Who Will Be The Next "Heyman Guy"?

The current "Paul Heyman Guys" are CM Punk and Brock Lesnar. Any name that isn't of that caliber cannot be next or it will dilute those two. So, basically, that narrows it down to people like HHH (which will never happen), Undertaker (unlikely), Cena (never), and I can't think of any more. If Chael Sonnen were to join WWE he could do it, maybe. Maybe the Shield as a collective group but I don't think that would work long term either. And, lastly, possibly Ziggler. Not because he's as big of a name but he is the WHC and he is an up and comer. And with #HEEL as his handle, but him receiving a huge ovation frequently, aligning with the human heat machine Paul Heyman may be one of the only ways to keep him heel much longer.

EDIT: Just saw a poster a couple above mention Randy Orton. That one would actually work. His character is on life support and joining with Heyman would be an instant shot of interest.
Another one who could work would be Joe Hennig... Heyman can cut a promo about how WWE took the grandson and son of two of the greatest and hid him from the world on NXT behind a false identity. They can use license and say Curt Hennig and Rick Rude were the original Paul Heyman guys... hell they can even wheel out Larry to endorse it as he famously said Joe would only become "Hennig" when the time was right, can't see a better way to use him than as a "Heyman guy"
Heyman's two current clients present an interesting contrast. The one who desperately needs a spokesman is Brock Lesnar, since Brock is neither good on the mic nor particularly desirous of talking, anyway. As we know, Heyman is there ranting about Brock because his client is rarely there at all .....Heyman is a "gap filler" to keep his client's name in our minds even as Brock is off doing something else, which doesn't include traveling on the road with the rest of the WWE troupe.

Oddly, Heyman's other client is C.M. Punk, a man who needs no one to talk for him; he's quite capable of handling it himself. Plus, excluding his recent vacation, Punk is always around; there's no need to have someone else to keep his name in the headlines.

As to a third client? It's an old story with me, but I offer Drew McIntyre. He would be a different challenge than either Brock or Punk. Drew is a full-time performer who needs a mouthpiece, not because he's not around (like Brock) or in need a public relations man (like Punk). Instead, Drew would be more of a protege of Heymans', a guy who wreaks havoc on the instructions of his spokesman. For that reason, Heyman would be more of a manager to Drew than the other two; Paul would be more supervisor than cheerleader.

One of Drew's weaknesses is his inability to express himself well on the mic, and that's exactly where Heyman excels. It's the concept Jack Swagger lucked into; don't let him talk, just let him fight. Swagger is still no ball of fire, but he's now able to let his technical excellence tell his story while Zeb Coulter takes care of the vocals. Drew also has the ring skills to support Heyman's yapping.

Plus, Drew needs a controversy to jumpstart his singles career. Even as the Chosen One, all he was given to run with was anger, an omnidirectional rage that might look effective during a match, yet offered nothing in the way of a continuing program. Heyman could create plenty of trouble to establish and fortify some genuine controversy.

No, I don't think this has a chance in hell of happening.....but McIntyre-Heyman is my pick and I'm sticking with it. It would create a whole new direction for both guys.
I don't see how any of the low tier guys can possibly be included when the 2 current ones are 2 of the 3 biggest stars in WWE. It'd be like if Hall, Nash, and Hogan made a big reveal that Virgil would be the NWOs 4th member.
I think Ryback is a logical choice. However, I don't think it's fair to say his mic skills are horrid. He's gotten noticeably better over the past few weeks. Something tells me that WWE made a decision to turn him heel really quickly and Ryback didn't have very much time at all to prepare. It can be hard to give a speech, which is really what a promo is, in front of thousands of people if you haven't had a lot of prep time. Ryback's been mostly a silent destroyer that's been turned into part destroyer/part Chatty Cathy. I might be completely wrong, but I see Ryback hooking up with The Shield. At the same time though, maybe Heyman could represent The Shield as well. After Extreme Rules, Lesnar is probably going to be gone until SummerSlam, which is probably, at least, how long CM Punk will be gone, so it'll give Heyman something useful to do.

