Bruno Sammartino Talks About Not Entering WWE HOF, Hogan, etc.

Tors Hall Rule

Straight Hedge(HOG)
Recently Bruno Sammartino appeared on Busted Open with Doug Mortman and Dave LaGreca, which airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Sirius 92 and XM 207. Highlights from his interview are as follows:

The WWE Hall of Fame and Vince McMahon: "Okay, first of all, let’s talk about the Hall of Fame. You see what people don’t understand about this Hall of Fame, they say that I’m being stubborn now. That’s not true. The first year he came out with the Hall of Fame, they totally ignored me like I didn’t exist. They named certain people—I don’t even remember who they inducted first—but they got these people. I was never even mentioned because that was McMahon—in my opinion—that was his way of showing me that “you don’t mean nothing to us” or “you’re out, you’re finished, you’re a has-been”. OK. But what happened was, it backfired on him because people called, wrote in, all kinds of stuff like “how the heck could you call that Hall of Fame? Here’s a guy who’s World Champion for almost twelve years. Sold out the Garden more times than all these blah blah blah, and he’s not in Hall of Fame…” It was because I guess he didn’t expect that kind of reaction.

"And after that a few years later, his attorney contacted me (Jerry McDevitt) and tried to talk me to go into it, and I said no, that I was not interested in it. I said first of all because I don’t believe I had part of that part of the wrestling. I was in the WWWF, not the WWF that he had which he transformed into something completely different from the wrestling that I had been involved with, number one. And I said so I don’t want no part of that Hall of Fame. And then also because,, when people say to me—the few, because most people understood me—but those who didn’t, I would ask them, I’d say “If you ‘re gonna go to this Hall of Fame, would you want to take your kids or whatever, tell me, where do you take ‘them?” I said, don’t you get it? This is strictly a marketing gimmick; this is no Hall of Fame! Where’s the building? Where’s the place that people can go to and see, what? And where does a guy like—eh, what’s his name—[Drew] Carey, a show host belonging to a wrestling Hall of Fame, or Refrigerator Perry or Pete Rose or Bob Uecker… These guys were all great guys and I’m not against any of them. They were all great at what they did, but what do they have to do with wrestling? So to me, I’d be embarrassed! I wouldn’t want any part of that kind of a “Hall of Fame”. And as far as McMahon and I…repairing our relationship, I don’t think it’s possible. I made it myself very very clear from the beginning: I totally disagree and went against what’s he done to wrestling. "

Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan still wrestling: "Nah, I find it almost disgusting. Let me tell you something real quickly: When I was wrestling, I made a promise to myself that I would get out of that and retire, regardless whether I could afford to or not. When I didn’t feel that I could be on top anymore. In other words, where I wasn’t getting the job done, where I wasn’t drawing the crowds, and so forth. And I always paid close attention to every place I wrestled to see what the crowds wants and so forth. And I wanted to get out before it got bad, and I did. When I got out, we were selling out everywhere. I’m sure you’re familiar with the program I did with Larry Zbyszko; we sold out everything. And that’s when I retired. I retired right after that, that’s where I wanted to go out. This guy should have been out twenty years ago. To me it’s a shame, it’s a disgrace, no self-respect, no shame, no nothing, because—he should be ashamed!—because he looks like hell and he just don’t belong! He just don’t belong. [Hulk] Hogan’s the same thing for god’s sakes! Recently in England he had the audacity to say that he drew the house in Shea Stadium where Zbyszko and I sold out! (Zybszko and I, we sell out everywhere!) He was on the card, he takes credit for that house. Yet, he and André [the Giant], right after that show they went to, uh—what’s that arena in White Plains, New York—it’s holds four thousand, they only drew eleven hundred people. But as far as wrestling, like I said, he stunk then and he still has the audacity to go in the ring today once in a while. I don’t understand it, why these guys do that. I’m sure financially they must be okay ‘cause they were in it when the big money came into it. So I don’t know if they have no shame or what. But to watch these guys… I never watch wrestling, but I watched a couple times because friends call me up and say, hey you wanna see Hogan he’s gonna be in the ring, or Flair. And I look and I shake my head and I say, My god these people have no shame, no self-respect, no pride, nothing’."

