
Pre-Show Stalwart
Yea i said it. Okay this may be a little bias but i think Cena would be a huge heel if he turned now. Let me explain...

Most people above the age of 13 already hate him, or dont care for him at all. If he were to turn heel, which i think he could, then the young fans would hate him because he is their super hero.

When Cena turns heel he will be one of the most hated of all time. He could sell his heelish turn by doing his "5 moves if doom" to spite us. PERFECT

what are your thoughts?
Cena heel,Well that idea sounds good cause trust me I hate this dude right now,I really dont know why E fans say that he is the Face of RAW/WWE. He is getting very stale. Cena was cool when he started his WWE career,His fued with late great eddie Was great i clearly remember that parking lot anything goes match,He also had a great fued with carlito's.

But now all them feuds he had in the past 2 years,lets see:Orton,Big show,Edge,Orton,Orton,HHH.Yeah he keeps feuding with the same people over and over.

Lets bring him back in the midcard level as a heel and make him have fueds with:Masters,MVP,Henry,Other midcards.

The WWE superman well lets turn him into The WWE's Most hated villain.
I have been wanting this to happen for a long time as I feel Cena can make a better heel than a face and it would shock the world, but I don't see it happening for one reason: Merchandising. Cena is currently outselling everyone in merchandising (even though all of his stuff looks like it was drawn by a five year old) and is the biggest money maker in WWE right now, and that's mostly due in part to the kid audience. There is a reason that guys like Orton & Legacy & Show don't get to the top all the time and that's because as heels, people are generally less marketable (even though Legacy & Orton's stuff is the best designes in years). If Cena were to turn heel, he would not be selling as much merchandise, and when it comes to Vince nowadays it's all about the money.
This topic has already been brought up time and time again. I only started watching WWE in 2005 so I've never seen Cena as a heel. Do I want to see this happen? Yeah sure I would. It would be interesting. Will it happen? Not likely, at least not anytime in the forseeable future. It was already mentioned, the biggest reason for this is merchandising. If Cena turns heel, his merchandise won't sell as much to his target audience (the kids) and therefore less money in Vince McMahon's pocket. It's the truth. I'm sure there will come a time when Cena will turn his back on his fans and turn heel but for now, you're gonna have to put up with him being a mega babyface.
oh god....this thread again? the responses are always the same: cena would be better as a heel, but he won't turn because he sells too much merchandise.

There should be a banner on the website saying this.
Cena heel,Well that idea sounds good cause trust me a hate this dude right now,I really dont know why E fans say that he is the Face of RAW/WWE.He is getting very stale Cena was cool when he started his WWE career,His fued with late great eddie Was great i clearly remember that parking lot anything goes match,He also had a great fued with carlito's.

But now all them fueds he had in the past 2 years,lets see:Orton,Big show,Edge,Orton,Orton,HHH.Yeah he keeps fueding with the same people over and over.

Lets bring him back in the midcard level as a heel and make him have fueds with:Masters,MVP,Henry,Other midcards.

The WWE superman well lets turn him into The WWE's Most hated villain.

You couldn't bring Cena back to the mid-card at this stage of his career even if for some unknown reason, the WWE would consider such an assinine move. Whether you love him, whether you hate him, or whether you're neutral regarding him, he's the biggest name in the WWE today, he's the face of the company in the present and will be in the future. He'll always be a main eventer at this point, there's no going back.

I would love to see a heel turn from him, I think it would be incredible. I don't buy into the bullshit that he won't turn heel because of the merchandise he sells, because of the PG rating, or all of the other arguments the IWC likes to produce to explain why he could never turn heel. Anyone can turn heel. Austin turned heel (for a little while and unsuccessfully but he still did). The Rock turned heel. Hogan turned heel. Bret Hart turned heel. They were all huge names and they all turned heel at some point in their careers. Granted these are different times, but no one is above or beyond a heel turn. I could see a heel turn for him, but I think it would only work for a short while. Then he'd see the errors of his way and return to the invincible super-Cena that the IWC hates so much.

