Bruno Sammartino Talks About Not Entering WWE HOF, Hogan, etc.

I can't really disagree with anything Bruno said, but I still wish he could be more like his contemporaries and accept that the business changed. Sadly, his stubbornness in this regard has become as much of his legacy as anything he accomplished in his prime.

He reminds me of Dave Keon in this regard. For those who don't know who he is, he played for the Toronto Maple Leafs, and was arguably one of their greatest players ever. He had a falling out with Leafs management in the 70's that was so bad, that he still holds the grudge to this day... despite the fact that those he fell out with died a long time ago, and the current management has tried to bring him back into the fold numerous times. Today, his legacy with hockey fans is as much about his stubborn refusal to let go of what happened, as it is about what a great hockey player he was.

This is Bruno to me. He had a falling out with McMahon, and has been so stubborn in his refusal to repair that relationship that he's tarnished his legacy with the new generations that came after he was retired.

It's sad really with some of these old guys that cannot accept that things simply aren't how they used to be anymore.

I understand his gripes. But I wish he understood how his stubbornness has affected his legacy
"[Hulk] Hogan’s the same thing for god’s sakes! Recently in England he had the audacity to say that he drew the house in Shea Stadium where Zbyszko and I sold out! (Zybszko and I, we sell out everywhere!) He was on the card, he takes credit for that house. Yet, he and André [the Giant], right after that show they went to, uh—what’s that arena in White Plains, New York—it’s holds four thousand, they only drew eleven hundred people."

And then some years after that, they went to a place called the Pontiac Silverdome and drew about 93,000. Not saying this story isn't true and there are a lot of ways to take shots at Hogan but just thought this was laughable.

There's nothing laughable about what he said.

Hogan and Andre did not sell that Shea show. That was all Bruno/Zbysko, and the house Hogan and Andre drew right after is proof of that.

He wasn't talking at all about what they drew years later. He was refuting Hogan's claim about selling out that 1981 show, because Hogan had nothing to do with that house.
Bruno is never letting go of his grudge vs Vince. He felt his son was treated unfairly by Vince over drug issues and he likely was. Fact was Bruno's son was just not that good. For every Blackjack Mulligan-Barry Whyndam there are dozens of New Hart Foundations, Lacey Von Erichs, David Flairs, etc. Ultimately drugs were an excuse to get rid of the kid, other talent did as much if not worse but kept their jobs because they were viewed as more profitable.

Bruno also felt he was being forced to wrestle after he wanted out in order for his son to get a shot. Again, thats vintage Vince. It was a deal that didnt work.

Bruno, wether motivated by bitterness or not, is correct when he criticizes WWE for their course language, crude antics, etc during the late 90s. The product was WAY to adult for something marketed to kids, it was disgusting. Vince however isnt interested in responsible programming, he's interested in making money. He only banned blood and went PG friendly to keep the big wigs at USA and their advertisers happy. Vince certainly has had his share of bad publicity in recent years, drugs, wrestler deaths, concussions, Benoit, Vince went family friendly to keep his corporate cash flow strong.

As far Flair & Hogan, they are the biggest names of the last 35 years. I dont like seeing them wrestle today but their name recognition and promo ability makes them valuable if used properly. Hogan of course doesnt want to support the product, he wants to be the featured star so his value is compromised. Anyone who picks on Flair for his financial woes should look at how much money Hogan has bled in recent years. Its embarrasing.

Also, anyone who thinks Vince extended the olive branch to Bruno out of any sense of wanting to make peace hasnt followed his career. Vince will work with his mortal enemy if he thinks it will make WWE money. Vince knows that a HOF without Bruno is one step above worthless. Really, he was the guy who built WWE. Forget Hogan, there is no World Wrestling Entertainment without Bruno's success as champ. He didnt help an established company become bigger like Hogan, Austin, or Flair did. He helped established a brand new promotion and make them a major, profitable company. There is nothing for Vince Jr and Hogan to build upon if Vince Sr and Bruno didnt create it in the 1st place.

Bottom line, the HOF isnt complete without Bruno, probably the most important champion in company history. Its his right if he wants to decline the invitation. Its just sad that he wont get the final bit of spotlight he deserves.
As for the Shea Stadium show, I hadnt heard Hogan take credit for the draw BUT having followed Hogan over the years it wouldnt surprise me. However, anyone who knows wrestling knows that Bruno vs Zybysko was the biggest thing in wrestling at that time, none of the other promotions could top it. It was clearly the center piece of The Shea Stadium show, much bigger than Hogan-Andre, who at that the time were not half as big a feud. No doubt a popular undercard match helps an event draw, like Blanchard-Magnum TA at Starrcade 85, Savage-Steamboat at WM 3, or Taker's recent WM matches vs Flair, Batista, HBK, and HHH. However, the main event is still the biggest draw and in 1981 Bruno was A much bigger draw than Hogan and his main event vs Zybysko carried the success of Shea Stadium Show.
1) WWE HoF and his non-induction.

If he doesn' want to be init. That's his right. I wasn't aware there's an actual building for the WWE HoF. I mean that's a little bizarre. While I understand that Bruno is an old school guy, Vince changed WWE's fortunes and made more money for WWF now WWE than it has ever seen. Some changes are justified. to keep a business alive. WWF is no different.

2) Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair still wrestling.

I agree to an extent. Both Flair and Hogan have no business wrestling at this stage of the game. Seeing them past their prime in the ring still taking bumps is depressing. They do have a right to continue to earn a living, and wrestling still holds a tremendous love for both men. So it makes sense they came back to the industry that was willing to take them back and give them a most needed income.

3) Kurt Angle and what he means to the business.

Despite Angle's personal flaws, he's an outstanding performer and he really knows how to tell a story in that ring. Just like Benoit, Bret among others before him, he is what the business needs more of. Add to that he's a great entertainer. It's be nice if there were more like Angle, but the business doesn't work on creating great storytellers. More people are interested in being spot monkeys than anything else.

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