Championship Analysis: TNA World Heavyweight Champion #14 STING

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Welcome to my Championship Analysis thread series. These will be a little different than the typical (insert wrestler here) is the (insert championship here) champion threads. They will look at the figures involving the title's entire history, compared to the current champion.

The first edition will address the current TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting's reign. This is his 3rd time to hold the belt, and the 14th overall. Sting won the title on February 24th 2011 and has now held onto it for 58+ days. Let's take a look at the list of title reign lengths so far for this championship, from the longest to the shortest:

1. AJ Styles (9/20/2009 - 4/19/2010) 211 days
2. Sting (10/12/2008 - 4/19/2009) 189 days
3. Samoa Joe (4/13/2008 - 10/12/2008) 182 days
4. Kurt Angle (10/16/2007 - 4/13/2008) 180 days
5. Kurt Angle (6/17/2007 - 10/14/2007) 119 days
6. RVD (4/19/2010 - 10/10/2010) 113 days
7. Kurt Angle (7/21/2009 - 9/20/2009) 91 days (tie)
7. Jeff Hardy (10/10/2010 - 1/9/2011) 91 days (tie)
9. Mick Foley (4/19/2009 - 6/21/2009) 63 days
10. Sting (2/24/2011 - PRESENT) 58+ days
11. Mr Anderson (1/9/2011 - 2/13/2011) 35 days
12. Jeff Hardy (2/13/2011 - 2/24/2011) 11 days
13. Sting (10/14/2007 - 10/16/2008) 2 days
14. Kurt Angle (5/13/2007 - 5/14/2007) 1 day

As of the moment I'm writing this, the current title reign is the 10th longest out of 14. It will be the 9th longest in a few days. Now let's have a look at combined title reigns from highest to lowest:

1. Kurt Angle: 391 days.
2. Sting: 249+ days.
3. AJ Styles: 211 days.
4. Samoa Joe: 182 days.
5. RVD: 113 days.
6. Jeff Hardy: 102 days.
7. Mick Foley: 63 days.
8. Mr Anderson: 35 days.

Sting is currently in 2nd place out of the 8 wrestlers who have held this championship when you rank all of their reigns. He loses only to Kurt Angle in a ranking of days holding the belt. Finally, we will look at who has held the belt the most times, from most to least:

1. Kurt Angle, 4 times.
2. Sting, 3 times.
3. Jeff Hardy, 2 times.
4. AJ Styles, 1 time (tie)
4. Samoa Joe, 1 time (tie)
4. RVD, 1 time (tie)
4. Mick Foley, 1 time (tie)
4. Mr Anderson, 1 time (tie)

Sting is 2nd place with 3 reigns, losing to Kurt Angle who has held the belt 4 times. Most of the others have only held the belt once.

So here come some discussion questions.

1. Do you think that Sting will eventually dethrone Kurt Angle as the wrestler who has held the TNA World Championship the longest? Why or why not?

2. Do you think Sting will dethrone Kurt Angle at the top of the list of who has held the TNA Championship the most times? He cannot during this reign obviously, but he will he win a 4th of 5th reign somewhere down the line? Why or why not?

3. How long do you think that this particular title reign will last? Do you think it will last longer than AJ Styles' 211 day reign, which is currently the longest this belt has seen? Why or why not?

4. Finally.... Who do you think will defeat Sting and why?

I have done the analysis, now let's see what you have to say. I'll chime in with my own answers soon but I would like to see what the rest of you think about this title reign first. Also please make life easier for the mods by not spamming. Discuss! :)
I cannot see Sting beating Kurt Angles 4th title. Maybe a tie, but I hope not. I was somewhat expectant to see Sting ''give back'', but already a three time champion, holding the title longer than any TNA original is quite sad.

I can easily see him reaching the 100 day mark for his current title reign, but it is more about WHO he drops it to. Hopefully not Hardy or RVD, and maybe they can have him drop it to Anderson, who can go on to have a lengthy run. I know Anderson isn't a TNA original, but he has age on his side and health, as well as being a breath of fresh air to TNA.
Why are you discounting the TNA title reigns from the NWA/TNA days in this?

I would think for this thread you'd need to include all the way back to the 1st Huntsville "Gauntlet for the Gold" Show where Ken Shamrock won the belt, and move on from there.

Ken Shamrock June 19, 2002 49
Ron Killings August 7, 2002 105
Jeff Jarrett November 20, 2002 203
A.J. Styles June 11, 2003 133
Jeff Jarrett October 22, 2003 182
A.J. Styles April 21, 2004 28
Ron Killings May 19, 2004 14
Jeff Jarrett June 2, 2004 347
A.J. Styles May 15, 2005 35
Raven June 19, 2005 88
Jeff Jarrett September 15, 2005 38
Rhino October 23, 2005 2
Jeff Jarrett October 25, 2005 110
Christian Cage February 12, 2006 126
Jeff Jarrett June 18, 2006 126
Sting October 22, 2006 28
Abyss November 19, 2006 56
Christian Cage January 14, 2007 119

Christian held the belt until beat by Angle. At same time NWA pulled thier name off the title, thus making it the TNA World Title
I think Sting should drop it to a young up-and-coming heel. The problem is that TNA doesn't have anyone like that. Douglas Williams, Matt Morgan and AJ Styles could have served that role, but they all turned face.

