Cena's new opponent.


Do I have everybody's attention now

This exclusive says that Cena's next opponent will most likely be CM Punk.

How is this different from other guys he faced? Well, simple really. Cena likes Punk and has pitched an idea of how to take him out when his contract does expire and like it or not, going out against a Champion isn't a bad thing for a wrestler.

It also says that WWE is going to sweeten the deal by offering him the championship should he re sign which is...fucking great!!

So, what's your opinion on this? Should he stay, leave, how will the feud be and is there a chance Punk will re sign if they give him the title?
I have been waiting for this feud all year. It picked up nicely in the beginning of the year, and I was heavily entertained. But then it shifted to CM Punk vs Randy Orton which was a bit horrendous.

I liked his feud with John Cena when it first started, both these guys have great in ring chemistry. CM Punk has been jobbing The Beer Belly Buddies: Kane & Big Show, and I honestly can't take it anymore. CM Punk is a FUCKING star, he is a FUCKING star. He is golden on the microphone, and his promos beat the shit out of Miz's promos.

I am one of the few people who love watching ROH and Japan (NJPW, AJPW, NOAH) and still love watching John Cena matches. John Cena is great with anybody he works with, and once he feuds with CM Punk, it could very well be feud of the year.

And for CM Punk's contract, I can't possibly imagine him leaving (Unless for some time off). And also, I thought CM Punk wanted to keep his name for himself, as WWE wanted to buy his name, but CM Punk refused. I don't really understand these rumors too well. But I think CM Punk has a great chance of staying with WWE, I think he likes WWE too much to leave.

I respect John Cena for stepping up and telling all the idiots in the back that CM Punk is as much of draw then The Miz and Alberto Del Rio, and R-Truth (Who they seem to be pushing now also).
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When it comes to the total package, CM Punk is the best performer in the WWE. What I mean by this is that he has everything a wrestler needs in order to be successful in this business. He has the mic skills, the charisma, the connection with the fans, a true gimmick/character, and last but not least, he is a great in-ring performer. It is because of this that he is my favorite superstar at the moment. He belongs in the high profile feuds all year long, not in pointless tag team feuds. We got a little teaser of this feud at the beginning of the year and tbh would much rather see this headline Summerslam than the rumored Del Rio match.
So, what's your opinion on this? Should he stay, leave, how will the feud be and is there a chance Punk will re sign if they give him the title?

Well on paper this feud sounds pretty damn good, epic worthy even if done right, but then when you factor in all the bull that goes on in WWE I don't expect much from this feud. After seeing Over The Limit WWE has convince me that if your not Chuck Norris, Robocop, a god from Mount Olympus, a team member from The Justice League, or The Avengers then you have no way of beating John Cena. So w/all that said I can't really get excited for anybody going up against John cause I know they have no chance of winning.

Looking at the facts the odds are not in Punks favor in this feud, one CM Punk couldn't even beat Randy Orton & we all know Randy is basically The Batman of the WWE so if a man after multiple tries can't beat Batman at least once how in the monkey hell do anybody suppose to believe that he has a better chance up against the Superman of the company. Then its this whole thing about his contract & he may not resign which I hope he will & I'm sure he will because where the hell else can he go & reach the heights that a wrestler can in the WWE? If your goal is to be a big time player in the wrestling business you can't achieve that goal anywhere else, but the WWE unfortunately. At this point in time w/the contract issues & stuff I can't really see this feud benefiting Punk at all, there really is no benefit in feuding w/the top dogs of the company if your just gonna be jobbed out to them. I hope this feud is good, but IDK WWE has gotten pretty good at delivering lackluster feuds & disappointing matches these days.
Punk definitely deserves another title run. I want to see it happen and the fact that Cena (the face of the company) is backing him makes me hope for this even more. I like Punk a lot. He has the look, the credibility he can carry a high caliber match for two or three months at a time. And if Cena is willing to drop the title to Punk, let him do it. Bottom line, keep CM Punk around he's too good to go to a second rate show/promotion (no offense to the Impact fans).
Hang on kiddies, and with Cena fans in attendance children is all they can be, but didn't Punk spend the last few months jobbing to Orton and then decline even further with mini fued with Kane and Show? How is that in anyway a legit No.1 Contender compared to the recent record of Del Rio etc? Plus didn't most of last summer consist of Cena v Nexus? How bar Vince could think a re-run of that debacle would be good for business?

