Chance to Prove Sly Wrong (or Right)

shattered dreams

Hexagonal Hedonist
... though I do have to wonder at the mentality of a person who constantly complains about the conditions of a wrestling forum, a place where very few people actually want him, and yet still sticks around.

But hey, I'm willing to help. Maybe you just feel an addiction to this place. If that's the case, let me know, I'll be more than happy to help you.

I am not entirely sure what he means by constantly complaining about the conditions as I generally like the conditions and merely occasionally express complaints about inconsistencies and excessive bureaucracy.

Anyway, are there more than a "very few" of you that actually want me here?

Follow up question to make this a thread everyone can enjoy since I have little problem with dissenting opinions unlike some people on the forum, should I take Sly up on his magnanimous gesture to "help" me?
I'm pretty sure by help you he means ban you. So unless you are actually addicted to this place and don't want to be anymore I would say no.

I do enjoy most of your post though, but I'm really easy to get along with so take that for what it is worth.
I adore you. Don't take Sly up on his offer. The possibility that he bans you would make the forum far less interesting.
I've always been vocal that I believe you're a big asset to this forum. I don't think many feel the same way, but I also think that's a good thing more than a bad. Too many people here share the same opinions about most things and you're unique perspective on a lot subjects is refreshing since you don't back down an inch to anyone who questions you. You're actually a lot like Sly in that aspect, which is why it doesn't surprise me at all you two don't get along and probably never will.
I've got no problem with shattered dreams whatsoever (questionable tastes in professional wrestling notwithstanding).
I'll say this, as I'm new, not established, you've accepted my opinions and haven't ignored me because of my rep bar/post count. And I've quite appreciated it. You also possess a solid wrestling mind and your posts are not a chore to read.
I like your unique slant on the happenings n wrestling and your ability to hold your own in a debate on any subject. You're one of my fav five actually.

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