Christian but WHY???


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok let me start this out by saying I'm a Christian fan, have been since the E&C days, the guy is funny as hell and is a pretty good wrestler, but is now talked about like he is WHC material. I will say I'd like to see him get one run with the title before he's done with the game, but did we get this idea that he is heavy weight title material because he held TNA's heavy weight title. So I have a few questions.

1. Was it Christian winning TNA's title that makes us feel he is worth a WWE Title run?

2. What is it we see in Christian that makes him WWE Champion material?

3. Would he be a face or heel champion?

4.Do you feel it would be a long title run or just a thanks for what you've done for us 1-2 month run?

Four questions with so many answers I'd love to hear what everyone has to say. Lets get to talking
1. NO, because Vince McMahon hates everyone who ever went to TNA, thus why he isn't pushing Christian.

2. I don't think he is Championship material. He is garbage, horrible on the mic, gets no reaction from the crowd, and one of the worst wrestlers ever!

3. Heel, that is IF he becomes World Champion. It is easier to be a heel than a face after all.

4. 1-2 months only IF he becomes World Champion. I doubt he will though because Vince is never going to push this guy because he has NO CHARISMA.
1. Was it Christian winning TNA's title that makes us feel he is worth a WWE Title run?

No, before Christian left for TNA, he was a contender for John Cena's WWE championship. He got a shot at Vengeance in a triple threat match with Chris Jericho in 05. TNA doesn't have much to do with it because he is a former WWECW champion, IC champion, and tag team champion.

2. What is it we see in Christian that makes him WWE Champion material?

He is loaded with charisma(hints the name captain charisma) and he has the ring work for a champion. Look at all the funny promos he has cut and how much he has entertained us.

3. Would he be a face or heel champion?

Face because if he was given the title, I think he would feud with Edge and that Edge would be the heel. Vince seems to like Christian better as a face.

4.Do you feel it would be a long title run or just a thanks for what you've done for us 1-2 month run?

I don't think he would hold it very long. Most superstars these days don't. I could see him hold it for two months at the longest, that is if he ever holds it. Hopefully he will though.
1. NO, because Vince McMahon hates everyone who ever went to TNA, thus why he isn't pushing Christian.

Your post just proves that you're an idiot. Did The WWE put the World Heavyweight Championship on Jeff Hardy? Yup, they did. Even after he went to TNA. Hell, when he came back, Hardy was thrusted right into a WWE Championship feud with Edge. Your argument that Vince doesn't push people who go to TNA is invalid.

2. I don't think he is Championship material. He is garbage, horrible on the mic, gets no reaction from the crowd, and one of the worst wrestlers ever!


You've gotta be kidding me! He's garbage? One of the worst wrestlers ever? Sure, maybe in your fantasy he is. But not in reality. He is a solid performer, he can talk on the mic, and gets a pretty good pop from the crowd when he comes out. Again, your argument is invalid.

3. Heel, that is IF he becomes World Champion. It is easier to be a heel than a face after all.

Why? He played a good face as the ECW champion, didn't he? He could do so with the world title.

4. 1-2 months only IF he becomes World Champion. I doubt he will though because Vince is never going to push this guy because he has NO CHARISMA.

You really are ignorant aren't you? His nickname is Captain Charisma. Do you know why? Because when it comes to charisma, he's better than 2/3 of the WWE's roster.

You are one ignorant piece of shit.
I don’t know why so many people think Christian deserves to be world champion. I don’t see it. I’m a fan of Christian and have been for a long time. I remember pulling for him to win King of the Ring in 2001. I was upset when he left WWE in 2005 and was happy to see him return in 2009. Even though I like him a lot I don’t think he should be world champion. People need to understand that a wrestler can have a long career as a mid card wrestler and still be considered a success despite never winning a world title. It’s funny that so many people claim the titles have lost their prestige over the years yet they want to put the belt on so many different people. Christian will be better remembered by the IWC if he never wins a title. Take a look at guys like Mr. Perfect and Ted Dibiase. They’re Gods of the IWC and everyone thinks they should have been world champion. If they actually were champion the people who sing their praises would probably be criticizing their reigns. As strange as it may sound I don’t think those guys would be as respected as they are if they had a world title reign.

It’s natural to want your favorite to be champion but that doesn’t mean it’s the right move. People are often blinded by their own favoritism. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s just being a fan.
1. NO, because Vince McMahon hates everyone who ever went to TNA, thus why he isn't pushing Christian.

2. I don't think he is Championship material. He is garbage, horrible on the mic, gets no reaction from the crowd, and one of the worst wrestlers ever!

