Chris Jericho's Return : A Success or a Failure

The one thing disappointing me so far is that the promos hinted at something dark and creepy.

While the mute Jericho was indeed a bit unsettling and creepy in a quite unique way, now that he speaks it seems like this will be just a generic feud. No "end of the world", no creepiness.

But aside from that, no, I don't think it was a failure.

I agree, he didn't live up to those dark promos. He came back smiling, laughing and trolling the audience. Not really how you expected him to return if you watched those promos.
Personally I think it was a huge failure and pointless but that could change at any time. If all this is just a one off feud with punk before he runs off again, I don't want to ever see him come back. If he sticks around for awhile, then it's not fair to judge his return just yet.
Of course it was a fail.

1. He gets promoted as this dark force coming to "end the world"

2. He comes back in a jacket with lights all over it, trolling everyone

3. Then he magically gets eliminated in the Royal Rumble which is fine but it was a total buzz kill.

4. Finally he just Codebreaks Punk

... so what the fuck is so special about it? If you really look at it carefully, he could've accomplished the same things he did by simply showing up on RAW, no promos, no jackets. 6 weeks of nothin'. He didn't have any major impact on ANYTHING (as he was advertised to do), he didn't end no worlds, he didn't do jack shit. Jericho's return didn't live up to its hype due to WWE's poor, lazy-ass booking.

Had he won the Rumble it would all make perfect sense and the puzzle pieces would click together. He says the end of the world thing, wins the Rumble and his claim to be the best has more legitemacy, while Punk's also does - he's the Champion. Perfect, wrestling 101. But no, fuck that, let's mess it up, this is the WWE. Let's kill off Jericho's momentum by giving the RR win to Sheamus only for him to waste it on SmackDown whose ratings are in the shitter and patch this Punk feud up in a lazy way.
Man this is a tough one. Jerichos return a failure....I Dont know to what say. CM Punk Vs Chris Jericho we all know its gonna happen. The Hypes gonna be great! The promos there gonna do leading into wrestlemaina are gonna be special. I'm excited about this The Best in The World CM Punk Vs The Best in The World Chris Jericho. I can't say that Jerichos return was a complete failure him not talking for 3 weeks was annoying but I kept tunning in every week to see if he would say anything at all. Not winning the Royal Rumble kinda of let down but working him into elemnation chamber could make him number one continder some how. I dont know will see...April 1st 2012!
I wouldn't write it off as a failure just yet BUT there are still a few things that went south with it and hurt it.

1. The dark cryptic vignettes that meant absolutely nothing and have zero relevance outside of his "end of the world" schtick which seems to be stretching the meaning immensely here. It was supposed to be some dark force yadayada but we got a smiling Jericho in an LED lined jacket running laps screaming yeah baby and come on for what 3 weeks?

2. Royal Rumble. I'm glad for Sheamus but for this angle to have the real impact, he should have won. I normally don't side with the more critical members of the IWC here but they were absolutely right with Jericho needing this win.

3. His lack of character evolution thus far. Jericho even wrote in his book that he doesn't want to use the same character more than once. He wants to return with something fresh, something new, and enjoys reinventing himself. Well we went from slow talking, big word, monotone, whining Jericho in a suit to....slow talking, big word, monotone, whining Jericho in an LED jacket?

The two will have an incredible match at Wrestlemania no doubt but unless there's something monumental that happens at EC, the angle will have fallen incredibly short.
hang on what??? jericho was buried???? unlikely my man, nope, infact, jericho put over sheamus and is still chasing the big gold. i would say the wwe did a wonderful job with jericho. i mean, he did a great job in the rumble, he did a good job both last week and tonights raw, he did great with the silent promos, yea the wwe threw a curve ball, but lets face it, everyone thought jericho would win. whats the point if they know who is going to win? it makes more sence to do something different then to do that of which is expected.
It is a success, as long as wwe don't mess it up by not making Punk/Jericho (one on one) the wwe championship match at WM 28. It don't matter to me who walks in WM 28 as champion but it makes more sense to have Punk to walk in as champion because he has a decent title reign (length wise) instead of Jericho walking in as champion with a month long reign. If this match happens, wwe can finally have a really good wrestling match (if given enough time) for the wwe championship at Wrestlemania.
Trying to judge if Chris Jericho's return is a success or failure at this stage is pointless.

Yes, an argument could be made that the 'End of the World' hype and vignettes have amounted to a certain level of disappointment. But, Jericho's vignettes have not historically tied that heavily in to his character or storylines during his returns. He certainly didn't re-emerge as some sort of hacker following the 'Break The Code' campaign. The vignettes themselves were simply a way of trying to hook people in.