Kurt Angle: "Kurt Angle—we all know, right, he was an Olympian and a gold medalist—but even in the ring as he made the transition from amateur to professional, the guy can do some phenomenal, good, solid stuff. And he’s got that background so nobody can question or deny that he’s a wrestler. Yeah, I wish there were more Kurt Angles in there. And even if not in his caliber, in my day there were a lot of guys who were not Olympic champions or anything like that but they were great wrestlers in that ring. And it’s gone. They knew—as we put it—they knew how to tell a story. They knew how to make this match, if there’s gonna be a return match to where the people couldn’t wait for that return match to come. Because these were great talent, they knew what they were doing in the ring, they looked good, they weren’t a bunch of steroid freaks, but they were genuinely big guys who knew how to wrestle who were athletic. And now it’s a completely different thing. Yeah, Kurt Angle is one of the greats and too bad there aren’t more of him."

He picks up some really viable points about all three topics that he discusses over here. Even though there are people who prefer some good ol' rasslin, I can totally see where Bruno is coming from, when he says he dislikes how WWWF was changed to WWF and the emphasis being laid upon the entertainment side. While you can argue with this point, Drew Carey and other celeb picks for HoF are something that baffles me. Yes, it brings main-stream attention to WWE, but still, its Wrestling HoF, goddammit.. Moving on..

Hulk and Ric. Can't disagree much. Ric lost it to his lifestyle, Hulk lost it to his ****e wife and ego, and well, have become a shame every-time they decide to step into the ring now. Its appalling.

To Kurt, well can't agree more when it comes to how he gives 110% every-time he is wrestling, but then I guess Bruno doesn't follow his twitter account. :lmao:

So, what are your take on the 3 topics that Bruno has picked

1) WWE HoF and his non-induction.

2) Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair still wrestling.

3) Kurt Angle and what he means to the business.

Note to Mods: I'm putting this in WWE section. He also discusses Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and Kurt Angle so if you folks wish to move this, feel free to do so..
I'll be honest...I didn't read the whole thing.

As far as the HOF...there are plenty of wrestlers who feel slighted that others were named before them. They feel that just because they are not asked by a certain time that WWE, or Vince, don't care about them.

Im tired of hearing about wrestlers who bitch and whine cause they are not in, or are not asked to be part of it. NEWS FLASH...the WWE HOF isn't real. It's Vince's way of showing appreciation to those that have serviced the WWE or wrestling.

Honestly Bruno, do you REALLY want to be involved with something that has Pete Rose and Drew Carey part of it?

There are plenty of guys that DESERVE to be part of it, but for some reason or another Vince holds grudges. Macho Man should've been inducted years ago. Chris Benoit, for all that he has done for the industry, should too...but because of what happened won't be. Ever. It's how it goes.
1) WWE HoF and his non-induction- I don't blame him at all. I hate when i hear people say that he is bitter and that he is stubborn. He doesn't like Vince and what he did to the business so he is sticking to his guns by refusing to have anything to do with that "hall of fame". I wish there were more non-hypocrites in wrestling.

2) Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair still wrestling.- I agree that these two do need to hang em up, but Bruno did agree to come back in the mid 80s when he was in his 50s. Bruno considers his retirement to be in the early 80s, but his last match was in 1987 when he was 52. I wonder if he feels that it's disgusting that some other old timers still wrestle occasionally?

3) Kurt Angle and what he means to the business. - I can see why he like Kurt, but Bruno isn't crazy about steroids and Angle has done them along with other drugs. Wasn't he suspended by wwe for it? It seems to me that Bruno knock the people he doesn't like, but ignores the bad stuff about the people he does.
"[Hulk] Hogan’s the same thing for god’s sakes! Recently in England he had the audacity to say that he drew the house in Shea Stadium where Zbyszko and I sold out! (Zybszko and I, we sell out everywhere!) He was on the card, he takes credit for that house. Yet, he and André [the Giant], right after that show they went to, uh—what’s that arena in White Plains, New York—it’s holds four thousand, they only drew eleven hundred people."

And then some years after that, they went to a place called the Pontiac Silverdome and drew about 93,000. Not saying this story isn't true and there are a lot of ways to take shots at Hogan but just thought this was laughable.
I really wish that Sammartino would just let it go already. If someone asks you just don't talk about it. This guys ego is just as out of control as Hogan's or Vince's.

Answering the questions...
1-He never wanted in so he's not in. I don't know why he has to constantly talk about it.

2-I don't care to watch another match with Hogan or Flair but it's their right to continue wrestling if they want to and somebody wants to pay them.

3- The only reason why Sammartino likes Kurt is because he's from Pittsburgh and Kurt kissed his ass.

I am not really sure what Kurt means to the business. People will watch Wrestlemania to see the Undertaker and his streak or HBK steal the show but people don't watch TNA to see Kurt. I think he's great in the ring but he's not someone you would build a fed around because he doesn't make you money. People don't flock to see Angle.
"[Hulk] Hogan’s the same thing for god’s sakes! Recently in England he had the audacity to say that he drew the house in Shea Stadium where Zbyszko and I sold out! (Zybszko and I, we sell out everywhere!) He was on the card, he takes credit for that house. Yet, he and André [the Giant], right after that show they went to, uh—what’s that arena in White Plains, New York—it’s holds four thousand, they only drew eleven hundred people."

