECW title feuds only for the WWE or World Championship against guys from Smackdown or Raw. His ECW feuds were great enough as they were, and a feud with anyone from the two big rosters would be even greater because not only would Christian be on the spot he should already have been in, but it would also be something new for the fans who are tired of the same revolving door of title challengers.
WWE spent a significant amount of time/effort to build "Captain Charisma" into a legit contender before he left for TNA, and when he returned, the WWE Universe embraced him immediately. It's clear the man is over. It's clear he can perform. And I think the WWE was testing waters with him when they brought Jericho to ECW for that one-off match a while back. He passed with flying colors! I'd wager a bet that within six months, Christian will be in the thick of the Smackdown! Title hunt -- as is.
WWE spent a significant amount of time/effort to build "Captain Charisma" into a legit contender before he left for TNA, and when he returned, the WWE Universe embraced him immediately. It's clear the man is over. It's clear he can perform. And I think the WWE was testing waters with him when they brought Jericho to ECW for that one-off match a while back. He passed with flying colors! I'd wager a bet that within six months, Christian will be in the thick of the Smackdown! Title hunt -- as is.

Especially if ECW ends as a brand. Christian could easily go straight into the main event of either Raw or Smackdown if/when he gets drafted there. Like you said, he's extremely over, and there are so many fans would want him to be champion. I'll bet that it happens even sooner than the 6 months you predicted. Where he goes depends on either of two things: what happens to ECW, and whether he gets drafted or not. I sure hope he does because I have wanted to see him as the champion on Raw/Smackdown for a long time, and I know that I'm not alone.
Especially if ECW ends as a brand. Christian could easily go straight into the main event of either Raw or Smackdown if/when he gets drafted there. Like you said, he's extremely over, and there are so many fans would want him to be champion. I'll bet that it happens even sooner than the 6 months you predicted. Where he goes depends on either of two things: what happens to ECW, and whether he gets drafted or not. I sure hope he does because I have wanted to see him as the champion on Raw/Smackdown for a long time, and I know that I'm not alone.

In a previous thread, I suggested the way for Christian to make the jump to another brand without being "drafted" -- and without the annoying period of "build up" required for a performer to gain momentum on the new brand after being drafted -- is to have him win "MITB." Christian put on a great show last year in this match, and if he were to win this year, he could enter Smackdown! with the title match already guaranteed.

As the MITB winner, he can choose whichever champ he wants. By choosing the Smackdown! title, he could jump to the brand and instantly be a major contender without having to go through the necessary "draft." It allows him to enter the brand with a purpose, a main event story and all the momentum he'd need to be considered an instant threat.
As the MITB winner, he can choose whichever champ he wants. By choosing the Smackdown! title, he could jump to the brand and instantly be a major contender without having to go through the necessary "draft." It allows him to enter the brand with a purpose, a main event story and all the momentum he'd need to be considered an instant threat.

The only problem with that is.... that's the same thing Edge did. He broke into the main event by cashing in on Cena in 2006. Christian would have to go a different route, by NOT being opportunistic like Edge, and just have a fair 1 on 1 match when he cashes the MITB briefcase in. Christian can't follow Edge's footsteps forever or else he will always be looked on as being lower than Edge no matter what he did. If he did win MITB and cashed it in fair and square, I'd be up for that because once again it would be something fairly new. All the opportunistic cash in's have been GREAT entertainment-wise, but it's been done 4 years in a row, let's hope we see something else in 2010.
Did I suggest he would be opportunistic like Edge (or Punk, for that matter)? That wasn't the intention or implication. My point with Christian is, if he enters the brand with a guaranteed shot at the title looming in his future, he's already in the main event picture with no need for the months of build-up necessary to get a performer into that coveted title opportunity.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this NSL. You and KB keep talking about how no one can take someone named "Christian" seriously in the main event...why's that? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that name, you guys are just too stuck in the past of thinking of him as a midcarder that you refuse to acknowledge the possibility of him as a main eventer. His name? Why should that be a problem at all? He's over huge with the fans and has been since his WWE return, changing his name would be so stupid I don't even know how to begin. First off, he's been known as Christian for over a decae now...and you want to change this why? Because you guys personally think his names sound silly? The fans sure don't, no one thought his name was very silly when he was holding the NWA World Heavyweight championship and putting on very good matches in TNA.

