Can anyone name something more stupid a WWE wrestler has done in recent memory...


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... than Daniel Bryan adopting that ridiculous headbutt gimmick? What the fuck was he thinking?

He did something similar during his ROH Title run in 2006 with his matches against Nigel McGuinness, but that was still before Benoit and what we've come to learn how severe head trauma and undiagnosed concussions can be. Not to mention Bryan wasn't coming off a SERIOUS FUCKING NECK INJURY.

And the sad part is, it adds absolutely NOTHING to the match or story. Literally, it doesn't make a match any better or worse, and it won't even get a big pop from the crowd. I would even argue constant headbutts in the manner in which Bryan throws them (aka legitimately and not a work) is far more dangerous than an unprotected chair shot.

Man I love Bryan, such a kind soul and a truly good man. Great wrestler, too. But he needs to reevaluate how he approaches his matches. He can find a way to have great matches without putting himself in serious harm. Look at Punk and Jericho. Perfect examples. The riskiest thing Jericho does is the Lionsault, but at least when he hits it correctly, it doesn't cause any harm to himself or his opponent.

But yeah, name a dumber act in recent memory. If you can I'll be shocked.
Swagger staying on the reefer during his second coming (phrasing, boom!) was pretty stupid, but not as life-threatening (unless you count your backdoor virginity as life, for which a strong case can be made).
Define recent memory. Because Chris Benoit killed his wife and kids, that's pretty stupid.
Swagger staying on the reefer during his second coming (phrasing, boom!) was pretty stupid, but not as life-threatening (unless you count your backdoor virginity as life, for which a strong case can be made).

Even more so, Rob Van Dam doing the same - publically - whilst the WWE and ECW Champion. Killed his push, and Sabu's. There was a chance that ECW could have grown into a decent brand, at least at first; then they got busted for shmoking and ECW descended into a farce.
Does any time that Booker T speaks count?

Every week I shake my head at the fact he is given a seat at the desk for the whole show, while they give Renee Young just a few seconds of time for an interview segment.
Does any time that Booker T speaks count?

Every week I shake my head at the fact he is given a seat at the desk for the whole show, while they give Renee Young just a few seconds of time for an interview segment.

His "knucklehead"-bomb deserves special mention.
Evan Bourne comes to mind. Fails a Wellness Policy test, returns from a 30 day suspension, and then fails another one almost right away. Right about the time he seemed to be getting somewhat of a push. Best of luck in your future endeavors, buddy.

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