And then some years after that, they went to a place called the Pontiac Silverdome and drew about 93,000. Not saying this story isn't true and there are a lot of ways to take shots at Hogan but just thought this was laughable.

that is exactly the point, bruno was the main guy back at that time, hogan didn't get pushed as the top guy until a few years later when bruno was gone and vince jr had taken control of the company.
so I have to agree with bruno on this one.
1 Sammartino makes great points as to why he doesn't need to be part of a hall of fame that doesn't really exist and includes non wrestlers and guys like KoKo Beware. Bruno is beyond all this. Lets say Hogan is Babe Ruth, Savage is Mickey Mantle, Thez is Lou Gerhig and Flair is Ty Cobb. Well Bruno's the Hank Aaron of home runs when it comes to world titles. You have a hall of fame and you don't include Hank Aaron. It's not a hall of fame until Hank Aaron enters. Koko Beware would be like inducting Kelly Gruber.

2 I get Bruno's point on Hogan and Flair. They should be ashamed. However, I've grown to like seeing Flair around in any capacity. I love how wrestling has become like a lifetime addiction and the guy can still entertain. I would have loved if Bruno found a way to stay relevant as a manager but I don't blame him for not wanting to be part of the direction. Bruno was the opposite of entertainment in the ring but he still had massive appeal. Bruno says he retired after his program with Larry Zbysko but the guy came back in 1985 and wrestled for two full years. He was 52, same age as Randy Savage was when he came back to TNA for two appearances. Savage looked amazing physically at that point but was a shell of his former self and left before he could stink things up. Bruno came back and worked the full two years and didn't look or work half as good as Savage. I still love watching Bruno in matches with Tito Santana taking on guys like Savage and Bret Hart. It was cool to see him beating on Andre who was beating on the Hitman at Wrestlemania 2 in that battle royal. So even though Bruno doesn't like seeing Hogan and Flair around, Bruno did have a two year stint as an old guy. But his work helped build two of the next three big torchbearers in Randy Savage and Bret Hart. His coming back was important to WWE's long term success so I believe Bruno is wrong about Hogan and Flair. I think Flair and Hogan can help the young guys along although I do agree they look like sad versions of their younger selves and they should feel a bit out of place holding on to the past in a sport dominated by men 30 to 40 years younger.

3 I agree with Bruno on Kurt Angle but it's become to common place to only give Kurt Angle credit. I bet Bruno had nothing nice to say about Bob Backlund because Backlund took the ball from Sammartino and ran off leaving Bruno with no title and no reason to
continue on. Backlund is the closest thing to Kurt Angle in the history of wrestling. It'd be neat to hear Bruno's thoughts on Savage and Hart. I have heard him talk some smack about Bret but Bret was one of the best. Bruno doesn't have enough positive to say. There's no denying Flair is one of the best and he hates him. What does Bruno think of Shawn? I guess who gives a shit what Bruno thinks if it's always going to be negative. I'm sure some of the negativity is warranted but I find he's always looking at things from a negative perspective. What kind of world would it be if every wrestler wrestled and carried themselves like Kurt Angle? Angle is amazing, don't get me wrong, but man i wouldn't wrestling to be full of one kind of wrestler. I like that some guys can't wrestle that well, i like that some guys are better promo guys. If there were more Kurt Angles, then Kurt Angle himself would be no big deal. He'd be just one of the guys. Bruno is too quick to endorse anything that reminds him of himself and too quick to hate anything that represents the shift from mat wrestling to mainstream entertainment. He should embrace what wrestling has become and stop being so against it. Wrestling was far less commercial before his time, the old guys passed the business on to the likes of Bruno and probably didn't like how it was becoming all about money. Bruno was basically just an old guy who got mad about the business naturally evolving and his time passing. Vince McMahon is an ass and WWE is an empire, so I get Bruno's point on how wrestling has been manipulated beyond anything for money. I get that the hall of fame means nothing and that wrestlers shouldn't be wrestling when their time is past. I just get the feeling Bruno wishes he was alive a generation later and could have had the personality to be relevant in the 80s and 90s. I feel like he would have jumped at the HOF if he was the first one asked. I feel like he wishes he could have been around to make the big bucks that were made in the 80s and 90s. I feel like he wishes he had more moves and could have been entertaining enough to keep around during his 50s. I feel like he's jealous he won't go down in history as good as Hogan or Flair, the only two guys, besides Thez, with more accomplished careers. I think for the sake of his fans who are dying out he should just embrace the scumbag that is Vince McMahon, the corporation that is WWE and just be a class act. Some day when he's dead, WWE might get taken over by a multi billionaire like Ted Turner or whatever and wrestlers may be treated with way more respect and the business might become something Bruno would be happy with. Bruno basically screws wrestling fans over because his hatred of Vince McMahon and the evolution of the business. He needs to move past it, everyone knows Vince is scum and I respect Bruno for sticking it to the man. But at this point in his life, I think it would be better for his health, his happiness and his standing in history, if he just let all the negativity go and let bygones be bygones. I believe Randy Savage was on that route of forgiveness when he dropped dead of a heart attack. Savage was one of those guys with a huge chip on his shoulder against a lot of guys and I'm sure he realized with worse health that he had to let it go before it was too late.
....and tried to talk me to go into it, and I said no, that I was not interested in it. I said first of all because I don’t believe I had part of that part of the wrestling. I was in the WWWF, not the WWF that he had which he transformed into something completely different from the wrestling that I had been involved with, number one. And I said so I don’t want no part of that Hall of Fame.

