Cassel Goes Down: Fans Cheer?

GI Cake

Thank God For Sodamy.
When you're an NFL fan, you learn quite a few things just from watching the game. You'll see legends like Brett Farve rise to the top, and then later begin to fade away. You can see a team like the New England Patriots create a dynasty and win multiple superbowls, you'll see players rise against adversity to quiet the critics like Kurt Warner, and Drew Brees. Then you may see things that may shock you, or disturb you. when you see someone who has been the center of a franchise like Peyton Manning get released from his team. Or when a player takes a head injury, shortening their careers. But if you were watching the Chiefs game on mute, you would fail to hear the fans cheering when Cassel was unable to get back up under his own feet. Can you believe that?

The Chiefs are in a rut, but that is more than a common sight for the team. The Chiefs have a 1-4 record, and Matt Cassel is under-performing for the team. So far, he has thrown for 5 touchdowns and 9 interceptions. Matt before that injury against the Ravens had thrown 2 interceptions. Obviously, if you are a fan of the Chiefs, you wouldn't be too thrilled with his performance. But does that justify you to cheer when Matt was unable to stand after a hit to the head? Is there ever a situation where you can cheer for an injury?

As a fan myself, I can't lie and say I never wished an injury on a player to get them out of the game. It is the emotion of the game, you see this player playing either too good, or not good enough and you say "I wish something will take him out of this game." But never have I actually cheered when that same player goes down with an injury. For instance, I hate Tom Brady, I hate Tom Brady for the same reason why most fans hate Tom Brady. He is not playing for my team, and when he is playing against my team, he tends to play well...Too well. However, when Tom Brady was injured and lost an entire season to a ligament injury I didn't cheer, it made me feel guilty. The man had to sit at home with his smug look with his hot supermodel wife and his millions of dollars. He may be playing just fine now, but later down the line the hits he has taken and those injuries are going to come back to not only haunt Brady, but anyone who has played the game at the level Brady has. Cassel included.

What say you Wrestlezone? Do you cheer when an athlete suffers an injury in a game? Do you condone the fans who have cheered for Matt's injury? If you were a Chiefs fan, would you have cheered for Matt as he was unable to remember where he was?
No I don't cheer when someone is injured. I'm not a fucking monster. No I do not condone the actions of the Kansas City fanbase. They're a bunch of fucking idiots and this is coming from someone within. Need proof? Look at who they believe the answer is at Quarterback:


Brady. Fucking. Quinn. Sure, I'll readily admit that Cassel is not the long time solution here and after this year, it's time to move on. But you don't downgrade at a position when you're losing, you upgrade. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that Brady fucking Quinn can do any better than Cassel. For one, there is only one person on offense who is playing at a high level and that is Dwayne Bowe. Charles is piling up yards and is probably one of the best guys in fantasy, but dude has 3 fumbles in the past 2 games. He's hurt them every bit as much as Cassel has. Shit, half of Cassel's picks have hit the receiver right in the hands and they can't hang on.

People always like to point to the old adage "The QB gets the praise when they win and gets the blame when they lose." They always fail to mention the qualifier, 'According to stupid people who are educated only on highlights and stats and don't pay attention to the actual fucking game on the field." Cassel wasn't costing the team games anymore than Alex Smith is winning them for the 49ers. He has a shitty team around him so in turn, he plays shitty. He's not a great QB but he's emphatically better than Brady Quinn.

I can stand by a losing team. I can stand by a fanbase of ******s seeing how virtually every fanbase in the league is stupid. I will not stand by a fanbase of classless fucks who cheer when their own guy goes down.

Fuck Kansas City.

To be fair I read a comment from another article about the Cassel incident, and it had to do with why the fans cheered. The comment was from a Kansas City fan who was at the game, that said at the time it showed on the jumbotron backup quarterback Brady Quinn warming up. The fan said that is why he had cheered, as he fully supported that Quinn should be starter as opposed to Matt Cassel. He claimed he stopped cheering once he saw Matt Cassel was injured on the field. I believed this story, and I assume that may be why so many people cheered. Of course I don't think everyone who cheered may have done the same, and in that case there were probably guys who were cheering for Cassel getting hurt.

