Bully Ray and Aces and Eights


Pre-Show Stalwart
I've been watching the Aces and Eights storyline since the start, with some twists in it the basic core of the group is reminding me of The Nexus. With everything that is going on it seems like they are not only gonna do a face turn with Bully Ray but they are going to turn him into TNA's Cena, have him take apart the Aces and Eights when others like Kurt Angle couldn't. It would follow alot of what WWE did with Cena did with The Nexus.
I really hate comparing things for the sake of comparing them. The only similarity between A8 and nexus is the same as what every heel faction has in common, they attack people. A8 has nothing in common with nexus, they're mostly older guys trying to get "revenge", not start a youth uprising. I'm thinking this is likely all building up to a giant match at lockdown that will hopefully wrap up the story.... hopefully.
I've been watching the Aces and Eights storyline since the start, with some twists in it the basic core of the group is reminding me of The Nexus. With everything that is going on it seems like they are not only gonna do a face turn with Bully Ray but they are going to turn him into TNA's Cena, have him take apart the Aces and Eights when others like Kurt Angle couldn't. It would follow alot of what WWE did with Cena did with The Nexus.

Gonna do a face turn for Bully Ray? Where the hell have you been? You say you've been watching Aces & Eights since the start, yet you still think Bully Ray isn't a face yet? Nevermind that he fought with Sting against A&8's at BFG or anything... Or has been...well a face since... :wtf:

And A&8's are nothing like Nexus. Nexus was so impactful during it's debut, not just because they beat up the face of the company in Cena, but how they debuted, in tearing apart ringside. It was a perfect analogy on how they were there to tear apart "the machine" or WWE as a whole. Not saying it played out that well in the end, but it left people with major intrigue.

I'm not saying A&8's debut wasn't good. They attacked Sting post HOF induction, on their first live show on Thursdays this summer. It was a great way to kick of their live re-debut. It also led to a great few months for TNA.

But you're trying to compare a group of rookies in Nexus, to a group of mostly nobodys or ex WWE guys who probably wouldn't be doing anything of note otherwise. They're not even close. Their only similarities is that they both started hot and fizzled, with A&8's only getting a little new life recently with Tazz and the "higher power."

As for Bully Ray, I don't see him dismantling A&8's by himself like Cena did with Nexus. There's no question he'll be a major factor, but they've already sewn Angle, Sting and even Joe into this web. I guess if they completely decide against a heel turn, they're even stuck with Briscoe and Bischoff fighting A&8's as well... :shrug:
Gonna do a face turn for Bully Ray? Where the hell have you been? You say you've been watching Aces & Eights since the start, yet you still think Bully Ray isn't a face yet? Nevermind that he fought with Sting against A&8's at BFG or anything... Or has been...well a face since... :wtf:

I actually think that a big swerve is coming with Bully Ray. I think that his "face" turn is only so that he can get in with the bosses daughter. I think that he is "sacrificing" himself to A&8's for the sake of a HUGE SWERVE down the track. Well, I won't be surprised when he turns back at least. M2C

I don't think that there are any similarities between A&8's and Nexus, or even The Shield, aside from what's already been said. They are a heel faction. They cause mayhem.

You know who's masterminding all this IMO? Bischoff. How to get back at Hogan? Get Bully to appear face, get in with the daughter, and then turn heel again.

Anyhoo, thanks for posting. Keep watching the product. In the end, we just want to be entertained right? :shrug:
First of all, most heel factions never work because the longevity doesn't last & it seemingly takes forever to get the point of the faction. Also, heel factions tend to have issues when there's way too many people involved with the group. The original Four Horsemen worked because it was just the four of them. They never had more than four members at a time and their best years were 1986-1989. Three years & you're done...Now, of course they continued on and on but that's not the point.

