can't get into Wrestling at all.

Bill Lesnar

Occasional Pre-Show
Well i havn't watched Raw or the last 2 SD' away for the Rumble. I just can't get into it at all. I'm bored with it. After a long week watching tennis, i come back and urggghhhhh just nothing. I can't bring myself to watch wrestling or read any reports etc. It doesn't help with how weak the programming is atm (raw is dominated by green rookies). I'm drawing blakns when thinking about it. It's like i have no passion for wrestling anymore. It's like I've fallen out of love with wrestling. right now there is zero interest nadda nothing. I had a quick look at Raw on youtube and all i saw was how lame,fake and boring it was (this never happens). Right now i just don't have any interest in the biz and anything to with it.

Whats happening?
Well this is a wrestling forum. Guess you shouldn't post here anymore.

Actually to be honest, I haven't watched wrestling in weeks. I've kept up with whats going on with Raw to an extent, and I never watch smackdown or superstars or any of that.

I will be ordering the rumble though. One of my favorite ppvs. 2009's rumble was one of the worsts ones though. It was too crowded. And with it being a 40 man rumble, it will probably just as crowded.

I'm hoping it's good, but I'm a little worried.
I haven't watched wrestling since Shawn Michaels retired, and I haven't watched wrestling on a every week since Ric Flair left the WWE. I don't know why, but I haven't been able to get back into at all. Every time I watch WWE I find my self trying to spot every botch instead of enjoying the feuds and stuff. This whole Nexus thing really confuses me, and I have no idea what it is. I have watched some Daniel Bryan matches in the WWE, and I must admit I do like them.

I think The Miz has potential, I just find him botching to much in the ring. But now-a days it doesn't matter if you are full of in ring talent, a lot of it is based off of getting the crowd behind you, or if you're a heel getting heat. If The Mizz would improve in ring rise, he could be one of my favorites, and I could really like the dude.

I guess I find myself to bored when I watch it. I tend to flip through the channels and find something better.
Why are you guys on a wrestling forum then?

And btw, glad to see Safari out of the prison. Good luck.
Thanks :)

This forum isn't just about wrestling today, there's places to talk about old school wrestling. There's also graphics, Movies, Music. This forum has a lot to offer.
Well i havn't watched Raw or the last 2 SD' away for the Rumble. I just can't get into it at all. I'm bored with it. After a long week watching tennis, i come back and urggghhhhh just nothing. I can't bring myself to watch wrestling or read any reports etc. It doesn't help with how weak the programming is atm (raw is dominated by green rookies). I'm drawing blakns when thinking about it. It's like i have no passion for wrestling anymore. It's like I've fallen out of love with wrestling. right now there is zero interest nadda nothing. I had a quick look at Raw on youtube and all i saw was how lame,fake and boring it was (this never happens). Right now i just don't have any interest in the biz and anything to with it.

Whats happening?

Bill, give it a proper watch when you can, seriously. The past few weeks Raw has been really impressive, and so has Smackdown actually. I enjoyed Raw from Monday, and am definitely looking forward to Smackdown, what with the Rated RKO vs Miz/Ziggler Tag Team match. I do agree with Raw having green Wrestlers, but the show isn't dominated by them. Mason Ryan is a big deal, and he's SUPER GREEN. But because of his size, and the tiny amount of time he's had on the Mic, it doesn't make a huge difference right now.
And as for the Royal Rumble, if you're away for it, I would suggest you find a way to get to watch the PPV somehow, 'cos it should be a very good one. 2 interesting title matches, as well as a 40 Man Rumble. Bound to have surprises, excitement and all that jazz.
Anyways, as I said Bill, catch up on it, 'cos as you watch it, you might a good interest into it.
yeah to go with what he said. I would watch edge against kane on smackdown a few weeks ago think it was the 1/1/11 episode. Also the miz vs morrison match for the WWE title. Plus anything with wade barrett or cm punk where they speak. These are probably the best things from the shows in recent memory.
yeah to go with what he said. I would watch edge against kane on smackdown a few weeks ago think it was the 1/1/11 episode. Also the miz vs morrison match for the WWE title. Plus anything with wade barrett or cm punk where they speak. These are probably the best things from the shows in recent memory.

Yeah, agreeing and adding here. Also watch Raw's Main Event of Barrett vs Punk with Cena as ref, that was actually really entertaining. Sheamus/ADR vs Henry & Morrison was good, 'cos the heel team was a Godsend of a pairing. But definitely keep more of an eye on what's happening.
Yeah, agreeing and adding here. Also watch Raw's Main Event of Barrett vs Punk with Cena as ref, that was actually really entertaining. Sheamus/ADR vs Henry & Morrison was good, 'cos the heel team was a Godsend of a pairing. But definitely keep more of an eye on what's happening.

