Brock Lesnar's return.

I am Mr. Excitement

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This thread is basically your opinions on Brock Lesnar's return. We all know after SummerSlam he "quit" the WWE and there is no doubt that he will be back in some fashion in the near future. But the question is what role is he going to play? Here is how I book him in 2 different senerios.

1) The obvious guess is that he will come back and align himself with CM Punk and Paul Heyman and will basically dominate the WWE setting up a possible fued with Punk/Lesnar vs Ryback in some sort of way. I think we all know where that will go Brock Lesnar will get jelous of CM Punk and eventually turn on him or Punk will turn on Lesnar setting up a match for the title somewhere down the road.

2)This is a wildcard that possibly will not happen but hey you never know. Punk/Heyman/Ryback all aligned in a stable and basically after running through most of the stars in WWE they say that they've takin over the WWE and no one can stop them. Then you here Brock's music hit this basically turning Brock Lesnar face and him fueding with Punk/Heyman/Ryback or even Heyman/Brock turning on Punk to turn Punk back a face.

Either way I think were in for a long ride until Brock's return and will eventually lead to Punk vs Brock either way the storyline plays out. And when he does return shit's gonna start hittin the fan that's for sure.

Comments, opinions, book it. Etc..
If they can ride this out, I think the best money is to be made by having Punk beat Brock at Mania. Brock's name sells tickets and PPVs. For Mania, tickets will be gone, so it's on to selling PPV's. If they can work long term towards these matches, Mania could be a helluva show:

Punk vs Brock: Built on jealousy over the title
Cena vs Taker: It's never REALLY happened with both on the same scale
Rock vs ________: who really cares. He's the Rock, he could work Santino and people would watch
Live Smackdown
-Shameus Comes out and calls out CM Punk wanting to prove he is the better champ
-Punk's Music hit out comes Punk and Heyman,Brock attacks Shameus from behind,hits the F5
Punk gets in Ring Looks at Brock,Picks up the fallen Champion and hits a GTS,Punk and Brock shake get out the Ring Laughing up the ramp
-Midway up the ramp here comes Dolph Ziggler Cashes in to win the Belt,Vickie gets in ring with a mic screaming WE DID IT WE DID itDolph grabs the Mic and says Excuse me WE Did nothing,You never got me where I needed to be but in one night He Got me the Belt
Thats right Vickie I'm a Heyman Guy and walks up ramp to join Punk and Lesnar
Live Smackdown
-Shameus Comes out and calls out CM Punk wanting to prove he is the better champ
-Punk's Music hit out comes Punk and Heyman,Brock attacks Shameus from behind,hits the F5
Punk gets in Ring Looks at Brock,Picks up the fallen Champion and hits a GTS,Punk and Brock shake get out the Ring Laughing up the ramp
-Midway up the ramp here comes Dolph Ziggler Cashes in to win the Belt,Vickie gets in ring with a mic screaming WE DID IT WE DID itDolph grabs the Mic and says Excuse me WE Did nothing,You never got me where I needed to be but in one night He Got me the Belt
Thats right Vickie I'm a Heyman Guy and walks up ramp to join Punk and Lesnar

Not bad except Punk is not often at smackdown that would be better done on Raw no way WWE would want to do that on the B show that is taped.
Could be to aligne with Punk/Heyman. As long as he isn't feuding with Undertaker I honestly don't care. I want to see Taker-Cena at Mania, not Taker-Lesnar.

I guess, they could have Lesnar cost Rock his title match at RR, then set up Rock-Lesnar at WM
I think it's almost mandatory for Brock Lesnar to come back to align himself with CM Punk and Paul Heyman, it wouldn't make any logical sense for him not too.

The way WWE should do it though, is having Cena give Punk a second Attitude Adjustment during the Hell in a Cell match for the title but he's too exhausted to cover Punk, he's getting closer and closer to covering him, but then you hear the sudden echo-like start of Brock Lesnar's music.

Lesnar comes out, rips the HIAC entrance door off it's hinges and gets in the ring, F-5's Cena, picks him up and proceed's to throw him to Punk and Punk hits a GTS, followed up by the 1-2-3. Punk, Lesnar, and Heyman are standing tall and the beginning of the Heyman/Punk/Lesnar stable.