3. Heel, that is IF he becomes World Champion. It is easier to be a heel than a face after all.

4. 1-2 months only IF he becomes World Champion. I doubt he will though because Vince is never going to push this guy because he has NO CHARISMA.

I'm sorry, but I had to negative rep you for this because isome of your points have no logic.

Point 1 is wrong for one reason. Jeff Hardy. He left WWE due to a drug problem and being very erratic in his behaviour and no-showing events, and went to TNA. WWE let him come back in, and eventually made him champion. Three time champion in fact. So yeah, Vince hates EVERYONE who goes to TNA, and shows that by making Hardy champion. Smart.

Point 2 is your opinion and I respect it, but to say he gets NO reaction is extreme. He gets a very good reaction 90% of the time. And he is far from one of the worst wrestlers. In fact, I and many others are of the pinion that hes one of the better guys on the roster. He's better in-ring than McIntyre, Rhodes, Ziggler, Miz, DiBiase just to name a few (I'd argue Cena, but thats neither here nor there), and if given a decent programme to run with he's good on the stick.

Point 3 depends on the angle he's given. He could easily be a face in an Edge vs Christian feud over the belt (I prefer Edge as a face, but he plays the psychotic heel so well), but it could work the other way round too.

Point 4 I can't fault you on, but your reasons are a load of shit. He wouldn't hold it for long because he isn't a company carrier. Simple. You want your big stars who sell tickets holding the strap i.e. Cena, Orton, HHH, Taker, and Miz etc. And bollocks does he have no charisma, I'm sorry but thats talking out of your arse. You can think that but don't state it as if its fact. Vince may not push him because of his size, but it seems WWE are waivering that standing over world champions.

Onto the topic, I honestly think the TNA run did nothing for Christian. At the most, he maintained his place. He's still an upper mid-carder and I think will always will be. Thats not a bad thing, plenty of upper mid carders win a world title here or there.
I think he would be a great champion because he's a great all round guy in the ring. He can do technical he can brawl, he can fly, he can go extreme, he can sell, and he can tell a good story in the ring. He's good with the stick too, heel or face.
Onto that note, Like I've already said, I think it'd work either way depending on the angle. He's shown in the past that he can do heel, and do heel well, but he can also do face.
I do think however it wouldn't be a massive run. I think it would be a little more than a thank you, more of a 'well done, you deserve this' kind of thing.

Those are my opinions, anyway.
1. NO, because Vince McMahon hates everyone who ever went to TNA, thus why he isn't pushing Christian.

2. I don't think he is Championship material. He is garbage, horrible on the mic, gets no reaction from the crowd, and one of the worst wrestlers ever!

3. Heel, that is IF he becomes World Champion. It is easier to be a heel than a face after all.

4. 1-2 months only IF he becomes World Champion. I doubt he will though because Vince is never going to push this guy because he has NO CHARISMA.

Bullshit. Seriously utter bullshit. Hell, if I had the power, I would have given you loads of neg rep. Saying Christian is horrible on the mic is like saying Chris Benoit was the best mic worker in history. His promos are WAY more entertaining than half of the WWE roster and his in-ring skills are better than 3/4th of the Smackdown! Roster. Infact, in terms of technical skills, you could arguably include Christian on the same line as Daniel Bryan, Jericho etc.

I have never understood why Mr. McMahon never gave Christian a World Championship opportunity. Some people say it's because of Christian's success in TNA while some simply say that he is hated by Vince McMahon, both of which are not true. If Vince had hated Christian, he would have easily lowered him to a jobber or lower midcard status. Instead, he gave him the longest ECW Championship reign and a short but respectful feud with soon to be WHC Alberto Del Rio.
1. NO, because Vince McMahon hates everyone who ever went to TNA, thus why he isn't pushing Christian.

2. I don't think he is Championship material. He is garbage, horrible on the mic, gets no reaction from the crowd, and one of the worst wrestlers ever!

3. Heel, that is IF he becomes World Champion. It is easier to be a heel than a face after all.

4. 1-2 months only IF he becomes World Champion. I doubt he will though because Vince is never going to push this guy because he has NO CHARISMA.
This guy's gonna get far.

1. Was it Christian winning TNA's title that makes us feel he is worth a WWE Title run?

2. What is it we see in Christian that makes him WWE Champion material?

3. Would he be a face or heel champion?

4.Do you feel it would be a long title run or just a thanks for what you've done for us 1-2 month run?

Four questions with so many answers I'd love to hear what everyone has to say. Lets get to talking

1. Possibly, that and he's a great wrestler, who puts on brilliant matches, that just really deserves a shot/run at the Title

2. As just said, he's got great Charisma, Stamina etc. Many of his matches are top-class, I can imagine him & ADR feuding for the WHC, putting on match after match, each one as good or better than the previous.

