Bully Ray Screwed Up the Battle Royal

... strength ... positions .... weakening ... causes ... discussion ... what is this, a competition? Some people take these forums are as a freakin' battle field it seems. I'll discuss and call anybody whatever I want to call them, because I bet you 9 times out of 10 that's exactly what they are. You can't tell me half the WWE marks in the IWC don't act like this guy. And it's not just the WWE marks, it's marks in general.

"BULLY RAY BOTCHED" to me sounds like the kid in the video saying "HOW CAN FOLEY BE A NETWORK EXEC, HALF OF HIS EAR IS CUT OFF!". It's that attitude, that ignorance and stupidity that screws Impact Wrestling up so frequently. Half the fight is you busting your ass and making a nearly flawless product (which no company has ever done, by the way), the other half is getting the fans on your side, but how in the world can Impact Wrestling grow and attract more audiences when people like THAT walk freely on God's Green Earth? People who clearly hate Impact Wrestling for all the wrong, fabricated reasons, and no matter how good it was they'd still not watch it simply because it's not the WWE. That's my issue, and we all know those *******s exist, and as scary as it is - they're the majority. It's stupid "fans" like that who ruin the business and allow McMahon to keep putting out this absolute dreck of a product week in and week out. It's fans like that who continue to watch DESPITE the fact that he's drilling a big red or blue dick up their ass, depending on whether it's Monday or Friday. They give him the freedom to do anything he wants, booking wise, and get away with it because it's the WWE and they grew up watching it, they can't turn away. "Fuck you, I'll have Cena and Orton dominate the shows and give nobody else equal time and attention. Fuck you I'll remove wrestling from our name. Fuck you, where's that midget, I want him to beat some people up. Fuck you, let announcers wrestle in bubble wrap. Fuck you, The Rock will have his birthday and we'll waste the entire show on him instead of actually having a show. Fuck you, Christian will lose the belt in 2 days and no one will say shit about it because they're sheep. Fuck you, bring in David Arquette and have him wrestle. Fuck you, let's have mediocre people swarm our Main Events. Fuck you, we'll not build them up we'll strap belts and huge wins on them because we're lazy to book them consistently over a long period of time so they get over with the fans. Instead we'll shove them down everybody's throats before they get a chance to taste them." If Impact Wrestling did ONE of these things they'll get all the shit in the world and it makes it "unwatchable". When WWE does it it's A-okay! A lot of fans are like that, and it hurts not only I.W but the busniess as well, and that's the sad part.

Amen to that brother, you have spoken the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and the truth will set us free.:worship:
... strength ... positions .... weakening ... causes ... discussion ... what is this, a competition? Some people take these forums are as a freakin' battle field it seems. I'll discuss and call anybody whatever I want to call them, because I bet you 9 times out of 10 that's exactly what they are. You can't tell me half the WWE marks in the IWC don't act like this guy. And it's not just the WWE marks, it's marks in general.

"BULLY RAY BOTCHED" to me sounds like the kid in the video saying "HOW CAN FOLEY BE A NETWORK EXEC, HALF OF HIS EAR IS CUT OFF!". It's that attitude, that ignorance and stupidity that screws Impact Wrestling up so frequently. Half the fight is you busting your ass and making a nearly flawless product (which no company has ever done, by the way), the other half is getting the fans on your side, but how in the world can Impact Wrestling grow and attract more audiences when people like THAT walk freely on God's Green Earth? People who clearly hate Impact Wrestling for all the wrong, fabricated reasons, and no matter how good it was they'd still not watch it simply because it's not the WWE. That's my issue, and we all know those *******s exist, and as scary as it is - they're the majority. It's stupid "fans" like that who ruin the business and allow McMahon to keep putting out this absolute dreck of a product week in and week out. It's fans like that who continue to watch DESPITE the fact that he's drilling a big red or blue dick up their ass, depending on whether it's Monday or Friday. They give him the freedom to do anything he wants, booking wise, and get away with it because it's the WWE and they grew up watching it, they can't turn away. "Fuck you, I'll have Cena and Orton dominate the shows and give nobody else equal time and attention. Fuck you I'll remove wrestling from our name. Fuck you, where's that midget, I want him to beat some people up. Fuck you, let announcers wrestle in bubble wrap. Fuck you, The Rock will have his birthday and we'll waste the entire show on him instead of actually having a show. Fuck you, Christian will lose the belt in 2 days and no one will say shit about it because they're sheep. Fuck you, bring in David Arquette and have him wrestle. Fuck you, let's have mediocre people swarm our Main Events. Fuck you, we'll not build them up we'll strap belts and huge wins on them because we're lazy to book them consistently over a long period of time so they get over with the fans. Instead we'll shove them down everybody's throats before they get a chance to taste them." If Impact Wrestling did ONE of these things they'll get all the shit in the world and it makes it "unwatchable". When WWE does it it's A-okay! A lot of fans are like that, and it hurts not only I.W but the busniess as well, and that's the sad part.

