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Brodus Clay and Zack Ryder as a tag team?

I think if they both turn heel, then I see a good long term tag team. Brodus can be a monster protecting Zack who is a bit more cowardly and sneaky/sly. Something along those lines anyway.
It hurts me to see them beat the PTP. I hate when WWE puts two comic relief acts together and allow them to dominate a division. A team can still be funny and lose. The PTP are one of the best tag teams WWE has right now and they're feeding them to Clay and Ryder? What a joke of a division. I hope and pray that this is a short term tag team. Much like Bryan and Kane's team, the comedy will just fizzle out. Hopefully they'll end that team soon as well.
It hurts me to see them beat the PTP. I hate when WWE puts two comic relief acts together and allow them to dominate a division. A team can still be funny and lose. The PTP are one of the best tag teams WWE has right now and they're feeding them to Clay and Ryder? What a joke of a division. I hope and pray that this is a short term tag team. Much like Bryan and Kane's team, the comedy will just fizzle out. Hopefully they'll end that team soon as well.

Calm down. 1 loss doesn't make a trend. If they're going to pair up Clay and Ryder, then they would have to win eventually anyway. This is a good way for them to start building steam. The PTP are going to eventually win the TTC title if they stay healthy. It's not like this is the worst thing to happen to them since they've started. All we have to do now is just wait and see what happens next.

Who knows, this could be the start of the first meaningful storyline the PTP has had since AW jumped ship to join them.
It's nice I guess for Ryder and Clay to be doing something but I don't really want them in the tag division. They beat PTP at a house show, whatever it's a house show. Nothing to get excited about. But having them competing seriously for the tag titles does nothing but wane my interest more for the tag division. It's bad enough the tag belts have basically been non existant since Kane and Bryan came into the picture.
The fans like them and they both appear to have nothing better to do.... so I don't see why not. This will give them both something to do for a while. They don't strike me as WWE Tag Team Championship material, but the division could always use more people. Granted Ryder has been a Tag Team Champion before, but this team with Brodus does not seem like one that would be all that believable as the top team. Personally I would rather see Ryder in a singles run going after the US Championship again, but this is better than him doing nothing. Having Ryder with Brodus might also make Brodus a little more interesting again, as he was starting to get boring. They will make a good team for heel teams such as Rhodes Scholars to go over to gain some momentum, or even if Team Hell No need someone to defeat in a random non-title match here and there. I'd use them more as an enhancement team rather than a team I would push toward a run with the giant pennies.
Exactly what Brewski said. As long as they are doing something, I'm happy. My god, if Kane and Daniel Bryan can be a tag team, so can they.
Too many mid card talents with potential big futures missed out while the tag team division was knackered before this recent ongoing resurgence. So with that said I think Brodus Clay and Zack Ryder should team together and probably as already suggested go heel, especially off the back of CM Punk's promo on Raw. They look increasingly likely to fade away on their current path so a complete overhaul and change of direction makes for a very good idea in my opinion. I think Cameron and Naomi could also make decent heel material if they bring a bit of Lay-cool type attitude to proceedings.
It does look like the WWE is trying to cash in on the Hell No-dynamic. One big and tough, one small and flashy. Same with Rey/Batista, DX and countless others.

The comedy route seems to be a recurring trend, though. If a wrestler isn't a whiny or intimidating heel, he's a comedy guy (face OR heel). I've always found Brodus/Ryder not funny, per se, but indeed fun. Nothing wrong with fun, antiheroes can get very tiresome.

The Funky Fistpumpers (?) don't have to win the gold, but they can boost the division, especially with Rey/Cara out of it for a while.
It hurts me to see them beat the PTP. I hate when WWE puts two comic relief acts together and allow them to dominate a division. A team can still be funny and lose. The PTP are one of the best tag teams WWE has right now and they're feeding them to Clay and Ryder? What a joke of a division. I hope and pray that this is a short term tag team. Much like Bryan and Kane's team, the comedy will just fizzle out. Hopefully they'll end that team soon as well.

The Prime Time Players are one of the best tag teams, but they too, are a comic relief act.
I think it would be cool if they turned heel (I know I now IWC wanting a heel turn) and had an Owen Hart/Yokozuna type team. Make Zack really arrogant and have Brodus as a monster. I think they could pull it off.
Why the hell not, neither of them have something to do.Brodus Clay in my eyes is hitting rock bottom when it comes to relevancy.He doesnt have feuds he doesnt have longer matches, only squashes for the sake of them. Ryder basically gets squashed and complains on twitter.

So yea give them something to do and maybe they will get more interesting.I would like Ryder to go for US championship but anything works at this point.
I think they let them win ata house show to test where nobody cares. I can see them go as a tag team But if they do make them a real team not just two single wrestlers

What the tag team division is missing is teams that look and feel like teams. British Bull dogs Hart Foundation Rockers Hardy Boys Smoking Guns, Demolition, New Age Outlaws dudleys all these teams were teams. The WWE has no real tag team

All these combinations could break at anytime and nobody would care
They're both in mid-card obscurity and the mid-card isn't a great place to be in the WWE anyway. Lash them both together. I think they could be a good goofy team or they could be a quite effective heel team. My favourite tag teams in the WWE are The Prime Time Players and The Uso's purely because they look and act like tag teams. Guys like Rhodes Scholars and Hell No are great but it's beyond clear that they're just four good single guys buying time before creative has something for them. Need more teams like PTP.
I don't see them doing anything worthwhile as single competitors so pairing them off would suit them both. There can never be to few tag team wrestlers and if it meant Clay's TV time was slightly diluted (in terms of dancing) i would be extremely pleased. I'm not saying they are better than any of the teams right now but Rhodes, Sandow, Kane and Bryan all have futures in single competition so having an extra team is beneficial in the long run.
I'm not really a fan of this pairing. I think they're both getting wasted as jobbers, and putting them together as a tag team isn't going to change anything. I just don't see the fit with the two of them, as I'm more a fan of traditional tag teams with similar attire and attributes. Just because it works for Kane and Daniel Bryan doesn't mean that it'll work for these two. Brodus and Zack aren't Kane and Bryan afterall. I would much rather see them both remain singles wrestlers, and possibly a heel turn for Zack Ryder.
I am another who is fine with it as long as they have something to do. The tag division has kind of become stagnant again, and I think they need to build another face team or two. I am not saying Brodus and Ryder are Tag Team Championship material or anything, but they would be a good feud with a heel champion team. I would rather see the duo used as a tag team than not used at all.

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