Change in the divas title is an order


TNA knockout champion
I have been watching the divas lately, and I see that melina is still divas champion. I think its time for her to drop the title to somebody else now. I love maryse but definetly not her. She isnt deserving of the title. I think that you should consider the fact that Beth Phoeinix is there. IDK whos brand shes on since she has been switching between Raw and smackdown, but I think Beth should get the title shot. If not the title itself. we havent seen to many titles with her, and melina isnt doing so good now. I say let Beth have a run at the title. i mean with rumour that melina tore her ALC or ACL.. IDK which, give a tourney for the title. Let the finals end with Beth faceing maryse. And beth win. Or whatever. Just make melina drop the title
Seeing as Melina was recently injured at a house show, her dropping the title might happen, but then again Maryse was injured a while back,and she never dropped the title, so was Michelle McCool, she also didn't the drop the title. Anyway, I don't think moving Beth back to Raw would be a good idea. Who would she feud with? Let's say Melina's injury isn't serious enough to the point where she has to drop the title. Would you really want to see her feud with Beth again? They've feuded a dozen times in the past. Beyond Melina, there really isn't anybody else she can feud with that would look like a credible threat.

Maryse is probably going to be the next divas champion. WWE has been teasing this ever since her return, and I really can't see anybody besides her being the champion.
Great Thread btw....yeah I TOTALLY agree with SuperKnockout. The Tourney things Is great and maybe to put a twist push divas like Kelly Kelly, Alica Fox, Katie Lea... throw them in there and you've got 3 million more viewers then the previous weeks draw....again great thinking:thumbsup:
No new answer to this thread, but its time to unify these two titles under the Diva's championship. There simply arent enough women in the WWE to have 2 titles. There needs to be at least one other midcard title for the guys. There is a possibility that Melina could be out, and the other top face Diva is Mickie James and she is on Smackdown. Maybe Gail Kim might be thrown a bone on Raw. At WrestleMania 26 there needs to be a Diva's vs Womens Championship Unification match. Dream situation: Beth moved over to Raw before then and capturing the Divas title, Natalya capturing the Women's title on Smackdown, then a huge showdown in at 'Mania
Alicia Fox has a huge turn around since first debuting. I thought she was going to be a pretty face, but became a full pledge wrestler. You also have Gail Kim, who had not won the a title since coming back to the WWE. I think that Gail Kim would be a perfect for the Women title. I can see Gail Kim vs Maryse for the Women title with Kim winning it.
exactly. I think a Beth/Natayla feud on SD! would be better anyhow if one did a face turn or whatever
And SD! has some interesting feud options like Beth/Michelle

I'd rather see Maryse vs Melina, i like em both and they are the best two on Raw right now. Maryse will be the next champion and should be.

But I do think that the WWE should start pushing Alicia again to get a shot and feud with Gail Kim over it later in 2010

And it's really about time Layla gets a shot and becomes a serious competitor for the title on SD! and I'd like to see her go face and feud with Michelle and Maria too. I think it would be good to see Maria go heel

But anyway seeing as both brands have the feud options they do as I just pointed out a few options, they are all new and fresh and Beth shouldnt go back to Raw

It's really great right now because the only feud that wouldnt be new is Beth/Mickie on SD! every feud we're getting now from the Divas is new since they changed brands. Mickie never feuded with Michelle before and Maryse never feuded with Melina before

Melina, Mickie, Beth being the top 3 Divas in my mind feuding with others will boost them up more and having more Divas being boosted up through feuds with them will only strengthen the whole Division. After Maryse gets the belt I think a Kelly/Maryse feud is in order, I'm shocked WWE hasnt given her a shot yet, I could just see Kelly with that belt on Raw.

Another thing on Beth Phoenix... she's a dominant champion for sure, but just like Michelle, she's a BORING champion. Michelle has done nothing as champion so far and maybe it's a heel thing, but then again maybe not because there were heel Divas in the past better than her. I think there's only one reason she has that belt and it's nothing to do with her being any good in character cause I still think she's lacking

And her promos suck really. And the whole Piggy James thing isnt at all funny to me. She has to do better than that to get me to give her the nod as being any good

I like Michelle. I just want her to be better. She just isnt there yet imo. And she's being pushed too soon with this being first Divas champ to holding it as long as she did in 2009 thing. I really like Michelle just like I like to see Beth be a dominant force either brand as champion but I think they both need to bring more out on the mic & maybe in their characters

I'm just not satisfied
We've had way better heel Divas in the past
Well lets look over the heel divas on raw to see which diva could win the title from her. Maryse...thats fucking it. I agree the title needs to change but who else could win it. Maryse is the only heel diva on raw, unless you count Hall which I dont. If the WWE decides to let their chains free on Gail Kim then that would be the best choice. But since WWE will do the oppisite of what we want, that would seem highly unlikely.
It may seem Maryse may get the Divas Championship as it has been teased, but lets see a curve ball thrown again and have Alicia Fox or Gail Kim as the new champion. Alicia has really come around and Gail Kim would be a nice change of pace.
Well now that Melina's injury has been confirmed the tittle is vacant so I think a battle royal would be in order since there is no number 1 contender. Yes it would be nice to see Maryse win but I think Having Kelly Kelly win it would benefit the divas division because she has the look and she has the ability. the only other person I would like to see win the tittle is eve. When she was on Smackdown she was receiving a small push but now that she's on Raw she's been shoved into a useless relationship with Chris Masters.

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