Want to turn the wrestling world upside down? Have Cena/Hart versus McMahon/Batista at WM26. Cena and Hart win the match, with Cena taking Batista out while outside the ring, while Hart applies the Sharpshooter to Vince in the middle of the ring. Vince taps out, the arena goes wild, and when Cena returns to the ring to "celebrate" with Hart, he blindsides him, pulling out his arsenal of 5 moves to screw Bret Hart once again. In cahoots with McMahon all along. The confrontations of the last few weeks were a set-up, a work.

Next night on RAW, Cena comes out and cuts a promo about being disrespected by the fans and the WWE itself. Booing him after all he's done for the company, while cheering Hart who left the WWE 12 years ago to jump ship to the competition. Bret knows about all of this in advance and is OK with it, it's not an actual screwjob this time, only kayfabe.

Cena stays heel for a while and re-connects with his fans, then eventually and gradually returns to a face (probably by Summerslam).
This thread pops up once a friggin week! Turn Cena heel, have him go back to the rapper gimmick, have him join Vince in screwing Bret......blah! Have you seen the promos the guy has cut two of the past 3 weeks? Maybe the best of his career, certainly the most passionate, heartfelt, and well developed, as a face. And they were promos as to why he does what he does....for the fans! And hes gotten huge pops for them. Could it be because hes defending an utter legend in Bret Hart? Yeah, sure. But could it because hes doing a great, convincing job as a face? I think so. Besides, he has a ready made program with Batista, why would they jeopardize that now by turning him heel? And then theres the merchandise sales, the grand marshalling, the cross promotions on other shows(Psych), all the tv, radio, and interviews he gives that gives WWE MAJOR exposure......poof! Gone! and you know Vince isnt going to allow that to happen.
i'm going to take a different approach to this topic, because quite frankly you are oversimplifying the subject down to merchandising. Cena sells tickets, he sells ppv buys, he sells dvds, that is a lot more than a simple t-shirt. Cena is a bonafide face that is over with the fans and can realistically be a main event draw. Why on Earth would you turn that heel, especially when you do not know how well Cena could perform as a heel? And let's face it, in the old days you turn a guy heel because he has no heels left to feud with. News flash, Cena has already feuded with all the top faces, so there goes that theory.

Just two weeks ago, when Bret Hard was being attacked, who did the fans call for without prompting? that's right, Cena. Sometimes, once in a generation, you get a guy who the fans will call out as a hero. Cena is that guy, to turn him heel for no reason other than to satisfy the 5% of the fan base that does not like him would be an insult to the fans who have invested so much time in him.
Why does everyone hate on Cena so much? He is a very good wrestler, and his promos are solid.
Do I enjoy him squashing guys like Ted? No, but I also don't enjoy the fact guys like Randy Orton have to cheat to beat people just because they are heels.

His last few promos have been above and beyond. When he puts that sermon voice on, man it's killer and compelling.
I dont buy tickets to see Cena i buy tickets to see every wrestler in the Raw roster not just Cena.Yeah he sells shirts and all that crap,But come on do u go to wwe events to see cena or to see the whole roster.When a buy a PPV i buy it to see HHH,Undertaker,HBK,Rey,JoMo,Miz.Once i see that cena's match is up next, i just walk away or go to the bathroom.Like i had said it last time in another thread adults also watch WWE not only childs,Shit even younger brother is tired of Cena.

As for taking him back to the midcard level why not?HHH has been there HBK has been there.And b4 that they were maineventers and as we all know HHH,HBK go back and forward to help others under there level.All the great wrestlers go back to midcard to help other's in that level.what just cause Cena is the top face for this era.
Just don't see it happening right now. just be happy that the man is standing up to Vince lately. just look at the last two times that VKM has been on Raw. John has come out and cut promo's on Vince saying that for Vince everything is about the all mighty dollar.