Bruno is missing the bigger picture. All he talks about is himself, when he should be looking at the fans. They're the ones who would like to honor Bruno by seeing him inducted into the HOF. They're the ones who want to take the time to remember (if they're old enough) and honor (if they're not) the accomplishments of one of the true pioneers of the industry. When Bruno says he wasn't a part of that company, he's missing the point, because he is a living part of wrestling history.

Okay, he's got his "no" routine down pat after 25 years of giving the same damn interview. He's got all his reasons why he doesn't want to go in and you can agree with all of them if you want, but the one that goes against the grain is that he claims to love all the fans who supported him through the years, yet he won't let them honor him in the one way we can pay tribute to a professional wrestler.

We'll be waiting if you change your mind, Bruno. If you can stop thinking about yourself for five minutes, maybe you'll see there's more to it than just your wounded feelings. There's us.
I really don't have a problem with the "Celebrity" wing of the WWE Hall of Fame. It's a way for WWE to show its appreciation to the celebrities who come to WWE (sure, for a payday) and give the WWE a rub. It's not the same as the guys who bust their ass night in and night out.
1) WWE HoF and his non-induction.
- If he doesn't want to enter the Hall of Fame then ok. Its his wish.

2) Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair still wrestling
- Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair don't wrestle anymore. They just make appearances that add to the show, And a guy can wrestle as long as he wants. I hate this "age" thing like when someone says "Oh he is so old he should retire". Kevin Nash can still wrestle and outperform half of the current WWE roster but he can't because WWE won't let him perform because of his age.

3) Kurt Angle and what he means to the business.
- Kurt Angle is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time no doubt. He is one of my all time favorites.
Is it that time of year already? I'll be damned, it sure is. The annual "Bruno hits the interview circuit to complain about the HoF and pro wrestling."

My thoughts? I honestly wish Bruno would just go away. Vince to his credit has had an open invitation for Bruno to take his spot in the HoF and Vince has extended the olive branch countless times to get it done. I would say i'm not certain what it would take to get it done but I honestly think this right here is why Bruno keeps refusing. As long as he refuses each year he can refuse and throw out his the personal insult that doesn't exist, getting the business to talk about him. If he goes in the HoF chances are the Wrestling media stops giving him attention shortly after and it's over for him.

It's actually pretty hypocritical, he keeps pulling stunts to get the business to pay him attention after all these years yet complains about the Hogan's and the Flairs for trying to do what he has never done, given back to the business. There's also the whole comeback he briefly had in the 80's while he was in his 50's, a comeback to attempt to get his son over as a big star. The son he disowned and won't even speak to anymore for whatever reason.

I realize my post may draw some anger, so be it. It's the trend these days to play nice with this guy and lavish him with praise I am aware, but I won't. The truth is the WWF became kid friendly and he bitched it was supposed to be a mans product. The WWF became a mans product again and he bitched it wasn't kid friendly. Steroids were okay when he used them(Please, a little common sense. You don't get as big nor as strong as he was without them, period.) and not a big deal as long as his kid was getting a push but then they were a problem. Bitched when the WWF was Entertainment because it should have mostly been long grappling matches then bitched in '93-'95 when it was largely longer grappling matches. Bitched that the WWF tried to "use him" by offering him free tickets to shows along with airtime to wave to his fans then bitched it took them too long when they said okay well you're invited backstage if you'd like.