Wow. Glad you got all of that off your chest. Now let's talk about it. The WWE has for years been building characters. Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Randy Macho Man Savage, Big Sexy Kevin Nash, Kurt Angle, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bret The Hitman Hart, Owen Hart, The Hart (original) Foundation, Junkyard Dog, Yokozuna, The Undertaker, HHH, Shawn Michaels, and on, and on, and on. These aren't characters created alone by WCW, AWA, or TNA. These are characters that the WWE massaged, built, and made household names in the wrestling business. They've also built extraordinarily successful pay per view events like Summerslam, and Wrestlemania. Hulk Hogan helped to make pro wrestling mainstream during his tenure with the WWE.

Over the years things have changed and WWE has had to change with the times. Their business model has changed and they've shifted their focus to a different aspect of how they want their company viewed. To date, they are still enormously successful in that they continue to sell thousands of tickets for weekly Raw and Smackdown tapings, and thousands of ppv buys. As successful as they'd like to be? No business ever is right?

Does any of this mean that all WWE does is golden? Of course not. But by and large they remain a very successful business in the world of professional wrestling.

I think what bothers people so much is that they continue, despite all their failings among avid fans, to be more successful than a company in TNA that people actually believe are giving them what they want. Now I submit to you 2 things for your consideration.

1. TNA isn't giving you what YOU want, but what THEY want you to have. They signed Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan, who, like it or not, were at the epicenter of the collapse of WCW. They've brought them in and to date, their 'impact' has been minimal at best. If we're to say it's been any more than that, then TNA must have been at death's door when they came on board. Fact is, ratings haven't increased a significant amount since they arrived. Hogan and Bischoff are putting out what THEY believe will work and base it on their "experience" over the years as proof that they know what they're doing. Problem is, this is different from WCW. This isn't Ted Turner v. VKM. It's Spike TV v. USA network.

2. I continue telling you guys that the comparisons of TNA to WWE/TNA need to stop. It's apples and oranges. WWE is much larger and operates on a different level than TNA and that isn't likely to change. TNA is, unless someone with huge money comes along, will always be smallar than WWE meaning that it's never going to be a fair fight. They'll always work in smaller venues, always have to sign cast offs for less money, and work shorter deals with most of their talent to allow them to have 'open to buy' dollars to offer to new talents or more cast offs of WWE.

Either TNA can stand on its own as its own product or it can't. Continually falling back on the "yeah but WWE...." commentary shows how weak the product truly is. It's the tactic in debating that's always used when one party knows they're wrong and can't extricate themselves from it. Instead, they change the subject, turn it on the opponent, and hopefully the opponent forgets what the original subject really was.

So if TNA is changing their mantra to more wrestling, then starting next Thursday we should see a LOT more wrestling than we have to date this year.
We'll see. Given how they started this weeks episode off, I'm not inclined to believe there's been any real change in attitude or structure.
If we all learnt anything from the Battle Royal it is that you shouldn't have a fat person trying to do the going over the rope and hanging on thing, as there's a good chance that gravity will cause them too fall to the outside.

Honestly, I was too busy wincing at Kurt Angle's back bump on the apron (from doing the same kinda spot as Bully Ray) because that looked really brutal on his lower back.
Bingo!!! Loads of talent and most of it's being wasted in favor of, as you so succintly pointed out, watching Flair bleed like a stuck pig once more as though that's what gets the fans to pop! Or watching Hogan hobble, literally out to the ring to cut a promo as he looks like he's in serious pain. Bully Ray, who cuts a great promo but is doing little for me as a super heel. Wow, he powerbombed AJ thru a table. How original. Yep, never seen that before. And people criticize Cena for his moveset. LoL. The Dudley Boys used the same moveset for 20 years and were called "innovators." LoL Now we have this "Bully Ray" character who runs like a girl from AJ when they are head to head, but attacks from behind like a hungry shark. Yep, that's believable!

