Can Batista vs Orton for the belt be saved?


Getting Noticed By Management
Or is it just destined to be shit on by 80000+ booing the entire thing?

The WWE has booked itself into a corner if indeed Batista Orton will happen as it is... Maybe because of Batista's contract or because of the WWE's stubborness about their booking, but the lack of Daniel Bryan has definetively hurt Batista's return and this whole match as a whole

There's been reports of The WWE trying to turn Batista heel, and them face, and Randy to Turn face and everything in between, but for the last 6 months Randy has been one of the reasons Bryan is not champion, and Batista, in the fan's minds, has stolen Bryan's spot

Me personally, I'm going to be there live and plan to boo what WWE has been telling me "like" because i dont want to "Deal With It"

I don't think it can be saved as Orton should be a heel, Batista is being forced by fans into being a heel and Bryan is not there as a face so it will be heel vs heel and unlike Shield vs Wyatt's Orton and Batista aren't as over. I think as a singles match it is gonna be terrible and WWE can only save themselves by having first on the card letting fans boo the hell out of it and then give them the Shield Triple Threat to build the crowd back up ready for the matches they actually want to see
Even WM has to have a bathroom break match.

I really don't know what else to say about it.
In a different circumstancess and different build up this match could be different. Like this I am afraid fans will shit all over it when happens...

Last year Punk was about to mainevent in tripple threat beetween Cena and Rock. Most IWC wanted tripple threat like this year they want Bryan inserted. They shubbed Cena- Rock rematch instead and Punk was "settled" with Taker. And it was good storyline, some where unhappy but both Cena and Rock are mega- over and couldnt be bad. And they selled like crazy and it dellivered.

This year they seemed to try that again and hope that it will deliver again. Trouble is Batista isnt over as Rock and Cena and neither is Orton in his curent state. If Orton was face(ok more like tweener) like he was before Summerslam and he faced full blown returned heel Batista then maybe it would work. Like this people shited all over Batista so much that they are starting to care and cheer for freaking Alberto Del Rio just because he fights him :lol: And its not just because Danyel Bryan is mega over and people think that Batista has taken his spot, its because that people dont genuinlly care for Batista. If it was some other face that would be coming for Orton(even Cody Rhodes with some push could take that spot and it would be nice storyline and match) then maybe, but with Batista I am afraid people would shit all over it. Heavylly...

So I am really hoping for that World Title stipulation for Bryan. Or else that would be disaster similar to Goldberg- Lesnar. Irony is WWE genuinly dont care. Wrestlemania sells itself and all of us will buy Network to watch and 80000 people will buy tickets no mather who mainevents. But would be gruesome sight to see one of biggest matches on the card probably heavily booed because booking was the way it is...
No, it's fucked.

Both are heels. One by choice, and one because, A. he isn't Daniel Bryan and B. he's awful.

Batista looks and sounds as bad as ever. He is the absolute shits right now, and won't get any better. Orton is doing well, but he's a heel. If they cheer him at Mania, I honestly won't know what to think.

This match is fucked in every aspect. It won't surprise us, either. It won't be good. Batista is incapable of having a good match at this point.
There's no saving it and I don't think WWE care that much. I actually think they aren't putting Bryan in it because they want his win to be a PPV closing moment, and the intention for months has been for Taker vs Lesnar to close Mania. This is probably the same reason that Cena is being used in such a left field match for such a big show.

I feel sorry for Orton as despite the erratic way he's been booked I think he's done a good job with his paranoid promos and has been delivering the best match quality of his career since last summer. Batista on the other hand walked into a minefield that was not of his making, but he has no excuses for how out of shape he clearly is, I can't see this doing anything but stinking out the joint.
Well,this match is not gonna be a mess under one condition,actually a story....first since Daniel Bryan is not going to be in it so you have to turn Orton face but it comes slowly and step by step,exactly like triple H back in 2006 when he teamep up with HBK regrouping the DX.and second thing,they need to give this match a stipulation,NO DQ no holds barred whatever,at the end both superstars must beat the crap out of each other and give it all in the ring,i'm sure about Randy in this one,but Batista....i don't Know he doesn't look like a champion more thing,this match needs to be before DB and Triple H's match and so Taker-Brock match,this will be the only solution that can save the match,yes the boos will be everywhere but i think this is the best scenario for this!!
WWE just flabbergasts me with this shit. Can you imagine if they wouldn't have given Austin the title at mania 14? NOW is the god damn time for DB to finally get the title, it's not Batista's time, it's not orton's time, so why put the two most hated guys in the company in the main even of mania? It makes no sense at all. I am refusing to believe that this is actually the main event. The Creative team cannot be THIS stupid. Put Bryan in the match or expect garbage to be thrown in the ring at wrestlemania during this match.
ok to be honest im getting kinda sick of wwe fans, this match could be awesome but the fans just keep sooking. look im an aussie i watch wwe every now and then when ever i get the chance and when i heard the animal Batista was returning one of the biggest superstars when i started watching wwe is coming back i got excited. it was always obvious he would win the rumble the was no way daniel bryan would win it and he wont be in the title match time for even one to get the hell over it.

now how to save the match well if wwe wants to make the make the sooky fans happy they need to make batista team with bryan and here is the way i believe it can happen have daniel bryan confront triple h more aggressively then ever telling the game he is sick of being screwed over by the Authority and that he doesnt want to be the bret hart screw job, then suddenly orten attacks bryan from behind and then both triple h and orten start beating the crap out of him then suddenly batistas music hits and he runs down to the ring but orten escapes so the animal gets up in the games face, triple h tells him to stand down so batista does, then the game turns around and says thats right back down and listen to me like you did in evolution being my bitch, which causes batista to attack him and form an alliance with bryan against randy orten and the authority.
Double turn would work. The Authority just need to turn on Randy, side with Batista. Crowd should buy into Orton's character change. He could side with Bryan
Or is it just destined to be shit on by 80000+ booing the entire thing?

The WWE has booked itself into a corner if indeed Batista Orton will happen as it is... Maybe because of Batista's contract or because of the WWE's stubborness about their booking, but the lack of Daniel Bryan has definetively hurt Batista's return and this whole match as a whole

There's been reports of The WWE trying to turn Batista heel, and them face, and Randy to Turn face and everything in between, but for the last 6 months Randy has been one of the reasons Bryan is not champion, and Batista, in the fan's minds, has stolen Bryan's spot

Me personally, I'm going to be there live and plan to boo what WWE has been telling me "like" because i dont want to "Deal With It"


as fans we have to understand that the wwe is both a business and a show. If this was the plan 6 months ago than you run with it. Dont switch things up and change and make random matches because of some fans...SOME FANS. I personally, and alot of people I know, dont want DB in the main event because it doesnt fit his current storyline. He needs to face HHH at Mania and that is it. I dont understand why fans are so angry...WHO the f**K cares who the wwe champ is. We are not children anymore, we know this stuff is fake, so why does it matter? I dont know DB personally so him winning or not doesnt effect me at all. Hes an amazing wrestler and thats what I like about him, but he will still be amazing without that belt. Also I believe DB has a better chance to steal the show against HHH. Even with the addition of DB, that main event will SUCK. The fans will be loud because of DB, but the match quality would be terrible either way. If the wwe is smart they will leave DB out of the main event, put Batista vs Orton somewhere in the middle of the card than go from there. Maybe have DB win the title on Raw the next night, that post Mania crowd is always loud so it could be an amazing moment.

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