People often seem to forget that Jericho, aside from a great pro wrestler, is an incredible self promoter. The cat was out of the bag regarding his return very early on, and the vignettes attempted to be as vague as possible in terms of who they referenced. If anything, the amount of info regarding his return before and since has been one of the things that has been most detrimental to him. Once it leaked he was slated to win the Rumble, what would have been a huge moment in his return was changed to keep the IWC from feeling as though they called it.

If you look at Elimination Chamber, it is obvious that the Raw Chamber Match is CM Punk vs. Y2J, costarring Miz, Dolph Ziggler, R Truth and Kofi Kingston. WWE is in the midst of building towards WM 28, and WWE appears committed to Punk vs Jericho. If Jericho wins the title at EC, it would be hard for anyone to really call his return a failure. Just being in a main event at WM with Punk, a match most people are dying to see, makes his return a success on many levels.

Give his character, storyline, and wrestling time to develop before ultimately judging whether or not he or WWE has dropped the ball
Booked good overall. Couldve been better but failed because of Royal rumble/elimination chamber/smackdown and other storylines going on.

You guys seem to forget if Jericho won the rumble...then it kills all momentum for elimanation chamber because then we would automatically know CM punk would win the EC because the rest suck and arent worthy of fighting jericho at WM. Plus it kills the jericho/cm punk match we want to see.

Like how pissed would you guys be at that booking? Jericho wins RR predictable, CM punk wins EC SUPER predictably.

But instead we have atleast a tiny bit of a chance CM punk will lose at EC(even though it wont happen) instead of 100% confirming the main event right away.

Believe it or not but their is kids out their who think CM punk might lose at EC(LOL) because wwe booked it RIGHT!
I don't think its been a failure but it hasn't lived up to what we all were expecting.

Sheamus deserved to win the Rumble, he's been on a fucking roll for the last 6 months and no one (Jericho included) should have come in and stole his momentum. He's had nothing but quality matches, and quality story lines on Smackdown since turning face. He's become a big part of that brand, and now that he's being built up correctly to capture the WHC and hold on to it. His prior runs were flukes, his next run will be the real deal.

I enjoy Jericho a lot, and always have, but Jericho's only back to work a short program with Punk. Jericho isn't back for the long haul. So having an up and coming star like Sheamus win the Rumble is a good business decision for the WWE. It helps build Sheamus up as a star, and it helps make him a main event level player.

Jericho didn't need a Rumble win, he's already established, he's a multi-time World Champion. The minute Punk started spewing that shit about being "the Best in the World" it was a given Jericho would have to return. Jericho was using that line before Orton punted him in the head and sent him packing the last time.

If Jericho vs Punk is the WM28 match that's taking place its hard to say if Punk or Jericho will walk out of EC as Champion...

then again "the Show Off" Ziggler vs "the Best in the World" Punk vs "the Best in the World" Jericho isn't impossible...
It's still too early to judge, but if you put a gun to my head I'd say it's been a failure, if only because my interest in his return has gone from maximal to totally non-existent.

Frankly, until he finally went after Punk, the thing was a total dud. I know people give credit for his return being different, but I just don't see it. It was directionless. After that first night where the praise was "without saying a word he went from face to heel," he's been cheered ever since. So let's not get carried away with the credit.

But in general, I'd like to see how it develops before making any significant judgments. I have to believe there's more to this than what meets the eye and that it could unravel even beyond WrestleMania.
Is Jericho's return a failure? Don't know yet, but I can sure as hell say that it has been extraordinarily underwhelming for anyone that isn't a Jericho mark.

From the non-talking promos (I don't care what any of you say, I thought that it was stupid), to the fact that very little in his return promos had anything to do with him, to the fact that he returned with the same gimmick that he left with (he's basically the Miz), I've just been very bored with the entire thing.
I wish that instead of trolling, Jericho would have just been totally crazy. It could have been from losing Dancing With The Stars. Those first couple weeks back he was getting to do something different. Now it seems like he has settled back into his same old act that had become a bit tired in his last run.
I'm still not totally convinced those promo videos the WWE aired in December were even originally meant for Jericho. Aside from the "end of the world" tagline he's now using, they really have nothing to do with Chris Jericho and aren't consistent with his persona. I wonder if they were produced with the intention of hyping The Undertaker's return, but used for Jericho instead.
It keeps getting worse. He wasn't really eliminated in the chamber match. So this is how he is earning a spot in the main event of Wrestlemania? Wow this looks like a big time failure to me.