The bottomline is the WWF can't win with him and McMahon has been very, VERY patient and accommodating. I just wish people would finally stop giving him the attention he craves and the platform to run around bitching and complaining that it's not 1965 anymore and he's not treated like a God anymore.
Is it that time of year already? I'll be damned, it sure is. The annual "Bruno hits the interview circuit to complain about the HoF and pro wrestling."

My thoughts? I honestly wish Bruno would just go away. Vince to his credit has had an open invitation for Bruno to take his spot in the HoF and Vince has extended the olive branch countless times to get it done. I would say i'm not certain what it would take to get it done but I honestly think this right here is why Bruno keeps refusing. As long as he refuses each year he can refuse and throw out his the personal insult that doesn't exist, getting the business to talk about him. If he goes in the HoF chances are the Wrestling media stops giving him attention shortly after and it's over for him.

It's actually pretty hypocritical, he keeps pulling stunts to get the business to pay him attention after all these years yet complains about the Hogan's and the Flairs for trying to do what he has never done, given back to the business. There's also the whole comeback he briefly had in the 80's while he was in his 50's, a comeback to attempt to get his son over as a big star. The son he disowned and won't even speak to anymore for whatever reason.

I realize my post may draw some anger, so be it. It's the trend these days to play nice with this guy and lavish him with praise I am aware, but I won't. The truth is the WWF became kid friendly and he bitched it was supposed to be a mans product. The WWF became a mans product again and he bitched it wasn't kid friendly. Steroids were okay when he used them(Please, a little common sense. You don't get as big nor as strong as he was without them, period.) and not a big deal as long as his kid was getting a push but then they were a problem. Bitched when the WWF was Entertainment because it should have mostly been long grappling matches then bitched in '93-'95 when it was largely longer grappling matches. Bitched that the WWF tried to "use him" by offering him free tickets to shows along with airtime to wave to his fans then bitched it took them too long when they said okay well you're invited backstage if you'd like.

The bottomline is the WWF can't win with him and McMahon has been very, VERY patient and accommodating. I just wish people would finally stop giving him the attention he craves and the platform to run around bitching and complaining that it's not 1965 anymore and he's not treated like a God anymore.

Just an idea, talk about something you actually know about. I am 6'3" tall, and weigh about 300lbs, never used steroids, except for medical conditions, (not the same steroid compound by the way) and I have somewhere around a 60" chest and 25" arms. It's this funny thing called hard work, Sammartino started lifting weights when he was about 15 years old. He nearly made it to the olympics in 1956, but didn't quite make it; Now correct me if I am wrong but doesn't the IOC have some sort of rule about steroids? Please, son, do a little research before talking out of the sky like this. Because all you do is look silly.:shrug:
Bitter old man whose carrer was good but not great, his son who was a piece of trash as a wrestler and boring to watch, put him in the same trash can like billy ghram , bruno is an old man who needs to go away who needs his old ass in anyways i would settle for brooklyn brawler at least he appreciates the wwe:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Bruno needs to get over the past. He's the epitome of a bitter old man. He should accept the invitation to the WWE Hall of Fame as a nod to his fans who would love to see him in. If not, they should just wait until he's dead, then induct him anyway. I'll give credit to Vince McMahon for extending the olive branch, and now it's time for Bruno to get over it and accept the invitation for his fans.
1) Brunos non induction into the HOF Well i see both sides to the coin. But really Bruno should just accept the business for what it is today. Sure in the WWWF days they were more focuesed on wrestling than entertainment! I think bruno should get over his hurt feelings and just move on. Take Vinnie Mac for what he is. Bruno was my dads favorite wrestler and i would like to see bruno inducted. Just because he wasnt the first one asked hes not going in? That to me is sour grapes!! But in the same token having Drew carey pete rose bob uecker in the HOF and your the hank aaron of wrestling and your not in i dont blame Bruno on this one at all.

2)Ric Flair and Hogan still wrestling Flairs career should have ended in the late 90's at the latest. The fact that man basically spat on Shawn michaels when he retired and screwed himself by basically ****ing around on his wife and spending money like its water i guess he has no choice. I like flair he is one of the greatest but that man is damn there 65! When is enough enough? Hogan is damn there 60 himself and still wrestles. His career should have ended in 2002!! I get what bruno is saying but again bruno wrestled till he was 52 so IMO bruno has every right to have gripes on this one. Its sad to see Hogan and Flair a shell of them selves i dont know if there trying to catch lighting in a bottle by capturing their youth but its not working!!