That would ultimately lead to my prediction of a 5 on 5 Traditional Survivor Series Match, Team Heyman Vs Team McMahon:

CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Big Show, Daniel Bryan, and Randy Orton
John Cena, Triple H, The Undertaker, Kane, and Ryback

Now i've been hearing WWE WILL turn Randy Orton heel when Sheamus becomes top babyface on SD and we all know Kane/Bryan won't be Tag Champs forever thus ending the team, so this could be a great scenario and seeing Ryback involved with Punk at all could mean he could be involved.
If they can ride this out, I think the best money is to be made by having Punk beat Brock at Mania. Brock's name sells tickets and PPVs. For Mania, tickets will be gone, so it's on to selling PPV's. If they can work long term towards these matches, Mania could be a helluva show:

Punk vs Brock: Built on jealousy over the title
Cena vs Taker: It's never REALLY happened with both on the same scale
Rock vs ________: who really cares. He's the Rock, he could work Santino and people would watch

I think if they did that it would be awesome. Punk vs Brock would make a good brawl type fight. Or The Rock vs Brock and that would be a legitamite money maker right there. Cena vs Taker would be great as well. But who does Punk face? obviously not Stone Cold until maybe WrestleMania 30.

I think it's almost mandatory for Brock Lesnar to come back to align himself with CM Punk and Paul Heyman, it wouldn't make any logical sense for him not too.

Yea that's true. It's not like Brock is going to go after a specific person. Just the WWE itself and everyone. Brock had a similar storyline when he returned to WWE as Punk did in Summer 2011, kind of demanding things like jets and having there face on everything. Now it's all coming together, there obviously going to align all together with Heyman. I just want to see where Ryback fits into all of this.
"I think it's almost mandatory for Brock Lesnar to come back to align himself with CM Punk and Paul Heyman, it wouldn't make any logical sense for him not too.

The way WWE should do it though, is having Cena give Punk a second Attitude Adjustment during the Hell in a Cell match for the title but he's too exhausted to cover Punk, he's getting closer and closer to covering him, but then you hear the sudden echo-like start of Brock Lesnar's music.

Lesnar comes out, rips the HIAC entrance door off it's hinges and gets in the ring, F-5's Cena, picks him up and proceed's to throw him to Punk and Punk hits a GTS, followed up by the 1-2-3. Punk, Lesnar, and Heyman are standing tall and the beginning of the Heyman/Punk/Lesnar stable.

That would ultimately lead to my prediction of a 5 on 5 Traditional Survivor Series Match, Team Heyman Vs Team McMahon:

CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Big Show, Daniel Bryan, and Randy Orton
John Cena, Triple H, The Undertaker, Kane, and Ryback

Now i've been hearing WWE WILL turn Randy Orton heel when Sheamus becomes top babyface on SD and we all know Kane/Bryan won't be Tag Champs forever thus ending the team, so this could be a great scenario and seeing Ryback involved with Punk at all could mean he could be involved."

While i love the idea of this i dont think it could happen with the main problem being the rock said he was coming back to wrestle for the title at survivor series didnt he? so if that were the case that means none of your top wrestlers would hold the title at that time... (my apologies for not knowing how to do the quote box correctly)
If they can ride this out, I think the best money is to be made by having Punk beat Brock at Mania. Brock's name sells tickets and PPVs. For Mania, tickets will be gone, so it's on to selling PPV's. If they can work long term towards these matches, Mania could be a helluva show:

Punk vs Brock: Built on jealousy over the title
Cena vs Taker: It's never REALLY happened with both on the same scale
Rock vs ________: who really cares. He's the Rock, he could work Santino and people would watch

Punk vs Brock would certainly be very interesting. I think it is a lock we will see Rock vs Cena II so where does that leave Undertaker? How about Ryback in a streak vs streak match? Ryback will be ready for the deadman in 6 months if they continue his build.

I said the other day in a thread that I envisage Ryback ripping off the HIAC door to interupt in the HIAC match between Cena and Punk. He turns on Cena and alligns himself with Punk and Heyman who take him to the next level. Gives Cena a loss that doesn't weaken him anyway. I am not toally behind a heel turn as he is just gathering momentum, but this is WWE.

The big question where would this scenario leave Brock Lesnar? Thats the issue, nobody knows because of his contract!!!
I think that the WWE ultimately has their heart set on Brock Lesnar facing a legend at WrestleMania 29 and things will ultimately be geared towards that. I read an article late last month, I believe, that reported that Lesnar only has about a dozen or so appearances left in his current WWE deal. If that's true, then we won't be seeing Brock Lesnar again probably until after the first of the year for the build towards WrestleMania.

With the way Lesnar's deal is structured, there's no chance of him being part of any sort of faction. Considering that Lesnar has been built as someone that "doesn't care" about WWE or anything else for that matter, having him align himself with a faction of wrestlers goes against that character. I could see Lesnar and CM Punk out cutting a few promos together as Paul Heyman is involved with both of them, but might be as far as it goes.