At the end of the day, it's more old guys taking up most of the air time and refusing to get out of the way for the young guys. Now TNA fans will have to admit at this point one of 2 things.

1. That TNA either is using older talent to keep people interested in their product or,

2. That the younger talent isn't good enough to be over with the mainstream fans yet so they actually NEED that older talent to remain relevant.

So which is it TNA fans?

1 or 2?

This is put perfectly. I loved Hogan and Flair back in the day. The 80s the 90s. and even in the beginning of the turn of the century, but can anyone really tell me that at this point they would rather see Hulk Hogan come out on Impact to do a beatdown on Sting or RVD and then post a video 2 days later that hes in a hospital bed some where in Venice beach because his back is killing him, or would you rather see Booby Roode wrestle a match where you swear you are watching a dark haired curt hennig from back in the early 90s. Or would you rather see Ric Flair beat down AJ Styles until a week later when Styles makes Flair bleed all over the impact zone for the 90th time or would you rather see Christopher Daniels and Frankie kazarian do the incredible things that this company was originally known for before Hogan and Bischoff took over. Come on, talent is talent and back in the day Id tell you hey Hogans got it, Flair is the Man, Sting is awesome, and i have no clue wtf the Ultimate warrior just said, but now, make TNA about what it was from the start, the true new generation making the wrestling business a great fufture that it truly needs!
This is put perfectly. I loved Hogan and Flair back in the day. The 80s the 90s. and even in the beginning of the turn of the century, but can anyone really tell me that at this point they would rather see Hulk Hogan come out on Impact to do a beatdown on Sting or RVD and then post a video 2 days later that hes in a hospital bed some where in Venice beach because his back is killing him, or would you rather see Booby Roode wrestle a match where you swear you are watching a dark haired curt hennig from back in the early 90s. Or would you rather see Ric Flair beat down AJ Styles until a week later when Styles makes Flair bleed all over the impact zone for the 90th time or would you rather see Christopher Daniels and Frankie kazarian do the incredible things that this company was originally known for before Hogan and Bischoff took over. Come on, talent is talent and back in the day Id tell you hey Hogans got it, Flair is the Man, Sting is awesome, and i have no clue wtf the Ultimate warrior just said, but now, make TNA about what it was from the start, the true new generation making the wrestling business a great fufture that it truly needs!

I hear what your saying and totally agree with you. But I'd like to make a comment...

Is it too late for the TNA originals?? Let's take AJ as an example, he has been pushed, depushed, pushed and depushed over and over and over. For the TNA faithful he will always be MR. TNA but has his time come and gone, with only a few title reigns to show for it??

AJ has been in the main event for more or less since 2002. And yet due to 1/poor booking or 2/ his inability to transcend the business[/sarcasm] and become this huge super over wrestler he is left in the top mid card.

TNA creative continue to push Sting, RVD, Anderson, Hardy, Jarrett, Angle and of course Hogan. Joe is what now? Daniels? Kazarian? even Beer Money? Have they had any real one on one clean victories over any of the guys I mentioned first? Why not?

Joe was an absolute weapon and defeated Angle. He was apart from AJ TNA's top guy and yet now he's a joke. Angle allowed Joe to go over him giving him a great push and possibly making peole turn the channel and say

"Hey have you seen this monster Samoa Joe? He's not as impressive looking as a Goldberg, but my god he can wrestle. He can do it all kick you to death, submissions, fly through the air... awesome, watch TNA he even beat Kurt Angle!! You know Kurt Angle the guy who defeated Undertaker and Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan and Rock and Steve Austin...."

But TNA wont have AJ beat RVD. RVD went through Jeff Hardy and then 5 minutes later defeats a fresh AJ Styles... I think the originals time has passed, and they will make up the mid card because Bischoff only beleives in the "big" names and really hs never created anyone besides Goldberg, and he had to give him a huge win streak to do it.

