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Can someone please disect Legacy & justify why one has more potential than the other?

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Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
I keep hearing about how Ted will be a bigger superstar and has more talent from some people.

From other people, I hear them say that Cody is the one with more talent and will be the bigger star.

What do I say?

I think the two of them have essentially been nothing more than mirror images and clones of each other, and at this point see no more potential in one over the other. I am not saying that one will not have more potential to go further than the other, but what I am saying is that from what I have seen on my TV screen so far, I just don't see any more potential in one over the other. And the big reason I feel that is because WWE has not allowed these two more opportunities to go out there so I can see what each of them individually can do.

They are basically always with Orton. They rarely get to talk on their own. They are rarely involved in segments by themselves. When they come down to do a run in, it is always both of them running in at the same time.

Thus far they have been in my eyes nothing more than clones of each other.

So this thread is specifically for those that see something in ONE of the members of Legacy over the other.

What is it SPECIFICALLY (and I am talking "Deep-Dive specifics here) that you see in either Ted Dibiase more so than Cody Rhodes OR what you see in Cody Rhodes over Ted Dibiase, to make you think they have a lot more potential.

Someone tell me what you are seeing, that I am apparently not seeing, please.
Ted DiBiase is basically his father mixed with Randy Orton. You can watch Ted wrestle in the ring and you could swear its Orton using a facemaker. He emulates moves from his father quite significantly like the Million Dollar Dream, the Fist Drops, etc. Right now, that's all Ted has to go off and thats other wrestlers.

Cody Rhodes on the other hand, is who I see to be talent-worthy in his own right that makes him unique. He differs from Ted/Randy as he has his own cocky look about him, whereas the other two just look like people who are about to explode. Rhodes is always in the calm and peaceful mindset. You have a look at Rhodes moveset and he offers something new. I mean, this kid can go from Ric Flair style Knee Drops to Kurt Angle type Moonsaults and High Impact moves like his finisher (Cross Rhodes), executing them picture perfectly. He is able to perform with some of the old school veterans, as well as work with the new breed of wrestlers, in perfect fashion.

Cody Rhodes started off as a singles star and did a good job working solo. Ted started off with Cody Rhodes and later Randy Orton, sticking with them since. Rhodes character will promise Cody more success than Ted with his gimmick mixture.
Honestly, I agree with you, that we're not seeing enough of them individually to make any kind of judgement. It seems like the concept behind Legacy from a creative standpoint is nothing more than to elevate Randy Orton. They wrestle on their own, yes, but the matches don't further any story for Legacy. They almost never talk, and when they do I don't feel like what they have to say is of any consequence, it's almost always something like "We've got your back, Randy." It almost seems to me like they were trying to recreate Evolution with Legacy, and God, they failed so bad. I mean, I'm looking at a group promo, where all of Evolution came out, and when talking was done, even if Orton and Batista weren't talking in the promo, Orton and Batista were being promoted. When Legacy hits the ring, the only one being elevated is Orton. They don't promote the other two, they don't let the other two talk, it's like they have no legs to stand on right now. So at this point, Sidious, I'm with you, I wanna know what makes people think what they think, when to this point, I've not seen anything that could make one form an opinion on the subject.

Also, deep dive specific? Was that a Kingdom Hearts reference, or is there some other meaning for deep dive that I don't know?
Well, I totally agree with everyone's arguments and thinking. At this rate, whoever gets the headstart may be the bigger competitor.

Cody Rhodes: He's younger, fresher, but may not have the bigger success. He is 24, 3 whole years behind Ted, who seems to be at the same level. Basically, if Cody can jump to the upper mid card or main event in 3 years time - hes already ahead of DiBiase. Rhodes has a fresher move set as well. Between the two, I wish Cody to have more success. A feud with Golddust that gets personal may help as well.

Ted: He's older than Cody, by 3 years....BUT he has the look. He is a big guy, got a nice mixture of power and agility. As much as I dont want him to be better than Cody, he WILL be. In 5 years time, he will be the face of the company...hes going to share Cena's spotlight.

