Cena's new opponent.

Im looking forward to their feud over the belt. I was one of the people who thought their feud earlier this year was cut kinda short. Now that it's for the wwe title it will bring the feud
to a new level. Cena is going to also deal with the nexus once again.
This feud would be great! i always wanted CM Punk to win a WWE World Champion(Finally) He hasnt had a reign since 2009. But if u just take out the new nexus, This feud would be even better! CM punk should stay with the WWE. Since Batista, Chris Jericho, and him were my favorite, and if he leaves, Thats gonna be hard:disappointed:
from reading a lot of blogs from people in wrestling and outside of wrestling, holding a title belt isn't as big as it used to be and it doesn't mean as much as it did back then.

if vince told punk "okay, just give me your name and i will give you a title reign" i think i would still say no.

and even if he does agree and they give him the belt, how long will he get to keep it? a month or two tops?? i don't like it. cena is going to come out on top whether punk stays or leaves since he has to have the belt for next year's wrestlemania.
This should be a great fued I liked their mini fued last year so it should be great. I just hope somehow someway he might get a chance to be WWE champion although I doubt it and this will probably mark the end of cm punk and the WWE relationship but at least he won't get jobbed by a nobody to end it.
I think if this feud happens it could be great especially if its given a little time to build. The only thing is no matter how it ends many in the IWC will still endlessly bitch about it. If Cena keeps the belt its "same old super Cena, never loses and squashes everybody, blah blah blah, I'm so bored!". Or if Punk wins "at first I liked the idea of Punk as a top heel, but now that he won its the same speeches he gave before and now he's boring blah blah blah". Mark my words, it'll happen.
Well on paper this feud sounds pretty damn good, epic worthy even if done right, but then when you factor in all the bull that goes on in WWE I don't expect much from this feud. After seeing Over The Limit WWE has convince me that if your not Chuck Norris, Robocop, a god from Mount Olympus, a team member from The Justice League, or The Avengers then you have no way of beating John Cena. So w/all that said I can't really get excited for anybody going up against John cause I know they have no chance of winning.

Looking at the facts the odds are not in Punks favor in this feud, one CM Punk couldn't even beat Randy Orton & we all know Randy is basically The Batman of the WWE so if a man after multiple tries can't beat Batman at least once how in the monkey hell do anybody suppose to believe that he has a better chance up against the Superman of the company. Then its this whole thing about his contract & he may not resign which I hope he will & I'm sure he will because where the hell else can he go & reach the heights that a wrestler can in the WWE? If your goal is to be a big time player in the wrestling business you can't achieve that goal anywhere else, but the WWE unfortunately. At this point in time w/the contract issues & stuff I can't really see this feud benefiting Punk at all, there really is no benefit in feuding w/the top dogs of the company if your just gonna be jobbed out to them. I hope this feud is good, but IDK WWE has gotten pretty good at delivering lackluster feuds & disappointing matches these days.

If you wanna run those comparisons with comic book characters, then think of it this way. CM Punk is the Lex Luther of the WWE. He doesn't have anything more then Batman has... but he is damn sure smarter then Superman. Punk vs Orton worked, it's just that segments had less ending cliffhanger then most... for example; If Punk would have gotten into the bus with Randy's wife... yeah, think about it. Instead we got a wrench and Nancy Kerrigan.

Now again, Batman vs Lex Luther; nothing special on paper. Superman vs Lex Luther, he's gonna find a way to cripple Superman. And if ANYONE in the WWE can make that work believably, it's Punk. And it's all in the mindset and manipulation. Punk will find his kryptonite.

But now that the nerd shit is over, this is a major way to deal Punk into the WWE again. The whole negotiation makes sense, if you think about it. Punk is holding off selling his identity. It's a freedom of choice dispute. Punk is highly regarded as one of the best by legends. Fans flock to him regardless of his alignment. His ability to find a way to get a reaction from an entire audience. He is basically an even cockier version of Jericho. His name suits his entire persona. It's his identity.

Whatever walk of life Punk decides to seek out after wrestling, his identity will always relate to his term of endearment. He is a PUNK.

