Bryan Danielson- Overrated?

Who carried Khali? Who had MOTYC with Umaga, HBK, and Orton? Who gets smarks to boo him by being cheesey and formulaic on Raw then stealing the show 60% of the time on PPV? CENA, you sound like such a sheep.

You DO realize that the new trend is actually to like Cena because he's a great WWE wrestler.

Let me ask you this, who's a better WWE wrestler, Cena or Shelton?

See, I prefer Shelton, but I realize that Cena is a better WWE wrestler because he is everything WWE looks for.

NO, he's not supposed to be JUST babyface, he really is wanting YOU to boo him. Know why? Because when you boo him, you make the kids cheer louder, then you boo louder, then they cheer louder, he gets the best, most dynamic reactions in the company, sells the most merch, works safe, and puts on great WWE style matches, you fail to realize that WWE is not ROH, WWE does not want to put on innovative or "classic" matches and they don't want to put on spottacular crazy hardcore matches.

WWE isn't in a "slump" they are at a plateau, an average point. Remember a few things, there are waaaay channels readily available than in the Attitude Era, people can tivo shows, and the internet is better, so there are more ways to watch wrestling.

WWE's merch is still great, globally they're still up there, they're going to draw 100,000 fans for wrestlemania, they're not exactly in a "slump." It's not as popular as it was in the Attitude era, but if you REALLY want it to go back that way, I guess they could find 15 punch/kick guys, give them stupid gimmick and have an old woman give birth to a hand.

Who's generalizing now? You said that I don't know anything about wrestling because I'm a Cena fan?

So basically, because I have an open enough mind to be fans of KENTA, Bryan Danielson, Harley Race, Cena, HBK, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Sacred Little Mask, and Chris Hero that I don't know anything about wrestling?

The reason Danielson isn't in a mainstream company is because he doesn't cater to them. You have to change your style, look at Punk, he was a A ROH wrestler, and a B WWE wrestler. Think about this, would you rather be worshiped by 1,000 people every weekend or have 10,000 chant "booring" because they don't care about deep psychology?

"Best in the world" is a matter of opinion, depending on taste and style (and the promotion) a wrestler can go from great to suck. For instance, Cena from WWE to ROH would be "great to suck" same thing with Danielson from ROH to WWE.

Let me get one thing straight, you don't seem to like WWE fans, and you call ROH fans "bitter ECW fans" what promotion DO you like? TNA?
First of all, Glory By Honor IV only had one night, and he beat Gibson for the title, at Glory By Honor V night 2, he beat KENTA, this years Glory By Honor VI he went against Morishima.

If you think he's overrated, you're likely NOT a storytelling fan, that's all he does. If you don't like that, just say it, there's nothing wrong with that.

Alright first off, once again you clearly didn't read my post, cause what I said was HE MAY BE OVERRATED...I didn't say he was overrated, do your self a favor and read post before you go out and with your "I'm the smartest wrestling fan in the fucking world" attitude, cause your not, in fact when I see post like this I tend to think your rather ignorant

Also, the quotes in your sig make me think you don't know shit about wrestling, Cena is an amazing wrestler, he gets the smarks to boo him relentlessly, and the marks to cheer him relentlessly, WWE isn't supposed to put on innovative or five star matches, read my post on the John Cena thread, I don't feel like explaining the whole thing.

I do know shit about wrestling, in fact I know lots of shit about wrestling, like what I think is good, like who I like to watch, like what I think is entertaining, I also know that I don't think Cena is an amazing wrestler at all, and that the reson he's boo'd is cause he sucks, seroously, do you really think that all the fans in MSG at the Rumble were smarks?!?, cause it sure seems he got boo'd by a shit load of them, in fact sounded like the entire arena, same goes for RAW the night after, and WWE isn't suppose innovative or five star matches?!?...really?!?...that's about the most ******ed thing I've ever seen posted on these boards, people are gonna watch cause they wanna see new innovative and great matches, they don't wanna see the same old stupid shit every week...and I also have to say I find it absolutely hilarious that your attacking me for the quotes in my sig...your attacking me for shit other people have said, that's pretty dumb really, not to mention hs nothing to do with the topic at all

