Canada's Best Wrestling Representative

Who is the Greatest Canadian in Pro Wrestling History?

  • Bret Hart

  • Edge

  • Chris Jericho

  • Lance Storm

  • Christian

  • Owen Hart

  • Chris Benoit

  • IC25

  • Other

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Easy question, people! Belly up to the bar, everyone gets one, count'em ONE Molson Ice on me, and you damn well better drink it down. Come on girls, get a move on!

Who, I repeat WHO stands as Canada's greatest professional wrestling icon of all time if the voting were to occur on THIS VERY DAY? Is it...

Bret Hart. Fomer multi-time World Champion with both WWF and WCW, known for defending the Great White North and dubbed "The Excellence of Execution?"

Edge. Current WHC with a Hall of Fame Future - that is, of course, if you consider banging Matt Hardy's left over's a sport! Who's with me?

Chris Jericho. Self invented Y2J, Ayatollah of Rock N Rollah, Lionheart, etc. Look up the the INSANELY expensive Jeritron 6000 and see the Maple Syrup!

Lance Storm. Carried that Canadian Flag proudly in WCW against the stiff competition that WAS Hugh Morris! Recreated the US Title into the Canadian Title.

Christian. Left the WWF for the sunnier pasteurs of TNA, and won the NWA World Title a few times while still walking out to lesbian chick-rockers like Waterproof Blonde.

Owen Hart. I will refrain from too much inappropriate humor here, but Bret's younger brother and a man held dear to the hearts of many an IWC goer, if only for the Blue Blazer of Glory he went out in. Oops.

Chris Benoit. They wanted us to stop with Benoit jokes, so I want to ask each of you to think of, and picture, Chis Benoit. Ok? You sicko, no, no a happy memory of Chris Ben- STOP THAT! Anyway, former World Champ known his entire career as "The Canadian Crippler." Well alrighty then.

IC25. He's Irish. He's Canadian. He's AMAZING! He got Big Van Vader 3 votes from the WZT championship. Reigning WZ Posters champion. Useless Exclusives Mod. Best Canadian ever?

Other. Who carries that Red Leaf on YOUR LIST?

EDIT: Thread partially inspired and helped along by Mighty Norcal, who somehow thinks Will is WZ's best Canadian poster...he didn't even make this poll at ALL!
Not of the serious nature that im used to from you IC.....and you forgot Trish Stratus..I realize there is an "other" but id say she deserves to be more than that, as probably the WWEs best womens wrestler ever.

I have to easily see Bret Hart, becuase for my money, no one ever in the whole WORLD was better, let alone just from canada. And no one as proudly spouted off about being from Canada, and CERTAINLY no one ever had a Canada vs USA border war. Bret Hart did. And as pointed out, out of all the "legends" Bret Hart is by far the guy who people still talk about that has no competed in a match for the longest amount of time. everyone else resurfaces to stay relevant. People still speak of Bret Hart although he hasnt competed in nearly a decade. The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be. In canada, and the world.
This is tough one, it's between Bret Hart, and IC25. But I'm going to have to go for Bret Hart as he's actually a wrestler. Enough with the jokes. I voted for Bret Hart, for a few reasons.

Bret Hart is simply the most technically perfect wrestler ever. The best wrestler there was, is, and ever will be. Bret Hart made an impact on pro wrestling like no other (Canadian). He is recognized by wrestling fans on the inside of the Canadian border, and on the outside. He is simply the easiest choice for this poll. Another reason why he should win is (like NorCal) said, he hasn't wrestled a match in over ten years, but yet people still talk about his as if he were a current wrestler. Now that's Canada's Best Wrestling Representative.
So I ended up going with Chris Benoit. This guy is one of my all time favourites; he always put on solid matches, and was like a safety net for the WWE, something they could fall back on if needs be. Benoit is underrated, and unlike Guerrero (no offence), he isn't only loved as much as he is due to the fact he died. Sadly, due to those circumstances, he'll never be recognised as the great wrestler he should be.

A close second would be Edge. I love to hate this guy, and it seems he can do anything. He's entertaining, he's a good wrestler, he constantly has good matches, he works welll in a team as well as a singles competitor. The list could go on forever, but I definately think Edge will go down as being one of the best Canadian wrestlers to step foot in the ring.
If it's based of today then it's still Bret Hart. Edge ,Chris Jericho, Christian & Chris Benoit are Canadian. But has it ever been part of their persona? Not that I know of. It was part of Owen, Bret and Storm's gimmick. Less so in others, but you always knew where they were from. Bret out of the three is the bigger star. Owen was always second best to fans, he's only closer to Bret in popularity to Bret because of his death. And nobody really cares about Lance Storm. I think he's great, but who'll remember him in 10 years time?