Don't get me wrong, I share the opinion Punk is one of the few total packages in the company and is second only Danielson as an in ring worker, but non of that means a fig going against Cena at the best of times. Add in the contract dispute and only outcome would be occasional one overs by Punk on RAW followed by serial defeats at PPVs. If he doesn't re-sign then Cena gets even more pop for chasing of Punk and if Punk stays, he goes to back of title line after SSlam.

Do anyone, bar pre-pudescent Cena marks think the brass would put the strap on Punk given this contract dispute? Especially if Punk sticks to his guns and retains his name and cost them money. I also fail to understand why people think a title run would act as an incentive to re-sign. The title isn't earned it's awarded, mostly on a whim. Only more money would make Punk sign, money which can't be clawed back on the whim of Vince like any title could.

Does Punk deserve another shot? Yes. Would be he make a legit champ than Cena? Of course. Has recent booking made him look a legit contender and in front of Del Rio? No and emphatic NO. It's upgrade on Cena vs Mizerable matches, but don't expect a different result. Leaving the WWE after losing to such an inferior competitor as Cena would be the ultimate indignation for Punk.
Cm punk is wwes top heel right and cena us the top face and seeing the promos and the matches early this year with them I will watch raw every week to see it
All I know is if Punk is the next feud for Cena, then Money in the Bank is gonna be that much more fun. Last time there was a PPV in Chicago, Punk needed a 10 minutes promo to get fans against him in his hometown. There is no way that Cena is the face in a main event against Punk in Chicago, it will be booked that way, but the pop that Punk is gonna get when he comes out of the back will make the little kids cheering for Cena sound small.

I could also see them putting the belt on Punk in Chicago to try and get him to stay, kind of the opposite of Hart where he didn't want to job to Michaels in Montreal, except that it won't be a screw job.
It's right the move. It was rumored to be the wrestlemania's main event but no way would cm punk flow in with rock-cena as well as the miz could. I hope this future feud doesn't involve Nexus (Wishful thinking on my part), I think we've seen enough of that episode last summer.
Sounds good, especially if it does indeed convince Punk to stay and lets face it, what better incentive is there to stay with the WWE than winning the world title from John Freaking Cena. If this does happen then it should be awesome, their mini feud at the start of the year was great and it was a shame they never really got a proper blow off. If you give these two 20 minutes on a PPV though they will definitely tear the house down.

I have my doubts about wether this will happen though, all signs point to an eventual Punk vs Mason Ryan feud, probably blowing off at Summerslam, and there are some strong rumours of Del Rio vs Cena at Summerslam as well. Unless they have Punk win the title at the next PPV and then drop it back to Cena in time for Summerslam then I am not sure about this. Plans can change of course and the WWE could hold both feuds off for a bit.
Well on paper this feud sounds pretty damn good, epic worthy even if done right, but then when you factor in all the bull that goes on in WWE I don't expect much from this feud. After seeing Over The Limit WWE has convince me that if your not Chuck Norris, Robocop, a god from Mount Olympus, a team member from The Justice League, or The Avengers then you have no way of beating John Cena. So w/all that said I can't really get excited for anybody going up against John cause I know they have no chance of winning.

Looking at the facts the odds are not in Punks favor in this feud, one CM Punk couldn't even beat Randy Orton & we all know Randy is basically The Batman of the WWE so if a man after multiple tries can't beat Batman at least once how in the monkey hell do anybody suppose to believe that he has a better chance up against the Superman of the company. Then its this whole thing about his contract & he may not resign which I hope he will & I'm sure he will because where the hell else can he go & reach the heights that a wrestler can in the WWE? If your goal is to be a big time player in the wrestling business you can't achieve that goal anywhere else, but the WWE unfortunately. At this point in time w/the contract issues & stuff I can't really see this feud benefiting Punk at all, there really is no benefit in feuding w/the top dogs of the company if your just gonna be jobbed out to them. I hope this feud is good, but IDK WWE has gotten pretty good at delivering lackluster feuds & disappointing matches these days.

Well Chris Jericho is ment to be coming back as Thor so we might seen a title change too a true legend in Chris Jericho. And i love the sound of this feud but the need to do it right. Thats the onli problem with the wwe now is theres not directing their feuds right these days. I think they couldve got more out of the cena miz feud if they had of done it right.
If this feud being used to send CM Punk on his way, I rather they not do it. I'm tired of watching Cena so called resting the careers of far superior wrestlers. It sucked to see guys like Angle & Jericho sent on their way by the super hero we know as Cena. I would rather see his departure explained by using a beat down from Nexus or something.
Probably unpopular but I hope this is not true. Didn't we see this feud just a few months ago? I would prefer to watch something new. I like Punk but how has he earned a #1 contendership? Yea I know it is the WWE so what deserving mean but get real.
I could see NEXUS turning on Punk and making him 'leave' WWE if a dal can't be reached but Punk not Punk as a serious contender. JMO
Punk v Cena has ALL the potential in the world to be the very best match possible in WWE for a good while to come. Both men work incredibly hard and it's a case of top heel vs top face.