Ted just put out a movie that WWE is heavily promoting. Cena has put out movies that were heavily promoted. Ted is a "star". He will succeed. Movies help alot....it helps get you recognized to the star.

Last note: Creative plans is to have Ted vs. Orton at Mania....where's Rhodes? Where may he have gotten off to? You're having the Biggest Heel facing an upcoming star....this will send Ted right to main event status.
At this point I wouldn't say one has more potential than the other, I mean Ted, has more of a chance since he seems to be the one that the WWE likes more, but as they've been presented so far, I'd say they come out about equal, Ted just gets better opponents to beat, has more interaction against Orton, and is bigger than Cody.

TBH though, I personally like Cody much more, when he came in I didn't really see anything in him, but like Cena and Orton before him, they turned him heel and things clicked. If he were the bigger of the pair, I don't doubt that he would be the one receiving the rumored shot against Orton at WM. Like Falcon said, he has a cocky look about him, that to me comes off much better than DiBiase. Dibiase has a goofy, aloof look to him, he also sound kind've goofy as I said in some other thread on here. Not to mention I like Rhodes' moveset better, but I don't put much stock into that, movesets can be changed at a whim, and both sem to be good wrestlers.

Last thought, I think it is to soon to be giving Ted Dibiase this shot, and yes, I was and am still ok with Sheamus having gotten what he's gotten up to this point(although its too soon for him to be doing WM as the champ), but Dibiase has more potential in the future and this not going over well could have a bigger impact on his career than Sheamus' push not going over well would've had on his. I'd build DiBiase up more instead of putting him in a feud with Kofi, I mean, he is just not on Orton's Level, or Kofi's level b4 the feud, or a handful of others.
I firmly believe that if you took away Cody's lisp and gave him Ted's size, there'd be no question whatsoever about it - that Cody would be the one with more potential and everyone would agree wholeheartedly. Those are the only two things I see holding him back at all.

Cody just seems to be more natural to me. He's more believable and better on the mic, he's more entertaining in the ring overall (to me at least) because he offers more flexibility and seems to understand the storytelling aspect more, and he seems to...for lack of a better phrase..."want it more" than Ted. In no way do I mean that Ted phones in performances, but if you really think about it, what advancements has Ted made since his debut? Personally, I still view him on the same level as his first match, whereas Cody has improved a lot in my mind. When he first made his debut, he was very green, but he's grown comfortable it seems.

I could see Ted being pushed further and Cody having to "earn it", but Cody turning out to be the more beneficial superstar, particularly as a fan-favorite face. Ted does have potential, but I don't see him tap into it as much as Cody, who has developed a bit of his own personality instead of Ted who has basically just emulated Orton even in his rather monotone delivery on the stick. If Ted is to get higher up on the ladder, he's going to need to be Ted DiBiase Jr, as opposed to Randy Orton 2.0.
So this thread is specifically for those that see something in ONE of the members of Legacy over the other.

What is it SPECIFICALLY (and I am talking "Deep-Dive specifics here) that you see in either Ted Dibiase more so than Cody Rhodes OR what you see in Cody Rhodes over Ted Dibiase, to make you think they have a lot more potential.

Someone tell me what you are seeing, that I am apparently not seeing, please.

Ted Dibiase has more potential than Cody Rhodes. Cody is a little better on the mic, but Ted has been better than him in everything else from the start. He's better in the ring, was the more entertaining half when they were "Team Priceless", got to star in his own movie, and has the look of a future world champion.

The biggest problem with Rhodes is his size. If/when he gets a world title someday, he will probably get booked as an underdog champion since that often happens to some of the smaller guys. Dibiase will probably not face that problem as he has the look of a champion. He reminds me of a younger Orton from back in 2002 before Evolution. WWE obviously saw this potential too or else he would not have gotten the movie role.

Ted's biggest problem is his mic skills, but even there he is a little above average. He was great when he first came out talking about his mystery partner that ended up being Rhodes in a heel turn. Rhodes wasn't that good back then. It felt like Ted turned him heel and Rhodes was just along for the ride at the time.