I think that is about as close to heel as Cena is going to get for at least one more year. Yes I think that Cena should go back to being a heel but think he's going to end up as a tweener role standing up to Vince and his never ending quest for more money
Have you seen the promos the guy has cut two of the past 3 weeks? Maybe the best of his career, certainly the most passionate, heartfelt, and well developed, as a face. .

I disagree 100%. I don't think I'd even know a truly passionate Cena promo if I saw one because the guy pretends to be extremely passionate about everything he says. He breathes heavily, kisses ass more than anybody I've ever seen (including Hogan), spews phony dramatic "respect" at every good guy there is or was. It's all for show and it ALWAYS makes him look like he's better than everybody else.

Remember Vince's old speech back in 96 or 97 about how "We think the fans are tired of having their intelligence insulted. We think you're tired of the simple concept of good guy vs. bad guy."? Anybody remember that? Well if that's true, then what in God's name do you call John Cena? Never give up, always have respect, always have an attitude, always be respectful, etc. Sounds a little like "Say your prayers, eat your vitamins" to me. I can't respect that because it's not real and the guy saying that money doesn't matter is making more money than anybody. Give me something I can believe. I don't hate a character who makes more money than the others, but I hate him when he pretends he doesn't.

John Cena absolutely represents the whole "all about the money" accusation that he throws at Vince. He's a boring, bland, cornball. He's always blabbing about respect for the business and the greats who came before him and all that. Harley Race had the same respect for his elders, but he didn't preach about it every week. Every single word out of Cena's mouth is designed to make him look like he has a heart of gold. The best good guys don't ALWAYS say and do the right thing. That's what makes them compelling and able to be identified with. I don't want him as a good guy and I don't want him as a bad guy, simply because I don't want to see him win and I don't want to see him lose. I just plain don't want to see him. Sorta ike X-Pac.

If John Cena REALLY had all of the respect for the business that he claims to, then he'd have learned how to f*cking wrestle by now. Period.
i'm going to take a different approach to this topic, because quite frankly you are oversimplifying the subject down to merchandising. Cena sells tickets, he sells ppv buys, he sells dvds, that is a lot more than a simple t-shirt. Cena is a bonafide face that is over with the fans and can realistically be a main event draw. Why on Earth would you turn that heel, especially when you do not know how well Cena could perform as a heel? And let's face it, in the old days you turn a guy heel because he has no heels left to feud with. News flash, Cena has already feuded with all the top faces, so there goes that theory.

Just two weeks ago, when Bret Hard was being attacked, who did the fans call for without prompting? that's right, Cena. Sometimes, once in a generation, you get a guy who the fans will call out as a hero. Cena is that guy, to turn him heel for no reason other than to satisfy the 5% of the fan base that does not like him would be an insult to the fans who have invested so much time in him.

You sound like one of those little kids that likes Cena. Anyways forget about all that. Cena sux, and trust me it is more than 5% of people that don't like Cena. He is a major draw, just like Hogan was, but guess what when Hogan turned heel he drew even more. We do know what Cena is like as a heel, he is better. Right now every damn word that comes out of his mouth sounds forced, sounds like he has no passion behind it. I mean let's compare him to the Rock, the Rock's promo never seemed forced, they were natural and you enjoyed every minute of them, but Cena's are dull and over with. I know plenty of people that are tired of Cena, and have truly stopped watching WWE because of him. Right now Cena is what HHH was back in 2003 a guy that was on top only because he was kissing ass. It is time for Cena to change up, I don't dislike Cena, I just want Cena to change because right now he sux. Who cares about merchandise sales, because when Hogan turned heel, Hogan's merchandise was skyrocketing through the roof, but he still sold merchandise as a heel because true fans will still stick behind their favorite wrestler whether he is good or bad. HBK is a good example of that. We like HBK as a face, but when he brings that heelish style out everyone loves that side more. Anyways Cena going heel is a great idea, and brings about a different aspect to the WWE right now and better feuds for Cena obviously because Cena could help elevate some mid-card guys that are ready for that main event spotlight.
cena needs to turn heel but likely wont due to merchandise...his character is stale,his moveset is stale(the whole world knows he has 5 moves, then its get beat down for the match the hulk up lol).......with orton seemingly every tv event getting more facepops there gonna need a top heel. as someone else said, i can envision the first cena heel promo just like how someone else said, cena will likely stay that the fans turned on him and now the fans can stick it(in pg sense)
I don't think John Cena is "X-Pac heat" because a lot of fans want to see Cena, to cheer or boo. I was never a Cena fan when he was a "thug life" hero for 14-18 year-old boys. Later, he had the World title forever, and that was also annoying also.