What's probably going to happen is that Sting drops the title to Hulk Hogan. It seems that's where we're heading.
1. Do you think that Sting will eventually dethrone Kurt Angle as the wrestler who has held the TNA World Championship the longest? Why or why not?

A: No. I think TNA sees Kurt Angle as the big money and the face of the franchise which is why they have focused on re-signing him and making his feud with Jeff Jarrett so high profile.

2. Do you think Sting will dethrone Kurt Angle at the top of the list of who has held the TNA Championship the most times? He cannot during this reign obviously, but he will he win a 4th of 5th reign somewhere down the line? Why or why not?

A: Again I would say no. What I said above also pertains to this question. Kurt is younger and while he hasn't taken as gooda care of his body as he should have, Sting is much older and has been around longer. With Kurt in the lead right now I think there's little chance that Sting will out do Kurt Angle in the end. I love both of these guys, but I want to give the edge (in likeability) to Sting only because Angle has been acting like an ass lately (amazing wrestler though). Unfortunately this doesn't translate to statistics, it's all up to the bosses at TNA.

3. How long do you think that this particular title reign will last? Do you think it will last longer than AJ Styles' 211 day reign, which is currently the longest this belt has seen? Why or why not?

A: I don't think this reign will outlast AJ Styles, it might beat RVD's 113 days, but I think that's as long as it might last. According to recent updates it sounds like the people behind the TV scenes want Anderson to be champion, so I think this reign has a definitive ending and it could be much sooner than later.

4. Finally.... Who do you think will defeat Sting and why?

I think the person who'll beat Sting will be Mr. Anderson. Like I said with #3, the TV execs are pretty high on Anderson and he's held it once already. I like this guy too. I think he has the makings of a great TNA champion and I would to see more out of him (that unrealized potential from WWE). I think TNA is also building Mr. Anderson into the new face of TNA for when Kurt Angle, Sting and Jeff Jarrett decide to retire.
Now that I've edited my earlier post, I can answer your earlier questions. Sting HAS held the title 4 times for a total of 277 (current) days. However AJ Styles Has held the title 4 times as well for 406 days thus beating Angle for your longest reign, but this STILL does not beat the person who has held the TNA title 6 times for a total of 1006 days....

Yep Jeff Jarrett........

I know such a shock.....
Why are you discounting the TNA title reigns from the NWA/TNA days in this?

I disregarded the NWA title reigns because that was a different belt. The TNA World Heavyweight Championship did not exist until 2007. This thread is about the TNA World Heavyweight Championship's reigns, not about all world champions in TNA history. That involved the NWA belt which belongs to the NWA, not TNA. Once TNA were going to get their own belt, they started a brand new title history. The guys who held the NWA title were world champions while working for TNA, but that title's history is not a part of the TNA World Heavyweight Championship's history. This thread's analysis only addresses one belt in particular, rather than all of the former world champions that have worked for TNA.
1. Do you think that Sting will eventually dethrone Kurt Angle as the wrestler who has held the TNA World Championship the longest? Why or why not?

Sting would need to hold the belt until mid-September just to pass Angle now. I don't see that happening. Plus, even if it did, I'm sure Angle will get at least one more title reign before he's done in TNA. In the end, Angle will likely have the longer composite tenure as TNA champ.

2. Do you think Sting will dethrone Kurt Angle at the top of the list of who has held the TNA Championship the most times? He cannot during this reign obviously, but he will he win a 4th of 5th reign somewhere down the line? Why or why not?

Again, even if Sting were to pass Angle temporarily I'm sure Angle would catch back up in the end. But really, I think this is Sting's last ride as champ. Once this reign's over I expect him to move into more of a supporting role as a legend who works temporarily like we've seen from Undertaker and HBK the last few years. Right now he's there to try and increase TNA's exposure. By the end of this year (or even this summer) I expect the focus to have moved to the younger guys.

3. How long do you think that this particular title reign will last? Do you think it will last longer than AJ Styles' 211 day reign, which is currently the longest this belt has seen? Why or why not?

No way. I fully expect the belt to change hands within the next 2-3 months. For all we know, Sting wasn't even meant to the be World Champion at this point and it's all happened on the fly thanks to Jeff Hardy's issues. Also, you've never really seen an older guy like Sting get an extended title reign as a face. Long reigns by faces tend to only happen with the young workhorses.