3. Face, for sure. I'm not as much of a fan of Heel Christian as I am of Face Christian. When he's a heel, he's lost his "Peeps" and I don't think he works as well.

4. It would be a short title run. 1) I don't believe VKM would give him a long reign due to his TNA Stint.
2) There are SO many people in contention for this title, that it either needs to be passed around (Which is what will happen) OR that you just have a focal point, which would not be Christian.
1. Was it Christian winning TNA's title that makes us feel he is worth a WWE Title run?

I do not think so. People wanted Christian to win the WWE long before he went to TNA. I remember the IWC was very excited when he feuded with Chris Jericho as a heel in 2004. But yes him winning the TNA title belt might have raised our already high expectations.

What is it we see in Christian that makes him WWE Champion material?

He is very good in the ring. I feel he has improved even more ever since he returned from TNA. Not that he was bad before that but he is simply better now. On the mic Christian has always been good. He is one of the few guys who can be funny within the limitations of the PG Era and so he definately deserves a run with the title.

3. Would he be a face or heel champion?

I would like to see him as a face champion. He has a fanbase and is funny. At this point in his career, it just makes sense for him to be face. He is a bit old to be playing a cocky heel anyway and he cannot really play an established veteran heel because he really does not have the achievements to do so. Moreover he does not have the look to play a grizzled veteran type heel.

4.Do you feel it would be a long title run or just a thanks for what you've done for us 1-2 month run?

It depends on how much the fans get behind him when he wins the title. It would also depend on the availability of other big stars. But I think he would at least get a four month title reign much like Chris Benoit's title reign in 2004.
1. Was it Christian winning TNA's title that makes us feel he is worth a WWE Title run?

No like Disturbed said, it was the fact that he was more or less at the top of the company when he left for TNA. It was also being successful as a world champion when he was in TNA by feuding with big big names like Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett successfully is convincing as well.

2. What is it we see in Christian that makes him WWE Champion material?

He is good on the mic, it's his mic skills that brought him to the top in WWE way back when, and his wrestling skills are good also. He's not massively skilled but is certainly capable of putting on a long entertaining match and has an arsenal of unique moves also. He also has the peeps and that is a smart idea of Christians because everyone wants to be included in being his peeps so they all feel belonging to him when they cheer when he calls them peeps. That's just a bit of psychology of conformity right there.

3. Would he be a face or heel champion?

Well we know he has the capacity to be either. I'm going to have to say heel though. We've seen Christian as a face for so long now as opposed to how long he would normally stay face that a heel turn for him would really freshen him up and he can probably play heel better than face. Personally I see no better scenario in the world than right now with Edge. Have Ziggler lose his title match and Christian makes some sort of appearance after the match congratulating him but then attacks him. Sets up the legendary E + C feud for WM that way.

4.Do you feel it would be a long title run or just a thanks for what you've done for us 1-2 month run?

I don't think it's going to happen at all although Vince knows that Christian could be one of his seasoned veteran performers. It's not his going to TNA that made him a guy who puts people over now, it's something more specific. I don't usually accept everything I read on wikipedia but if you'll allow me to clip this little exerpt:

Reso made his debut in the Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (TNA) promotion on November 13, 2005 at TNA's Genesis PPV event under his old ring name "Christian Cage".[53] Reso then made his way the ring, where he grabbed a microphone and announced his intentions, as his Cage character, to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship held by Jeff Jarrett, after taking a few shots at his former employer.

Notice in particular the last line, "after taking a few shots at his former employer". That is something Jeff Hardy who had massive success when he returned to WWE, never publically did. Don't you find it weird that Christian had the world title belt in TNA and Hardy was an X-division guy but when they go back to WWE it's a massive role reversal, I digress.

Yes what this comes down to once again is the undeflatable ego of one Mr McMahon. He sometimes sacrifices what is good for business, ie Christian, just to soothe the bruises of his own ego and Christian if the prime example of this. If Christian ever won the belt I'm sure to add salt to the wounds it would last for a week or something ridiculous because Vince doesn't give TV time to those people have crossed him. See none of the ECW originals now in TNA will ever get a job again in WWE, neither will Jeff Hardy or Matt Hardy because of their video cam rants.

It's a shame but there's nothing we can do except know that Christian deserves better.
1. Was it Christian winning TNA's title that makes us feel he is worth a WWE Title run?

I've never watched TNA on a regular basis so for me, no it's nothing to do with that. In fact i never saw any of Christian's TNA Title work until last year when i bought his TNA DVD.