I expect them both to do well after Legacy has split up in the future.... but Ted has more potential than Cody and will probably be the bigger star because while Ted can improve his mic skills to where they are better than Cody's, Cody can't do much about lacking the look of a future world champion and Ted already has that look.
Ted Dibiase has more potential than Cody Rhodes. Cody is a little better on the mic, but Ted has been better than him in everything else from the start. He's better in the ring, was the more entertaining half when they were "Team Priceless", got to star in his own movie, and has the look of a future world champion.

The biggest problem with Rhodes is his size. If/when he gets a world title someday, he will probably get booked as an underdog champion since that often happens to some of the smaller guys. Dibiase will probably not face that problem as he has the look of a champion. He reminds me of a younger Orton from back in 2002 before Evolution. WWE obviously saw this potential too or else he would not have gotten the movie role.

Ted's biggest problem is his mic skills, but even there he is a little above average. He was great when he first came out talking about his mystery partner that ended up being Rhodes in a heel turn. Rhodes wasn't that good back then. It felt like Ted turned him heel and Rhodes was just along for the ride at the time.

I expect them both to do well after Legacy has split up in the future.... but Ted has more potential than Cody and will probably be the bigger star because while Ted can improve his mic skills to where they are better than Cody's, Cody can't do much about lacking the look of a future world champion and Ted already has that look.

Ok. Now I am going to grill you. Define "better in the ring" in the case of Ted Dibiase, Jr. What is it he does "better in the ring" than Cody Rhodes?

Now I do admit that I don't view technical wrestling with as critical an eye as clearly a lot of people do, and rather my focus is on Creative Writing for storyline segments as well as sensible booking that compels viewers. And in that sense, I am more lax and not as critical on in-ring performances, especially for weekly TV as opposed to PPV's.

But from what I see, I don't see how Ted is any better than Cody in the ring. They both move about the same pace, seem to have about the same movesets, seem to both sell equally, etc.

So from your eyes, let's talk specifically about what makes Ted "better in the ring".

Anything ring-related you can point out and discuss with any specific matches to illustrate what you are talking about, would be greatly appreciated. You can even post them from You Tube if you can.
Ok. Now I am going to grill you. Define "better in the ring" in the case of Ted Dibiase, Jr. What is it he does "better in the ring" than Cody Rhodes?

Now I do admit that I don't view technical wrestling with as critical an eye as clearly a lot of people do, and rather my focus is on Creative Writing for storyline segments as well as sensible booking that compels viewers. And in that sense, I am more lax and not as critical on in-ring performances, especially for weekly TV as opposed to PPV's.

But from what I see, I don't see how Ted is any better than Cody in the ring. They both move about the same pace, seem to have about the same movesets, seem to both sell equally, etc.

So from your eyes, let's talk specifically about what makes Ted "better in the ring".

Anything ring-related you can point out and discuss with any specific matches to illustrate what you are talking about, would be greatly appreciated. You can even post them from You Tube if you can.

I have a different definition of "better in the ring" than some of the other posters on here would. I'm more into the storylines and characters of wrestling rather than the in-ring product itself (although that's still important too).... When I look at someone as being "good in the ring" it is a combination of how entertaining I find them during the match and how well they play their character. So it more or less comes down to their look and their special moves. Ted has a better heel presence in the ring than Cody does. He is more intimidating in his role as a heel, and has a better looking finisher.

Sorry if that was not specific enough. My expertise as a fan is the storylines and characters, as I am very lenient when it comes to what I find to be good in the ring. I still find their skill sets to be similar, but with Ted having the better finisher and the better overall look. Combine that with him having already decent mic skills, being the more entertaining of the two for their whole time together, having a starring role in a movie I'd like to see, and you have my reasons for why I think Ted will go further than Cody when they split. I predict that Ted will be the bigger star if things keep going the way they have because he has had more potential than Cody all this time and he is beginning to live up to it.
I actually prefer Rhodes over Dibiase in terms of in ring skills and mic skills. As I recall it always seems to be Rhodes who carries the bulk mic work with Legacy. Rhodes is also a lot more exciting in the ring and seems to tell a better story than Dibiase, who seems to be kind of lost sometimes.
Ted will prolly big the bigger star in the long run since he has a better look, more marketable (Marine 2 for example) and is a slightly better wrestler than Rhodes.