I do hope that Punk and WWE work out the name issues (which is why Punk is apparently reluctant to resign) and WWE just give him what he wants (rights to his own name) in order to keep him on board as Punk is a large reason why a lot of people who previously watched Ring of Honor now tune into WWE.

Punk has given WWE a large fanbase to work with and tbh I would now think WWE needs Punk as much as Punk needs WWE. Hopefully this feud will prove how important Punk CAN be.

If we end up going down the New Nexus route though, please don't let this be a wash, lather, rinse, repeat of Orton v Nexus and let the Nexus get control of Cena for a good while...
It also says that WWE is going to sweeten the deal by offering him the championship should he re sign which is...fucking great!!

Can you please learn to read.. AND I QUOTE:

WWE has the option to offer Punk a title run in order to sweeten the offer for him to stay.

No where does it say they are GOING TO. They have the OPTION TO. Christ this is how useless speculation starts that Cena will drop the title.

As far as the rest goes. Having Cena and Punk feud is great for business. As both men are very over the the crowd. Having CM Punk take on Cena as his potential last feud is great because it may allow for Punk to see that WWE values him. And in turn he could gain (again not WILL gain, COULD gain) a good title run out of this. Yes he should re-sign. Where else is he going to go? Junky TNA? He could go to Japan where I'm sure he would make a killing but the "E" is the main stage.
Who cares who Cena's next opponet is going to be. Its going to be the same over and over again. Cena gets one beat down to make him look human, and then takes control and looks unstoppable the rest of the time, taking away the credibility of the guy he's booked against.
IF Punk is planning on staying or at the very least, if he hasn't totally made up his mind yet, I have no problem with this feud.

IF he is for sure leaving, I have major problems with this. For one, they're going to make it look like Cena is the one that made Punk leave, which is not the case. Knowing Vince, he'll make Punk do something embarrassing before leaving (like when they made Bastista scream "I Quit" then made him come out in a wheel chair).
Good this will surely secure Punk as top drawer, sure he'll get owned i don't like the Title dangling like a carrot though, he has earned a title shot christ what terrible fueds did he have last year on SD! Rey, Big Show, he and SES got it handed to them all the time i know this is typical in Heels but at times it was plain unnecessary and he still carried the fueds.

Atleast this will make for decent main event matches i hope Nexus don't get involved Punk doesn't need to lose and with a group lose that is just wank.
I, like many others, have been waiting for this feud for awhile. CM Punk has been getting some great heat. I really don't want to look at the end (whether Punk leaves or not), I'm looking forward to the good segments and brawls.

Although I'm pretty sick of New Nexus garbage, I'll put up with it to see CM Punk have a title run.

It's a nice break from the Miz run. I wonder what will happen with him now that he's out of the title picture.
This feud won't be that good until and unless Punk drops this baggage that calls itself The Nexus. Seriously, I mean that Punk's interactions were Cena were great until Nexus got involved. The only memorable moments that I have of Punk's feud is Orton are the ones that do not involve Nexus. These guys have the capacity to fuck up even the feuds between the most talented guys. Not sure if it is entirely their fault though, because WWE likes to book them like jobbers whom the babyface steamrolls through en route to his meeting with Punk.

As for Punk staying, I do not think that he will stay even if the WWE offers him the title. Punk is clear that he wants to be seen as a superstar on par with the likes of Orton and Cena because he believes he has the talent to be on that level. Unless WWE agrees to book him in that manner, he will not stay. He is smart enough to understand that he will just be given the title to ensure that he re-signs but I don't think that Punk will be lured into signing the contract on such a flimsy basis.
It also says that WWE is going to sweeten the deal by offering him the championship should he re sign which is...fucking great!!

While I won't be nearly as obnoxious as the other guy who commented on this portion of your post, it's worth pointing out. This dirt sheet report (also worth calling it exactly what it is) said it's possible Punk might get a title reign, if that will keep him with the company. That's hard for me to believe.