WWE really dropped the ball. Jericho looks like a fool with all this ending of the world crap.
It keeps getting worse. He wasn't really eliminated in the chamber match. That is how he is earning a spot in the main event of Wrestlemania? Wow this looks like a big time failure to me.

WWE really dropped the ball. Jericho looks like a fool with all this ending of the world crap.

So what, are you saying that he should have been eliminated? Him going out the way he did protects him and leaves him with a legit reason to complain and get a title match at Mania.

Should he have won? Maybe, but the only way I saw it happening without Punk looking like shit would be if Punk was taken out before the match. Still, the whole goal of the feud is, well, should be to put Punk over and since Punks likely going to win the match at Mania, I'd rather him retain and extend his current reign.

People always bitch about WWE playing hot potato with the title, but when they stop doing it, people still whine about it.
Nothing big upon rebuting.
Nothing big at the Rumble
Nothing big at the Chamber

They basically have to throw something together and have something big for tomorrow night's raw to get a proper build going. Otherwise, it's starting to feel like a lot of hype for jack shit.

Let's see what happens tomorrow night. The EC didn't seem to add anything to the storylines except a wrap up for Cena's crap so if creative plans on starting proper WM builds, tomorrow would be the time to start...
It has been a failure
He should have won the Royal Rumble, bottom line

I wouldn't necessarily say that but he did need SOMETHING, anything, on a large scale for this angle to work out. Whether it was the Rumble win or an EC win or anything in between is up for debate.

Personally think he should have at least changed up his gimmick/persona to something new and refreshing which would have made this angle feel entirely different as it would be a new version returning. Jericho, the guy that is always a proponent to reinventing himself upon a return, is for some reason back to using the same exact character that was beginning to go stale from before he left. He just now has a light up jacket instead of a suit. :rolleyes: A crazier darker side to Jericho to tie into the vignettes better could have breathed some new life into him and give a new perspective to the angle.

6 weeks of whining, slow talking, monotone, condescending Jericho just doesn't sound like it would be an appealing program, even with Punk, since we've seen him use this to death prior to his return, and heels like Miz have been using the same crap as well.
So what, are you saying that he should have been eliminated? Him going out the way he did protects him and leaves him with a legit reason to complain and get a title match at Mania.

Should he have won? Maybe, but the only way I saw it happening without Punk looking like shit would be if Punk was taken out before the match. Still, the whole goal of the feud is, well, should be to put Punk over and since Punks likely going to win the match at Mania, I'd rather him retain and extend his current reign.

People always bitch about WWE playing hot potato with the title, but when they stop doing it, people still whine about it.

I thought they could of came up with a way of Jericho winning at EC without Punk looking bad. Or he should of just won the royal rumble.

Since his return he has not done anything significant. After all the hype, Jericho being placed in the WWE title match at WM because he got "injured" is lame. I hope that is not what they are doing.

At this point he needs to actually beat Punk at WM for his return not to be viewed as a failure.

Chris Jericho returned and said nothing. Not a fucking thing and people got behind him, got riled up, people wanted to see and hear from Chris Jericho. He went into the Royal Rumble match, finished second and still had credibility towards gaining a match with CM Punk at Wrestlemania. He has entered this angle with CM Punk and it works, it's over the title being "Best In The World" and it works. Stick the WWE Championship in there, put the lights on them and tell me they won't put on a great match at Wrestlemania.

Chris Jericho has even came back with a new persona, meshing the Y2J of old with a bit of Y2J from his last run, showing the hints of charisma and personality while also providing the one liners and referring to those around him as "neophites" instead of hypocrites.

Anyone who thinks Jericho's return has been a failure obviously doesn't know what the return was supposed to be about. The buzz surrounding it and the guy hadn't to utter a word and people were still jumping out of their seat. Definite success.
If Jericho's comeback is considered a failure then look no further than HHH, who changed the Rumble plans from Jericho winning (which was the end of the world as we know it) to HHH's boy Sheamus...the five-six weeks worth of cryptic videos plus four weeks of trolling led to the Rumble which HHH made the call to change...nice one...just like when he stuck his big nose in the summer of Punk angle when Punk won Money in the Bank and was hot as ever only to be upstaged by HHH/Nash...Jericho will save this angle based on his microphone skills and wrestling alone, along with feuding with Punk.