The internet is full of ignorant morons who don't know shit about wrestling

Clearly...just take a look in the mirror, you'll see another one

BTW, I like Cena, tell whoever that he doesn't have to hold back on me, I challenge him to debate with me and tell me why Cena sucks, and I'll rip him a new ass and tell him why Cena, in the WWE, doesn't suck. Too many people have the same opinion as everyone else, everyone seems to think that Cena sucks, WWE sucks, TNA is the "wrestling" company on TV (which is laughable) and that cool moves executed perfectly, innovation, and fast paced mat wrestling makes you a good Meltzer, no one seems to think for themselves and realize what's really going on in wrestling. like Cena good for you, I don't give a shit, maybe you should tell whoever that they don't have to hold back on you yourself, and She'll rip you apart, with her opinion, as far as too many people having the same opinion, well you seem to have the same ******ed opinion as all the other Cena marks who are blinded by there affection for the worthless sack of shit, WWE doesn't suck, just Raw, SD! is actually pretty good most of the time, TNA used to be good but now is shit, and people do think for themselves, the fact of the matter in that some people share the same opinion, not that hard to figure out really

Now can we please get this thread back onto the topic in which it's suppose to be before this Cena mark did what every other Cena mark seems to do anymore and change the subject to that peice of shit, this thread is suppose to be about Bryan Danielson and if you think he's overrated or not
Okay, by some people, yes he's overrated, he's my favorite wrestler, but for someone to truly be the best in the world, he has to be able to get over in all companies at the highest level. Danielson is mega over in ROH and is liked in Japan, but he wouldn't be over in the WWE.

Is he underrated by some, yes, he's very underrated by some who either haven't seen enough (it seems that the more you see of him, the more you appreciate what he does).

For instance, the first time I saw Joe vs Punk, I didn't like it that much, as I got older and learned more about storytelling, I loved it and appreciated it.

It's interesting to watch the cycle of a wrestling fan, it seems to go "mainstream mark, MOOVEZ guy, storytelling fan" after that you just start appreciating everything, at least that's the fanhood evolution of a lot of people I know.

Danielson does have some faults, but what wrestler doesn't? He wrestles for a niche promotion and is a niche guy, you'll either lke him or you won't.
I don't think he's overrated. Maybe if u hear the ppl on utube say how great he is, some of the new fans might've expected more from him. Like how I expected more from C.M Punk in his recent run in WWE, cause I never really got to see much from him in his run with CZW and ROH. But Danielson is one of the best wrestlers out now with the look and mic skills to help him possibly go further in this business imo.
WWE fans shouldn't even be allowed to say his name. As for the guy that said "If he is so good, Why hasn't WWE gone after him?" It is because WWE does not care about 'Wrestling Talent' Obviously. When he had his tryout matches, He got rejected because all of the douchebags in the crowd chanting gay ass taunts towards him.

Bryan Danielson is Pro Wrestling. He is the best Pro Wrestler in the world. He isn't a sports entertainer. Get over it.
Bryan Danielson is way overrated. His matches are not at all entertaining. And for people who say that he is not a sports entertainer, all wrestlers are sports entertainers. They script matches in order for them to be more entertaining to watch and therefore they are entertainers. Danielson is not a legit wrestler or he would be doing Olympic style stuff. Danielson is a guy who has zero personality and doesn't even do anything that leaves the audience in awe. Danielson will NEVER measure up to guys like RVD, Low-Ki, or AJ Styles. At best he is enhancement talent.
That's your opinion, see, you have to learn to seperate truth from opinion.

The truth is, a promotion needs a guy like Danielson, RVD vs Styles would turn into a spotfest, that's why Mysterio vs Malenko was a better match than Mysterio vs Juvi.