3)Angle Angle is the best in the business but is also from Pitt just like bruno. Could be a little home love there and Angle is no angel!! Steriods how many DUI's? domestic violence but if bruno is talking about his ability then no effin question angle is the best!! Angle does bust his ass 110% every damn night i give him credit but again i am not tuning in to see him in TNA!! I dont think anyone is it was Shawn Michaels Taker HHH Punk (no knock on Kurt+ i think he left WWE too early but almost everyone is not tuning in to see his matches!!

So IMO Bruno just needs to let go of his hurt feelings and do it for his fans and the people that admire him. Get over it bruno please please. Repair your realtionship with vinnie mac and you will be inducted next year
I completely agree but my point was, knowing what Hogan became, it was silly to take that kind of shot at him. Bruno was the man, but Hogan took wrestling to a level he never could.
While I think he raises a decent point about celebrities in the wrestling hall of fame, Kurt Angle being a technical marvel and a tremendous wrestler and I admire him to an extent for sticking to his guns I disagree with most of the things hes saying.

I'l admit it has been pretty cringeworth watchng Flair post 2000 and Hogan post 2002/3 in the ring but that doesn't mean they can't still give back to the business. They are halping put younger talent over in TNA at the moment through acting as managers, gm etc and in that capacity through their popularity and natural charisma they are still fairly effective. The only issue I have with Flairs current involvement is i feel it was ungracious of him to accept such an emotional and grand farewell from WWE and then basically throw it back in their faces but thats a different topic so I will leave it be.

As far as his opinion that wrestling has been tainted by a greater emphasis on entertainment, I think that is completely wrong. I get that he's old school and has different values but the entertainment aspect if anything can really add to a wrestling match if done correctly look at Rock/Austin some of the greatest matches of all time partly because the promo work and build up was so incredible. The bototm line is pro-wrestling would not have evolved and developed into a popula multi-national phenomenon without the entertainment aspect and VKM's contribution to this should never be underestimated.
For the most part, there's really nothing new in Bruno's latest rant. It's mostly the same thing: he dislikes Vince, he dislikes what wrestling has become, he's upset that some were inducted into the HOF before him and isn't crazy about the WWE HOF in and of itself.

Honestly, I'm long since over it. Every year, there's always a few veterans that'll go online or give some sort of interview in which they run down the HOF, why they're not in it, why they don't want to be in it, why they should already be in it or who they think shouldn't be in it that is. Sammartino is usually the most well known and among the most vocal. Sammartino's feelings of bitterness that wrestling has had to change in order to continue to be relevant and his refusal to be part of the HOF are really the only things that anyone is interested in as far as he's concerned. Whenever I see an article online in regards to Bruno Sammartino, it's almost always about the exact same subject year after year.

As for his comments on Flair & Hogan, I do agree that it's long past time when they should have let their in-ring careers go. I cringe whenever I see Flair wrestling now. At the same time, however, who the fuck is Bruno to tell them that they should let go when he's been hopping up on any soapbox and bitch to anyone who'll listen about the exact same issues he's had for the better part of 30 years. I think Bruno should take his own advice.
I'm glad someone posted this thread because a friend of mine and myself were talking about this a few days ago. What the hell is a WWE HOF without Bruno, Savage and Bob Backlund? It's a joke! That's what it is. This blog brought some clarity for me for the situation. I thought Vince was being stubborn and snubbing Da' Brune. Vince needs to do whatever he has to do to get these guys in and build a physical HOF. Buno was before my time (i'm 32) but my old man had tapes of those legendary battles with Zybysko and many others so I kinda knew of Da Brune's impact and I have a lot of respect for what he has done. Why not a DVD as well, hell they did one on John Morrison...
Seems to me like Bruno should start his own company and have them wrestle the way he wants them to wrestle, meanwhile Vince can do things his way. Out of all the things he said I agree the most with the lack of an actual visitable Hall of Fame location. As for not being the first one in the hall of fame. A case could have been made for Bruno, but I still would have went with Andre the Giant as the first inductee. That's a personal preference. On the Hogan/Flair thing... I seem to remember an old, broken down Bruno Sammartino coming back to face the Macho Man. I didn't see anything wrong with that either. Yes Flair and Hogan need to give it up but that's really up to them. Maybe he should same the fans for still paying to see them. If anybody still does. Oh well, that's my two cents.
I love that someone referred to the WWE having a "celebrity" wing. The quotations would work better around the word "wing" since its an imaginary building and all.

Every wrestler lives in his glory days. Its why Virgil/Vincent will travel the country with an NWO shirt and charge $30 bucks for an autograph. They can't move on and hope you won't either. If Bruno isn't in the WWE hall of fame he only exists in memories, and those memories only exist in people that are over 50 and most likely no longer watch wrestling. Every old wrestler needs to come out of the word work to remind everyone that he had his moment at the top. You think the ECW reunions are sad now, wait twenty years and see how badly Tommy Dreamer needs your attention.
Just an idea, talk about something you actually know about.

