Carlito - Setting Bridges Ablaze

Carlito is one of the most ungrateful moronic wrestlers I have ever watched in years!

Yeah sure Carlito, Triple-H got everything handed to him on a silver plate by marrying Stephanie....he's such a dumbass that forgets all the crap that Triple-H endured before he married Stephanie and how he finally got to the top in 2000-2001 BEFORE STEPHANIE.....

And Carlito forgets one thing; he is Carlos Colon's son!!! The only reason why he is in WWE is because of that fact and the only reason why he won the US title and IC title on his first tries.

Carlito has become a spoiled ass and that is one of many reasons why I never liked him. Even Ric Flair believed that carlito had no passion for the business (even if part of it were kayfabe there was some realism attatched to it)

As the Rock would say Carlito KNOW YOUR ROLE AND SHUT YOUR are not a main eventer and you never will be. As Justin would say carlito is just crap.

I think it is time that WWE released this guy and lets him go to TNA. He is never gonna be happy no matter what happens.

This is great. I love it. The guy is obviously unhappy in his job. He regrets not quitting WWE several months ago. Now he's decided that he's going to try and get himself fired. He probably won't be fired. But he'll be made to look like shit until his contract runs out. And the guy probably doesn't even care. He'll start missing dates, sandbagging in the ring. Generally being a complete unprofesional. Which I think is reason alone to push him. They do it to Jeff Hardy, and he's never once said anything intresting.

They should turn this into an angle. Have Carlito come out (without silly accent) and cut a promo about how shit WWE is. Ready made angle, possible star. WWE need to use this.
This is great. I love it. The guy is obviously unhappy in his job. He regrets not quitting WWE several months ago. Now he's decided that he's going to try and get himself fired. He probably won't be fired. But he'll be made to look like shit until his contract runs out. And the guy probably doesn't even care. He'll start missing dates, sandbagging in the ring. Generally being a complete unprofesional. Which I think is reason alone to push him. They do it to Jeff Hardy, and he's never once said anything intresting.

Wasn't this the whole reason they brought Jeff Hardy back to begin with? He "bad mouthed" the company and refused to stand-up to company policies, so he left.. went to T.N.A., became bigger, then made W.W.E. take him back under his own terms?

While Carlito is definately no Jeff Hardy, and the fans won't adapt to him the way they did Hardy.. I would LOVE to see Carlito begin fucking shit up. Randomly showing up in the crowd. Coming out without being expected to. In the end, it could very well turn into W.W.E. having no choice but to fire him, or push him with an angle of being a "rebel."

Anyone remember W.C.W.'s half assed storyline of Scott Steiner & Bill Goldberg from 2000? Goldberg shoved Nash away, then the next night claimed he refused to "laydown" or "take a finish" ever again? I'd believe it more coming from Carlito, if he randomly one day just rolled out of the ring and let Hardy suicide himself to the mat.. then just walked off, getting counted out.

They'd blatantly have to explain the situation, because otherwise it'd make Hardy look stupid. (not hard) But at the same time, what would they do to hurt Carlito, well.. outside of fining him bigtime.

They should turn this into an angle. Have Carlito come out (without silly accent) and cut a promo about how shit WWE is. Ready made angle, possible star. WWE need to use this.

I think this could possibly be why they're building everything around Santino. They aren't willing or wanting to give Carlito any mic time.. so they stick him with a guy that he wouldn't have to talk with. Santino talks enough for the both of them.. and if Carlito jobs in-properly, then it doesn't look out of the ordinary as its the team of Carlito & Santino looking like an idiot combo. Santino is already viewed as horrible as a wrestler.. so the only thing this stunt would do, is hurt Carlito's chances as being taken as a serious wrestler for any other company (T.N.A.) would've be interested in hiring him.
The only reason Carlito hasn't been released, or why WWE didn't want to release him is because of TNA. Although I don't know why. Throughout their history they've acquired several (at that time) important wrestlers. Sting, Dudleyz, Rhino, Jeff Hardy, Cage & Angle. Yet not one. Not even superstar Kurt Angle, propelled them closer to WWE. Carlito could very well go to TNA. But it wouldn't have the slightest effect on WWE. So why they keep him around is lost on me.
In the doghouse? Of course! I have no idea what he said except he said something about HHH and his marriage. Now of course many other wrestlers feel the same way, but they are not stupid and voice it outloud, they keep it backstage. He is lucky he is still with the company right now. I hope that he is not going to be one of those wrestlers that can do anything and never get punished.

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