Christian isn't a step away from the big time, he IS a big time wrestler. The WWE is only a moment away from bringing him up to Smackdown for some main event feuds, you'll see. I seriously don't understand why you have a problem with his name. Christian is a cool name, if someone named fucking Edge or The Rock can win world titles, why can't someone named Christian? Seriously, someone named after a rock was champion. Names mean nothing, it's not like his name is Bumblebee Sneezlestacks the Fourth or something.
Yeah... I'm gonna have to ahead and agree with PEP3 here. He didn't even mention former World Champions Mankind, Kane, Diesel, (or if you wanna go the ECW route) Sabu, Rhyno, Tazz, etc. Having 1 name has never held anyone back guy. Christian should definitely be main-eventing by 0'10
What exactly is a main event name??? I dont see how his name has to do with anything. I don't see how Triple H is a main event name. Just because it's more than one word? Lots of wrestlers have been successful with one word names, Kane a former world champion, Sting has held like what 15 world titles?, Goldberg had like the longest streak in the history of pro wrestling and is a former two time world champ. So I don't see how he cant get into the main event. Frankly he's the perfect PG 13 kiddie type main eventer rather than the "sexy" boy Shawn Michaels or the dude who smashes the fuck out of you with a sledge hammer Triple H. Christian has a quick wit, and an energetic move set, and he has those pops so yeah.
Christian should NOT change his name, he's spent a career building it in WWE and TNA. An updated moniker would be nice since "Captain Charisma" sounds a little lame. His time in ECW will most likely be up soon and I'd put money on him ending up on the Smackdown roster.
Frankly he's the perfect PG 13 kiddie type main eventer rather than the "sexy" boy Shawn Michaels or the dude who smashes the fuck out of you with a sledge hammer Triple H.


Green rep for that part because it's funny yet true.

In all seriousness though, you're definitely right that he would make a perfect "PG" era champion. It seems like a legit reason for him to become world champion soon with the "PG" situation because he is one of the most over faces and there is nothing controversial about his gimmick. Christian would be a great world champion no matter what era we are in though....

Someone mentioned that he should go to Smackdown.... if he does, I hope Edge would then go to Raw. As much as some of us would want to see these guys feud.... I'd rather it didn't for a while because Christian would be overshadowed by Edge if they are anywhere near each other right now.
Yeah, simply put, there's no way that adding a fake last name, or any othe that sort, is going to help matters one tiny bit. Do you honestly mean to tell me that simply adding something like a last name is going to work? First of all, there's plenty of things to consider within this:

1. The audience, which has been following him for ten years, at the most, and nine months, at the least, has to wonder why he's getting a last name. It's really just a puzzling move that leaves your audience confused. It doesn't reveal anything about the character, nor does it make the character that much more of a superstar, in fans eyes. If anything, it's probably just left there, dangling, with no real reasoning to it, either than, "he needs something new".

2. Most of the audience, at this point, remembers the guy as Christian. Generally, when wrestlers are "re-named" after they've had a long standing in professional wrestling, it tends to not fly over well with anyone. Consider; The Stalker (Or for that matter, The Widowmaker) Barry Windham. Ron Simmons being renamed "Farooq Asad". Ahmed Johnson being rebranded as "Big T". You show me how changing these men's names helped them to get over, at all, with the fans, and I will bow before you.

And I know the reply coming: "Those were all just bad gimmicks, and they were going to fail anyway." Consider when Vince McMahon tried to rebrand Hulk Hogan as Mr. America. True, it was only for a storyline, but the gimmick didn't get over, and the storyline was a major flop, by every stretch of the means. Everyone knew the gimmick as Hulk Hogan, so that's what we referred him to.

3. The sad truth is, people just don't like change. We like consistency, almost to scary proportions. We don't like our typical standard matter messed with. And when someone messes with something we become accustomed to, we get bothered. Very, very, bothered, to the point that we feel uncomfortable with this new thing.

Perhaps the matter isn't Christian's name, it's that we're not used to seeing him in the main event in a WWE ring. That, I feel, is more the issue at hand. But Christian is a pretty clean name, easy to say, and easy to get stuck in the mind. it's worked well for about a decade.

So the question remains... Why would you change it now?
So for the sake of debate, I'm going to go ahead and agree with NSL in that, for Christian to be able to break out into the main event, he really requires a transformation, and this would start in a new name. I think NSL brings up an interesting point when refering to TNA in that, as soon as Christian made himself larger than life with a name like that, he was given instant credibility. He differentiated himself from any history associated with just being one part of "E + C" and started carving out a name for himself.

Yeah, simply put, there's no way that adding a fake last name, or any othe that sort, is going to help matters one tiny bit. Do you honestly mean to tell me that simply adding something like a last name is going to work?

