Buy Or Sell #2: Cesaro will still be a "Heyman Guy" at the end of 2014


Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright, kids. If you've ever watched PTI (Pardon the Interruption), a sports talk show on ESPN, you already know how to play. If not, the rules are simple. If you agree with the statement, you "buy" it. If you disagree, you "sell" it. You need to explain why you bought or sold the statement.

This is a question I've been pondering since they joined forces the night after Wrestlemania. Cesaro is way over with the crowd, but he has the biggest heel manager since Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. It's almost inevitable their ideals and future plans clash... right?


Heyman will lead Cesaro to a very prosperous 2014. Leading into and after Wrestlemania 31? I'm not so sure. Cesaro will hold at least one singles title this year. Probably more than one. Despite Heyman being stuck on Lesnar ending The Streak, Cesaro has and will continue to recognize the expertise that Paul brings to the corner of every superstar he's ever joined forces with (with the exception of Ryback). After a while though (not before the end of 2014), we'll begin to see the seeds planted for a Cesaro vs Brock Lesnar match with Heyman choosing Lesnar over "The King of Swing".

So, do you buy or sell this alliance between Cesaro and Paul Heyman for the rest of the year?
I'll buy it.

Although, it'll be interesting to see how WWE handles Cesaro without killing his momentum, when Brock Lesnar returns for his match at Summerslam. Fumbling Ryback's heel run didn't help the problem, and Curtis Axel is dull as dirt. But Axel was lost in the background during the build for Punk VS Lesnar, and together, Ryback and Axel were sacrificial lambs/stepping stones in the Heyman/Punk saga.

Brock Lesnar is the #1 priority in the stable of Heyman Guys, and Lesnar will take center stage, when he returns. Hopefully, they'll find a meaningful program for Cesaro during the build to Summerslam to avoid a fading into obscurity problem.
I will have to sell on this one, Tony (see what I did there). I feel that the way the WWE is building Cesaro, along with his obvious support from the fans, it leads to the inevitable split with Heyman in the next 3-4 months. The divorce will be played out much like the CM Punk-Heyman marriage was, having the "Monster" return and demolish Cesaro, leading to a match between the two.

This would give Cesaro a huge face push leading into and after SummerSlam, leaving his current tweener status behind. A part of me would like to see him stay with Paul for the next year or two, but I just cannot see it playing out like that.
I say sell.

I don't quite know why they did it in the first place. Sure Heyman needs something to do while Brock is away, but why Cesaro? Cesaro is better on the mic than most people realise - just have a look at his work with Sami Zayn on NXT.

I predict this will be over before SummerSlam. It's as odd fitting as Cesaro was with Zeb. Just let him go on his own. He'll be fine.
TBH im on the middle. On one side if we are headed for a future Lesnar Cesaro match the split is inevitable but at the same time there so much Cesaro and Heyman could do together. cesaro can talk, and boy can he wrestle but more importantly he has charisma. paul is one of the greatest managers of all times that not only lends credibility but also heat to whomever he manages.

I am going with buying since i want to see heyman make cesaro grow and i feel id would till next summerslam at least not because cesaro needs too much help but because there is so much heyman could teach.

Cesaro and brock is not a match for this summerslam cause its too soon nor WM next year since it would be brocks first post streak match and it needs to be a big name. I say cesaro brock for next year's summerslam.
Buy, but I'm not convinced. I worry about Cesaro's mic skills at a main-event level. We know he can wrestle but that has never been the issue. Heyman can do the speaking for him. Cesaro is a far better wrestler than Axel or Ryback and the combination can take him to the top.

A problem is that people want to cheer for him. HE turned on the classic heel Zeb Coulter. HE hugged Sami Zayn just two months ago. The Cesaro swing is a move designed for a face. It seemed perfect for Cesaro to become a good guy and Heyman would prevent that.

I'll say he should stay with Heyman until the end of the year. He needs to improve on the mic so until then, Cesaro should remain a Paul Heyman guy.
I say sell as well. I think his mic skills will come around and honestly, I think maybe that might play into him splitting from Heyman. I'm wondering if maybe they add another young, Paul Heyman guy that forces a split to fully position him as a face that the fans are wanting anyways.
I say sell, but for a different reason. I'm someone who always look out for the quality of a match. His recent matches since becoming a Paul Heyman's guy have been going downhill. Despite that, he's still been rewarded with wins upon wins (so that he'd be ready as a main eventer). That's a self-destruction formula by my standard. If that continues, it'd be difficult for Paul Heyman to do his magic, no matter how good of a spoke-person Paul Heyman is. I sincerely hope I'm wrong on this. WWE needs more main eventers.
I'll buy this, easily.

After the debacles that were Curtis Axel and Ryback, Heyman desperately needs a success story other than Brock Lesnar. It doesn't get much more impressive then breaking the Streak, sure, but when will we see Lesnar again? Summerslam? He just doesn't work enough dates to be relevant as a 'Paul Heyman guy', no matter how impressive he is.

Which brings us to Cesaro. Rumors are there that Cesaro will face Lesnar at Wrestlemania 31, so one would imagine that he'ld have to break free from Pual Heyman to do so. After all, hasn't Heyman referred to Lesnar as his 'best friend' over and again during the past year? So it's obvious Cesaro is the one who'ld get dropped, correct?

Not necessarily. I seem to remember another guy be referred to as Heyman's "best friend", and Heyman busted him open with a ladder.

