Calling out... Well... Anyone Really


Staff member
Would anyone like to debate with me in a non spam thread in the Video Games and Technology forum. It can literally be on anything at all that you hold dear or have a strong opinion on. I already asked KB and he understandably wasn't interested. So anyone who feels that they could give me a good debate, please say so here.

Thank you to anyone who applies and rep may be given.
I would gladly debate anyone on the topic of Leisure Suite Larry. However, to what end and in what context?

As for COD6 and AC2, what would you like to debate JicKMay?
Your choice, just give me a minute to finish up my last match on the e-fed and I will be ready (FWA, not WZCW of course)
Convince me LSL isn't the greatest Sierra series ever made...or, convince me that Freddy Pharkas isn't the greatest Sierra game ever made.

That I could attempt to do but you would have to view the thread with unbiased viewpoint and not a subjective nostalgic one.

JicKie "FalKon" Mames;1610101 said:
Your choice, just give me a minute to finish up my last match on the e-fed and I will be ready (FWA, not WZCW of course)

Is there one statement about either game that you find remotely controversial or not publicly accepted? Come up with a topic and I will try my best to argue against it.

HoF thread. Tomorrow.

LSL is definitely the greatest Sierra series game. The only one that may compare would be Quest for Glory or Kings Quest. Quest for Glory because of the original press it received when it had to change its name from Hero's Quest (because the board game put up a lawsuit against them) and Kings Quest because it's spread itself out to gaming systems besides the PC, along with LSL.

Damn, I love this stuff.
Would anyone like to debate with me in a non spam thread in the Video Games and Technology forum. It can literally be on anything at all that you hold dear or have a strong opinion on. I already asked KB and he understandably wasn't interested. So anyone who feels that they could give me a good debate, please say so here.

Thank you to anyone who applies and rep may be given.

I can't think of anything topics off the top of my head right now, but count me in. I haven't had a good debate for a few days now. Perhaps something FF related, as we already somewhat began something in the FFXIII thread?
Yeah, I would try to argue, perhaps in vain, that King's Quest is probably the best Sierra series. That would be a challenge indeed. As for the Final Fantasy series, Dagger. How about we have a debate on which was better, old school games 1-6, or the new school games 7-13?
As for the Final Fantasy series, Dagger. How about we have a debate on which was better, old school games 1-6, or the new school games 7-13?

Make it 1 to 7 VS 8 to 13 and you got yourself a debate! I'm actually about to go to bed though because I'm nocturnal. What do you say we start once Smackdown's over?
7 was the shft in new school so it shoudl be classed as new school
It wont be today that I get to it Dagger. It will be tomorrow at best because I have busy day ahead of me. However, if you want to make the thread, I will more than happily see if I can get to it tomorrow. I am looking forward to it.
A debate in the GOTY thread would be easier if we had confirmation that new Zelda would be out next year.
I doubt it will, a proper Mario and Zelda game in the same year? Neh.
Totally. But unfortunately, it'll end up merely being a cult classic, like the other 3D Metroids.... Which is a shame, cause Metroid deserves so much better.
Kinda sad. But who knows. Maybe Other M can pull it off. It has a great story to begin with.

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