Also, you probably haven't seen much Danielson, he's not as much an olympic style wrestler, he's stiff and "mean" like Regal, he does a front flip dive into the crowd in big matches, and works the crowd beautifully with the "I have till five."

Sorry to tell you, RVD is NOT that good, he botches and hurts people way to much, Danielson doesn't.

Now, I'm not saying that he's great as a fact, but what I'm saying is, he's only overrated in context (there's a theme to my posts).

See, if he were in WWE, yea, he'd suck because that's not the WWE style, but in ROH, he is the PERFECT ROH wrestler, he's the best wrestler in ROH, so when they chant "best in the world" he IS the best (ROH) wrestler in the world.

Danielson is good at making you suspend your disbelief, let me ask you, how many Danielson matches have you seen in total and how many have you seen in person? I've seen every single person from close up that you named and Danielson by FAR had me and everyone else most into their match because it was HIM that we cared about, not which MOOVEZ he was going to do next.

Also, there is a difference between sports entertainment and pro wrestling, they are now styles as per the internet slang. In sports entertainment, the wrestling suppliments the stories, in pro wrestling, the stories suppliment the matches. A sports entertainer uses matches to get his character over, a wrestler implements his character into his matches to make his matches mean more.
That's your opinion, see, you have to learn to seperate truth from opinion.

The truth is, a promotion needs a guy like Danielson, RVD vs Styles would turn into a spotfest, that's why Mysterio vs Malenko was a better match than Mysterio vs Juvi.

Also, you probably haven't seen much Danielson, he's not as much an olympic style wrestler, he's stiff and "mean" like Regal, he does a front flip dive into the crowd in big matches, and works the crowd beautifully with the "I have till five."

Sorry to tell you, RVD is NOT that good, he botches and hurts people way to much, Danielson doesn't.

Now, I'm not saying that he's great as a fact, but what I'm saying is, he's only overrated in context (there's a theme to my posts).

See, if he were in WWE, yea, he'd suck because that's not the WWE style, but in ROH, he is the PERFECT ROH wrestler, he's the best wrestler in ROH, so when they chant "best in the world" he IS the best (ROH) wrestler in the world.

Danielson is good at making you suspend your disbelief, let me ask you, how many Danielson matches have you seen in total and how many have you seen in person? I've seen every single person from close up that you named and Danielson by FAR had me and everyone else most into their match because it was HIM that we cared about, not which MOOVEZ he was going to do next.

Also, there is a difference between sports entertainment and pro wrestling, they are now styles as per the internet slang. In sports entertainment, the wrestling suppliments the stories, in pro wrestling, the stories suppliment the matches. A sports entertainer uses matches to get his character over, a wrestler implements his character into his matches to make his matches mean more.

Ok, I don't know why you can't understand this but every post in this thread is based of opinion not fact, their is no way anyone can prove that Danielson is beyond a shadow of a doubt the very best wrestler in the world, it is all opinion, including the crap you spew in your posts, seriously dude, stop going around a shitting all over everyone's opinions, if someone thinks Danielson is overrated then they have that right to think that, that is their opinion and you can't prove an opinion wrong, and for the love of god stop with the WWE/ROH comparisons, they are completely pointless in this thread
No they're not, it's a great analogy, people in ROH love him, people in the WWE would hate them, that means he's not the best in the world.

Yes, it is a matter of opinion, but the FACTS are that he's worshipped in ROH and if he were in a different environment, they'd hate him, that's the comparison. My point is that whether he's overrated or not depends on context.
Here is a fact Bryan Danielson is a better worker on his worst day than anyone in the WWE on there best. AJ Styles is a great wrestler but he has a style all his own Danielson is just as good but in a different way. RVD in my opinion is a spot machine more than anything else. He is a great athlete but relys on crazy spots i am a fan of the physicallity of the strong style like pro wrestling.

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