If Heyman can in any way be associated with someone and they're having success, he will be. If Cesaro is pushing hard and knocking on the door of becoming the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Heyman isn't going to drop him. Even if Brock gets jealous and instigates a fight with Cesaro, I could still see Heyman behind both men. First, advocating for both to drop whatever grievances they have with one another. But if that doesn't work...

It's easy to see him instigating both, and let the best man win. I could see him adding a stipulation of his own that he'll still back Cesaro if he beats Lesnar, or something of the like. But up until Wrestlemania 31, I absolutely see Cesaro as a Paul Heyman guy.

Even if he's turned face in the meantime.
Maybe by the end of 2014, but I think by early 2015 they will split. I have a feeling it's gonna be Brock vs Cesaro at Wrestlemania!!
Definitely BUY

I think after the failures that Ryback and Axel were as "Paul Heyman Guys", this time they might wanna do it right. Not to mention Cesaro is far better than both of those. Cesaro is a face and although he is a legit powerhouse, he isn't the mercenary type of guy like Lesnar. Brock actually I say even surpasses Cesaro in mic skills, unless Cesaro shows us something in the near future.

I sure hope WWE doesn't screw this up cause Cesaro, barring mic skills, has all the tools to be a mega star. Let's hope he learns something from Heyman. Cause in 5 years, I still wanna see Cesaro matches, but not with him jobbing to "random dude who is speaking another language with a constipated face".

I do think Cesaro should be the last serious push for WWE for a bit. They have Wyatts, Shield and Cesaro that are hot and besides those, I think WWE should take it easy with the pushes. I mean sure keep Barret relevant in the mid card, keep Sheamus relevant and such, but I don't want to see reports that state that "Sheamus, Barret, best workers EU, pushed soon, officials impressed #FOTM". Cause at some point someone is gonna get the lazy side of booking and it aint gonna be pretty.

Most recent case is Sandow. There were numerous reports of him being pushed to the moon and him being Triple H's pet project but atm he is getting to the level of Ryder in terms of relevancy, only Sandow actually has main event talent.
I'm going to sell this.

Heyman's value to the WWE is in being a heel manager who is able to attract heat FOR his guys, not FROM his guys. I don't think the WWE crowd is going to allow Cesaro to be a heel for 7 months, and to have a heel Heyman manage a face Cesaro seems like a bit of a waste for both.

I love that WWE placed Heyman with Cesaro immediately to give Cesaro the rub that Lesnar would get for beating the Undertaker. It's smart. It's heat by association.

Side note - don't look now, but we're slowly seeing the return of the heel manager. Heyman, Colter, the blonde who manages Rusev. One guy leaving a manager's camp to join another. All good things from my vantage point.
I'll say buy, although I'm a bit conflicted at the moment. Cesaro stays with Heyman for a bit, Lesnar returns around SummerSlam time, friction starts to build between the group. Cesaro turns in his Paul Heyman Guy badge (so to speak) and Heyman sics his "Beast Incarnate" after Cesaro as a form of retaliation and the two face off at WrestleMania. With Lesnar's new-found status as the guy to beat at WrestleMania and Cesaro winning the 1st ever Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale at the previous WrestleMania and having been built up for a little over a year, you have a very interesting and compelling match up, which is something the event has been lacking I feel more often than not. Two guys gaining a win at the previous WrestleMania, both having been under the tutelage of Paul Heyman and both being presented as having impressive strength it would be a *j.r voice*slobberknocker for the ages bah gawd!*j.r. voice*
SELL. I just think the whole point of this union is to get Cesaro over as big time babyface, and a falling out with Heyman would be the catalyst. The fans are already with Cesaro, they already hate Heyman, so when he breaks from Heyman it will be that extra boost that he needs. And I don't see it going more than 6 months until that ball gets rolling.
I'm going to sell this one... Heyman's main association is with Lesnar. Everything else is just secondary, even when he "managed" the longest reigning WWE champion of the modern era, it still took a backseat to Lesnar.

Pairing him up with Heyman was just a way to get him away from Colter and more importantly Swagger before he was really hurt by being associated with with the obviously inferior Swagger.

I see Cesaro breaking free this summer. Heyman pressures Cesaro to interfere on Lesnar's behalf at SummerSlam, Cesaro double-crosses him and helps Lesnar's opponent defeat him. It would be a remarkable sight to see somebody just physically dominate Lesnar and if they were ever going to have somebody do it, Cesaro is the one to do it.

That sets up a few months of Heyman bringing in people against Cesaro as retribution while Brock sits at home. Zayn comes to mind of the top of my head. Then the inevitable Lesnar/Cesaro match, possibly at the Rumble or EC. Personally, I'd like to see Lesnar attempt to sabotage Cesaro during the Rumble only to see Cesaro overpower both Lesnar and whomever the last guy left at the same time, a double body slam or something similar. They have their blowoff at EC with the spot in the title match up for grabs, Lesnar wins allowing him to go into Mania against whomever the champ is at that point.
I'd sell. I can't see them not capitalizing on a potential money fight of Brock vs. Cesaro especially when HHH, Taker and Batista may not be wrestling at the event.

It doesn't make sense to do Bryan vs. Lesnar this early since Brock would leave for months again.
Personally I think he should be a Heyman guy until the Rumble.

Brock beats Daniel Bryan for the title at Summerslam.

Cesaro wins the Rumble. After the Rumble, Heyman turns on Cesaro, and Brock comes out to beat him up.

Cesaro-Lesnar for the WWE WHC at WM31.

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