25 years of experience in the iron game doing both powerlifting and bodybuilding. Trained under and mentored by some of the best minds around.

Don't run your mouth about people you don't know.

I am 6'3" tall, and weigh about 300lbs, never used steroids, except for medical conditions, (not the same steroid compound by the way) and I have somewhere around a 60" chest and 25" arms.

So basically what you are trying to claim here is a bigger chest than Arnold's world class chest in his prime AND literally the largest muscular arms in the world. All drug free. Yeah unfortunately i'm going to go ahead and say it, you're full of shit.

Next time you want to try and impress people over the internet? Just a little advice, make your claims a tad less outlandish.

It's this funny thing called hard work,

It's this funny little thing called not based in reality. Listen up wannabe. First put the doughnut down and stop telling that girl in the chat room that massive amount of adipose tissue spilling over your pants is your "powerlifting gut" Mr. 300lbs and pay close attention:

The human body has a maximum limit to the amount of muscle a person can add without using anabolic steroids. That's a pure fact that if you actually HAD lifted a weight in your life you would already know. Bruno Sammartino was about 5'8" tall real world height and at his peak was a fit 240lbs legit. Even with great genetics, great training and tons of hard work his natural limit would not have been 240lbs.

Some muscle building basics for you: A persons fascia will only stretch out so far before it tells the body "no more" and the body stops growing. This is what is called a persons natural limit. The limit of deep fascia for a 5'8" male and 99% of the population isn't at a level wherein they can just slap on 240lbs of muscle. Even with steroids there is a secondary limit to how much size a person can put on hence there only being one person documented in history(sorry, it isn't you) with muscular 25" arms.

Furthermore a drug free body can only break down and synthesize so much protein, nowhere near enough to walk around with the amount of muscle Bruno Sammartino carried around.

That's not even taking into account the crude nutritional methods that existed when he reached that level and the fact that people you know, didn't know shit about breaking down proteins or keeping their bodies in an anabolic state outside of going to the Doctor for some "weightlifting supplements(steroids)" as they were then called. Matter of fact things were still at such a primitive state that they were still gorging themselves on 3 squares per day(Protip: Science shows that the body can only breakdown so much protein at a time and excretes the excess hence bodybuilders and weightlifters discovering in the 70's- past the time Sammartino was at his most muscular- that 6-8 meals spread out fueled them with twice the proteins).

Most amusing of all with this "debate" is the fact that Sammartino had about 30lbs on every pro bodybuilder(all using) at the time yet somehow magically drug free? Try again.

Sammartino started lifting weights when he was about 15 years old. He nearly made it to the olympics in 1956, but didn't quite make it; Now correct me if I am wrong but doesn't the IOC have some sort of rule about steroids? Please, son, do a little research before talking out of the sky like this. Because all you do is look silly.:shrug:

I'm literally sitting here laughing. Alright, you wanted corrected and you shall be corrected.

The IOC didn't ban anabolic steroids(that's the muscle building kind) until 1975, two decades AFTER Sammartino nearly made the Olympics. In 1956 anabolic steroids had already been around and in use since the 1930's, were WIDELY used, weren't illegal(that came about in 1991) and were a simple matter of telling their Doctor they were lifting weights and he would then prescribe them a steroid program to use in conjunction with their fitness program. That included teenagers as at the time medicine believed it wasn't harmful.

Just an idea, talk about something you actually know about.

You should probably follow your own advice the next time you attempt to rush into a thread filled with bravado thinking you're going to impress all the teenagers on this website because frankly? You made yourself look like an idiot.

I have actually been being nice in this thread and i'll continue with a little advice. Next time you want to try and impress people on the interwebs? Don't claim to be the world's largest bodybuilder(hell you just claimed you're bigger than Hogan in his juiced to the max prime) and actually do some research on the subject next time. Or alternately just be yourself and don't open your trap about shit you have no clue about. Have a good one. :)
25 years of experience in the iron game doing both powerlifting and bodybuilding. Trained under and mentored by some of the best minds around.

Don't run your mouth about people you don't know.

So basically what you are trying to claim here is a bigger chest than Arnold's world class chest in his prime AND literally the largest muscular arms in the world. All drug free. Yeah unfortunately i'm going to go ahead and say it, you're full of shit.

Next time you want to try and impress people over the internet? Just a little advice, make your claims a tad less outlandish.

