Can someone lend me advice for a minute

:lmao: This song will get you laid & married all in one, if you actually play it on guitar and sing it to her. Especially if distance is whats causing you problems!

Its not exactly that I try to give them the "happy" advice, although I do tend to try giving them advice that would help them to not be miserable. And regarding the safe advice, nothing is truly safe regarding relationships. Its touch and go.

But I agree, a partnership in advice could be awesome. It allows the person to have two different opinions.

Geez Wes, I'm sorry the routine of pulling your dick out and saying "sorry it isn't bigger, I promise it'll be better" doesn't work with everyone. :disappointed: Fuck man, how hard is it to skip a "book" if you don't like it.

The bolded parts are all I really clued in on to see you have bigger issues than Distance. First, what the hell is your current girlfriend doing talking, or especially listening to your ex? Short of them being friends.. which even at that point is a red flag, she shouldn't be listening to anything your ex has to say about you, especially bad, because whos to say she isn't clearly feeding her head full of shit.

Second, you've been together a year now, and your girlfriend is STILL unsure on whether everything is fine? 10 miles was one thing, but a year together and suddenly a hop, skip and a jump away is gonna destroy a year long relationship? Sounds like she isn't being honest with you on something. It seems that her mind is playing tricks with her over losing you, because of something more than distance.

And if it IS distance, then I'm unclear on this girl to begin with simply because if she can't trust you to remain with her over that "long" of a distance.. then whats gonna happen if you two ever fight over something major?

I question highly if shes been in other relationships in which shes been heavily scarred and hurt, because it seems like shes pushing all these small no-nothing problems into major situations and fearing losing you. She definately needs some reassurance from you that you aren't going anywhere, and this even further proves to me you need to show her something along the lines of what you've told us.. in that you really wanna marry her.

EDIT: I'm not saying tell her you wanna marry her though! I mean show her you're dedicated and you love her.

Furthermore, don't just suddenly start going to her as often as you can for the first few monthes to prove you will, then slowly going less and less. If you do that, she'll only further build that complex in her head that you really are slowly falling away from her. I say go as much as you normally would, but just show your dedication to her, nothing too out of the norm.. just be yourself.

See that's just it though. Every relationship really besides this one she's been hurt. Mostly physically. She really is a great girl, but her dad passed away, and from there she looked for comfort in all the wrong people. She's probably afraid of the distance due to the fact the last one she was in lasted around 3 years and the guy comppletley blindsided her in the end...
See that's just it though. Every relationship really besides this one she's been hurt. Mostly physically. She really is a great girl, but her dad passed away, and from there she looked for comfort in all the wrong people. She's probably afraid of the distance due to the fact the last one she was in lasted around 3 years and the guy comppletley blindsided her in the end...

See, thats what I was afraid of. I dated someone who felt she deserved to be beat because her Father was abusive to her and she only ever dated assholes and guys who were abusive to her, so she felt she always deserved it.

While I doubt your girlfriend is as warped as my ex, I think everything falls into place with saying you definately have to work with your girlfriend to convince her that..

A.) You aren't the guy's from her past.

B.) You won't abuse her, nor will you ever leave her. (short of there being a very logical reason - I ALWAYS explain I'll only leave someone if there is a good reason for it, and I'll always be open and honest with how I feel)
then it's a whole different ballgame than simply being insecure about losing you. she thinks you'll be like every other guy and hurt her. you need to SHOW her you're not the same as the last guy. telling her is fine but i guarantee he did the same thing. overall though, be there for the girl, always tell her that you'll be there if she needs you.

it does get better over time btw. my fiancee went through a tough time with her ex and ended up with her self-esteem as pretty much 0, it's tough but show her you're not the same and be the same guy to her that you'd want her to be for you if it were the other way round (only as a girl...not a guy)
See that's just it though. Every relationship really besides this one she's been hurt. Mostly physically. She really is a great girl, but her dad passed away, and from there she looked for comfort in all the wrong people. She's probably afraid of the distance due to the fact the last one she was in lasted around 3 years and the guy comppletley blindsided her in the end...
Oh, she takes anal then?
See, thats what I was afraid of. I dated someone who felt she deserved to be beat because her Father was abusive to her and she only ever dated assholes and guys who were abusive to her, so she felt she always deserved it.

While I doubt your girlfriend is as warped as my ex, I think everything falls into place with saying you definately have to work with your girlfriend to convince her that..

A.) You aren't the guy's from her past.

B.) You won't abuse her, nor will you ever leave her. (short of there being a very logical reason - I ALWAYS explain I'll only leave someone if there is a good reason for it, and I'll always be open and honest with how I feel)

From what your sayin, I should just keep doing what I'm doing. We've talked it over, over the past couple of days and things seem to be a little better as far as her fear goes. Thanks guys I really appreciate it.
Why would she worry about 10 miles? Have you ever done/said anything they she may have interpreted incorrectly, thus thinking you would be unfaithful or wanting to break up? Or, does she normally worry about such things?

Reason I'm asking is, 10 miles isn't that much, and if you will be going to the same school, there shouldn't be a problem.

I think you need to confront her, gently, and ask why she feels you might be thinking of breakin up. If you find she is just paranoid, then watch out, dude. Be careful making a long term commitment, until you get this settled.

Just advice. Keep in mind most on this board are probably better with women then I am. ;)
Sorry. I lost myself for a second their.

When you got lost, did you happen to find a smile? Shawn's been looking for one for about 11 years now. He did find God, but God didn't know where his smile was either.. they've been searching together for a bit now.
He was smiling a lot that night in the hotel.

Was it the Heartbreak Hotel?

That's just to throw his wife off.

His Wife would throw you off.. a rooftop, if you got near him. :lmao: You have a thing about men and wives don't ya. hahaha

He has his smile when he's with me. Of course he doesn't have a smile constantly, did you see what he married?

I did.. shes gotten a HUGE breast job done I'm thinking. Perhaps he paid for them with the money you gave him for an autograph? :p
I take it the 10 miles still isn't working? I understand life's bad, but there's no reason to think you can toast your head. :p

I wasn't talking about that Will XD... Things have gotten better with the g/f though so again I thank you. Im gunna toast my head cause another Becca/HBK thing...
I wasn't talking about that Will XD... Things have gotten better with the g/f though so again I thank you. Im gunna toast my head cause another Becca/HBK thing...

:lmao: Every little girl has to have a fantasy, don't they? I remember when I was a little gir.. errr, I mean boy.. my fantasy was Pamela Anderson. :disappointed:

It was said once on her roast.. she needs to start a show on VH1 called "I fucked the 80's."
Was it the Heartbreak Hotel?


His Wife would throw you off.. a rooftop, if you got near him. :lmao:

I'd like to see her try. Gosh I hate her.

You have a thing about men and wives don't ya. hahaha

Indeed. Girls always moan all the good ones are taken. So? Go after them anyway.

I did.. shes gotten a HUGE breast job done I'm thinking. Perhaps he paid for them with the money you gave him for an autograph? :p

Yet she doesn't have 2 brain cells.
Like I'd have to pay him for anything.

I'd like to see her try. Gosh I hate her.

Indeed. Girls always moan all the good ones are taken. So? Go after them anyway.

Yet she doesn't have 2 brain cells.
Like I'd have to pay him for anything.
Don't take this the wrong way, but Shawn Michaels's wife is so much better looking than you it's not even a contest.
Ew. She's actually ugly, most people just see her boobs/body and are all over her. It's the same with most divas.
No no, the face is very good as well. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever paid attention to her body. I just remember her being very pretty in the face.

Like I said, that's not meant as an insult, it's just the truth.

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