In the past 2 years or so, I just am indifferent on John Cena. He is a top face, but does not hog the spotlight like he did before, or when HHH was the champ forever and would not lose.

As for his moveset of 5 moves, that is true, but look at HHH, Orton, HBK on Raw and they also do the same 5 moves in every match. Are you trashing them also? When was the last "new" move from any of the top guys on Raw? The only new moves are from Kofi or Bourne and they are going nowhere.

So, there is no reason to turn Cena heel. He can wrestle HHH or HBK without being a heel.
Cena will heel turn at WM26

I can picture him screwing Bret out of brets match with vince and having the iconic picture of Cena raising Vince's hand in victory at WM26.

Then he should trade to smackdown and fued with a face over there. Christian or Edge fued would be good or even a rey fued if they worked it well.
Cena's only truly entertaining as a heel in my opinion. At first I enjoyed Cena's face rise but since it's been years of the same thing it just gets old. Since when can the top face not turn heel because of merchandising? Look at the merchandise of Stone Cold or the Rock, both went back and forth as to their face/heel alignment but both still sold ridiculous amounts of merch. Have Cena vs Edge with Cena as the heel and Edge as the face or something to that nature. Anything! Just mix it up! Make me like Cena again, I really want to, I really do........and for the love of shit give him a few new maneuvers.
Cena turning heel would be a great idea. Orton is getting more cheers and so is legacy every week on raw. I remember on Smackdown last week when they showed batista attacking him half of that crowd was cheering. And thats because smackdown has mostly an adult show. Cena is the one that sells tickets because lets do the math.

1 cena fan (age 6-11)
+ 1-2 ppl who go with him/her
+ the possibilty of another brother
that equals 3-4 people per cena fan

multiply that by $70 for the average price per show
4 x 70 = $280 per family on average
Now Multiply $280 x 6000 for the of kids per show on average
that equals $1,680,000 per show probably

So that equals never going to happen. Now 1 cena fan(woman age 15-35) + 2-4 for her friends/boyfriend/husband equals 5. 5x70=350. So now 350 x 3500 for average female attendance = $1,225,000 also equals never gonna happen. if you add the 2 up it equals $2,905,000 per show probably. That means no chance in h*** thats gonna happen. hes too much of a draw to turn heal. the woman would probably still go but wwe could forget about the kids. they could also say hello to about 15% less ppv buys. Parents buy the merch to only please their kids so they won't cry in the middle of the show.

Week after week hes getting more "you can't wrestle clap clap...clapclapclap" and "cena sucks!" chants.His moveset is getting stale. Especially his Five Moves of Doom crud. Once he does the flying shoulder block you kno EXACTLY!!!! whats going to happen next.

His goody goody hero character is stale. His "Never give up,Never back down, and have respect" phrase reminds me alot of "Say your prayers and eat your vitamins" and trust me when i say HE IS TAKING SOME SERIOUS VITAMINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another reason his is at the top is because he kisses Vince's A**! So would i like to see a heal turn YES! H*** YEAH! but its not gonna happen.
Let's take a look at some of the all time great heel turns and compare it to Cena:

Hogan: At the time, Hogan's act was most certainly stale and he was not even in WWE any more. WCW had problems using the red and yellow Hogan as it was (does the Yeti ring a bell?). And most importantly, red and yellow Hulk was not selling anymore. Hulk Hogan was undeniably the greatest face in wrestling history, and Hollywood Hogan became arguably the greatest villain in wrestling history. Tough to say if Cena could have the same impact, but most importantly Cena is still over with the fans as a face, big time as evidence the past two weeks. He is still selling, and because of that i cannot say he is stale.