It's this funny little thing called not based in reality. Listen up wannabe. First put the doughnut down and stop telling that girl in the chat room that massive amount of adipose tissue spilling over your pants is your "powerlifting gut" Mr. 300lbs and pay close attention:

The human body has a maximum limit to the amount of muscle a person can add without using anabolic steroids. That's a pure fact that if you actually HAD lifted a weight in your life you would already know. Bruno Sammartino was about 5'8" tall real world height and at his peak was a fit 240lbs legit. Even with great genetics, great training and tons of hard work his natural limit would not have been 240lbs.

Some muscle building basics for you: A persons fascia will only stretch out so far before it tells the body "no more" and the body stops growing. This is what is called a persons natural limit. The limit of deep fascia for a 5'8" male and 99% of the population isn't at a level wherein they can just slap on 240lbs of muscle. Even with steroids there is a secondary limit to how much size a person can put on hence there only being one person documented in history(sorry, it isn't you) with muscular 25" arms.

Furthermore a drug free body can only break down and synthesize so much protein, nowhere near enough to walk around with the amount of muscle Bruno Sammartino carried around.

That's not even taking into account the crude nutritional methods that existed when he reached that level and the fact that people you know, didn't know shit about breaking down proteins or keeping their bodies in an anabolic state outside of going to the Doctor for some "weightlifting supplements(steroids)" as they were then called. Matter of fact things were still at such a primitive state that they were still gorging themselves on 3 squares per day(Protip: Science shows that the body can only breakdown so much protein at a time and excretes the excess hence bodybuilders and weightlifters discovering in the 70's- past the time Sammartino was at his most muscular- that 6-8 meals spread out fueled them with twice the proteins).

Most amusing of all with this "debate" is the fact that Sammartino had about 30lbs on every pro bodybuilder(all using) at the time yet somehow magically drug free? Try again.

I'm literally sitting here laughing. Alright, you wanted corrected and you shall be corrected.

The IOC didn't ban anabolic steroids(that's the muscle building kind) until 1975, two decades AFTER Sammartino nearly made the Olympics. In 1956 anabolic steroids had already been around and in use since the 1930's, were WIDELY used, weren't illegal(that came about in 1991) and were a simple matter of telling their Doctor they were lifting weights and he would then prescribe them a steroid program to use in conjunction with their fitness program. That included teenagers as at the time medicine believed it wasn't harmful.

You should probably follow your own advice the next time you attempt to rush into a thread filled with bravado thinking you're going to impress all the teenagers on this website because frankly? You made yourself look like an idiot.

I have actually been being nice in this thread and i'll continue with a little advice. Next tim
e you want to try and impress people on the interwebs? Don't claim to be the world's largest bodybuilder(hell you just claimed you're bigger than Hogan in his juiced to the max prime) and actually do some research on the subject next time. Or alternately just be yourself and don't open your trap about shit you have no clue about. Have a good one. :) Hogan in his prime had the "24 inch pythons brother!", but Robbo316 has 25 inch pythons? Somebody better call Big Poppa Pump, cause apparently there's a new contension to the "man with largest arms in the world".
Seriously bro, Fenris just took you to school. You should feel stupid.

But back on topic, everyone already knows the situation between Bruno and WWE so these latest comments shoulnt suprise anyone. Bruno was champ for twelve fucking years! That's longer than some posters on this site have been alive. Any real wrestling fan knows how good Bruno was and a video package, short induction speech and 10min acceptance speech won't really add anything more to his already legendary career.
Bruno's a wrestling guy with a wrestling ego. As he's "all about his fans" he should just shush his mouth, accept a large check and HOF induction for us fans that want it.

Hell, the divvy old tool will probably hold out till he's dead then, long after, he'll end up going in as a low level induction where his legendary son does the speech for him, and the only way to see it is live or on the DVD because he'd be lower then someone like Kamala or, hell, Kama for that particular year.

Wouldn't be nice, wouldn't be right, but that's the future right there!
I do agree partially with a lot of Bruno's comments. I understand that he's from the WWWF and it was different from WWF. The first pro wrestler I was exposed to as a kid was Bruno Sammartino and I had a rubber action figure of him. I always wanted to see him inducted. That's most likely never going to happen. I agree that Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair should completely retire from wrestling and that Kurt Angle is one of the greatest. That's about all though. The rest just seem like excuses while he's on a high horse. He was a great WWWF Champion and will always be known as a legend, but his rant reminds me too much of Batista. Batista also has ranted on numerous occasions why he hates the current WWE product and how it's corny. Okay, we get it. All that registers to me is attention craving. Just fuck off already instead of continuously mentioning the WWE as if desperately trying to stay relevant.

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