Other than wearing Canada related merch, the others as far as I'm known haven't really utilized their nationality.

Speaking as an Englishman as well, when it comes to accents. The majority of the time it's hard to tell who's Canadian.
So I ended up going with Chris Benoit. This guy is one of my all time favourites; he always put on solid matches, and was like a safety net for the WWE, something they could fall back on if needs be. Benoit is underrated, and unlike Guerrero (no offence), he isn't only loved as much as he is due to the fact he died. Sadly, due to those circumstances, he'll never be recognised as the great wrestler he should be.

A close second would be Edge. I love to hate this guy, and it seems he can do anything. He's entertaining, he's a good wrestler, he constantly has good matches, he works welll in a team as well as a singles competitor. The list could go on forever, but I definately think Edge will go down as being one of the best Canadian wrestlers to step foot in the ring.

Me thinks that someone is letting their love for HBK blind them...

No doubt, Bret Hart, and there really isn't a close second. No one has been more proud to be Canadian then Bret Hart was. Hell, the guy is still practically god when it comes to the Canadian crowd. Ask HBK how popular Bret is whenever he goes up to the land of Maple Syrup.

Worldwide Bret Hart maybe the #3 as far as popularity during the Vince McMahon WWE era, behind Hogan and Austin, and I don't think that that's stretching the truth one bit. Bret Hart was the WWE threw and threw. Like Norcal said, people have tried to replica the border war, but Bret Hart made that work and without Bret in the WWE in 97, the Attitude Era wouldn't have had it's heel to play off of.

Bret Hart is a Wrestling God.
I really think that the Border war of 97 is vastly overlooked by fans for how absolutely fantastic it was. Even through all of the Austin stuff, I still loved Bret Hart at the time when he made the "you dont respect me. Well I dont respect YOU" speech and turned on America. I was heart broken. and as an extremely patriotic person, even as a young teen, it made me really really REALLY hate Bret Hart, and the whole lot of them. That whole angle was SO insanely well done, with the different crowds in different countries being on different sides. The atmosphere inside of the saddle dome for Canadian stampede is absolutely legendary. To me, the Austin-Hart rivalry, and thus the border war, is the best rivalry EVER bar none. no rivalry ever encompassed so much REAL EMOTION than that one. When Austin and Hart had their non sanctioned brawl on RAW, I was SCREAMING at the TV every time Austin hit Bret with that chair, and so was the crowd. Which is why Bret is so damn absurdly underrated from a promo standpoint. His promos absolutely dripped with disdain and hatred during those days. And the crowd reactions, followed along with them, depending on were you went.

The border war of 97 was one of the absolute best TV ever done in pro wrestling. Anyone who isnt familure, should become familure. This part alone in my opinion outdoes anything any of the other guys have done, which is tough for me to say as much as I love Edge.
Bret Hart: "The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be." It was definately not just a gimmick when refering to Bret Hart. The man has got to be without a doubt the best Canadian Wrestler in the entire industry. Past, Present and Future.. its very doubtful that anyone will ever match, or top what Bret Hart has done for this business.

He came from a great wrestling Family, and he definately set landmarks in sports entertainment. He truly became the first smaller athlete to become a World Champion, to my knowledge. And he set records by becoming the first guy to hold the Heavyweight Championship, Intercontinental Championship and Tag Team Championship when they were the only titles available at that time. Noone before him did that.

Unfortunately a stupid kick by an inexperienced jackass cost Bret Hart and millions of fans what could've been a slightly longer and even more storied career in Professional Wrestling. I don't care what anyone says, Bill Goldberg needs punished perminately for his actions. Accident or not, the guy was shit and didn't belong in the same ring as Bret Hart.

Noone will ever forget Hart for everything hes done. Hes been rightfully inducted into the Hall of Fame, and forever will be remembered as one of, if not THE best Canadian Wrestler in all of Professional Wrestling.

Edge: Without a doubt, the best Canadian wrestler in the business today, and quite possibly setting out to become the 2nd greatest of all time. Noone would've seen Edge becoming half of what he has, and several could contribute it to the personal life actions between himself, Amy Dumas and Matt Hardy. However I'd like to think its because the guy has pure talent that isn't seen in hardly any of the newer Superstars.

Edge's intensity drives him through everything, and seeing him get fired up makes you almost want to be just as into each match as he seemingly is.