Rhodes lisp and lack of charisma and mic skills will hurt him in the long run. I dont know many women who like Rhodes for example and think Ted is dreamier.
I don't mean to burst anyones bubble but I don't really think either of these guys are anything special, nor do I think that one is really better than the other. DiBiase is the better built of the two due to his natural size, but besides that, they are almost identical.

The problem with these two is that they are basically just a couple of clones. Sure, Rhodes has tried to distinguish himself a little more than DiBiase but they essentially play the same character. They are both a couple of lackeys to Randy Orton. I think this has hurt them more than it has helped them too.

They could have been every bit as successful just being the tag team "Priceless" there was no need to pair them with Orton and make a supposed "Stable". All that did was serve as an edge to keep the title on Orton which could have been done by other means. Meanwhile, neither of them achieves anything in singles or tag competition. No Gold, nothing else gained other than the reputation of being Orton's toads.

Form the beginning it was horrible. The way they tried to basically mimic everything Orton did was ridiculous, coming out with basically the same wrestling gear, same walk, same talk, and very similar in ring styles. All the while Orton is the mouthpiece so they don't get much time to develop on the the mic, and neither has very well to date. They are carbon copies of a guy that is better than they are, and look desperate, and foolish for following him.

I think if you are going to see anything from either of them it is going to be in singles competition with the two of them split up, and on different shows. Give each one their own platform, their own stage, and see what each one can do with it. DiBiase obviously has the edge because of his physique. If he gets into any kind of meaningful feud and comes out on top, be he heel or face, the people will be more willing to accept him based on looks alone.

It is just more believable to see a bigger stronger looking guy demolishing people. Cody is going to have a rough road no matter what. He has the lisp, he looks funny, and he isn't that big in comparison to the others top guys, and he hasn't done anything to establish himself as anything besides a decent tag team performer. As for any aspects of either guy in the ring with how they perform in all area I would say each guy is solid, but still neither better than the other.

If the two of them developed more of their own style instead of adopting everything Randy Orton I think they would put more of a spotlight on themselves, but as long as they are in the shadow of Orton, neither of them will go anywhere.

Getting back to Cody though, I think if he maybe had some attire that was a little more "comprehensive" and thought out better, the change in his look could completely alter his character. I have seen Cody Rhodes and DiBiase a few times in person, and I can tell you Cody is not as small as he looks on camera, it is just the wrestling gear. The speedo trunks, bland knee pads, bland boots, and lack of substance make him seem dull, and make him look ridiculous. His upper half is actually as ripped as either Orton or DiBiase, but his legs don't look very big.

If you instead, put him in some long wrestling tights, with some pads underneath, and some thinker boots, kind of like Edge, you could easily have another Edge. He could be a less eccentric version of Edge. It's his lower half that makes him look small, so make his legs seem thicker and when all you see is his chiseled torso and arms he will look bigger. They do this kind of stuff with people, Batista is a prime example. His attire is meant to break up the sections of his body to make him look taller, with longer limbs. This would make Rhodes look more stocky and give the illusion that he is bigger than he actually is, changing peoples perspective of him being too small. That could help him a bit.

DiBiase could keep his current look and character, but it would have to capture more of Ted himself than Orton. If he just did his own thing I think people would be even more enamored with him than they already are because he would look more like a strong, self reliant, head strong competitor. As is it's like he is some kind of stupid minion who doesn't know how to make himself more famous or successful.

In closing, as I stated, they are basically the same right now. Until they can be repackaged a bit, and sent on their own ways neither will surpass the other. Even if they do go on their separate paths and each man garners some success, there is really no telling who might go higher. Like I said, Ted is in if he can figure himself out. Cody needs to be perceived as more of a threat because he appears to be too small to compete with the bigger guys. They both have a lot of work to do, and as time rolls forward, the longer they keep themselves apart of "Legacy" The more it hurts their chances at future success.
I think they're both shit, to be honest. Personally, I prefer Cody Rhodes because I think his finisher looks better and he has a slightly more dynamic move set - he goes to the top rope etc. Despite his lisp, I think he generally delivers better promos too, far more emotion in them.