I'd rather see Christopher Daniels vs. Kazarian any day of the week, but it's not going to happen in the main event... not with the current mind set.
This is put perfectly. I loved Hogan and Flair back in the day. The 80s the 90s. and even in the beginning of the turn of the century, but can anyone really tell me that at this point they would rather see Hulk Hogan come out on Impact to do a beatdown on Sting or RVD and then post a video 2 days later that hes in a hospital bed some where in Venice beach because his back is killing him, or would you rather see Booby Roode wrestle a match where you swear you are watching a dark haired curt hennig from back in the early 90s. Or would you rather see Ric Flair beat down AJ Styles until a week later when Styles makes Flair bleed all over the impact zone for the 90th time or would you rather see Christopher Daniels and Frankie kazarian do the incredible things that this company was originally known for before Hogan and Bischoff took over. Come on, talent is talent and back in the day Id tell you hey Hogans got it, Flair is the Man, Sting is awesome, and i have no clue wtf the Ultimate warrior just said, but now, make TNA about what it was from the start, the true new generation making the wrestling business a great fufture that it truly needs!

so you bumped a thread from near two weeks ago... to argue something that had nothing to do with what the thread is suppose to be about.... ?
... strength ... positions .... weakening ... causes ... discussion ... what is this, a competition? Some people take these forums are as a freakin' battle field it seems. I'll discuss and call anybody whatever I want to call them, because I bet you 9 times out of 10 that's exactly what they are. You can't tell me half the WWE marks in the IWC don't act like this guy. And it's not just the WWE marks, it's marks in general.

"BULLY RAY BOTCHED" to me sounds like the kid in the video saying "HOW CAN FOLEY BE A NETWORK EXEC, HALF OF HIS EAR IS CUT OFF!". It's that attitude, that ignorance and stupidity that screws Impact Wrestling up so frequently. Half the fight is you busting your ass and making a nearly flawless product (which no company has ever done, by the way), the other half is getting the fans on your side, but how in the world can Impact Wrestling grow and attract more audiences when people like THAT walk freely on God's Green Earth? People who clearly hate Impact Wrestling for all the wrong, fabricated reasons, and no matter how good it was they'd still not watch it simply because it's not the WWE. That's my issue, and we all know those *******s exist, and as scary as it is - they're the majority. It's stupid "fans" like that who ruin the business and allow McMahon to keep putting out this absolute dreck of a product week in and week out. It's fans like that who continue to watch DESPITE the fact that he's drilling a big red or blue dick up their ass, depending on whether it's Monday or Friday. They give him the freedom to do anything he wants, booking wise, and get away with it because it's the WWE and they grew up watching it, they can't turn away. "Fuck you, I'll have Cena and Orton dominate the shows and give nobody else equal time and attention. Fuck you I'll remove wrestling from our name. Fuck you, where's that midget, I want him to beat some people up. Fuck you, let announcers wrestle in bubble wrap. Fuck you, The Rock will have his birthday and we'll waste the entire show on him instead of actually having a show. Fuck you, Christian will lose the belt in 2 days and no one will say shit about it because they're sheep. Fuck you, bring in David Arquette and have him wrestle. Fuck you, let's have mediocre people swarm our Main Events. Fuck you, we'll not build them up we'll strap belts and huge wins on them because we're lazy to book them consistently over a long period of time so they get over with the fans. Instead we'll shove them down everybody's throats before they get a chance to taste them." If Impact Wrestling did ONE of these things they'll get all the shit in the world and it makes it "unwatchable". When WWE does it it's A-okay! A lot of fans are like that, and it hurts not only I.W but the busniess as well, and that's the sad part.

Dudesky, relax! Midol is your friend!

Just kidding, but really? I truly and sincerely hope that your rant was just "making fun" of the kid in the video and his rant. If it wasn't, then what you said is honestly just as much if not substantially more moronic than that kid. You were trying to prove the point that being a blind hater is bad and I completely agree, so I sincerely hope that you don't believe half of that stuff because it makes you sound like a blind WWE hater which makes you the last person to be able to comment on another blind hater. And I say this with love because you know I'm someone who has been nice to you over the years.

In both cases, you guys are crazy. I really hope you don't think the majority of wrestling fans are like that because it's simply not true. You are severely misguided if you think most WWE fans, let alone wrestling fans are like that. There are some crazy ones, but that's like .0001 percent, not the majority (meaning like this kid).

As for the botch. If you have post production, you have to catch that. Shame on Jason Hervey! I feel bad for the dude. He could have grown up and been a movie star but......he never grew up. He just stayed short! Still, he's doing this stuff with Bischoff and is the technical guy. He's gotta catch mistakes because if you are going to be "minor league", you can still produce on a high level.

That said, I didn't notice it until watching it again. What are you going to do?

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