He wants the freedom of choice, so no matter where he goes or what he does after his wrestling days are numbered, to be able to use that moniker.

If you want an idea on how much WWE wants to keep him, and how much the fans love him; NO ONE has made the comparison to Punk and Ultimate Warrior. Warrior couldn't drop his gimmick, couldn't live without his gimmick. Punk's gimmick IS Phillip Brooks.

Now, try thinking about Phillip Brooks making his return to ROH for a reunion show or something along those lines...
I love this feud, but the only problem i have with it is when it is rumored that someone might leave, and if he does leave, they will use Cena to embarass and potentially bury the career of CM Punk which would add even more heat against Cena, but let's hope that CM Punk stays and that possibility does not become a reality
im a huge fan of CM Punk, but he hasn't won a match at any ppv since him v Rey Mysterio at extreme rules (that wasnt a clean win) last year. he hasnt held anything since hiac 09. no wonder why hes rejecting his contract renewal offer.
Should be interesting and hopfully we will see a less predictable end to the saga. Punk does have it all and does deserve another title reign. I agree he needs to lose the Nexus though.. I think Nexus was a good idea and in it's early form was effective but since Wade left and they became new nexus it's been another "oh could have been so much more but poorly done" fiasco. Punk is good on his own and hopefully will capture gold and stay in the WWE.
I can see this happening. I love Cena. I've been a fan of him all my life. Punk is also one of my favorites. Seeing Edge go was bad enough but if I saw Punk or Cena go I would be sick.
They should have Punk win the title at MITB i his home town of Chicago. Then at Summerslam give Cena back the title. That way Punk gets his title run and we see The Rock v.s Cena for the WWE championship.
This is an opportunity for the WWE to provide fans with a potential feud of the year candidate and show Punk that they've realized what they have in him. As far as I know, Punk & WWE are still in contract negotiations and I think if the WWE shows Punk with this feud that they consider him one of THE guys, he'll resign with them. I think that's primarily what he wants and I can't blame him. The quality of his work is almost entirely top notch and it seems pretty obvious to fans and everyone backstage that Punk is a main event level talent.
What should happen, won't happen. CM Punk and Cena should, and absolutely can, put on a great wrestlemania type match at summerslam, with Nexus threatening an interference, but punk continuously backs them off, and Punk wins clean after at least 2 GTS's to put away supercena.
Then Cena takes some much needed time off, and Punk drops the Nexus scums and turns face to take on heel jericho. my opinion. then Cena comes back to the usual Super Cena ways.
Oh great , just what i want to see again. Cena get beat down by Nexus for the 100th time.

Its the same old stuff. If your going to do this kind of fued, Nexus needs to be completely gone from it.
I think punk is gonna build nexus and for a period of time all nexus members will have gold. Cena eventually gets it back but i think this is only if punk oficially re-signs. Otherwise i see cena and truth working a short program until a more lengthy one with del rio occurs
CM Punk and Cena have unfinished business. Their feud got tossed aside for Orton vs Punk (which went on for far too long) and due to Orton being the worst face ever it was also boring.

CM Punk is the best heel the company has to offer. The WWE needs to do all it can to keep him in the company. Vince needs to let the man keep his name, the name he made for himself and came into the company with.

A real Punk vs Cena feud could be a classic, Punk just needs to drop the Nexus or vs versa either way he needs to be a solo superstar without the group to back him.
As much as I love Punk, a WWE Championship feud with Cena at this spoint would be a huge waste. Punk with the Nexus is probably the worst and most uninteresting I've seen him. That doesn't necessarily mean he is bad and uninteresting, though. CM Punk is like pizza. Even bad Punk is still pretty good. But what I'm saying is that I want Punk at his best if he's going to feud with the face of the company for the WWE Championship. I don't want him with some boring wastes in uniform t-shirts. I've longed for a CM Punk/Cena feud where it is the straight edge saviour trying to convert the face of WWE and freedom.

