CCS vs. The World

I'm going to make a rule of not banning anyone if they chose to get into a relgious debate willingly.
it wasn't racist, it was just plain ignorance from someone that has been spoon fed religion his whole life. At 17 I really doubt he realizes what he's saying, and I doubt he's had enough "real world" experience to fully understand the words he typed.
They boy obviously has access to outside sourcing where he can look this stuff up. Obviously ha can watch wrestling and see Muslims are good people...err... obviously he can watch the news where they show Muslims in a good light... err... well I'm sure wikipedia has a great page on Islam.
I think people don't realize how badly people that live in highly religious environment are sheltered from the outside world.
I don't think it's an issue of shelter. I would consider i've led quite a sheltered life, but there's still a time you have to know why you believe something, but still respect that you can't change other's views.
I think as the population of the world is fastly approaching seven billion, you really have to understand that there are seven billion people out there that have different views as you do. Christians, Muslims, and Jews make up a huge swath of that population, Im not exactly sure, but it is probably closer to four billion. That means that there is at least three billion people that do not believe in the God of Abraham. Wouldn't it just be easier to accept those people than to try and change them? Religious debate does nothing but improve ones faith, or ones outlook, as long as you keep an open mind about others beliefs. By best friend is Protestant, My girlfriend is Atheist, I have a great friend who is Baptist, and I am a Catholic. We have all talked about our own faiths, but we all listen to each others beliefs. When it comes down to it, is it not easier just to love those people as friends then to hate them for their differences?
They boy obviously has access to outside sourcing where he can look this stuff up. Obviously ha can watch wrestling and see Muslims are good people...err... obviously he can watch the news where they show Muslims in a good light... err... well I'm sure wikipedia has a great page on Islam.

Wikipedia does, in fact, have a fantastic page on Islam. It's a featured article and a well protected from vandalism. Good place to begin research on the topic.

It's true that the media does portray Islam in a negative light a lot, and like you said, characters like the Iron Shiek and Daivari in wrestling certainly don't help things. Although, come to think of it, has the new Daivair (Shiek Abdul) ever actually said he was a Muslim? Just Iranian, to the best of my knowledge.

The problem is, people see Osama bin Laden, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and the like, and then you have propaganda from a great deal of hard rightists, and a relatively small section of the faith (Islam, totaled up, composes the second largest religion in the world at over a billion) gets bad rap for the whole lot of them. According to the studies I've read, Al-Qaeda totals somewhere between 1000 and 2000 members, and they compose one of the largest groups of Muslim radicals. Factor in the other groups, I sincerely doubt that there are much more than 10,000-15,000 (being very generous) subscribers to that type of radicalism in the world. The other nearly billion Muslims? I'm sure not all of them love Christians and Jews, but I'm also sure that they don't profess a desire to kill every last one of them. There's intolerance on both sides, and there's radicals on both sides, but the majority Muslims would really prefer that people shove off and stop calling them all terrorists.

So the general problem is the relatively small number of crazies who blow shit up wind up looking like they represent the whole group, mostly because the Western media only tells you about them, and not the great number of Muslims who are no better or worse than anyone else and would like to be left alone.
Wikipedia does, in fact, have a fantastic page on Islam. It's a featured article and a well protected from vandalism. Good place to begin research on the topic.

It's true that the media does portray Islam in a negative light a lot, and like you said, characters like the Iron Shiek and Daivari in wrestling certainly don't help things. Although, come to think of it, has the new Daivair (Shiek Abdul) ever actually said he was a Muslim? Just Iranian, to the best of my knowledge.

The problem is, people see Osama bin Laden, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and the like, and then you have propaganda from a great deal of hard rightists, and a relatively small section of the faith (Islam, totaled up, composes the second largest religion in the world at over a billion) gets bad rap for the whole lot of them. According to the studies I've read, Al-Qaeda totals somewhere between 1000 and 2000 members, and they compose one of the largest groups of Muslim radicals. Factor in the other groups, I sincerely doubt that there are much more than 10,000-15,000 (being very generous) subscribers to that type of radicalism in the world. The other nearly billion Muslims? I'm sure not all of them love Christians and Jews, but I'm also sure that they don't profess a desire to kill every last one of them. There's intolerance on both sides, and there's radicals on both sides, but the majority Muslims would really prefer that people shove off and stop calling them all terrorists.

