Can we please give TNA some love

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Here's one thing that bugs me... the day after every TNA ppv i come to the site here and cast my vote on what grade I give the ppv from the night before... and every single time the results are shown, there are more F's than anything. now there is NO way in hell that people that actually saw the ppvs that TNA broadcasts and honestly thinks they warrant an F. These are the people so blindly loyal to the ass of Vince McMahon that they refuse to give anything else a chance and it's disgusting. Because these same people aren't watching every TNA ppv and continually giving them F's. Nobody watches movies that suck over and over, so nobody would do that with TNA ppv events. I've seen almost every TNA ppv since Destination X '07 (which is actually the worst TNA ppv I've ever seen) and it doesn't even warrant an F. a D grade... yes, but not F. I've been watching wrestling since I was 6 and I love WWE and TNA both. But I can honestly say there was quite a long stint last year where my friends and I would order every WWE ppv and continually be disappointed. The finishes were weak (Jeff Hardy/Randy Orton at RR '08 anyone? The totally huge and massive buildup to that match only to have it end with a blocked Twist of Fate into an RKO? Can you say LAME?), the matches were boring, and the crowds are DEAD. I stated all my reasons for the TNA fans being better in the appropriate thread so I won't rant about that here. But TNA deserves sooooooo much more credit than they get. Their matches ARE better because the action in them is usually nonstop. Theres not nearly as much laying on the mat putting each other in weak submission holds like the WWE. I do believe the WWE takes their fans for granted a little bit because their product is only getting worse when the stiffest in-ring talent continues to grow but real talent in the ring like Shelton Benjamin, Kennedy, Elijah Burke, John Morrison keep getting buried and can't get over the way they should be. All 4 of these guys would be huge main eventers in TNA and if the WWE writers keep burying their young talent in mid-card hell, I would love to see them jump ship to TNA. TNA slowly builds their talent better than WWE (I can't wait to see James Storm with the heavyweight title because it WILL happen in the future.) And when Mick Foley comes to TNA in the VERY near future, he is going to give TNA a ratings boost they need. And with WWE ratings continuing to drop because of garbage matches and John Cena being shoved down our throats, TNA can only get bigger from here, and they've earned it.

Also, I know people are hating the Sting angle right now, but I don't think it's all that bad as long as they don't drag it out too long. It's sure as hell better than WWE's story with Kane and the very VERY anti-climactic ending of Mysterio's mask in the bag. And wtf is up with all that Vince McMahon kayfabe of his injuries at the end of the million dollar giveaway? We've heard/seen NOTHING. And with this foreshadowing of Jeff Jarrett's return, this battle witih the lights going out and whatnot between Sting and Jarrett is great because if they don't drag this out too long because when those lights go out one time and Jarrett appears, it will be great.
TNA is better. Plain and simple. People say that the only thing better than WWE about it is the matches. Umm... hello! Isn't that the whole point of oh, I don't know, wrestling?! Another thing. A few pages back, someone said that TNA barely has wrestling because they have so many crappy talking parts. Then explain to me why TNA can have 6-8 nice length matches a night and WWE can have 4-5 nice length-short matches. The only thing that is slightly better about WWE is the gimmicks. I'll give them that. But, if you thing about it, if someone has a unique taunt or chant, isn't that considered a gimmick? But honestly, it's still WWE for that.

All in all, TNA, you get A LOT OF LOVE!!!
TNA has all the potential in the world, but unfortunately they have writers who still think it's 1997. I have given TNA all the love in the world for years now, but this recent year has just gotten to be too much. I've found myself instead getting into Dragon Gate in Japan or CHIKARA.

TNA's main problem is that they do not put their heels and faces in situations where they can put themselves over. A casual fan wouldn't know if Samoa Joe was a face or a heel, nor Sting judging by the crowd reaction in Orlando (which is made up of 70% tourists anyway that have no real idea what's going on in TNA) TNA has major issues properly building their heroes and villains.

If Joe is a bad-ass then put him in a situation that makes him look like one, but a heroic one, don't have him cost Kevin Nash a wrestling match, it just makes him look like an asshole. Same with Styles, Styles should have never tried to hit Sting with a baseball bat, a face wouldn't do that nor would A.J.'s character, and then he just gets owned by Sting which not only got face reaction from the crowd to Sting but made A.J. look weak.

Very few talent in TNA are so well defined that any fan can get behind them or hate them. Beer Money, booker T, Awesome Kong, Angelina Love are about it. Otherwise everyone else a "shade of gray" and this shades of gray crap hasn't worked in years. People want to get behind Joe and Styles and Abyss, and they could hate guys like Angle, Sting, and even Christian Cage (he's better as a heel) but until the writers learn how to utilize who they have properly you're going to have "angry guy A" vs. "angry guy B" instead of "heel vs. face"

The wrestling is still fantastic, but you need more than that sometimes.
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