I don't think Cena is losing that title anytime soon. In fact, if I had to predict, which I don't, I would say Cena keeps that thing through WrestleMania 28, where he will most definitely defeat The Rock. I think they want Cena looking as strong as ever going into that match, and losing the title, to anyone, would work against that idea.

Is making sure Cena looks all-powerful going into WM28 more important than bringing back Punk? I guess we'll have to wait and see. But, I wouldn't be shocked to find out Punk having a title reign is completely off the table in favor of Cena looking like a monster. And NO, Cena marks, I'm not complaining about what I think he's going to be doing over the next year. So just relax, please ;)

In the end, it's impossible to predict what Punk might do, seeing I don't know the guy, and he seems like a free-spirit kind of guy. He seems to do what he wants to do, and I'm not sure money is as big of a factor to him as it may be to others in that business. Interested to see how this all plays out.
So Cena wants to get another notch under his belt by taking credit for making another person leave. Scumbag.

really dude??? really? really? cena wants to work with him so hell stay..he is a spporter of punks and if punk can get the title hell want to stay..i think its great for punk itll show that the wwe has faith in him..punk is the biggest heal they have right now and prolly the best wrestler they have as well..with the exception of maybe daniel bryan but the wwe needs him not as much as punk needs them but they do need him...if punk went anywhere else it wold be a waste of his time and money bcuz he wont make as much anywhere else....the WWE is the major leagues he doesnt need to waste his talent...the only problem i have is that cm punk might embarrass cena in the ring...cena botched very simple transition moves the first time they faced but hopefully cmpunk will help him out haha bottom line is..punk needs to stay with wwe and this may be the best way for it to happen
So Cena wants to get another notch under his belt by taking credit for making another person leave. Scumbag.

really dude?? cena wants punk to stay thats why he wantes to fued with him so the wwe will see how valuable punk is to them...giving him the title will def raise his spirits and if punk went anywhere else it would be a waste of time talent and money bcuz the wwe is the major leagues everyone knows that. im very excited for the fued and hope punk will make cena look good in the ring..and that punk can get the title and stay hes one of my favs right now so id like to seem him at the top even if its only for a month or two...good things will come from this fued
Let me just preface this by saying I'm going to allow myself to be a blind mark for a second and assume this is true. Well, I've been practicing for just such an occasion. I've been practicing the jig of true happiness. It takes every muscle in the body and one false move could leave me a paraplegic for the rest of my life - it's the same dance Stephen Hawking did after inventing gravity - so I'm going to do the sensible thing and do it as I type.

As I risk my wellbeing doing this joyous, dangerous dance, let me take you back to the 16th of May, 2011. Ah, simpler times!

As of right now, I'm trying to think who on Raw he could have a great feud with. Daniel Bryan got dropped out the airlock. Rey Mysterio has been done, I don't really want to see it revisited so soon. So, uh, speaking of revisiting stuff, I think it should be John Cena. Only, wait for it, do it properly this time. Rather than have the wet fart that is the Nexus dampen their great matches and great chemistry once again, this is what I'd do:

  1. The feud begins with Cena killing Nexus by hitting them with a truck. Tell Nexus that it's a stunt and it'll be fine, but do a Montreal screwjob and actually kill them. Full on run them over with an eight-wheeler. This may involve euthanizing some half alive, talentless, tire-crushed corpses after the show goes off air but tell me you wouldn't watch Raw if it went off the air with David Otunga screaming as blood streams from his eyes and his life slips away.

I'm going assume that the WWE is the Eugene kind of ******ed, where they book dream matches, and not the "I messed up doing the jig of true happiness" kind of ******ed, where you're a dribbling vegetavle and don't get rid of the Nexus. So expect CM Punk to be giving a motivational speech to his stable in the locker room when a truck unexpectedly ploughs through the wall, killing them. For added comedic effect, have David Otunga's disembodied head spin through the air and land in Punk's hands.

So, if Punk gets shot of the wet fart, the cancer, the annoying baby in McDonald's that is the Nexus and has a title feud with John Cena, then you better all start running now because I have developed the power to make my dreams into reality. I'm going to ride a hundred foot Mighty NorCal through France and kill everyone with his laser eyes first, then play football using the moon as the ball--

Whoops, I slipped. I can now only move my index finger. Typing this is taking forever, let me tell you. But let me tell you this as well; if Punk wins the WWE Championship at any point, the deformed mess of jelly that used to be my nervous system will re-form and I will do the jig of true happiness once more!

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