4. Finally.... Who do you think will defeat Sting and why?

It's pretty obvious that Anderson's the crown prince right now. I expect he and Sting will finally have a big showdown at the next PPV after Sacrifice, with Anderson winning the belt and then probably moving on into a new program with either RVD or hopefully AJ Styles.
Do you think that Sting will eventually dethrone Kurt Angle as the wrestler who has held the TNA World Championship the longest? Why or why not? No. Kurt Angle still has too many days on the Stinger and in all fairness, TNA is too packed. We've gotten everyone from Anderson to Matt Morgan to Hulk Hogan who are all trying to get into the race and I honestly see him putting the first two over easily, and the last match being full of run ins from Immortal that eventually lead to his undoing. I think we need to realize that he's 52 and while that doesn't seem to mean much for Flair and company, I think he's done too much to continue hogging the main event scene. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up winning it back maybe once more after this, but again not for all that long and I'm pretty sure we all know Kurt is going to be in the business for at least a few more years. It ends up simply coming down to age, amount of talent gunning for the title and his already large list of accomplishments. He doesn't need to hold the belt, he's already established as a very large icon and it would much help a Ken Anderson or Matt Morgan a heck of a lot more.

Do you think Sting will dethrone Kurt Angle at the top of the list of who has held the TNA Championship the most times? He cannot during this reign obviously, but he will he win a 4th of 5th reign somewhere down the line? Why or why not? It may be surprising, but I see him winning the belt once more. I could see it happen when or if at this point, if Immortal does indeed end. He'd probably come back and try and win it from Hogan or something, trying to finally complete his task of dethroning Hogan/Bischoff. He'd end that way, meaning he'd end tied with Angle. It won't be like that for long though, and Angle will end up rising above again when the time is right.

How long do you think that this particular title reign will last? Do you think it will last longer than AJ Styles' 211 day reign, which is currently the longest this belt has seen? Why or why not? Nope. He doesn't need the belt for any longer, he won't even come close to the reign of Styles. Even when or if he gets the belt once more down the line, it won't be for two hundred and eleven days. I don't even know if he is in shape to hold it for this long, there is a large difference between him and "The Phenomenal One"

Who do you think will defeat Sting and why? I would love to see RVD get it before a guy like Anderson but I can't see that happening right now. Anderson's push has been too epic for him not to be rewarded for at least an average title reign. It'll be at Sacrifice, most likely filled with Immortal run in's, and will end with a Mic Check to the mat. After a while of holding it, it'll then be Hogan against Anderson with Hogan prevailing. And then? Hopefully, for the love of god, Sting comes in as soon as possible and takes it from him for at least a little while. I have to say that this is a great topic Dias and I'll gladly partake in future ones as well! Good job.
1. Do you think that Sting will eventually dethrone Kurt Angle as the wrestler who has held the TNA World Championship the longest? Why or why not?
No. AJ has a far better chance at doing that. Sting's reign already seems to need an end as he can't compete full matches. Not to mention he can't compete on a full schedule either. Storyline wise, Anderson seems primed and ready to dethrone him some time soon.

2. Do you think Sting will dethrone Kurt Angle at the top of the list of who has held the TNA Championship the most times? He cannot during this reign obviously, but he will he win a 4th of 5th reign somewhere down the line? Why or why not?
He might win his 4th. While he is hurting and age is getting to him, it's not quite as blatant. Short reigns can do wonders and he can easily be the most credible transitional Champion out there. So a 4th or even 5th reign really wouldn't surprise me.

3. How long do you think that this particular title reign will last? Do you think it will last longer than AJ Styles' 211 day reign, which is currently the longest this belt has seen? Why or why not?

It will most probably end as soon as a one on one match against Mr. Anderson is announced. Probably by Slammaversary. So no, I really doubt he'll reach AJ's length. Especially witht he crowded title picture and AJ himself lurking.
4. Finally.... Who do you think will defeat Sting and why?

Like I said, it seems Anderson is gonna get that rub that will put him over the top from this feud he has with Sting. So as soon as the two wrestle, Sting reign may end and allow him to focus on Hulk Hogan.
Why are you discounting the TNA title reigns from the NWA/TNA days in this?
Because NWA World Heavyweight Championship =/= TNA World Heavyweight Championship.
it wasn't that long ago when there were too many heels and not enough faces. Morgan/Styles were in Fortune/Immortal with Jeff Hardy as the champion. RVD was away "injured". Angle wasn't around. Nash/Sting walked out. even Anderson was out for some time with his concussion.
now there are too many faces and IMO no one who is the top heel who deserves the title. Bully? Matt? Abyss? IMO not what I would consider major top players who could be champion.
I think a few weeks ago TNA had the perfect opportunity to make Anderson the top heel that he fits in better and have him join Immortal. you had the perfect excuse for it, that he was so desperate for the title that he was willing to go heel to get it.
what heel can/will beat Sting? who can become heel to beat Sting?
I don't think it has to be a heel that beats Sting. there are many face options that could challenge Sting.. Anderson, RVD, Morgan, Styles.
someone who I think could become heel could be Samoa Joe. he is an intimidating bad ass. but what are the chances of that happening? doesn't seem very likely right now.

lately it has been the 3 involved in the title scene of Sting/Anderson/RVD. does Jeff Hardy return and get involved? last I heard he wasn't an option to be returning anytime soon. who else gets into the title scene? Morgan says he wants in, but now seems to be feuding with Steiner. Angel is still feuding with Jarrett.

I think it will end up being Anderson who beats Sting. it could happen soon. Sting can focus on Hogan/Bischoff/Immortal and TNA can continue with the "Network".

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