That being said, I don't think either of them have serious potential to go on to bigger things. DiBiase and Rhodes still struggle to garner any sort of reaction without Orton, and neither of them have shown any signs of improvement on the mic or in the ring in almost two years of competition.
I don't get why the movie that Ted's in gets brought up so much. I mean the only indicator that it has for Ted's future thus far is that the WWE liked him enough to put him in a movie before he was anywhere close to the Main-Event, like their trying to build stars through their shitty direct to dvd movies, which is idiotic in itself. If The Marine 2 happens to bomb, then that could be a huge blow to any momentum Ted has going for him. Hell it could tarnish anything Cody has going for him as well.

And I don't see how it couldn't bomb, it only gets advertised on wrestling shows, and I know I'm not going to pay to buy it when I haven't paid to buy any of the movies with actual stars(from WWE's stance)in them). Basically Vince is counting on Wrestling fans to make a movie with what is basicaly a lower midcarder at the helm.
Ted has the Vince look, that you need to be a superstar automatically in the front offices eyes. Even if Ted lacks certain things that Cody does better, they will teach it to him. Cody overall is the better performer by far. (Look at his HoF speech for Dusty for example) however he does NOT have the "WWE Vinne Mac" look.
Well, for me they are very similar, but you have got to admit that most of what Cody is now, he learned from Ted, that is why they paired them on Priceless. Now a lot of people says that Cody now has better Mic skills than Ted, but I disagree since most of the time that Ted talks, peaople listen and hates him because his speeches are believable, Now Rhodes is being given more mic time but before it was always Dibiase who carry the mic work, juts look for their time before Legacy and the early start of both at Legacy.His in ring presence is better in the ring, which has to do a little with his size.

Ted resembles a little bit of Orton yes, but is different in his moveset, the thing is that they work as a team and now that is why he seems more like an apprentice than a wrestler on his own. Cody on the other hand also because of his size, has a more versatil move set and his finisher seems more devastating than Ted's (great that he changed it from the DDT, Carlito started uing that finisher too before the Elimination Chamber on 2006, but dropped it for the Backstabber), Ted changed it from the Cobra clutch/Russian Leg Sweep Combo to a Cobra Clutch Slam to make it look better and it worked, but Rhodes finisher is better.

Some people also see more potential in Dibiease in an unfair manner since we have seen Rhodes as face and it was boring, unfair because that wase years ago and he was just starting, who knows what he can do now, but with that being said, we have never seen Ted as face and every time they have teased it people has go very pro-Ted on that matter.

So for me I like Ted Presence better, disecting both of them, they both have equal potential and only time will tell who will be the more succesfull one.
Originally posted by Borgata:
Rhodes lisp

Never held Dusty back, nope, not one single bit.

I dont know many women who like Rhodes for example and think Ted is dreamier.

This is hilarious, so Cody Rhodes wont be the bigger star because women (at least the ones you know) don't find him sexy? Oh well, he sure is destined for failure now seeing you must be 'dreamy' to experience success in WWE. In all seriousness though, what has this got to do with anything?

As for who I think is is better and has more potential, that is Cody Rhodes. Why? For starters, he is different. He has a different look, his move set as of right now is more varied than that of Dibiase. For example, Rhodes will quite often employ knee drops, submissions, an occasional moonsault, drop kicks and so on. Dibiase will normally stomp, slap on a headlock, do a drop kick and we're done.

Don't get me wrong, Dibiase is good and has potential to be great but as of right now I think Rhodes is more developed. Although, I would say that WWE haven't done enough to really distinguish these two from each other as far as in ring performance is concerned, but for what it's worth I think Rhodes has demonstrated he is the more versatile in this area as of right now. As for mic skills, it's difficult to say because neither have really been given an awful lot of opportunity to speak but for argument's sake I will also say that Rhodes appears more advanced here, as it currently stands.