I can personally say I called this one on the night he debuted. I don't know how, and I have no clue why, but I said the moment I seen him that he would become a World Heavyweight Champion. Hes held multiple Championships, and has been what main have not. The leader of both Raw and Smackdown, as their respective World Champion. Thats a great accomplishment for him, and shows how incredible he is in this business.

Chris Jericho: I have next to no love for Chris Jericho as one of the best Canadian athletes. Hes great on the mic, but outside of that hes not really anything above par to me. Especially anymore. I loved Chris Jericho in W.C.W. the most, and his highest point in the W.W.F/E. that I loved him, was during his "Living Legend" days as the first ever Undisputed World Champion.

Unfortunately there hasn't been a lot that Chris Jericho can live up to saying hes done. Outside of what I mentioned previously, hes done nothing except become the first ever Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion.. a title that later got resplit back into two seperate Championships anyways and defeated the purpose.

Jericho will always be one of the very best for what he did in W.C.W., but he got lost in the mid-card ranks in the World Wrestling Federation and it just goes to show he doesn't have what it takes to Main Event like some of the other, better, Canadians.

Lance Storm: 3rd best Canadian EVER, if not tied for 2nd, in my mind. Lance Storm was incredible in E.C.W. and was definately on a level all by itself in the latter portion of W.C.W. He was (to my knowledge) the ONLY athlete to ever hold 3 single's Championships at one time. Winning them back, to back, to back.

Lance Storm is the definition of technical in the world of sports entertainment. He doesn't have a very charismatic approach to the business, but thats what adds even more appeal to him, because he feeds off just that.

He was one half of the Impact Players in E.C.W., a Tag Team that should be seen as one of the best but often gets forgotten by everyone due to the fact that both guys were tremendous single's stars in E.C.W.

I don't know what more to say about Lance Storm other than I haven't watched a single one of his matches, that I have ever been bored with. Steve Austin can kiss my ass with that shit ass gimmick, because Lance Storm is the best at what he does. Austin should take a page, or 20 outta Storm's book. He might learn something more than a punch.

Christian: When a Tag Team splits up, typically one guy gets a major push, the other guy just gets shoved.. out the door. Christian made sure he wouldn't be getting any type of shove, when he willingly walked out and into a Main Event spot of his own, against his former Tag Team partner and best friend.

Christian will always be remembered as nothing more than Edge's partner in the W.W.E. region, but to T.N.A. fans across the world, Christian Cage will be seen as one of the best Main Event guys to ever come into the business. Christian has what it takes to be on that level, but unfortunately in the ranks of best Canadian superstars, he'll always fall below his best friend... again.

Owen Hart: Much like when a Tag Team splits and the push/shove happens. When brothers break into the business, they're often compared greatly to one another. Unfortunately for Owen, his brother was Bret.

There is no way Owen Hart can top everything his brother did for the business, but unfortunately Owen may be remembered (in the worst of ways) more dramatically than his older brother will ever be.

It in my mind is without a shadow of a doubt that Owen Hart would've became a World Champion someday, had that dreadful night not happened. Owen Hart didn't get a great chance to accomplish many things in his Pro Wrestling career before his life was cut short, however the one thing he did do, was upstage his brother in the opening match at Wrestlemania X. Owen Hart out wrestled his brother, only to be upstaged by Bret winning the World Championship at the end of the night.

When I think of Owen, the things I'll never forget are.. his kick to Shawn Michaels. His feuds with Bret. Breaking Austin's neck. His amazing matches against his brother-in-law, the British Bulldog. His many Tag Team's with Bulldog, Yokozuna, & Jeff Jarrett. His Slammy award winning achievements. Owen Hart will forever be in my heart and missed greatly.

Chris Benoit: Going from one tragedy to another is never a good thing. But in remembering the best Canadian Athletes its almost fitting to end with Chris Benoit.

In W.C.W. he was considered one of the end all be all greatest technical Superstars to never win a Championship, then he hit a gold rush becoming United States Champion, Television Champion, and then World Heavyweight Champion all before exiting the company as undefeated with the Heavyweight title.

Arguably one of the very best that Canada has ever produced and now someone most wrestling industries are trying to erase. I think its a crime to erase the legacy that was Chris Benoit, because the man has been all over the Professional Wrestling scene. Hes held multiple Championships everwhere hes went, and his career has been amazing throughout.

Wrestlemania XX is a landmark, a milestone in Professional Wrestling and Chris Benoit has the pleasure of being the headlining act that went over two of the very best in the business. When people remember Wrestlemania's, they'll typically remember the landmark ones. 1, 10, 20.