So the general problem is the relatively small number of crazies who blow shit up wind up looking like they represent the whole group, mostly because the Western media only tells you about them, and not the great number of Muslims who are no better or worse than anyone else and would like to be left alone.


/Chris Crocker moment


Flames Out
The problem is, people see Osama bin Laden, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and the like, and then you have propaganda from a great deal of hard rightists, and a relatively small section of the faith (Islam, totaled up, composes the second largest religion in the world at over a billion) gets bad rap for the whole lot of them. According to the studies I've read, Al-Qaeda totals somewhere between 1000 and 2000 members, and they compose one of the largest groups of Muslim radicals. Factor in the other groups, I sincerely doubt that there are much more than 10,000-15,000 (being very generous) subscribers to that type of radicalism in the world. The other nearly billion Muslims? I'm sure not all of them love Christians and Jews, but I'm also sure that they don't profess a desire to kill every last one of them. There's intolerance on both sides, and there's radicals on both sides, but the majority Muslims would really prefer that people shove off and stop calling them all terrorists.

The problem with middle eastern and Islamic perception here in Australia is that the vast majority of Islamic people don't want to be called terrorists, because they aren't, but in all areas of Sydney and NSW here (Not sure about where the rest of you guys are) there is a very large problem with middle eastern gangs, crimes like rape, robbery. I'm not saying other nationalities don't do it, they do, but it's a very large problem where ever you go and the fact that the middle eastern people do not want to be called terrorists, yet the middle eastern youth of today act in such anti-social ways and operate gangs, commit crimes, etc certainly does not help societies view of them. The NSW police have made middle eastern crime a top priority to tackle.

I myself have some great middle eastern and Islamic friends, I know they are good people, but there has to be some sort of realisation on the part of those people who wreck it for everyone else and they have to realise "Hey, if we don't want to be seen as idiots, maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't attack people in gangs, maybe we should't act like idiots and have respect for everyone regardless of race or religion, maybe we will receive the same respect back".
I have no problem with Muslims. I have a problem with Muslim (or any religion) extremists who try to instill their way of life on others or kill them for not believing the same way they do.
The problem with middle eastern and Islamic perception here in Australia is that the vast majority of Islamic people don't want to be called terrorists, because they aren't, but in all areas of Sydney and NSW here (Not sure about where the rest of you guys are) there is a very large problem with middle eastern gangs, crimes like rape, robbery. I'm not saying other nationalities don't do it, they do, but it's a very large problem where ever you go and the fact that the middle eastern people do not want to be called terrorists, yet the middle eastern youth of today act in such anti-social ways and operate gangs, commit crimes, etc certainly does not help societies view of them. The NSW police have made middle eastern crime a top priority to tackle.

I myself have some great middle eastern and Islamic friends, I know they are good people, but there has to be some sort of realisation on the part of those people who wreck it for everyone else and they have to realise "Hey, if we don't want to be seen as idiots, maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't attack people in gangs, maybe we should't act like idiots and have respect for everyone regardless of race or religion, maybe we will receive the same respect back".

Yeah I have a friend who lives in Australia that I used to talk to and he complained about that once. We don't act much like that the suburbs LOL.

Flames Out
Yeah I have a friend who lives in Australia that I used to talk to and he complained about that once. We don't act much like that the suburbs LOL.

Flames Out

Well, it's funny, the problems are actually mainly in the suburban areas here. It is actually quite a big problem, middle eastern gangs that is. In the news paper a couple of weeks ago, the NSW Police said that tackling it was one of their biggest priorities.

I don't have a problem with the nationalities or religions as I have friends from different middle eastern backgrounds and friends who are Islamic but I think that society tends to look at the middle eastern community in NSW and suburban Sydney and see them acting in an unsocial, anti-authority, disrespectful way and form an opinion based on what the middle eastern youth of today are doing in Sydney. I honestly think that if they were to take a hard look at what they are doing and how it negatively affects their goal of being seen as decent, we might actually get somewhere.
Well, it's funny, the problems are actually mainly in the suburban areas here. It is actually quite a big problem, middle eastern gangs that is. In the news paper a couple of weeks ago, the NSW Police said that tackling it was one of their biggest priorities.