For me it's a combination of things.

1. I've always thought he was a solid worker with decent mic skills. He's no Ric Flair, but he's also no Great Khali. Hell, i'd say he's better on the mic than Orton is.

2. He's busted his ass in some of the most brutal gimmick matches in WWE history and is still going strong at the moment. There's plenty of classic WM moments featuring Christian.

3. His fued with Jericho in 2004 was probably the best upper mid-card fued of 2004.

4. They obviously saw some potential in him to put him in a WWE title match in '05, and continued putting him in #1 contender matches when he was drafted to SD, but then he left like a month later, so nothing came of it.

Him winning the title in TNA just proved that their booking was half arsed and lazy back then, by just shoving the belt on their newest acquisition from WWE........ oh wait.....

2. What is it we see in Christian that makes him WWE Champion material?

I can only really list my reasoning in the last point again. He's decent in the ring, the crowd are behind him, he can work the mic and has plenty of experience in just about every match type, excpet the ones relating to Taker's gimmick.

3. Would he be a face or heel champion?

He could easily pull off either. His face run as WWECW champion was solid despite not ever having any real fued to work with other than the one with Regal, so if he were the WWE/World champion, he'd definitely have proper fueds to work on, which we know he can potentuially do well at.

And if he were heel, he would probably be similar to Miz while still seeming like an individual.

4.Do you feel it would be a long title run or just a thanks for what you've done for us 1-2 month run?

Probably just a 2 month reign. Not for any real reason, just because WWE feel like a shock booking or he ends up in a gimmick match with someone who always wins that gimmick match, despite the fact that person doesn't need the title ie. Edge at TLC. He didn't need to win the belt there but because it was a TLC match he won it.

Hell Batista lost the world title in 5 days as a result of shock booking, so really anyone could have a throw away piece of shit title reign anytime of the year really.

If they just gave Christian the chance to get involved in an actual fued with some mic time, they might see the potential that we all see and will give him a chance to prove himself, but if they keep making him fodder for McIntyre and Del Rio and Rhodes like they have been, i doubt he'll ever be Champion.
1) it doest really show anything other than he can be a company's main guy and succesfully as he helped tna a lot.
2) he has always been a good champion hes good at cutting ppl down as a face and heel so he can work either angle on the mic, plus his moveset and in ring work is definitely better than most so hes fine enough there
3) i think there are more options as a heel atm just because edge is champ and he can make a return and be a heel and say he was tired of seeing edge as champ while he was at home or something, idk there are more options as a heel imo.
4) Id say about 3 months a retain against whoever he beat two matches agianst his next challenger then losing it to a younger talent which would give christian the option to go back to midcard or stay in main event
1. Was it Christian winning TNA's title that makes us feel he is worth a WWE Title run?

No. I wanted him to be champion in WWE way before that.

2. What is it we see in Christian that makes him WWE Champion material?

Nowadays total packages come so rarely, and Christian is one of them. You name it, he can do it.

3. Would he be a face or heel champion?

I think he plays both great, however with current shortage of faces on the roster he might be luckier betting on face.

4.Do you feel it would be a long title run or just a thanks for what you've done for us 1-2 month run?

If it was up to me it would be long. But that ceased to exist about 4 or 5 years ago. These days a 3 month run is huge.
1. Was it Christian winning TNA's title that makes us feel he is worth a WWE Title run?

I'm not exactly certain. Considering the fact that I'm pretty damn certain that the WWE fans would be screaming for Christian to become world champion in WWE even if he hadn't held the championship in TNA. Christian is a decent talent, he gets a good pop, and he's good on the microphone as well as in the ring. He has a lot of great things going for him, but has never really made it to the top of the crop. So I could definitely see people crying for a Christian world title even if he hadn't become TNA champion.

2. What is it we see in Christian that makes him WWE Champion material?

People think he's good, entertaining and able to work the crowd fairly well. This is all true, but not to the extent that I would personally see him getting a world title right now, or have been due for one in the past years time or so.

There's definitely something that could make it work for Christian as champion. So I'm guessing because a lot of people tends to believe the same thing, then it must be true.

3. Would he be a face or heel champion?

Don't know, and I don't really care. Cause Christian is able to work both sides pretty well, so I would say whether he's a face, or a heel, it doesn't matter.

4.Do you feel it would be a long title run or just a thanks for what you've done for us 1-2 month run?

Most likely just a thank you. I don't believe Christian would be in there for the long run as a champion. He'd be able to get a few good Pay Per View matches and television matches, but I don't see him getting anything permanent. More like a quick push and then back to the upper mid-card.

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