Character Changes

Finishing Moves (2 max):
- The Word Of LaVey (Cattle Mutilation)
- Baptism By Blood (The Killswitch)

Signature Moves (3 max):
- The Crucifixion (Full Nelson Slam)
- Iowa Cloverleaf (Texas Cloverleaf)
- Phoenix Splash set up by a running Bulldog (only in big matches)

12 Most Used Moves:
- Boot Choke in the corner to an 8-9 count
- Facewash to a downed opponent in the corner (especially after the boot choke)
- Springboard Back Elbow to a running opponent
- Cannonball to a seated corner opponent
- Tornado Single-Arm DDT
- Running Spinebuster
- Dangan Elbow / Roaring Elbow
- Hangman's Neckbreaker
- Shining Wizard
- Dragon Suplex
- Swinging Fisherman Neckbreaker into a pin
- Ambien Drop (Acid Drop)
Finishing Moves (2 max):
- The Word Of LaVey (Cattle Mutilation)
- Baptism By Blood (The Killswitch)

Signature Moves (3 max):
- The Crucifixion (Full Nelson Slam)
- Iowa Cloverleaf (Texas Cloverleaf)
- Phoenix Splash set up by a running Bulldog (only in big matches)

12 Most Used Moves:
- Boot Choke in the corner to an 8-9 count
- Facewash to a downed opponent in the corner (especially after the boot choke)
- Springboard Back Elbow to a running opponent
- Cannonball to a seated corner opponent
- Tornado Single-Arm DDT
- Running Spinebuster
- Dangan Elbow / Roaring Elbow
- Hangman's Neckbreaker
- Shining Wizard
- Dragon Suplex
- Swinging Fisherman Neckbreaker into a pin
- Ambien Drop (Acid Drop)

Do I have to do work?
Do I have to do work?

FYI I gave NSL permission for Doe to the use Phoenix Splash as well as ECD. Since he's got it as a big match signature and ECD uses it as a finisher, we can treat it like the super kick. I'm the Shawn Michaels to his Dolph Ziggler.
Remarkable Mark Keaton :

There's no more - Welcome to the Jungle - Mark Keaton's new entrance theme is the same as the tag teams entrance theme - Money for Nothin -
Weight: 210 lbs

Alignment: Heel


----------------Hair Colour/Length - Shaved head

----------------Eye Colour - Blue

----------------Facial Hair - 5 o'clock shadow

----------------Ring attire - Long blue wrestling tights, black boots, black knee pads and arm pads.

----------------Backstage Attire - Wrestling attire, plus t-shirt of current WZCW face with "I hate" scrawled above their name.

----------------Physical Features - heavily scarred arms

----------------Tattoos - Celtic knot around upper right bicep, Gallileo's drawing of the moons of Jupiter on left bicep, words to "If..." by Rudyard Kipling on left side of Torso

Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Main Gimmick: Bitter wrestler who has seen many inferior to him elevated to superior status.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:
- Wrestler is straight talking, anti-authority
- Can be occasionally cheered if he is picking on a bigger heel
Name change incoming for Kagura. From Kagura Daikonran to Kagura Joheki. Everything else on the app should remain exactly as it is.

Peace and thanks.
Quite a few changes to Vee's fighting style and Commonly used moves. There are no changes in his Signature or Finisher. Hope it isn't too late to use these moves for this round. Hoping to use it against Matt Tastic in the Gold Rush Quarterfinals.

Fighting Style:
Highflier. He’s super agile and can escape from many offensive attacks due to his speed. Innovative and can crack many holds whilst hitting the highflying manures. He got strong legs so can hit devastating kicks.

Strong Style: With Size being a disadvantage, Vee managed to incorporate few of the Strong style into his arsenal which gives him advantage over the opponents.

12 Most Used Moves:
High angle Dropkick
Back kick followed by discuss Elbow smash/Double Stomp on the back of the opponent
720 Guyver kick followed by a kip up
540 Kick
Huricranna onto the turnbuckles
Sprinboard variations (Splash, Dropkick, Headscissors, Huricranna, Moonsault etc. varies based on the situation)
Northern Lights Suplex (As a counter to the running opponent off the ropes)
Single legged dropkick
Second rope Spinning knee
Reverse Hook kick
With(when) the opponent standing on the apron, spinning back fist followed by a Hard Left Punch (Vee goes Southpaw at this juncture)
Bicep Slicer
Quite a few changes to Vee's fighting style and Commonly used moves. There are no changes in his Signature or Finisher. Hope it isn't too late to use these moves for this round. Hoping to use it against Matt Tastic in the Gold Rush Quarterfinals.

Fighting Style:
Highflier. He’s super agile and can escape from many offensive attacks due to his speed. Innovative and can crack many holds whilst hitting the highflying manures. He got strong legs so can hit devastating kicks.

Strong Style: With Size being a disadvantage, Vee managed to incorporate few of the Strong style into his arsenal which gives him advantage over the opponents.