I don't have a problem with the nationalities or religions as I have friends from different middle eastern backgrounds and friends who are Islamic but I think that society tends to look at the middle eastern community in NSW and suburban Sydney and see them acting in an unsocial, anti-authority, disrespectful way and form an opinion based on what the middle eastern youth of today are doing in Sydney. I honestly think that if they were to take a hard look at what they are doing and how it negatively affects their goal of being seen as decent, we might actually get somewhere.

I think if they're going to act like that then they won't have the capacity to reflect on the consequences of their actions on the bigger picture.

Flames Out
I think if they're going to act like that then they won't have the capacity to reflect on the consequences of their actions on the bigger picture.

Flames Out

That's true. It's probably hard for people who don't actually live in the suburbs here where it is a problem to understand it. I will give one example of it.

Walking home from the hairdresser place after getting my hair dyed and spiked up in liberty spikes before my formal. Walked past some and saw they were looking at me so I just looked away and they felt the need to slap me on the back of the head for no reason simply because I look different to them, in effect wrecking some of the spikes. I wasn't going to start with them, because if a group wants to bash one person, they will. There's no wrestling moves for that.

It's random things like that, that make people have a negative view on middle eastern people and muslims, but because I have friends who are middle eastern and Islamic, I don't.
That's true. It's probably hard for people who don't actually live in the suburbs here where it is a problem to understand it. I will give one example of it.

Walking home from the hairdresser place after getting my hair dyed and spiked up in liberty spikes before my formal. Walked past some and saw they were looking at me so I just looked away and they felt the need to slap me on the back of the head for no reason simply because I look different to them, in effect wrecking some of the spikes. I wasn't going to start with them, because if a group wants to bash one person, they will. There's no wrestling moves for that.

It's random things like that, that make people have a negative view on middle eastern people and muslims, but because I have friends who are middle eastern and Islamic, I don't.

I wonder why it's so prevalent over there.

Flames Out
I don't think anyone can really say why it's so prevalent but I think that they act in such a way because of peer pressure. One of my friends, who I have been talking to less and less because he used to be real decent, but now him and his cousins act like gangsters and idiots, once took his Dad's car with his cousin for a drive once and he doesn't have his leaners liscence. Just one example of something peer pressure does. He wouldn't have done it if his cousin didn't tell him to.

So I'm going to go with peer pressure because around here, it's densly middle eastern populated, they have a lot of relatives, a lot of friends, large families and are exposed to peer pressure all the time to try and act 'Kewl' or better than their brothers, cousins, friends.
The problem is lumping the actions of a gang like that, or a terrorist group, as a reflection of every single last Muslim, or any member of any ethnic, religious, or racial group. It sucks that there's that kind of gang problem in Australia, but the problem a lot of people have is that they see that kind of crap on the news, and then see a regular guy who is a Muslim and identify him with the same group.

People have to start recognizing that just because a middle eastern, or any kind of race or faith or whatever, just because that guy does some stupid shit, that doesn't make every person in that group a bad person. Individual people make individual choices, and the vast majority of people have to get that through their heads.
The problem is lumping the actions of a gang like that, or a terrorist group, as a reflection of every single last Muslim, or any member of any ethnic, religious, or racial group. It sucks that there's that kind of gang problem in Australia, but the problem a lot of people have is that they see that kind of crap on the news, and then see a regular guy who is a Muslim and identify him with the same group.

People have to start recognizing that just because a middle eastern, or any kind of race or faith or whatever, just because that guy does some stupid shit, that doesn't make every person in that group a bad person. Individual people make individual choices, and the vast majority of people have to get that through their heads.

Pretty much what I was trying to get across. To me, the problem seems to be that the vast majority are decent people and who want to get society to see Islamic and Middle Eastern people in a good light as decent people, but there is also the problem of the youths who think it's 'kewl' to play gangster, run their mouths off, etc. The youth need to have someone who can properly teach them this. Wether it be a teacher, a sheik or a parent. If they want to be seen as decent, then the youths who are in gangs and stuff, they have to realise "Well hang on, if my mates and I are acting like ********s, maybe that's what society thinks we are. Maybe we should be nice if we want to be seen as nice."

They are working against their goal.

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