I Really hope that was sarcasm. Thats practically why I hate WWE today. so many random guys just being thrown together to form some lame tag team. I totally agree with the OP. My frustration with WWE stems a bit longer though. I'd probably say I've been out of WWE programming since 2003-04. I used to sit through a full 2 hour Raw no problem. Now, I'm lucky if I can watch 10-15 minutes without changing the channel to Pawn Stars, or Dog The Bounty Hunter
It doesn't help with how weak the programming is atm (raw is dominated by green rookies).

Well, quite honestly I'm much happier seeing more new faces than I was seeing HHH-Orton-Edge-Batista-Cena-fest over and over again. No knock on those guys either, it's just that I've seen too much of them to get interested anymore.

Right now i just don't have any interest in the biz and anything to with it.

Whats happening?

It happens. Take a break. Stop watching, stop reading. May last a month. May last a few years. But it seems like you've just lost interest in what's going on, and no one and nothing can really recreate that magic for you.
I Really hope that was sarcasm. Thats practically why I hate WWE today. so many random guys just being thrown together to form some lame tag team. I totally agree with the OP. My frustration with WWE stems a bit longer though. I'd probably say I've been out of WWE programming since 2003-04. I used to sit through a full 2 hour Raw no problem. Now, I'm lucky if I can watch 10-15 minutes without changing the channel to Pawn Stars, or Dog The Bounty Hunter

Neither of the teams mentioned are forming full time tag teams. It was just for a match. It happened in Hogan's era, it happened in the Attitude era, and it happens now.
Well this is a wrestling forum. Guess you shouldn't post here anymore.

Actually to be honest, I haven't watched wrestling in weeks.

And this is your pathetic attempt to patronize someone who, like yourself, has been unable to sit down and watch the product?

You are such a fucking ********er, and it's not even funny. I hope your homeroom teacher rapes you in the showers for not pledging your support to the United States of America.
And this is your pathetic attempt to patronize someone who, like yourself, has been unable to sit down and watch the product?

You are such a fucking ********er, and it's not even funny. I hope your homeroom teacher rapes you in the showers for not pledging your support to the United States of America.

Sweet flaming Macca?
And this is your pathetic attempt to patronize someone who, like yourself, has been unable to sit down and watch the product?

You are such a fucking ********er, and it's not even funny. I hope your homeroom teacher rapes you in the showers for not pledging your support to the United States of America.

Mods? Any Mods around?

Coulda sworn there was a rule that any discussion in The Cage cannot be talked about outside of the cage.

All you are doing is trying to flame me Macca, and it didn't work. You quoted hal of my paragraph, the other half said, Nah, I do it too. You made it out like I was insulting him, but it was more of a joke as I came out and said my thoughts as well.

Then you go off on a random rant, and bring up a conversation in The Cage. Smooth.
DirtyJosé;2782145 said:
Well, quite honestly I'm much happier seeing more new faces than I was seeing HHH-Orton-Edge-Batista-Cena-fest over and over again. No knock on those guys either, it's just that I've seen too much of them to get interested anymore.

It happens. Take a break. Stop watching, stop reading. May last a month. May last a few years. But it seems like you've just lost interest in what's going on, and no one and nothing can really recreate that magic for you.

yeah i was really using the current product is shit thing as an excuse. Since I've got back from the tennis I've found it to watch or read reports (im pretty far behind in whats happening atm)

I might actually try and watch the Rumble come sunday. Hope they put some Legends that i actually care about in since it's now 40 guys. The rest of the card doesn't interest me at all.

Ziggler and Miz headlining the rumble ME matches? i just don't care. I haven't been interested in Edge and anything he does for a bloody long time and yes his match with Ziggler will most defo be a good bout but sometimes that just isn't enough (i can't even explain myself atm!). As for Miz vs Orton Blah. The experiment with Miz being Champ as failed big time for me and his chemistry with Orton is severely lacking. I guess their match will be average but again that isn't enough. Remember the days when we had HHH vs Cactus as our Royal Rumble ME ( SO PERSONAL). Ah well if i do go ahead and watch it i really hope this stuff draws me back in but right now it's just meh

two things though

Corre has to be the worst stable name EVER (please tell me worse)
If Orton beats Miz, bank on Punk winning the rumble.

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