Wait wait wait, are you telling me that Chris Jericho has to win the Royal Rumble to have a legitiment challenge to CM Punk for the title...really? He's Chris freaking Jericho he could come back an hour before wrestlemania went on the air and could be made a legitiment contender for the title. Sheamus on he other hand hasn't really done anything to put him in #1 cotender position over the likes of Randy Orton, Henry, Show, etc etc. Sheamus needed the Royal Rumble, Jericho didn't.

Jericho comes out tomorrow says "Punk you never eliminated me, you knew you couldn't beat me so you got me taken out of the match blah blah" to which Punk makes some witty comback they get interrupted by The Miz who says he should be #1 contender because he was the last left in the chamber, you have Johnny Ace come out make a #1 contenders match-up between The Miz and Jericho, Jericho wins possible with some R-Truth coming after Miz, and presto CM Punk vs Chris Jericho at wrestlemania is set. Sheamus couldn't be set up nearly as easily.

Side note--Why is it every time I went to type Chris Jericho when typing this I instead typed Christ Jericho and had to edit it o_O
Wait wait wait, are you telling me that Chris Jericho has to win the Royal Rumble to have a legitiment challenge to CM Punk for the title...really? He's Chris freaking Jericho he could come back an hour before wrestlemania went on the air and could be made a legitiment contender for the title. Sheamus on he other hand hasn't really done anything to put him in #1 cotender position over the likes of Randy Orton, Henry, Show, etc etc. Sheamus needed the Royal Rumble, Jericho didn't.

Jericho comes out tomorrow says "Punk you never eliminated me, you knew you couldn't beat me so you got me taken out of the match blah blah" to which Punk makes some witty comback they get interrupted by The Miz who says he should be #1 contender because he was the last left in the chamber, you have Johnny Ace come out make a #1 contenders match-up between The Miz and Jericho, Jericho wins possible with some R-Truth coming after Miz, and presto CM Punk vs Chris Jericho at wrestlemania is set. Sheamus couldn't be set up nearly as easily.

Side note--Why is it every time I went to type Chris Jericho when typing this I instead typed Christ Jericho and had to edit it o_O

Because you are either a neophyte, a sicophant, or a wannabe. I'm not quite sure, but I did just see Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace in 3D, so nothing really makes sense right now.

That said, your post is pretty much on point. A #1 contenders match between Miz and Jericho would be good, especially if Truth interferes and furthers along the problem between Miz and Truth.
You guys who think he was ever going to win the rumble (based on.....dirt sheets?) look like fucking ******s. It's been pretty obvious that Sheamus was winning ever since Summerslam when he was the one guy Mark Henry didn't beat. They've been building up Sheamus for a huge babyface push. Now let's see, who do you have win the Rumble, a babyface on the cusp of being a huge star, or a returning HEEL who can basically take a shit in the ring and get a reaction? Hmmmm.

No, this has not been a failure, you are a failure if you can't digest what's going on.
i'm glad jericho came back.

but i think he got screwed twice.

he wouldn't have said that cryptic 'the royal rumble will be the end of the world as you know it' the last raw before the royal rumble had he not won it. but hey, it coulda just been to help sell the ppv..

i think he was supposed to win the royal rumble, but that got shot down last minute (according to rumors).

and i think he was supposed to win the wwe title at the elimination chamber to enter wrestlemania as the champion vs challenger punk---but i heard that got shot down last minute as well (rumors of course).

but whatever, glad to have him back and i can't wait for his big time feud with cm punk and their match at wrestlemania, and for the inevitable rematch at the extreme rules april ppv that takes place in chicago. that one should be bananas!
Chris Jericho is supposed to be a compulsive whiner that says stuff with a small hint of truth in his statements in order to distract the gullible fans from the fact that he is indeed a compulsive whiner. That is supposed to be his gimmick. That has actually always been his gimmick but with a few minor tweaks every time he comes back. Once you understand that, you would have to say that his return has been a success.

I don't care what dirtsheet reports say but I think that Jericho was never supposed to win the Royal Rumble. Why? Because that would have actually made him look better and given the fans a reason to cheer him. It would have meant that Jericho was finally beginning to back up what he had always been bragging about. That is what faces do, not heels. You know what heels do? They fail to live up to their word and take out their frustrations by making sneak attacks, like Jericho did on Punk during his match with D.Bryan.

I thought Jericho's elimination at the Chamber was good booking. Again he does not need to win because that will actually make him look good, but he did not lose in the conventional manner either which gives him something to whine and confuse the gullible fans about.

So yeah, he has done exactly what was expected of him. His return has been a success.

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