12 Most Used Moves:
High angle Dropkick
Back kick followed by discuss Elbow smash/Double Stomp on the back of the opponent
720 Guyver kick followed by a kip up
540 Kick
Huricranna onto the turnbuckles
Sprinboard variations (Splash, Dropkick, Headscissors, Huricranna, Moonsault etc. varies based on the situation)
Northern Lights Suplex (As a counter to the running opponent off the ropes)
Single legged dropkick
Second rope Spinning knee
Reverse Hook kick
With(when) the opponent standing on the apron, spinning back fist followed by a Hard Left Punch (Vee goes Southpaw at this juncture)
Bicep Slicer

You can't use the Northern Lights suplex. And you have a couple of dropkicks in there. Feel free to roll those two dropkicks into the one move and then put in another move if you wish. Your fighting style has been updated though.

Alignment: Heel (but cheered by neck beards and young men, like the opposite of Cena)

Entrance music:

Got you covered.
You can't use the Northern Lights suplex. And you have a couple of dropkicks in there. Feel free to roll those two dropkicks into the one move and then put in another move if you wish. Your fighting style has been updated though.

Alright, scrap off that Northern Lights suplex and couple up these two dropkicks into one.

I would replace Northern Lights Suplex with Kitchen sink (Daniel Bryan style) if another move is permitted.
Alright, scrap off that Northern Lights suplex and couple up these two dropkicks into one.

I would replace Northern Lights Suplex with Kitchen sink (Daniel Bryan style) if another move is permitted.

If we're combining the dropkicks into one as "Dropkick variations", you'll need another move to fill out the 12.
If we're combining the dropkicks into one as "Dropkick variations", you'll need another move to fill out the 12.

I've added Kitchen Sink for that. If I still can fill a move, Hammer lock with grapevine on the mat with repeated elbow to the shoulder
I've added Kitchen Sink for that. If I still can fill a move, Hammer lock with grapevine on the mat with repeated elbow to the shoulder

The Kitchen Sink was to replace the Northern Lights Suplex. Combining the two dropkicks into essentially one move freed up another spot. I don't have mod powers to make the edit, but Dave, Killjoy, or Yaz will take care of it when they're on again.



Entrance Description: Ramparte comes out with his hair masking his face. He passes by the WZCW fans as they clap to the beat of his music. He stoically gives them an encouraging nod. Cameras cut to the "Ramparte Row" which has signs motivating the poetic superstar. The Recluse gets in the ring and perches himself on top of a ring post. He brushes the hair from his eyes, strokes his beard, and breathes in their cheers. Ramparte then flicks his tongue and hops off.
All new additions are bolded

----------------Backstage Attire: same as Ring attire only with a fedora, a black wife beater and the Cornicello Charm given to him by his mother around his neck.

Main Gimmick: The only child of notorious NY crime boss "Don" Angelo Mancini he has been told his entire life he is heir to his father's fortune and criminal enterprise and treated like a prince by his father's underlings. He thinks he can do no wrong and may be linked to some of his father's criminal undertakings and is watched by the FBI organized Crime Division's Agent Henderson. Because of this as well as other Families causing trouble 'Don' Angelo has tasked Gino Rizzoli, a soldier in the Family, to keep an eye on his son and accompany him ringside for all his matches.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Will go out of his way to insult his opponents as well as people he feels are beneath him. Will not tolerate anyone talking bad about his family and will get pissed very quickly any time someone brings up his or his fathers alleged criminal activity.

Entrance Description: He walks to the ring giving the fans extremely rude Italian hand gestures as he talks to his bodyguard Gino Rizzoli. When he gets to the ring he carefully takes the Cornicello Charm from around his neck and gives it to Gino. He is then searched by the ref for any foreign objects (The writer can have the ref find and confiscate illegal objects on occasion to change things up).
Gentlemen, it's a sad day. I'm retiring Lacey von Erich, but the replacement should be more than sufficient. Bit of a big update, too. Mostly just little tidbits. Sorry creative overlords, but it's been almost six months since my last one! Please, senpai!


Announced As: Eve Taylor

Making her way down the runway, from Milan, Italy, weighing 156 pounds... Eve Taylor!

Weight: 156 lbs


----------------Ring attire: Designer wrestling gear

----------------Backstage Attire: Designer clothes

----------------Physical Features: Scars along her forehead (from her more gruelling matches)

Sample Picture: (Taya Valkyrie)


Main Gimmick: Former Supermodel

2 Characteristics of Gimmick:

1) Views herself as a role model for beauty (transcending genders)
2) Strives for success; completely driven by becoming the G.O.A.T.

Entrance Description:

A single spotlight shines down on the entrance way with Eve Taylor standing there. As the riff comes in, she goes step-by-step, treating the ramp as fashion runway, with a smile on her face and singing the lyrics to the song. She heads onto the ring apron and climbs the turnbuckle, Rocky-style and holds her hand up high (or her championship, should she have one), grooving to the beat of her theme. She jumps down and continues enjoying the song.

Fighting Style: Show-woman & Strong Style

Signature Moves:

Facial Treatment - Mudhole Stomps [w/ Nakamura/Austin-like theatrics]
High Heel Kick - Spinning Heel Kick
Stiletto Stomp - Diving Double Foot Stomp

Regular Moveset:

Big Boot
Double Side Kick Combo
Forearm Smash
Knife-Edge Chop
Leg-Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb
Multiple Knee Lifts (to opponent leaning through ropes)
Northern Lights Suplex
Running Double Chop (to cornered opponent)
Snapmare into Running Dropkick
Suicide Dive
Thesz Press into Mounted Elbow Strikes
Various Pinning Combinations
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