The Rock (SS 98): Only one Wrestling star will ever be as good as the Rock was on a mic, and it sure as Hell ain't Cena. Plus the Rock was still an upper mid-card guy in 1998, not the main event phenom he would become. Definitely a different part of his career from where Cena is now.

Austin: This is the most likely comparison, especially for the poster who said he could team with Vince at WM 26. But the Austin heel turn became an unmitigated disaster that the WWE had to give up on within 8 months. It gave us the mind-numbingly irritating What? chant, and also 3 months of ridiculous back and forths between Austin and Kurt Angle vying for Vince's attention. Ratings, and the overall quality of the product, plummeted. Should Cena turn heel, i would expect it to turn out a lot like the Austin turn rather than Rock or Hogan.

But, if you haters really want Cena to turn heel, there is only one way to do it effectively. He challenges Undertaker at WM, and defeats him by cheating. Then, after the match he pretends to celebrate the Taker's streak, but continues to blindside him causing Taker to be injured for several months. Only that would be a Grade A level heel turn. Remember, most fans dont even remember who Bret Hart is, and not that many even know Vince by his "Chairman" character anymore. For Cena to turn heel by beating up Bret Hart is too blah.

And getting back to my point, if he turns heel who is he going to feud with that we havent seen before? Someone said Edge, really, like we have not seen that 30 times? Christian? he just got has butt whipped by Shamus. Should Cena turn heel the product would not be any more or less fresh than what you see currently.
john cena doesnt choose his rival. gosh, the writers do. For me cena is a hardworker but vince ruined him. i want to see him heel, cuz he is boring now. but i would never hate him
Just like many others have said, this thread again huh? I know that everyone is going to respond to this with 'You're a new poster and you don't' but I just never post. I'm sick of seeing all the same things about Cena or other wrestlers for that matter. First off I've watched wrestling since the early 80's and I'm 30 now. I love Cena, and always have since his debut. So that goes against the statement of only males under 13 and females like him. And the 5 moves of doom thing is bogus as well. Every wrestler only does a certain amount of moves per match and Cena does just as many as 90% of the roster.

For someone to say that Cena is all about the money is absolutely ridiculous. This guy puts more time into the business now than any other performer. He does more autograph signings, charity events, appearances, make-a-wish memories than any other wrestler. 99% of people on the roster at any time would be better as a heel because heels are more interesting. They are the ones cheating and lying and finding ways to better themselves and one up the faces. Faces have to abide by the rules for the most part and react to what the heels do so this same agrument could be made for anyone. It is much more difficult to get cheered than to get booed. Do I like Cena as a heel? Yes of course. Do I like him as a face too? Yes again. Cena puts his heart and effort into everything he does and you never see him just throw it in. He has had good matches with veterans and he has had good matches with younger guys. He's not afraid to put someone over at any time (and no you don't have to lose to put someone over either).

The problem with the internet is that no one is happy all the time.

Fact: you can't push everyone at once. Fact: some people have to lose the matches or people would complain about too many no contests.

Fact: not everyone can be a face.

Fact: not everyone will get what they want.

If all you do is complain about Cena, or wrestling in general, then why do you watch? If it puts you in a bad mood to see Cena pushed, watch CSI Miami instead of Raw. I watch wrestling because it entertains me and always has. I may want certain peple to be pushed or win more or be champ but I never complain about a show and that's why I still watch every show and ppv and enjoy it, because I'm not complaining.
For someone to say that Cena is all about the money is absolutely ridiculous. This guy puts more time into the business now than any other performer. He does more autograph signings, charity events, appearances, make-a-wish memories than any other wrestler. .