In my opinion he has more emotion in his promos and god forbid at least his lisp distinguishes him from those promo cutters in WWE who tend to speak in a dry monotone and let's not forget Rhodes actually had a good year being on his own where he was allowed to talk and so he has more experience with this (at least at WWE level).

Originally posted by maar130:
You have got to admit that most of what Cody is now, he learned from Ted.

I'll certainly not admit to this. How exactly is that the case? Remember Rhodes is the one who actually was in WWE for a year before many had even heard of Ted Jr. If anything, I would say it was Dibiase who was paired with Rhodes.
I'll certainly not admit to this. How exactly is that the case? Remember Rhodes is the one who actually was in WWE for a year before many had even heard of Ted Jr. If anything, I would say it was Dibiase who was paired with Rhodes.

Well he was a year before, but never really got anything going for him, he got paired with Hardcore Holly but that was a lame team, they got the belts but had nothing really working for them. Then Entered Ted, he started cutting promos and all, with the plan for them to be paired because of being second generation, but Ted's promos were good for a starter and when they started with the priceless thing, Ted was the one with more mick time and rightfully so, you can search youtube for that.

Now Cody has being given the mic more now but their promos are about the same, they are both good in Mic, Orton or not Orton, LISP or not, Cody is good, but The ability to cut a promo and make it believable is Dibiase's doing.

Like I say I like Ted's precense better but have got to admit, on the age thing, Cody has the edge because he looks like an experienced performed for only 24 years old.
the only thing Ted has over Cody is looks, but if you compare them on whose better in the ring and the mic, Cody wins, you want proof? Go check any of their matches out on youtube and watch how generic Ted is compared to Cody, Cody does alot of little things in the ring like talking down to his opponent, smiling to the crowd, smacking his opponent over the head, little things like that to make the crowd hate him more, Ted has no facial expressions and hes very monotone and bland on the mic, now Cody is no Ric Flair on the mic either but you can see he trys
Originally Posted By: maar130

Well he was a year before, but never really got anything going for him, he got paired with Hardcore Holly but that was a lame team, they got the belts but had nothing really working for them.

I agree that teaming with Holly wasn't the best thing for Rhodes but I blame the lameness of that team on the lacklustre Holly. It was like teaming the old with the new and it didn't really work.

Then Entered Ted, he started cutting promos and all, with the plan for them to be paired because of being second generation,


Ted was the one with more mick time and rightfully so, you can search youtube for that.

I remember watching during this time but I don't recall Dibiase having more mic time. In my opinion it has always been about even time allocated between them, give or take a minute. Watch their promo on Raw after Night of Champions 2008 and you'll see that Dibiase did no more talking than Rhodes.

Cody is good

Totally agree.

but The ability to cut a promo and make it believable is Dibiase's doing.

Do you mean Rhodes' ability to cut a promo now is because of teaming with Dibiase? If so, I still disagree. Rhodes could do promos on his own before teaming with him.
I agree that teaming with Holly wasn't the best thing for Rhodes but I blame the lameness of that team on the lacklustre Holly.
But you have to admit that a team is as good as both persons in it, and If Holly was showing nothing, Cody even if he was learning, was not being pushed as the future while on the team, he was not better than Holly as face, he lacked of something, he showed what he could do only until he became part of Priceless

I remember watching during this time but I don't recall Dibiase having more mic time. In my opinion it has always been about even time allocated between them, give or take a minute. Watch their promo on Raw after Night of Champions 2008 and you'll see that Dibiase did no more talking than Rhodes.

Usually now it is like that, both got to talk, but try to look for their promos, usually it was Ted who generated the heat at first and Cody followed suit, now it does not matter who starts, both man has enough mic skills to lead or to follow each other's heat, or like it has happened now, to do hold their own, alone in a promo or in the ring.

Do you mean Rhodes' ability to cut a promo now is because of teaming with Dibiase? If so, I still disagree. Rhodes could do promos on his own before teaming with him.

