Can the SES be the next nWo?

I'm all for the idea of expanding the SES into a more dominant and powerful heel stable, but by no means do I think that means the idea should come at the cost of repackaging historic failures like the underutilized "superstars" on the RAW or Smackdown! rosters.

If anything, the WWE should continue it's trend of graduating FCW stars to the big club, or dip into the free agent market again by raiding the ROH locker room for talent like they did with CM Punk in the first place as a means to grow the stable and develop new stars in the process. Not everyone is in need of a repackage IMO.
Put the WHC on Punk and it will immediately give him and thus the SeS huge credibility.

I can picture it now, imagine it's Punk, Swagger, Undertaker, and another face (Show/Christian/Rey) Swagger is out side the ring.. Punk is sort of crawled in the corner.. Undertaker gives a tombstone to Rey/Christian.. gets ready to pin him using the typical tombstone pin when Mercury and Gallows pull him out of the ring.. Punk speeds over and rat and pins him for the 123 and the championship.. imagine the heat.

The thing is the SeS has such potential but let's look at it right now..

Gallows is a jobber, despite being pushed as being an enforcer the guy simply doesn't win matches and rarely ever looks strong.. he's got no charisma.. no look.. nothing going for him really besides that he's around Punk. The guy lost to Darren Young for god's sake.

Serena.. she does what she does.. well.. good heel magnet really.. but it doesn't change that she doesn't do anything in the ring.. maybe have a diva diss punk.. causing her to challenge her in rage.. starting her career... too bad there is a total of 2 face divas on SD for her to compete with...

Mercury/Masked man - Honestly they should have revealed him at the PPV and he's losing steam..

Punk - What has he really done since feuding with Jeff? And this is coming from a big CM Punk fan.. he sat around the mid card after being buried.. with his hard work he managed to pull himself out of being buried... caught onto a fued with Rey that really just made him spin his wheels.. he had some great heel moments like ruining Rey's kid bday... but he didn't come out any stronger.
I'm all for the idea of expanding the SES into a more dominant and powerful heel stable, but by no means do I think that means the idea should come at the cost of repackaging historic failures like the underutilized "superstars" on the RAW or Smackdown! rosters.

If anything, the WWE should continue it's trend of graduating FCW stars to the big club, or dip into the free agent market again by raiding the ROH locker room for talent like they did with CM Punk in the first place as a means to grow the stable and develop new stars in the process. Not everyone is in need of a repackage IMO.

you make a good point, but you cant repackage something that isnt packaged.

bourne's gimmick is his finisher, he has no gimmick, primo had the colons but that is over, and i think with the party lifestyle ryder fit the mold

i do think it would be nice for some guys to move up from FCW, but i think the successor to the SES should be an establised star. i do like the idea that some one mentioned earlier about Bryan Danielson joining though.
I can see it happening now...

The Straightedge Society adds another "masked man". For weeks, They don't reveal who he is just like they've been doing with Joey Mercury.

Once the "masked man" thing gets old, Punk and the SES can be beating someone down. The masked man gets on the top rope and....
Uses Air Bourne!

That would be so awesome.

Agree it would be awesome, a huge shock and good t.v.

I really do want to see the SES grow by adding three more members. I was thinking Archer and Hawkins. Adding them would be a good way for them to make an impact in 30 days.
The Straight Edge Society needs to have at least one more person in the group. At most 2 so the gorup could be 5 altogether. The thing that makes a stable dominant is gold. Evolution was regarded as the best because at one point all the members had some kind of WWE Title around their waist. This would be the way to do it.

CM Punk-World Champion
Luke Gallows/Joey Mercury (Masked man)-Unified Tag Team Champions
Some new guy from FCW-Intercontinental Champion
Serena-Women's Champion

The SES prides itself on being better than everyone else but you need belts to prove that. This would be the best way to show the SES' dominance on SD.

When it comes to people that should join the SES I personally don't want to see Ryder join them because it would just be adding more fuel to the fire and I'd rather go for shock value, which is something the SES hasn't had. Under the Luke Gallows gimmick, Festus started off as a heel, so did Serena, but there isn't someone that has joined that has been a face for most of his career. This is where someone like Primo could pull off the heel turn. It may not be a major turn like say a Hogan or a Batista, but it could prove a difference by showing that the SES has some sort of sway in people's choices as to whether or not to join.
They got lucky with Festus/Gallows. Repackaging superstars will not work every time and I guarantee that. This was an instance where it did. I'm not against expanding the group but there definitely needs to be a cap off. Like I've said before, the group works on exclusivity. They are better than you and people like you. If the group has too many member it will mean less to be in the group. Punk and friends work through the people, but not for them. Keeping the group exclusive will maintain a certain degree of prestige to the members in the group. In their own eyes at least.

