Can Someone Update Me On WZCW?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Your probably saying "Why don't you go and read up on it yourself?"

I can't because I don't want to get wrapped up in it again while I'm still in here. The hardest part of my prison sentence was a couple of months ago around the time of Kingdom Come. I was reading all the rps and results and was up to date on the current storylines in WZCW and it made being in here tough because I wasn't able to participate in the EFED.

So I stopped checking up on WZCW news. Anyway, I don't want to catch the bug again by reading the results/rps, so can someone just give me some tidbits on what's going on? Like who the major players are, who holds what titles and anything you see fit adding?
Currently we're doing a WZCW All Stars event where people are playing crazier characters. I'm using one from an old Book This I used to write called SCW, whose gimmick is an insane germaphobe.

Action Saxton lost his match with Alex Bowen for the Mayhem Championship after being put through a TV. Heck of a match.

The Forgotten Powers are the new tag champs.

Ty is still champ after defeating Austin Reynolds and Showtime in a triple threat at Redemption.

Baller is calling out WZCW Legend Steamboat Ricky. Currently it's Baller 1, Ricky 0, because Ricky didn't come out to the ring. Speculation is that Baller will call out other fed legends but it's unknown right now.

Sam smith is the new Elite X Champion.

I think Constantine and Titus both want to face Blade for his Eurasian Championship. We'll see what happens there. King Shabba is looking to become a big deal, fairly quick, as he's really dominated in WZCW so far and even answered Blade's open challenge at Redemption.
Wow, time really flies by. It seems that some pretty bold things have changed in the WZCW in recent months.
Also, just to throw this out there, I was a member of another E-Fed, which is becoming defunct in a few weeks, so I'm considering bringing my Character from there, who is currently a Champion, over to WZCW. But I'll see.
Yeah, you should J4L. From what I've seen, WZCW is awesome and has a great staff.
Also, doesn't hurt your rep(lol, I didn't mean green/red rep but I guess it doesn't hurt that either) being a WZCW member.

Couple of names DDP didn't mention were Barbosa, Kravinoff and Gordito. Do they still RP? they seemed like main eventers, or on their way, last I checked.
Yeah it really does. It's run absolutely amazingly.

I'll just give it a week and then probably sign up. Although I need some RP'ing practice still, I'm not perfect.
Kravinoff just seemingly won Big Dave's KFAD contract, but that's not confirmed. He did beat him at Redemption. It's only a matter of time before he makes his way up there.

Gordito faced Baez and lost at Redemption. He's taking a hopefully-short break while he moves house.

Barbosa is knocking around. Not entirely sure what's in store for him.
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