So did Hogan. It comes with being the top guy. Any world champ at any time does all of the things you just named. Hogan's the best example because it fits your descript to a tee... but didn't he admit to being all about the pay check and being strictly business?

Cena puts his heart and effort into everything he does and you never see him just throw it in.


He is booked to win 95% of the time and when he loses, he's booked to look like it was a fluke or he's still clearly capable of winning again. How much heart does it take for the lead actor of a movie to win the fight in the finale if it's all been scripted?

I'm not knocking his work ethic as a man, but his work ethic when it comes to learning his craft. His storytelling ability SUCKS. You don't believe it when he's beat up at all. You don't believe it when he uses his "tremendous heart" to win a match because you never really believed he was losing to begin with. It's the art of storytelling and John Cena f*cking sucks at it. He doesn't tug at your emotions unless you're 6 years old and have no clue that it's fake. We all know pro-wrestling is pre-determined but there are a few great wrestlers (Taker and HBK, anybody?) who make you forget that and who are able to take you along for the ride. Cena is numbers, t-shirt sales, and autograph sessions. He's a star. Good, great, grand, wonderful. Props to the man for only sleeping 3 hours a night. Super. It doesn't make him suck any less when the bell rings.

I don't hate the man, I hate the wrestler. It's very similar to how I have zero respect for Ashton Kutcher as an actor because he sucks, plain and simple. I prefer the Robert DeNiro's instead, no matter how many book signings Ashton does.
Most fans today are hypocrites and probably not true fan, they always have something to say, even when their in denial, for example, who the hell really thinks hhh earns those world title reign without playing politics? Once again, they're in denial and are full of it, I myself am a Cena fan, I would totally love for his character to turn heel, I stuck and defended Cena, I think he works his butt off for the business,

Most fans today are like, "Oh wait, he's too stale, he only has 5 moves, he can't wrestle!" Uuumm SHAME-US has like 3 moves (one which he copies, ala the razors edge) yet he's champ! (a bogus one at that) as a face, I am still a John Cena fan, I would root for him as a heel too! all those haters of John are exactly like the rocks fan in the beginning when the rock first showed up in the wwe (the idiots were chanting, "die rocky die!") (do any of those so call wrestling fan knows how F up that is to actually say that to a person just trying to make a living?) And what happened the moment he became a heel? All those fans chanting those disgraceful words became fans,

I for one liked the rock when he was just rocky Maivia! I am always rooting for John cena everytime, even when my friends aren't! I am a John Cena fan and I would like for him to turn heel, It has to be a good unexpected heel turn though, just like when the rock won that tournament at the survivor series, no one saw that coming!
For the record and for the people who say "If you don't like it, don't watch", that's precisely what I do. I haven't been able to watch wrestling in almost five years without rolling my eyes. I do, however, check in when I hear some buzz about something like Hart's return, or Taker/HBK, etc. Do I favor the old guys? No, there are plenty of old guys who were boring as all hell... but I favor the greats and right now the greats in WWE are almost all over 35.
I honestly believe John Cena will be terrible at whatever he does in wrestling. He's just not a good wrestler. The guy has a VERY limited moveset, not to mention very sloppy execution. On the mic, he is way too over the top, and unbelievable. We've heard/said all of this. Vince WILL NOT turn him heel. Until these little kids grow up (like all of Hogans fans did), and his merchandise sales go down.

Someone said earlier that turning the face of the company heel has happened before: Hogan, Austin, Rock. Yes, that is true. But the WWE is more concerned right now with merchandise sales than ever before. Also, when Austin turned heel at mania 17, the Rock was just as big as Austin at that point in time, so the WWF was not worried about merchandise sales taking a hit based on having Rock there to take Austins spot.

I just don't see Cena turning heel with where his popularity (among kids and women) is. Plus, I don't his 5 moves of doom or whatever the hell you call them, would work very well for a heel. He doesn't wrestle a main event heel style. And as for him going down to the mid card, whoever said that needs to get back on their meds. There is NO WAY Vince is putting this guy back down, not a chance in hell.

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