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What's the craic?
So, James Storm has turned on Gunner, Bobby Roode needs guys for Team Dixie and "the hottest free agent tag team" is now in TNA and on Team MVP... am I the only one who feels sorry about their damn luck?

Definitely an interesting and fun time to be a TNA fan, we've already seen some intriguing movements in the KOs' division, I firmly believe that post LD we will have a full scale Wolves / Beer Money programme (and I'm stoked at that potential).

Could anyone see Shelley return to TNA'14 to get part of this action? Could the Briscoe's follow the Wolves? The WGTT? The Bucks? Any other known (or not so known) tandem?

Whatever way the overall scene operates, I'm fully stoked to see and hear this again...

This would be a perfect way to build up Roode + Storm again, and help them get some momentum. Both have been with TNA from day 1, and could play that card in a feud with someone like the Wolves. Roode is an incredible talent, and Storm, to me, is TNA's Billy Gunn; great tag team guy but nothing special as a singles competitor. There is no denying that Beer Money has incredible chemistry, and would be over with the fans quicker than you could pop a top on a cold one. Loved the booking of last week's Impact with respect to these two.
Dammit all. Personally, what bugs me is that once again, James Storm is saddled into a tag team. That and turning heel. Cool, it's Beer Money. It's been 3 years since their split though, not to mention they were together a couple of weeks ago to face Kurt Angle and Gunner. Just to add to the unneeded, Storm just got Gunner's Tag Team title shot case. Almost ensuring their record 4 times as TNA Tag Team Champions going to 5.

Is it cool? Definably. TNA really wants to re-bolster their roster and their tag teams have been very weak after being one of the promotion's best features up to 2010. Is it in the best interest for TNA's most successful pairing right now? I'm gonna have to go with no. Roode should be TNA's biggest heel after his feud with Angle. Storm is so good at being a babyface, it's ridiculous. They've missed the boat on him so many damn times for no real given reason.
Agreed - both guys have fantastic upsides as solo performers but I think that they are needed if we are to take the tag scene serious again after a pretty piss poor period and a Wolves / Beer Money / Bad Influence run would be a damn good start.
Whilst a return of Beer Money would be good for the tag division, I wouldn't like to see their singles careers halt because of it.

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