With Aces & 8, there's way too many parts and components, and with the addition of basically a former wrestler turned ring announcer in Taz, they're just throwing guys in it for the sake of throwing guys in it. I don't see how this is comparable to Nexus whatsoever, other than, it's just another group. End of story. As far as Bully Ray, yes, he's a face. Maybe a tweener, and he'll never be a panzy face like say John Cena that panders to the crowd all the time (let's hope he doesn't end up that way) but for all purposes of the word & term, he's a face. That being said, I'm waiting on him to do a HHH and eventually turn against Hogan (like HHH did against Vince when he married Stephanie) but instead of keeping Brooke, he basically kicks her to the curb. Having Brook there really dilutes things and makes it seem as if backstage Bully Ray is just doing whatever Hogan tells him to do. "Do an angle where you're dating, or are involved with my daughter because I want her to get some airtime." I hate that. If she has nothing to offer to the overall program, then don't put her out there. But that's another story.

The Aces & 8 angle MUST come to an end, and soon. It's just dragging on & on and doesn't seem to really have much direction and if TNA really wants to set itself apart, then have something that'll end this angle where people who've watched doesn't feel like it was a big waste of time. But I have a feeling we'll all feel that way once it's over anyway.
Does anyone know if Paul Heyman is under wwe contract. it would be awesome if they could keep the A&8's going alittle longer and have Heyman turn out to be the man behind the whole thing all the while he was managing the competitions heavyweight champion. you have a few ecw guys in the group already so they could have ecw rebirth. If i was TNA i might grab up a few more of Bully Rays close friends from the old ecw for a short contract for a really good pay off. The only other person i could see being a HUGE higher power is Shane o Mac. maybe it would get vinces attention back on his product and we could have monday night wars again.
I wouldn't say Nexus if anything it has more of a, and albeit slight, more of an nWo feel than Nexus. Why nWo? Look at the reveals they are all former WWE performers, I won't say "superstars" because besides Devon and maybe Taz the other two reveals haven't shaken up the wrestling world at all. Luke Gallows and Mike Knox, former WWE performers, with really Gallows having moderate success in the WWE with the Straight Edge Society.

The Nexus on the other hand was a bunch of young guys looking to make their mark and get over. It seemly worked, for the most part. Barrett, Ryback (Sheffield), Bryan, Otunga, Slater, Gabriel, and D-Young, all have now become mainstays on the WWE roster. So in essence the Nexus worked for them, this is not what Aces and Eights is there for. Aces and Eights is supposed to be this huge long term angle that will get people interested in TNA. The nWo got over because of how the times were, Hall and Nash got out of WWF and into WCW without anyone knowing their contracts were out and Hogan was the huge surprise because he was always wrestling's superhero. Unfortunately in TNA they don't have this setup, Cena isn't coming, and with how TNA switches people between face and heel just doesn't work. (sorry for the small off topic rant)

The saving grace for this whole thing will be if Bully Ray is revealed as the mastermind behind Aces and Eights. Like a previous poster said he will be built up as the babyface, get in with the Hogan family, and get the crowd behind him and then crush it all as he is the one who was behind all these attacks all along.
Really? Then we might as well compare them to the NWO and Sting. Or Stone Cold and The Corporation. Or AJ Styles and the MEM. It's a stable. They always have a prime target. And if its not another stable it's most likely focusing on one star.
i think bully ray (or his face alter ego buddy ray) is behind it (maybe #2 guy or something) and had the wedding crashed because he is suspended. the wedding is because he has some sort of immortal leftover contract that makes brooke inherit tna when hulk is Gm or something, and his suspension somehow(?) prevented that.
so. if that is what they are going with, there are about 5000 instances where they could have dragged it out less long AND the question about why we need another annual TNA takeover still remains. Also, why are they always booked to look weak, i just dont get this. when you finally beat them, you gain way more if they wiped the floor with you clean before...
Does anyone know if Paul Heyman is under wwe contract. it would be awesome if they could keep the A&8's going alittle longer and have Heyman turn out to be the man behind the whole thing all the while he was managing the competitions heavyweight champion. you have a few ecw guys in the group already so they could have ecw rebirth. If i was TNA i might grab up a few more of Bully Rays close friends from the old ecw for a short contract for a really good pay off. The only other person i could see being a HUGE higher power is Shane o Mac. maybe it would get vinces attention back on his product and we could have monday night wars again.