Yes. Yes I am.
First of all, there's plenty of things to consider within this:

1. The audience, which has been following him for ten years, at the most, and nine months, at the least, has to wonder why he's getting a last name. It's really just a puzzling move that leaves your audience confused. It doesn't reveal anything about the character, nor does it make the character that much more of a superstar, in fans eyes. If anything, it's probably just left there, dangling, with no real reasoning to it, either than, "he needs something new".

But you don't just introduce a name. There is obviously going to be a reasoning behind it, storyline wise. Either that or Christian can cut a promo about being taken seriously, thus giving himself a moniker, whatever it may be. I would like to draw attention to the character of Kofi Kingston for a moment. Here we have two parallels. On one hand, he already had a last name, so we're fine on that front. But in order to build his credibility, they changed his town of origin. Something so small was a piece in the building of him as a credible opponent to Orton. Of course in itself, it was nothing. But added together with other factors, it draws the audience in to the fact that this guy could win, and isnt just some crazy happy go lucky jamaican.

I truly believe this could work for Christian, as there is so much tied to that name for him. It ties him down to his tag team days. It ties him down to the days of living in the mid card. WWE made a mistake by having him walk right back into that realm. Edge kept his name, but he changed his moniker. Ultimate Opportunist, Rated R Superstar. Whatever you like, he changed it up. Christian has stayed the same, he still has his Peeps, and he's still Captain Charisma.

2. Most of the audience, at this point, remembers the guy as Christian. Generally, when wrestlers are "re-named" after they've had a long standing in professional wrestling, it tends to not fly over well with anyone. Consider; The Stalker (Or for that matter, The Widowmaker) Barry Windham. Ron Simmons being renamed "Farooq Asad". Ahmed Johnson being rebranded as "Big T". You show me how changing these men's names helped them to get over, at all, with the fans, and I will bow before you.

This is true on your part. Ron Simmons more than likely didn't benefit. But you are being quite selective with your picks here. I mean, I'm not talking about an entire revamp here, and starting to refer to him as Geoffrey Baldcock. I'm saying the addition of a last name such as Cage, or hell, even Reso would help to accentuate his character. Christian just sounds like a nickname, but with the addition of changing of it, it just makes him more viable. Look at John Morrison's change from Johnny Nitro. It made him less juvenile. What about Hunter Hearst Helmsly turning into HHH. We hear him refered to more as The Game than HHH in a lot of cases. I could be just as selective with name changes, but the fact of the matter is, it comes down to how the WWE handles the change rather than change itself.

And I know the reply coming: "Those were all just bad gimmicks, and they were going to fail anyway." Consider when Vince McMahon tried to rebrand Hulk Hogan as Mr. America. True, it was only for a storyline, but the gimmick didn't get over, and the storyline was a major flop, by every stretch of the means. Everyone knew the gimmick as Hulk Hogan, so that's what we referred him to.

I didn't think of that. But I don't necessarily think a lot of name changes would have worked. Changing Nitro to Morrison? Changing Festus to Luke Gallows? Well, I guess time will tell on that one.

3. The sad truth is, people just don't like change. We like consistency, almost to scary proportions. We don't like our typical standard matter messed with. And when someone messes with something we become accustomed to, we get bothered. Very, very, bothered, to the point that we feel uncomfortable with this new thing.

Again, you are making assumptions on the fact that the WWE is going to stuff up this change and revamp him completely. It's only a slight change, not a gimmick overhaul. Change isn't necessarily bad, and if it's gradual, I dont think the fans will mind, as its seen as more of an evolution than anything. Without change occuring, I think we'd still be lamenting how bad The Ringmaster and Rocky Maivia were.

Perhaps the matter isn't Christian's name, it's that we're not used to seeing him in the main event in a WWE ring. That, I feel, is more the issue at hand. But Christian is a pretty clean name, easy to say, and easy to get stuck in the mind. it's worked well for about a decade.

This is a great point. But I think the trajectory could be made smoother if only they made him feel like a main eventer. giving him the ECW title was a good start, and featuring him in more PPV's would help. But "Captain Charisma" Christian doesnt have the same impact as it could for some reason. It's nice to say, sure, but something like Cage just gave it solidification. Maybe it doesnt have enough syllables. :shrug:

So the question remains... Why would you change it now?

Because I wanted to debate you?
Christian's name shouldn't hold him back. If he had a god awful name like Shit Eater the Child Molester, that might prevent him from main eventing. Christian does have the nickname "Captain Charisma" so its not like he can only be referred to as Christian, if that's your problem with the name. The point is, a regular name like Christian shouldn't hold him back. If he had an off the wall kind of name, that would. A name change isn't needed and without a gimmick change, would seem really weird to me. (Just for the record the your in this sentence isn't aimed at anyone.)
His name has nothing to do with it. Christian is arguably the most talented wrestler WWE has that's never been a world champ. He's great in the ring, great on the mic and the fans love him.

