Chavo Guerrero..Really on the Sh*t List??


Is here for the punch and pie...
I've read on other threads about people thinking Chavo Guerrero is being buried due to Vickie Guerrero quiting the WWE. They say all these shitty matches with Hornswoggle ,where he's been pinned and humilated, are because Vince holds a grudge. I feel that he is just a comedy heel with actual wrestling talent. He's found his niche'. Back in WCW the man carried a toy horse to the ring. Check out the following link for a refresher... (I tried to embed it but couldn't for somereason.. Don't hate plz)
R.I.P Pepe

Almost just as bad losing a tuxedo match w/ a "little person".
Chavo thrives doing this crap. I actually laughed though. Most wrestling comedy makes me feel awkward. It's just not funny.( Example-Last week's begining promo w/ Seth Green, the wigga,the nose,and the homo musketeers.) But I think Chavo is being used for a reason and not being buried. The man gets a nice share of TV time and has past experience is comedic angles.
I feel that there's gonna be more comedic sports entertainers in the coming years of the "PG" era. Chavo is just joining the ranks of Santino,Golddust, and Fetus(btw where's he been?). I'm sure there will be a bunch more.
So do you think Chavo's on Vince's shit list and getting these matches out of spite or does Vince see Chavo's comedic heel potential?
I agree, I do not believe Chavo is being buried, not at all, WWE was aware he could do the comedic role and get over doing it, so they had/have him doing it again. I have not heard anything about Chavo saying he's not happy, and most wrestler's let it be known when they are not. So I think he is having fun, why not make people laugh and make money doing it? This isn't going to bury him, it'll get him over again and keep him in people's minds. They when the WWE, mainly Vince get bored with this program, when it has ran it's course, Chavo will moves on to something else, again perhaps comedic, or perhaps a U.S. title run, who knows.
That was my first thought while watching Raw tonight, that he was being buried because of the whole Vickie thing, but after a bit more thought I realized if he was really on the shit list he wouldn't be getting all the TV time he's been getting. Personally I think this is a great way to use him though, without a cruiserweight division there didn't seem to be anything for him. At least now he can go out there and do his thing.
I'm not sure who's getting the rawer deal: Chavo or Brian Kendrick. I mean Chavo's always been pretty much a stiff even if he is a Guerrero. He was kind of cool as Lt. Loco, a possible contender for worst gimmick ever as Kerwin White, and yes, he did have Pepe in WCW to embarass himself further. TBK on the other hand was developing into a decent mid-card heel around this time last year, and now he's doing the job to the King? I just don't know who Kendrick p*ssed off to wind up in that spot.
I've read on other threads about people thinking Chavo Guerrero is being buried due to Vickie Guerrero quiting the WWE. They say all these shitty matches with Hornswoggle ,where he's been pinned and humilated, are because Vince holds a grudge.

I have no idea why he is getting such a bad rep at the minute. Like him or not, the guy is a very good wrestler. He is technically sound as has agility and charisma by the bucket load. Chavo Guerrero is so above this it is not real. I mean, let Hornswoggle say in the WWE by all maeans but don't have someone job to him when he clearly does not deserve any of it. Cahvo is a part of probably the greatest wres;ting family ever and every Raw he is jobbing to a fucking midget, who continually botches his finisher. Chavo is better than this.

I feel that he is just a comedy heel with actual wrestling talent. He's found his niche'. Back in WCW the man carried a toy horse to the ring. Check out the following link for a refresher... (I tried to embed it but couldn't for somereason.. Don't hate plz)
R.I.P Pepe


There I embedded it for you.

I do agree with you to some point. Chavo does have the knack for being a good comedy face but honestly come on. Perry Saturn used to bring a mop to the ring and what happened to him? Oh yeah, he disappeared off of the face of the Earth and no one has heard from him again. Chavo probably will not go the same way but come on. If you are jobbing to Hornswoggle every week and you are having your trousers sewn up, then you probably don't have a huge future with the company. I personally don't think it is very funny and I kind of feel sorry for Chavo. He is better than this.

Almost just as bad losing a tuxedo match w/ a "little person".
Chavo thrives doing this crap. I actually laughed though. Most wrestling comedy makes me feel awkward. It's just not funny.( Example-Last week's begining promo w/ Seth Green, the wigga,the nose,and the homo musketeers.) But I think Chavo is being used for a reason and not being buried. The man gets a nice share of TV time and has past experience is comedic angles.

Well, of course he is getting good TV time. If Vince is trying to humiliate him and trying to bury him, then there is no point to not have him on TV. Having him lose in front of millions of people is much more embarrassing than just not showing up for the shows any more. I personally think that this is Vince's way of making sure Chavo knows his place.