When it comes to Cesaro, I'm a fan of the guy personally. He is lacking when it comes to a sense of natural charisma and personality. I think a mouthpiece could be something that makes all the difference. Heyman would be a logical choice here as well because, frankly, Heyman's able to get guys over who aren't great talkers. Even though Brock Lesnar didn't necessarily need Heyman to be over, Lesnar is someone that truly does have horrid mic skills. Lesnar needs someone to carry the mic work for his side of a feud, so I've no doubt it could work with Cesaro as well.

uhhh well they had time to work with Ryback for awhile, and I'm almost positive they stuck him with that gimmick so that he didn't have to cut many promos and when he does, he can get away with doing very simple stupid ones... "feed me more" and all that other stuff he says is so stupid and just awful. If you don't think the guy is horrible at the mic, then you either are oblivious or lying to yourself. And the dude isn't young, my belief, which is just my opinion, I could be wrong, but I think that for most, cutting a promo is something that you either have or don't. Sure you can improve and some are exceptions and make great strides, but for the large part of people, its either you are going to be able to cut a good promo and that potential shows through or you'll be lackluster for your career. And its amazing to me I see people say in the same post, Ryback isn't that bad on the mic and that Heyman doesn't necessarily need to work with someone who struggles on the mic but should, Cesaro is light years ahead of Ryback on the mic.... And I disagree with that, I don't think Heyman needs to work with someone who struggles at cutting promos, but I'd like someone who's character I think fits real well with how Heyman has operated on screen. That being said, though I disagree with the reasoning Cesaro could be a good fit too.

But I would like to see Sandow with him. I think that by keeping Sandow with pretty much the same gimmick maybe making a little tweak to it goes perfect with Heyman.
Heyman always had guys who were lower down the card as well as the main players... In the Dangerous Alliance you had Rude and Anderson who were main event level but also guys like Eaton and Steve Austin who were up and comers/lower midcard. Even the original ECW incarnation had Muraco and Snuka along with lower talent for the time like Tazmaniac and Sabu.

3 of those lower guys then went on to massive things, particularly Austin who got a lot of assistance from working with Heyman when prior he'd been with Lady Blossom.

Now I'm not sure they're going for another "Dangerous Alliance" but there is room for at least 3 more Heyman guys... a tag team (Kings Of Wrestling would be my pick), a lower card talent like Hennig and a shock member - Kofi, Jericho, Christian, Bryan - all would fit the bill well enough.

Sandow doesn't need Heyman to progress, he'd benefit far more from a valet at this point, it won't be Paige as she's "too dark" but someone like that who Sandow can point to and say being like him gets you things...
I originally thought it may have been Wade Barrett with heyman owing him a favour and all but then i thought hey what if it's christian? he's due a return soon and this would be a good way to write him back into the product, but due to latest revelations or rumours i have since changed my mind, i just hope i am not getting my hopes up
Kudos to THTRobTaylor for calling Joe Hennig. I for one never saw that coming, and he's right, it does make a lot of sense.

However I'm not sure we're seeing the start of a stable like the Alliance, at least not just yet. I doubt Lesnar will ever be full time again and there's no guarantee Punk will either, so Heyman will just remain their on-screen presence. As for Axel - I think he'll get a push full of squashes like Ryback and Clay did, and see whether the crowds take to him.
Kudos to THTRobTaylor for calling Joe Hennig. I for one never saw that coming, and he's right, it does make a lot of sense.

However I'm not sure we're seeing the start of a stable like the Alliance, at least not just yet. I doubt Lesnar will ever be full time again and there's no guarantee Punk will either, so Heyman will just remain their on-screen presence. As for Axel - I think he'll get a push full of squashes like Ryback and Clay did, and see whether the crowds take to him.

Thanks, not a fan of the name - Axel Curtis or Curtis Axel Hennig would be better but can see it changing over time as Larry was on record saying he was only going to take the Hennig name when he had "made it" so I have a feeling once he wins the IC title we'll see the surname used.

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