Calgary Region, Second Round: (3) Hart Foundation vs. (35) Kobashi and Misawa

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Hart Foundation

  • Kenta Kobashi and Mitsuharu Misawa

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Tell Vince that it's all opinion. Wrestling is about money, Misawa and Kobashi were a better draw than the hart foundation, had more effect on the business than the harts. There is measurable criteria to make a logical conclusion, which is what I'm doing. You're hiding behind "opinion" and anti-Japanese bias to support your position.

Vince hired The Hart Foundation...even made one of them World Champion.

Never did either with Misawa or Kobashi. :)
Vince hired The Hart Foundation...even made one of them World Champion.

Never did either with Misawa or Kobashi. :)

Actually there was talk of Vince hiring both, but shortly after that Misawa became a booker and it's widely considered that he wouldn't have left after that. Being as he had a family and such. So vince wanting to hire them is one thing, wanting to hire them and actually doing it is two different things. Sting has never wrestled a match for WWE but I'd say he's better than Rob Van Dam.

Vince being the be all and end all of wrestling gets old but it is WIDELY believed that he wanted to bring misawa in. Maybe Misawa knew he could make better money in Japan than in the US and stayed with his family and friends. I guess that means Misawa isn't great because he might not have gone because he loved his family.

Vince hasn't put Randy Savage in the HOF, but you know what nobody questions his greatness or HOF stature. Just saying. Vince isn't the be all and end all, because if he is then the Road Warriors would be an 3 seed instead of a one.

AWA, WCW, NWA, WWF, and Japan all count as to why the Road Warriors are great.
So... after reading all of that mess... it's as simple as this.

As good as Misawa and Kobashi were as a tag team and individual wrestlers, this match takes place in the hometown of the Hart Foundation, Calgary...Alberta, Canada. And with all of that being said, the hometown advantage works as good here as it does anywhere.

The Foundation would take a beating from these two Japanese legends, but in the end, a Hart Attack gets a quick roll up for the win.
If this were The Holy Demon Army I'd probably take them over The Hart Foundation, but in this particular matchup I've decided to go with the Hart Foundation. Misawa/Kobashi were better workers for my money than either Hart (at least it's close) or Neidhart (not a comparison) but the Hart Foundation has home court and were a dedicated tag team. Misawa and Kobashi were running as a team to build to a feud for legacy between them.

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