Good god. More Paul Heyman love. This fat bald loudmouth is about as overrated as you can get. Sure he may have gotten ECW some name recognition, but he also got bought out by Vince, which we all know killed ECW. Then to hear about his plan if he got signed by TNA. Heyman will always be Vince's fat bitch. That's why he's in The E right now.

I will say that Shane would be an interesting choice, but does he really fit in with the whole biker outfit? I miss the heel Bully Ray, so I wouldn't have a problem if he ended up being the mastermind all along. I guess what better way to reunite Team 3D...
As for the "higher power", I feel that is a straight Ministry rip

I agree, this bugged the hell of me. Not so much that there is a boss figure that isn't seen on tv, but that they're calling it the "higher power". Really TNA? That's what you come up with? If it turns out to be Hogan I would really have to stop watching the show for a while. That just really would be a ripoff.
my problem with bully ray being the head guy is its too expected. unless your a naive wrestling fan. story lines have become so predictable anymore. im still a loyal fan but i do think that bully ray would be predictable. it needs to be someone from the outside. unfortunately i would hate to see it be hogan but with his ego i could see that being the case.
For some reason I see Brooke and Dixie being behind it and doing a HLA moment. Maybe it's wishful thinking but it's the sort of stupid thing Hogan would suggest, cos we've never seen the CEO of a company turn heel before.

Bully just needs out of TNA, his character is brilliant right now and he could really be something in the E with it, but TNA will piss it away to keep Brooke and Hulk in the spotlight.
i think bully ray (or his face alter ego buddy ray) is behind it (maybe #2 guy or something) and had the wedding crashed because he is suspended. the wedding is because he has some sort of immortal leftover contract that makes brooke inherit tna when hulk is Gm or something, and his suspension somehow(?) prevented that.

But would Bully really want to get the crap beaten out of him by his own gang members, including getting hit in the head by a stone :)p) pedestal? Also I'm sure him and Brooke are still not married since Taz intervened before the ceremonials were finished, which I'm sure was the gang's intention, to stop them getting married.

Which makes me think if anyone's involved it's Brooke. Since they've never actually assaulted her. They've beaten the crap out of Hogan, Sting, Bully but the worst they've done to Brooke is strip her :rolleyes:
But would Bully really want to get the crap beaten out of him by his own gang members, including getting hit in the head by a stone :)p) pedestal? Also I'm sure him and Brooke are still not married since Taz intervened before the ceremonials were finished, which I'm sure was the gang's intention, to stop them getting married.

Which makes me think if anyone's involved it's Brooke. Since they've never actually assaulted her. They've beaten the crap out of Hogan, Sting, Bully but the worst they've done to Brooke is strip her :rolleyes:

I hope it's not Brooke, but it wouldn't surprise me.
I do think it would be hard to have Bully in there, since he's taken so much from Aces/Eights. but I guess that wouldn't surprise me either. I've seen someone mention that Bully has done what he has just to get Hulk's trust, but once he has that is when he will turn.

I wonder if they can do anything with bringing Bully in, but somehow pushing Devon out. I haven't liked Devon being in there. at least now Taz can talk, so Devon isn't needed there. if Bully can end up being in the group, maybe the rest of the group can turn on Devon and beat him out.
Honestly I hope the higher power turns out to be one of their biggest faces from the past. Or hell give hardy a chance to lead his own heel faction without annoyances like hogan. Or maybe even find out that it's Joseph Park (or whatever they're calling him at this time.) who has lost the inner struggle with the beast within and played us all for fools. Cause the whole boss being the big heel is old news and would end badly for TNA (because people would only see a Corporate Ministry knock off.) Not to mention the fact that I'm tired of seeing Hogan in a position of power (Cause if he's behind A&8's then it's just a knock off of...you guessed it the N.W.O. which destroyed WCW 4 Life...just like they said they would...)

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