Chris Benoit will NOT be erased from my mind, and I could give a shit less what the man did in his personal life. To me, he was one of the very best in Professional Wrestling, and as such would instantly be one of the absolute best to come out of Canada. Just like Owen, Chris Benoit is in my heart and I miss him greatly.

Other: There are reasons why noone has mentioned the guys I'd put in the other section, however I'd be remise if I didn't add Val Venis, Test, and...

Trish Stratus: Hey, who said the best representative had to be a guy? Trish Stratus paved the way for the next generation of Female wrestlers in this business. She started as nothing more than a valet, and became one of the most famous, popular and record setting diva/female wrestlers in this sport.

Shes lead guys that she managed to Championships, and shes found the Women's Championship multiple times on her own. Shes set records for being a Champion, and will forever be missed in the sport. Now retired, fans often see what today's female wrestling has boiled down to and send cries and pleas, deseprating wanting her back. Trish Stratus is without a doubt, the BEST Canadian Superstar.. as far as females go.
It clearly is Bret. The Hart Foundation, through the singles career then the boarder war and even into WCW Bret is by far the best there is, was and ever will be but I digress to a person I feel should be on this list and not simple under the other category. He is a man who took the tag titles off the Hart foundation and might be the most underrated in ring performer in WWE history, I speak of the model Rick Martel. He played a narcisit brillantly, the blindfold match with Jake was alright but the build up was amazing. The rivalry with Santana was very good, but the no punch in the face match against Michaels at Summerslam for the IC belt might be my favorite match of his. Rick Martel held the record for most time in a rumble. Sadly his career was shorten by contract disputes and then injuries, because if he didn't blow out his knee in a match against Booker at Fall Brawl 98 he would have been at least a US champion in WCW. He was extremely good in his short return to WCW and really good during his time in the WWF, so I would add him to something more then other on this list
This one is easy, it has to be Brett Hart. At this point he is the greatest wrestler to come out of Canada in every way. He was one of the greatest technical wrestlers and in ring performers in the history of wrestling and proudly represented Canada throughout his career.

The sleeper here could be Edge, I guess he still has time to go down as one of the all time greats. He has great charisma, has had multiple title runs, but really doesn't stack up to Brett Hart at this point in his career. By the time his career is over though, he will probably be a close second.

Trish Stratus does belong on the list because she is one of the all time great female wrestlers of all-time. She was also a great manager for several years and worked her way up to being one of the all time great female stars. She obviously doesn't belong above Brett Hart, but certaintly shouldn't be considered under the other category.
It pisses me off that edge gets more respect than christian even though christian is better than edge at every single aspect of the business. From selling merchandise to ring work to mic skills christian cage has it and edge does to a lesser extent. Just because CC got held back in the WWE doesn't make him any lesser in my eyes.........and christian is one of the huge reasons TNA has passed ECW in the ratings.......and if their not careful smackdown will be next. I find it funny that an injury prone wrestler (edge) got push after push.......and injury after injury.........yet christian was the constant guy getting everyone over.....and you cant put people over if your not over........Christian will always be the most well-rounded canadian wrestler except for bret hart..........but he's defiantely far less bitter
Stu Hart, trained 3 of the wrestlers on the list directly and his methods were used to train Jericho and Storm. At the time when it was running Stampede Wrestling was arguably the most entertaining wrestling promotion out there. They incorporated all types of workers from high flying (Owen Hart, Dynamite Kid and Brian Pillman) to brawlers (Abdullah the Butcher, British Bulldog and Archie "The Stomper" Gouldie) to technical guys (Bret Hart and Chris Benoit)
It pisses me off that edge gets more respect than christian even though christian is better than edge at every single aspect of the business. From selling merchandise to ring work to mic skills christian cage has it and edge does to a lesser extent. Just because CC got held back in the WWE doesn't make him any lesser in my eyes.........and christian is one of the huge reasons TNA has passed ECW in the ratings.......and if their not careful smackdown will be next. I find it funny that an injury prone wrestler (edge) got push after push.......and injury after injury.........yet christian was the constant guy getting everyone over.....and you cant put people over if your not over........Christian will always be the most well-rounded canadian wrestler except for bret hart..........but he's defiantely far less bitter