Not completely meant that, but just watch Cody's promos before that and well, even is they are not many they are not pretty good, he lacked of emotion, even when he started feuding with Orton at the beginning of his WWE tenure when he was defending his father.

What I mean is that both guys have learned from one another and that Dibiase cut better promos in the past, For me it seemed like Cody has taking a few pointers from Ted on that department, and Ted has taken a few pointers from Cody as well.
But you have to admit that a team is as good as both persons in it.

Yeah, that's true but even still I didn't think it was the greatest thing to move Rhodes from a feud with Orton to a team with the lacklustre Bob Holly. At that time Holly was nothing more than enhancement/low midcard talent himself and so by teaming a fresh, young talent in Cody Rhodes with him I just feel it hindered Rhodes more than it furthered him. That part of his career was just a bit bland even with a tag team title run, but I agree that things changed once Priceless began. But I credit both Rhodes and Dibiase for the sucess of the team.

Not completely meant that, but just watch Cody's promos before that and well, even is they are not many they are not pretty good, he lacked of emotion, even when he started feuding with Orton at the beginning of his WWE tenure when he was defending his father.

There's no doubt his promos and mic work now are more superior than his early ones but that's to be expected, you are naturally going to improve with time and experience. I think he's come a long way since then but I recall an early promo he cut on Santino Marella and I thought he did a decent job of conveying emotion even then.

What I mean is that both guys have learned from one another.

I think that's perhaps the fairest way to look at it, both have learned from each other. However, I do think that recently Rhodes has provoked more emotion in his promos, especially from during the DX feud.
This is my reasoning on why I like Ted DiBiase better than Cody Rhodes AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME. It is very simple: Ted DiBiase looks more like a real main event superstar in the way that he is just bigger. Cody is so small and skinny that is impossible to take him seriously as a real champion. That is my only reasoning on why one has more potential than the other. That is to answer the question, but for my feelings on both of them:

I feel both of them really have not done anything to impress me. They rarely fight on their own in single matches to prove anything separately and when they fight in tag matches, they lose. Legacy has come to simply Orton's way of winning. It seems to me WWE has turned Cody and Ted into automatic interference for anything involved with Orton. They aren't actual wrestlers, they are boring slaves for Orton who interfere and then do nothing else. People claim they are the next generation, well they have been together forever now and have not really accomplished anything. Besides the looks and names of the two, there is no difference between Ted and Cody. They rarely talk on the mic, and when they do, it's the same old shit from both of them. When they fight, nothing interesting comes out of the match. They are the same person, and that person is not a good one. DiBiase and Rhodes have not yet showed anything to prove they can move on to the next level.
Both Rhodes and Ted seemed to emulate Orton in the ring as Legacy began growing as a force in the WWE. Both seemed calculated in how they targeted their attacks, and that made it difficult to figure out who seemed to have more potential in the ring

As time's gone on, they've slowly adapted more unique styles, even if the difference isn't mind blowing. Rhodes has demonstrated his agility and athletic prowess a little more, pulling off impressive moonsaults, and what I believe to be one of the prettiest dropkicks on RAW

Ted as expected shows ability based off of his bulk, which you can't really describe in a way to make him sound better. You've seen him in the ring right?

Personally, I do see Ted becoming the bigger star, only because his match with Orton at WM (if it does indeed happen) automatically pushes hm ahead of Cody on the food chain. Cody would have to receive a pretty impressive post-WM push to catch up with the kind of reception Ted would get after clashing with Randy, especially if he wins

Ted seems to be in the process of being groomed for stardom, while as mentioned earlier, Cody will have to work for it.

My overall opinion: Cody will at one point surpass Ted, though it is going to be a come-from-behind race for a while. I believe Cody's potential (meaning he will soon become, not that he is now) as an excellent in-ring performer will overshadow Ted's grooming as a main eventer by look and name alone
lets look at cody not strong not fast no subbmission gets his ass kicked most of the time but great wrestleing skills and an opportunist now lets look at ted not fast no subbmissions and is randys bitch but strong great wrestling skills knows how to dominate so i think cody is going to be just like his brother - the make up ted in ten years world champ
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