Currently, I'd love to see what R-Truth could do in a title feud with Cena. I'm loving Truth's crazy heel character and considering his former friendship with Cena and the way they see the fans, it could be a great feud to have for a couple of PPVs.
Spot on with punk, spot on!
However, I really hope that they don't pit truth against cena. Whenever truth picks up a mic I'm tempted to change the channel because I know whatever he is going to say will be off the wall and pointless. The 'little jimmy' talk makes me cringe, and during his rants there are some uncanny similarities between truth and booker's commentary.
I would like to see truth get paired with miz now that a-ri has apparently made a face turn (yay!), and take the belts away from the nexus thus involving punk in another feud. But I have a feeling all of that is wishful thinking :(
No doubt it will be Punk. I don't think Truth is up to that level yet, though they seem to be making everybody think he is.
i would love this feud it was entertaining but wwe dropped the ball and cena got the miz i hope they give us a great fued and punk wins his 4 world championship
I'm very excited about this rivalry! CM Punk has been a major player for years in the WWE and it seems as if he's the only one who Cena's not had a feud with. Although there are some key things to this which need to be brought up:

The Half Rivalry
Punk and Cena feuded between the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber, We had the introduction of Mason Ryan when he came and destroyed Cena, then I feel as if it got a little stale as it was the same as the previous Nexus storyline where they would come down to the ring and beat on Cena, however it picked up at the Rumble when Cena vowed to eliminate every member of the 'New' Nexus, and did so. Then we had the Elimination Chamber match, however by this point Punk had started feuding with Orton by this point, however in the Elimination Chamber match when it came down to Punk and Cena it was too predictable by then! Then of course we had the Cena/Miz(/Rock?) Rivalry and the Punk/Orton rivalry, both of which were quite disappointing.

How This Storyline can be the best in a while - Or the Worst!
How it can be good
Ok, this is what I want to see happen, agree or not? :
Cena has his rivalry with R-Truth as we know he's probably going to have, Punk comes out after Capitol Punishment and calls out Cena for a title shot, Cena accepts and we have ourself a PPV main event (I think Money In The Bank is the next PPV after Capitol Punishment?). Anyway, meanwhile WWE is keeping the information hidden as to whether Punk agreed a new contract or not (You'll See Why), Then at Money In The Bank we have Punk Vs Cena in a Steel Cage for obvious reasons, Cena wins as there's no chance, even if it is what I want to happen that Cena's going to loose to Punk fairly. I quite liked the thing we had leading up to Mania where Orton had to challenge each member of the Nexus for their spot in Punk's corner, this happens again for Punk's Re-Match against Cena at SummerSlam, only this time Cena wins every match but the one against Mason Ryan due to the distractions of Punk. SummerSlam Main event - John Cena Vs CM Punk w/Mason Ryan
Predictable but we all want to see it happen, Punk wins courtesy of Ryan.
Cena gets a re-match at the next PPV (No Idea what the PPV is though!) only this time he wins it back, even with the Nexus coming down and beating him up whilst the ref is down. The next night on RAW we have Punk leave the Nexus due to him being pissed that they couldn't get Cena beaten up enough, Punk orders a re-match for Survivor Series, Cena agrees on one stipulation: Title Vs Job. (Now you see why I wanted the information hidden as to whether Punk agreed a new contract or not). Cena gets disqualified due to the Nexus coming down and beating up Punk, therefore Cena keeps his title and Punk keeps his job (I KNOW IT'S A CRAP ENDING BUT THIS RIVALRY WILL DRONE ON IF IT DOESN'T END BEFORE PEOPLE GET SICK OF IT!!), From there we have a Face turn Punk Vs the Nexus, and from there we have the Money In The Bank Winner cash in on Cena and they have their own rivalry for a while until the Rock returns so they can have some cheap pops at each-other before Mania!

How this Rivalry can be crap (And what's probably going to happen)
I think Punk is one of those people backstage whose out for himself and probably wants a lot more than he gets in terms of money, air time, title shots etc. So I can see him telling WWE to stuff their title reign and stuff their job, instead we have a crap rivalry that only lasts for a month or two, it results in Cena beating up all the nexus, not having his title change hands to Punk, and having Punk exit due to a Title Vs Job match, where WWE would have probably already reviled wether Punk is signing a new contract or not!!

Anyway, Agree or not? :)

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