I will agree that Christian is very good, great perhaps, but he has a few flaws. The first is obvious, he is on TNA. When he made that move he basically removed any chance of becoming one of the all-time greats, because TNA is the B company in wrestling. Christian could have been better than Edge, but when he left WWE, he removed any chance of passing him in the eyes of most fans.
And please dont say that TNA will ever pass Smackdown! in the ratings, I mean they usually tie ECW, rarely pass them, and ECW has no talent compared to Smackdown or Raw. TNA will never beat WWE, which is the reason that Christian will never be considered a great superstar in the business, because he is on the B wrestling company.
Christian had definitely improved alot, just because Edge is out stirring controversy and getting attention on a worldwide basis doesn't make him better than Christian. Christian is far more technically gifted, better on the mic, less troublesome backstage and excellent at being either a face or a heel, as was proved towards the end of his WWE career and in his TNA career. Edge was a lot quicker in getting attention after their tag team split up and was chosen to get the bigger push seeing as he was likely the better wrestler at the time, but now days he's become one of those types that relies on promos and cheating as a heel, we'll see how that turns out at WM (likely fine, despite my ranting there's no doubt on my mind that Edge is a good wrestler, just not as good as Christian)

Sadly Christian departed at the time of initial greatest push seeing bigger success in TNA. Now, if success is rated in comparison to the rest of the company then he did very well indeed but it's a shame he's settled into TNA, like many people have stated the company has many flaws and could still be seen as a B rated company. There's nothing people can particularly associate with TNA over the years when they look at the product.

2005 was a particularly good year for Christian, his funny promo at the RR was his first step to success.

So I voted Christian. With Chris Jericho as my second place. Didn't choose Bret Hart because it's obvious he's the most popular and near everyone would have voted for him anyways. Despite being very influential, Hart still isn't perfect anyways.
How about the original "Canada's Greatest Athelete" Gene Kiniski. He rocked the maple leaf jacket and was never shy about his origins during his NWA championship days.

I think that Bret Hart is probably the right vote to make, but I would say that Gene outshines many of the other choices on that list.

On a personal favorite aside, though billed as "The Madman from Sudan," Abdullah The Butcher was from Windsor. I'm sure he is viewed by Canadians as a national hero much like we United Statesians view Lincoln or Washington.
No contest Bret Hart, it was a thrill to see him live in 94 and it was a thrill this past november to meet him and have him autograph my copy of his book. Despite the fact that I got "screwed" out of a photograph with him because the guy in front of me tried to take my book I'm still proud I got to meet the hitman. My favorite of all time.
Bret Hart is the easy answer here. Biggest draw, best wrestler, most high quality matches, and he was the complete package as a wrestler, in terms of in-ring ability.

you forgot Trish Stratus..I realize there is an "other" but id say she deserves to be more than that, as probably the WWEs best womens wrestler ever.
:lmao: :lmao:

That is all.

So I ended up going with Chris Benoit. This guy is one of my all time favourites; he always put on solid matches, and was like a safety net for the WWE, something they could fall back on if needs be. Benoit is underrated, and unlike Guerrero (no offence), he isn't only loved as much as he is due to the fact he died. Sadly, due to those circumstances, he'll never be recognised as the great wrestler he should be.

A close second would be Edge. I love to hate this guy, and it seems he can do anything. He's entertaining, he's a good wrestler, he constantly has good matches, he works welll in a team as well as a singles competitor. The list could go on forever, but I definately think Edge will go down as being one of the best Canadian wrestlers to step foot in the ring.
Like someone (Shocky?) said, you're letting your HBK bias get in the way of reason.

I really think that the Border war of 97 is vastly overlooked by fans for how absolutely fantastic it was. Even through all of the Austin stuff, I still loved Bret Hart at the time when he made the "you dont respect me. Well I dont respect YOU" speech and turned on America. I was heart broken. and as an extremely patriotic person, even as a young teen, it made me really really REALLY hate Bret Hart, and the whole lot of them.
I was actually mad at American fans, that's how much I loved Bret Hart.

And really, everything he made sense. Everything he was saying WAS face. Everything Austin did WAS heel. I was extremely disappointed in Americans, and my love for Bret was just as strong then as ever.
I had to vote for Bret also. I looked through the list and all of them are great, but come on, this is the Hitman. Hart was as good of a wrestler as there may have ever been in the ring. His mic skills may not have been the best, but some of his promos are simply classics. He's had multiple title reigns with many different belts and I believe is the only man to hold both WWF and WCW's triple crowns. He's had excellent matches with a variety of opponents and is to the best of my knowledge the only main eventer from the 90s WWF that Undertaker never beat. Has to be Hart, it simply isn't close.
I vote for Bret Hart, he achieved the most out of all, and well deserved. He is the only wrestler to ever be a triple crown winner in both WCW and WWE.

We are forgotting also the great Rowdy Roddy Piper, he is also Canadian. And I think is worth to mention because of the history he has made.

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