Edge has a 1 word name. Batista has a 1 word name (sometimes they call him Dave but 90% of the time they just call him Batista). Triple H sure as hell doesn't sound like a main event name but he's a 13 time champ.

If its gotten to the point where a name of all things is the difference in being a mid-carder or main eventer then thats just fucking sad.
So for the sake of debate, I'm going to go ahead and agree with NSL in that, for Christian to be able to break out into the main event, he really requires a transformation, and this would start in a new name. I think NSL brings up an interesting point when refering to TNA in that, as soon as Christian made himself larger than life with a name like that, he was given instant credibility. He differentiated himself from any history associated with just being one part of "E + C" and started carving out a name for himself.

Christian obtained instant credibility not because of a name change, but because he was a WWE guy in TNA, and got the push because people remembered him as Christian. The Instant Classic was pretty good, but just that; it was a nickname. Most people knew him as Christian, and the only reason announcers added the Cage was to branch him away from his days at the WWE. Christian was over because he was good; not because he changed his name

Yes. Yes I am.

And clearly you're wrong. But let's discover exactly why together.

But you don't just introduce a name. There is obviously going to be a reasoning behind it, storyline wise. Either that or Christian can cut a promo about being taken seriously, thus giving himself a moniker, whatever it may be.

And most people will have the same thought:

"Is this a joke?"

The fact is, Christian is taken seriously. I'm not sure how having that name means people will take him more seriously. Besides, that more or less is an excuse for the audience. I could see your reasoning, but the question ultimately is, "Does he really have to do this?" And more often than not, people will say no.

I would like to draw attention to the character of Kofi Kingston for a moment. Here we have two parallels. On one hand, he already had a last name, so we're fine on that front. But in order to build his credibility, they changed his town of origin. Something so small was a piece in the building of him as a credible opponent to Orton. Of course in itself, it was nothing. But added together with other factors, it draws the audience in to the fact that this guy could win, and isnt just some crazy happy go lucky jamaican.

Big difference. Actually, about a nine year difference. Kofi can survive it, because the guy has only been around for a year. Christian has been around for ten years, and has gone by the same name for a good portion of it. It's cool if you wanted to do that to a rookie, but why to a guy who's been around, has an established fan base, and is recognizable by his name. That doesn't even make any sense.

I truly believe this could work for Christian, as there is so much tied to that name for him. It ties him down to his tag team days. It ties him down to the days of living in the mid card. WWE made a mistake by having him walk right back into that realm. Edge kept his name, but he changed his moniker. Ultimate Opportunist, Rated R Superstar. Whatever you like, he changed it up. Christian has stayed the same, he still has his Peeps, and he's still Captain Charisma.

You must not watch a lot of WWE Circa 2000, do you?

Edge always was an opportunist, man. His whole Edge and Christian gimmick was waiting for the right moment, then stealing victory away. He always acted in an opportunistic fashion, they just decided to give him the actual name to go with it.

Still, accepted. Edge changed his persona. But that's a gimmick factor. Edge changed his gimmick, not just his name. Christian's gimmick, meanwhile, works fine for him. He was doing the exact same thing in TNA. So why are we throwing it out now? Because he needs a new name? It makes no sense.

This is true on your part. Ron Simmons more than likely didn't benefit. But you are being quite selective with your picks here. I mean, I'm not talking about an entire revamp here, and starting to refer to him as Geoffrey Baldcock. I'm saying the addition of a last name such as Cage, or hell, even Reso would help to accentuate his character. Christian just sounds like a nickname, but with the addition of changing of it, it just makes him more viable. Look at John Morrison's change from Johnny Nitro. It made him less juvenile. What about Hunter Hearst Helmsly turning into HHH. We hear him refered to more as The Game than HHH in a lot of cases. I could be just as selective with name changes, but the fact of the matter is, it comes down to how the WWE handles the change rather than change itself.

What you're forgetting is that, with all of those names came gimmick changes, too. This isn't a proposal to change Christian's gimmick. So why change the name, without the gimmick?

I didn't think of that. But I don't necessarily think a lot of name changes would have worked. Changing Nitro to Morrison? Changing Festus to Luke Gallows? Well, I guess time will tell on that one.

Again, there goes that whole gimmick matter. So pesky, isn't it?