I feel that there's gonna be more comedic sports entertainers in the coming years of the "PG" era. Chavo is just joining the ranks of Santino,

A great wrestler there


And another.

and Fetus(btw where's he been?).

In a womb probably. If you mean Festus, then I would assume that you are asking where he has been instead of being on TV. It just proves me point. Comedy jobbers don't last. They don't. The only one I can think of is Santino. Santino however, is the best at what he does. He will be around for a long time because he is a face and the crowd love him. The rest of them have little to no chance.

I'm sure there will be a bunch more.

I hope not.

Lmao you said Fetus.

I don't think Chavo should be treated like this, but I guess it's o.k when I see it from your point of view. Chavo is talented, and can do a hell of a frog-splash. And I also think the chilly peppers boxer's are some what racist and stereo-typical towards Mexicans. Unless it was the band Red Hot Chilli Peppers lol. I think Vince is hell bent on killing the LEGENDARY, Guerrero name! Just look at Vickie for example, and Chavo. A Guerrero's supposed to be a legendary warrior. Not Comedy Jobber's ^o), especially a talented one like Chavo. What if VKM tried to kill the Hart name by turning The Hart Dynasty into comedy jobbers? That would piss me off! But overall I guess it's better than nothing. And how on earth do you find a midget stripping a Mexican funny?
That video brings back so much does Chavo look young in it.

I dont think Chavo is neccessarily getting buried cause, like someone said above, if he was getting buried he wouldnt be getting his own 10 minute segment week in and out. Though he's nothing but a stiff/jobber now, the fact that he's being prominantly used in a comedic role is good for him. I think Vince just sees potential in having comedy on the show with the PG rating, and for whatever reason....Chavo/Hornswoggle work pretty well together. It appeals to the audience, and Chavo gives them a reason to keep Hornswoggle on TV (since lets face it...Midgets are entertaining to a PG rated audience).
Captain Charisma I just marked out on your Asian Kung Fu Generation sig, that band is amazing. Sorry on to the matter at hand. Chavo deserves much better than this! Yes he is good with comedy but he is a better wrestler! He's a damn Guerrero! I mean if he's happy with it but so be it. I mean come on this dude ran the Cruiserweight Division quite a few times in his career. This time last year he was a top contender for both the ECW and United States Championships. Now because his Aunt quits he gets the shaft? I don't know maybe I'm looking too deep into this but come on at least team him with TBK and we can have another athletic tag team on our hands. Or even better let Chavo, TBK, and Noble pull the who Jersey Triad thing and they can switch off whichever two they want to fight the match(It'd be mildly entertaining for a bit). I don't know just my opinion. Poor Chavo.
I don't like the angles Chavo has been in and I think he's better than what they are doing with him. On the other hand, if Vince is really trying to bury him I bet Chavo would have put in his papers and jumped to TNA by now. The way they treated Vickie wasn't right, but wrestlers were always making cracks about her looks during her entire GM run. In all seriousness though, he gets TV and mic time. I'd like to see him in a real feud again eventually cus he has the talent and the experience.

A guy like The Brian Kendrick seems to have been on Vince's shit list IMO cus he was off TV for weeks, then he comes back and gets beat by the 60-year old King in Street clothes with a fist off the 2nd rope (granted he is a HOF'er). I hate the way Kendrick blows kisses to the crowd and does that assanine dance during his entrance, so maybe they don't like his gimmick or style.

I hope things get better for Chavo though. He's a veteran, a good worker, and carries the Guerraro name.
I dont know, Chavo Guerrero has never had "it"

Sure, he has great wrestling ability. But what he was in WCW is the same thing we got in WWE (without the toy horsie)

This is a prime example of a wrestler having fantastic wrestling ability..but not having an iota of charisma. Leading to not getting over with the fans. Ever.

I remember when they tagged him with Eddie, fans still rooted for Eddie and left Chavo in the dust.

If he hasnt gotten over by now, I doubt he ever will.
For the person asking who Brian Kendrick pissed off....the answer is everyone.

It has been reported that he was caught smoking marijuana and told management that he wasn't going to stop. Hence, the end of his push.
I don't know what Chavo did or didn't do do lose to Hornswoggle for 3 straight weeks but it doesn't seem to benefit him IMO. At least he is on TV, it looks like along with TBK after Raw last week that both of their spots in WWE are going down the toilet. I haven't heard about TBK pissing off management but who knows. It just seems ridiculous to think that Vince or WWE has a grudge towards Chavo for some reason. Maybe he likes doing or it or maybe WWE just doesn't have anything else better for him.

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