They could use another member to tag with Gallows if anything. Allowing Punk to control a tag team and possibly tag champs greatly increases his power. Nothing better than claiming to be better than others and being able to prove it in gold. This will also give Gallows something to do besides be the lackey and fall guy during tag matches with Punk. Punk would be free to have his own title aspirations and still keep the group relevant. Other than this fourth member I don't really see the need for many more members. They could always make it work with more but it would be a fine line to tow.
Why would anyone want to be built as the "next" nWo? The nWo ruined the WCW because there was too goddamn many of them. All the great stables have just enough people to help with beat-downs and the such, but not so much that it becomes a problem that leaks onto other areas of the show, you know, kind of like how the nWo had so many goddamn people that every single match on every card had a member of the nWo involved.
I would like to see the SES add quite a few more members, I havent seen a stable with more than 4 or 5 members in a long time, I think it will add something to the WWE that we havent had in a while.

If it turns out that Mercury is the latest member, I would be happy to see a couple of rookies from developmental join the group, as more guys who have been "saved" by Punk, and a couple of free agents (i think the group could use another heavyweight and a high flyer).

As another poster has said- the SES shouldn't just be filled with guys like Yoshi or The Dudebusters, it has to be someone who can add something to the group, someone new to the roster.
IMO- CM Punk & his SES are the best thing happening in professional wrestling today. The guy kills in this heel savior, 'im better then you' role. But I, along with some of you have been waiting for more members to be saved by Creepy Masked Punk. My hope is that they just are moving slowly with this fantastic storyline.

I would like to see them become more 'NWO-like' numbers wise, but not name recognition wise- If that makes any sense. The number of SES members needs to grow- but the members shouldnt be huge named stars, like the NWO was (in the begining anyway).

I think the masked man shoulda been revealed at the last PPV- but WWE had diffrent plans. Those plans included CM Punk himself putting on a mask- which I think was beautifully done. Now I just need to hear Punk cut a promo with the mask on. Claiming nobody deserves to see him bald & they never will. Im sure its coming...

So- the original masked man (some are claiming it to be Joey Mercury. but lets remember- by the time "he" is could be anyone) "HE" needs to unmasked in the very near future. The masked man run-ins for SES just seems to be getting stale. Maybe this man will be revealed after helping Punk become WHC at Fatal Fourway? I could live with that!!

Other memebers that I personally would like to see added to CM Punks SES: I think the additions need to be one of two kinds of people. Either people we dont know from WWE-TV. Meaning wrestlers from other, smaller promotions or most likely-FCW. OR- the additions need to be guys you just wouldnt believe would EVER side-up & be lead by CM Punk. Just for the suprise "wow-factor".

You want names? OK:

1. My first choice would be Mark Henry. Dude is a beast! CM Punk taming the silverback gorilla would make people say: *Why the fuck is Mark Henry following this assholes orders? God- that pisses me off!!* Thats the kinda reaction im looking for!

2. My second choice would be Dustin Rhodes. No more Goldust! The real Goldust cant truely entertain in a PG-WWE anyway. Dustin is a great performer & I think he would thrive in a role like this. He could proclaim that Goldust was always in a altered state of mind, whenever he performed- & now Dustin Rhodes the man wants that to change

3. I'd really like to see some of the younger guys in FCW get a chance also. Too bad I dont know much of anything about the performers down there. Thier website gives you pictures only. I'd really like to see a 'tale of the tape' on these guys at least!

4. I think i'd also like to see a 2nd 'anti-diva' added to the group too. Just to see some women interaction. Both ladies fighting for the affections on thier saviour. Not physically fighting- but just kinda tryin to one-up one another. This would be most effective with a very attractive female. The hotter the girl that shaves her head is- the more shocking iit will be to see.

Well- thats all I got. This post turned into something much longer then I was expecting.

Long Live The SES! Hail Punk!
Simple answer no.

You look at the start of the New World Order, they had Hall and Nash.Thats it and then they had Hogan.But in what is still talked about today Hogan made the biggest heel turn ever.So they start off with a bang and then they add Main Eventer after Main Eventer to the group and they win Championship gold to.They won inside war games against WCW.Hogan won many world championship and Nash and Hall won tag team gold.Thats just a little of what happened.

The S.E.S are not even close.They have 1 Main Eventer, dosen't mean that they can't be good but they haven't won any titles since they started.They didn't have that bang factor.Then you have Punk losing his hair, that is ment to be perfection in Punk.Well then there stuffed.So after all this the S.E.S will never be the NWO at anytime.

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