Fans did the same thing in Cleveland when Quarterback Derek Anderson suffered an injury, and was carted off. Many fans are ruthless. It should show when people are sending death threats to referees and players after wrong decisions. I love football, and I have always loved watching and playing football ever since I was a youngster. But there are bigger things than football, and people can take their teams and fandom way too seriously. Anyone who cheers at the sight of someone possibly suffering a serious injury, or opts to threaten the life of a player or official, clearly has dampened what the integrity of football is all about. I have no doubt that the people who cheered at the sight of Cassel getting hurt, are the same people who moaned about the replacement officials for the first four weeks. These are the same people who claimed that these officials were dampening the integrity of the game of football.

Well in my honest opinion, that has no effect on it. What effects the integrity, is when people have lowered their standards far enough, to the point that they think these things are OK. If they are that upset that a player wasn't able to make a catch, or if a player made a mistake and possibly "costed his team the game", than they have no respect for the game of football, and shouldn't even be considered fans. Same thing goes for anyone who cheered for the injury of Quarterback Matt Cassel. Matt Cassel has led the Kansas City offense for the last three years, and is a Kansas City Chief. Anyone at the game who cheered for Cassel getting hurt, clearly shouldn't be considered a Kansas City Chief's fan.

The Chiefs organization entirely has been playing bad, and the starting Quarterback is not to blame. If they think Brady Quinn has the ability to lead the Chiefs out of the hole they are in, they're wrong. They'll only start getting deeper with Quinn taking the snaps. I think Matt Cassel should consider leaving Kansas City once he gets the opportunity. I'd much rather see him play for a team like Jacksonville, or Miami. Teams that need a Quarterback, and fans who are willing to support them. As long as he can stay healthy, I think he is a good choice for starter. He may not be elite, but he is someone who can get the job done.
Honestly I saw this game first hand (I have DirecTV and my favorite team is the Ravens.) And i was quite shocked to hear the fans chearing the injury of Matt Cassell. That was quite sickening. I bet if fans in New England, New Orleans, Green Bay, Denver, or San Diego, you would'nt hear any applause from their QB getting injured. Maybe thats because New England has Tom Brady, New Orleans has Drew Brees, Green Bay has Aaron Rodgers, Denver has Peyton Manning, and San Diego has Philip Rivers. Maybe so that may not be the case, but you don't chear when your Quarterback gets injured. I'm not a Cheifs fan at all and I don't know a whole lot about their fanbase either. I know Philadelphia, Oakland, New York Jets/Giants, Pittsburgh Steelers fans are a tough crowd, but after watching Cassel get injured and their fans cheering? I'd add them to the list of tough crowds as well. KC hasn't been dominant in years. I know the fanbase must be getting alittle tired of the non-winning teams as of late, but i still think thats no reason to cheer when your QB is hurt.
There is absolutely no reason and no excuse for this crap. I love football. I've watched it since I was 8 years old but shit like this embarrasses me as a fan. The chiefs suck but that doesn't mean that you CHEER when someone gets hurt!
I totally agree with what the op said about wanting something to happen to a good player so they have to go out of the game. Then when it does feeling guilty for thinking it.

It's one thing to want a different quarterback to come in because you're unhappy with how your starter is playing but it's something else to cheer when your starter (or any player) goes down with an injury.

I'm a Titans fan and when Jake Locker got hurt people were on the Titans' Facebook page saying they hope he's out for the whole season and stuff.
I think that this is appalling, I mean what the hell! A guy goes out there to do his job in one of the most stressfull football positions and isn't doing well and then gets hit and you cheer?! Thats plain fucked up right there. I'll admit that when RG3 got hurt that it was cool finally seeing Kirk Cousins play, but I wasn't happy about RG getting injured I was happy that Kirk got a chance. I hope Cassel gets better and shows the "fans" that he isn't bad quarterback and that he isn't a doormat.
As a football fan and player, this disgust me. A player who is trying to lead your team goes down, and you have the audacity to cheer? Sure, I have my list of people who I don't like, but when they go down, I show them the respect they deserve for playing a rough game. Cassel doesn't deserve this, and the "fan base" of the Cheifs should be ashamed of their actions.

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