To be fair, the use & understanding of 'our' words are lost on people with his vocabulary skill.
Have you figured out that money isn't made of paper yet?

You say you're straight-forward about answering, so I'd like an answer to that and your assumptions on straws still.

Have you figured that if you know something it is obvious that I, as your intellectual superior, would know it? Of course, the fact that you believe that plastic doesn't melt is astounding.
Have you figured that if you know something it is obvious that I, as your intellectual superior, would know it? Of course, the fact that you believe that plastic doesn't melt is astounding.

Are you Sheldon Cooper?
If so I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Maybe if you tell people how smart you are another fifty times, they'll start to believe you. Or maybe it'll come around the hundredth. Surely if you just keep repeating yourself, you'll convince everyone as to just how intelligent you are.
Have you figured that if you know something it is obvious that I, as your intellectual superior, would know it? Of course, the fact that you believe that plastic doesn't melt is astounding.

I take that as a "no, I don't do my research" from you then.

Straws don't melt in edible soup. This is one of their functions. Get back to me when you can prove they do without saying "they don't" another hundred times. I thought this was common knowledge until I met lil bitch Kid. Stay golden little man.

American dollars aren't made of paper. They are made of fibers and linen, commonly known as cloth. When you burn paper, the flame is orange. Burn money, it's blue. Easy scientific experiment, lil bitch.
I take that as a "no, I don't do my research" from you then.

Straws don't melt in edible soup. This is one of their functions. Get back to me when you can prove they do without saying "they don't" another hundred times. I thought this was common knowledge until I met lil bitch Kid. Stay golden little man.

American dollars aren't made of paper. They are made of fibers and linen, commonly known as cloth. When you burn paper, the flame is orange. Burn money, it's blue. Easy scientific experiment, lil bitch.
I'll stop you at the pass, LBK.
lil bitch kid said:
Don't let your respite workers know you're burning their money, it must be hard enough to deal with someone as stupid as you are.
Yes. My business is largely seasonal, I've been cooped up next to the computer doing graphic design bullshit for two months, and this may be the only thing keeping me from going all Jack Torrance on my roommates.

Seriously, who the fuck comes in here and complains about the level of intellectual discourse? Prison is where we lock away our mentally challenged so that they can be exploited for labor while imposing a minimal cost burden on society. Replace labor with entertainment, and you've got what we have here.
Holy fuck guys are you that bored in daily life you actually need to do this?

Not to take anything from you since your Custom User Title is the Wiccan Rede and I take it you abide by that rule like I do, but isn't complaining about the people doing this just as bad as the people picking on LBK?

I mean, this is Prison, and he's the liveliest Prisoner we've had in a while. So what if we talk to him?
I'm convinced this Lil Bitch Kid wrote and sent in that anonymous letter about CM Punk, claiming to be a WWE employee.

"Honestly, Punk is being a little b---h. I liked him so much before his run leading to and after that Money in the Bank in Chicago. He's a guy where you have to be really in his circle for him to I guess open up, which I understand, but being put in a feud with Kane and then with HHH at Mania is not a bad thing. Now I understand he feels this is his last Mania and he wants to main event and really, with the right storyline, that match could main event, but literally after the Tribute to the Troops incident he's just been difficult. There are so many there that want his spot, that want to say, 'I need a weekend off to go to UFC.' I really and fully believe he's a little jealous of the crowd reactions to Bryan and it's getting to him—He's just been such a dick lately. That interview with Ariel, he acted like he was the victim at the Troops taping when Michelle was just joking. Little b---h AJ took it to the wrong level. Do you really think AJ would have a 'pipe bomb' interview time or longest Diva champ BS if she wasn't dating Punk? Punk really doesn't want to be the face of the company. That's BS. I hate hearing that s--t. He says he does but this isn't ROH or OVW. He would b---h so much if he had to do Michael & Kelly at 9 a.m., then fly to a different state (for Raw), do a Make-A-Wish at 1 p.m. and then RAW, then do SmackDown, then do something Wednesday to fly home Thursday to be on the road Friday or Saturday. No way he could handle that for four months. He may come back as soon as Monday or he may never come back, but if never comes back he better remember how many fans he's f--king over right now, the same way he believes the WWE is f--king him over. And I'm not defending Vince or HHH. Especially HHH, because people are seeing that HHH taking over isn't as cool as they thought it would be. Outlaws, Nash, X-Pac, Flair, HBK, Batista—yeah must be nice to be HHH friends."
Holy fuck guys are you that bored in daily life you actually need to do this?

Well your approach is working wonders. Join in & have some fun for a change Mr High Ground.

Here is the point we are at. Not a single thing said to him will click. He is convinced he is right about everything & even when he flat out knows he is wrong- he wont admit it. He repeats himself, ignores facts & spews lame insults because he is in fact- a juvenile troll (not even a good one)...

Any person presented with facts usually has a change in opinion when their stance is inaccurate. Here the kid just wants to repeat & reuse the same tired shit, ignoring the fact he is completely wrong. He is obviously under some kind of mental health care & this is the only way he has to let out frustration, seeing as likely he has no friends considering the way he acts. His knowledge on the subjects of respite care, etc- are a dead giveaway.

So until he drops the act or comes up with new material, this is all just for prison entertainment & we should take bets on how long before he just cracks & or leaves. I give it 3 weeks before he just fades into the dungeon of history or his parents take his computer away.
If we were only going to go until he cracked, we could have stopped the moment an admin told him that they don't control the comments on the front page.
It's not me taking the high ground it the fact I have been picked on & insulted both here and off for years. I won't do it to anyone else no matter how stupid they are.
I take that as a "no, I don't do my research" from you then.

Straws don't melt in edible soup. This is one of their functions. Get back to me when you can prove they do without saying "they don't" another hundred times. I thought this was common knowledge until I met lil bitch Kid. Stay golden little man.

American dollars aren't made of paper. They are made of fibers and linen, commonly known as cloth. When you burn paper, the flame is orange. Burn money, it's blue. Easy scientific experiment, lil bitch.

So according to you, soup cannot have enough heat energy added to it to melt plastic? Ok, lil bitch, get a can of soup, get your respite workers to put it in a pot, put that pot on a stove, turn the element that it is on up to high heat, get it boiling, then put a straw in the pot and see what happens, moron.
Yes. My business is largely seasonal, I've been cooped up next to the computer doing graphic design bullshit for two months, and this may be the only thing keeping me from going all Jack Torrance on my roommates.

Seriously, who the fuck comes in here and complains about the level of intellectual discourse? Prison is where we lock away our mentally challenged so that they can be exploited for labor while imposing a minimal cost burden on society. Replace labor with entertainment, and you've got what we have here.

It's so cute that your respite workers call the pictures that you draw on circles of paper with your crayons "graphic design".
But then the soup would no longer be edible, until the temperature was reduced.

Of course, you could always prove me wrong by drinking a bowl of boiling soup.
It's so cute that your respite workers call the pictures that you draw on circles of paper with your crayons "graphic design".
You are.... really, really familiar with respite workers. To a degree that we first thought was just unoriginal and boring, but is now devolving quickly towards "fucking creepy".
You never acted as ignorant as he does. Silly & somewhat whiny yes- but not ignorant.

There you go using that word you don't understand again, lil bitch. You see, lil bitch, every time I prove you and the rest of the accounts of the "BooHoo lil bitch crew" wrong, it shows your ignorance. I know that you and the crew just repeat what I say, but that doesn't make it true about me, it only further proves it about you.

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