Again, you are making assumptions on the fact that the WWE is going to stuff up this change and revamp him completely. It's only a slight change, not a gimmick overhaul. Change isn't necessarily bad, and if it's gradual, I dont think the fans will mind, as its seen as more of an evolution than anything. Without change occuring, I think we'd still be lamenting how bad The Ringmaster and Rocky Maivia were.

Again, big difference. In Rocky Maivia and The Ringmaster, you were changing something everyone knew was bad, into something that was good. With Christian, you'd be changing something that most people consider good. And again, you're going to change it... Why?

This is a great point. But I think the trajectory could be made smoother if only they made him feel like a main eventer. giving him the ECW title was a good start, and featuring him in more PPV's would help. But "Captain Charisma" Christian doesnt have the same impact as it could for some reason. It's nice to say, sure, but something like Cage just gave it solidification. Maybe it doesnt have enough syllables. :shrug:

Yes, but again, it really doesn't matter. Fans don't care too much over that.

Because I wanted to debate you?

And now you have it.

All you were hoping for?
Christian obtained instant credibility not because of a name change, but because he was a WWE guy in TNA, and got the push because people remembered him as Christian. The Instant Classic was pretty good, but just that; it was a nickname. Most people knew him as Christian, and the only reason announcers added the Cage was to branch him away from his days at the WWE. Christian was over because he was good; not because he changed his name

You're treating the name change as if it's the sole thing that will go into his main event push. It won't be. His talent pool and skills will still be present. As NSL said in the original post, Christian's name change would occur only to accentuate his main event position, rather than be the sole reason he's suddenly popular.

As for his situation in TNA, I think the rebranding of Christian allowed him to become his own star in TNA. I would maintain he was a far bigger deal in TNA than in the WWE, and his Heavyweight titles showed this. By changing his name, they allowed him to break away from just being a carbon copy of what he was in the WWE, they made him his own man.

And clearly you're wrong. But let's discover exactly why together

I knew going into this particular debate it would be a losing battle.

And most people will have the same thought:

"Is this a joke?"

The fact is, Christian is taken seriously. I'm not sure how having that name means people will take him more seriously. Besides, that more or less is an excuse for the audience. I could see your reasoning, but the question ultimately is, "Does he really have to do this?" And more often than not, people will say no.

Is he really taken seriously? I would say that as much considering he's missed quite a few Pay Per Views in terms of defending his title and he's gotten the raw end of the stick in regards to being on ECW for year. I don't really want to get into that debate, as I fully understand the intentions behind it, but at the moment, Christian is associated with the mid card and ECW, which is where he's been hanging his whole life. Picture yourself as a regular fan that doesn't know of his time in TNA. This guy, who was only ever in the midcard suddenly comes back after all these years, and dives back into the C show. What are you supposed to think? I would say that a revamp of the Christian character is needed, and the name change is just one part of this. Quite honestly, he doesn't have much of a character, outside of just "Captain Charisma".

Big difference. Actually, about a nine year difference. Kofi can survive it, because the guy has only been around for a year. Christian has been around for ten years, and has gone by the same name for a good portion of it. It's cool if you wanted to do that to a rookie, but why to a guy who's been around, has an established fan base, and is recognizable by his name. That doesn't even make any sense.

To the "new" fan, he may as well have debuted with that promo on Swagger last year. I know this is an incredibly shallow way of looking at it, but that "sabbatical" he took away from the WWE really gives him an avenue to change it up a bit.

You must not watch a lot of WWE Circa 2000, do you?

I take offense to that.

Still, accepted. Edge changed his persona. But that's a gimmick factor. Edge changed his gimmick, not just his name. Christian's gimmick, meanwhile, works fine for him. He was doing the exact same thing in TNA. So why are we throwing it out now? Because he needs a new name? It makes no sense.

Because the act is getting tired. What exactly is unique about his character? He has a wealth of skills and talent, but without a character he'll start to grow a bit old on fans. He cuts a good promo, but it needs direction. A Gimmick change or a new look would help.

What you're forgetting is that, with all of those names came gimmick changes, too. This isn't a proposal to change Christian's gimmick. So why change the name, without the gimmick?

shits and giggles? It looks better on the Wrestlemania billing? You sound as if this name change will destroy his character. It won't, it'll just be a small step and a sign to the fans that this guy is going to be your next champion. Kind of like when they dyed Shelton Benjamin's hair. Except, you know, successful.

Yes, but again, it really doesn't matter. Fans don't care too much over that.

Perhaps you care not for it. But KB and NSL do? :shrug:

All you were hoping for?

We'll have to start a fresh one. I lost. Badly.

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