The biggest reason why WWE signed Lesnar was to have him help jack up the WM 29 buyrate, so there are several ways WWE could go with this. There's talk of Triple H challenging Lesnar to a rematch for WM, which I think was the top idea the last time I read anything on it. There's been talk of having Lesnar go after Taker's WM streak. There's been some talk even of Lesnar challenging The Rock. I haven't read anything suggesting even a whisper of Punk taking on Lesnar. There's almost no chance of it happening, though I think it'd be interesting. The WWE is building Punk right now as the top heel in the company and while a face turn wouldn't be difficult, I don't see it happening soon and WWE is going to want a top face against Lesnar.

In terms of what'll bring the most money, personally, I think the best best would be for Taker vs. Lesnar. The Streak has become a huge part of WrestleMania and, over the past several years, a lot of attention has been focused on building that match. It'd be no trouble building Lesnar as the biggest threat to Taker's streak and fans would tune in with the hopes of seeing Lesnar put in his place but ultimately wondering if he'd be the one to end it. A lot would depend upon the build and WWE has gotten building Taker's match as a must see for WM down to a science. We've seen him beat Triple H and while I'd enjoy another match, it's not something I'm dying to see. Lesnar vs. The Rock would be fun but ultimately I think WWE has its heart set on a Cena vs. Rock rematch.
I think that the WWE ultimately has their heart set on Brock Lesnar facing a legend at WrestleMania 29 and things will ultimately be geared towards that.............With the way Lesnar's deal is structured, there's no chance of him being part of any sort of faction....... ......Considering that Lesnar has been built as someone that "doesn't care" about WWE or anything else for that matter, having him align himself with a faction of wrestlers goes against that character.

I agree with those three points. It's interesting that other posters in this topic are looking for Brock to ally with other people, but I believe he's the ultimate loner, both kayfabe and in his real-life deal with WWE. He has a contract such as no one else in WWE has ever had; it's the expanded equivalent of a one-and-done for a guest appearance by a visiting legend. I wouldn't be surprised if he interacts with no one in the locker room whenever he is around.....and I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the roster is resentful as hell about Brock's deal, especially if it's for as much money as has been rumored.

You can say Brock has allied with Paul Heyman, but when you think of it, it's less a partnership than an additional employment benefit for Brock: he barely has to speak because Heyman does it for him, right? Okay then, except for whomever Brock is opposing in the match, he doesn't have to interact with anyone if he doesn't want to. Sweet deal, I guess. Hope he likes it.

My guess for Brock's prom date at Wrestlemania is still Undertaker. If 'Taker is going to do WM a few more years, this may be the only chance for him to square off against Brock. It's also a match that truly might increase the PPV buyrate, so I don't see Brock facing anyone else.
In some ways, Brock still has a tad bit of unfinished business with John Cena, even though he beat him a few months back after WrestleMania. I think the logical thing to do is to have him come into Hell in the Cell and attack Cena, furthering the injury of his elbow and making sure that Punk keeps the title. Not too sure if the casual fan has forgotten about Lesner, but an impact return would seem likely. Now, with that being said, I doubt it'll happen. WWE doesn't usually take certain roads that the fans would more like to see (as you can tell, they took forever to build Punk and Heyman's relationship), so it's likely that Lesner won't return at Hell in the Cell, although he should. I'd venture to say that ultimately Lesner will come back in November at Survivor Series in a tag match with an also returning HHH who'll partner with Cena against Lesner and Punk. Maybe within the next month or two we'll see Lesner, but who knows really with this guy & the WWE?
In some ways, Brock still has a tad bit of unfinished business with John Cena, even though he beat him a few months back after WrestleMania. I think the logical thing to do is to have him come into Hell in the Cell and attack Cena, furthering the injury of his elbow and making sure that Punk keeps the title. Not too sure if the casual fan has forgotten about Lesner, but an impact return would seem likely. Now, with that being said, I doubt it'll happen. WWE doesn't usually take certain roads that the fans would more like to see (as you can tell, they took forever to build Punk and Heyman's relationship), so it's likely that Lesner won't return at Hell in the Cell, although he should. I'd venture to say that ultimately Lesner will come back in November at Survivor Series in a tag match with an also returning HHH who'll partner with Cena against Lesner and Punk. Maybe within the next month or two we'll see Lesner, but who knows really with this guy & the WWE?

Hmmmm I would love to see a big angle develop with a 4 on 4 match between 2 factions/alliances but when wqas the last time WWE didnt have the WWE Title defended on a card???

I hate the fact Triple H has to come back and beat Brock Lesnar. I want Lesnar to be built as a beast and got for the streak at WM29!
I think the only sensible story lines are if (1) Brock returns to protect heyman if punk can't. (2) Heyman betrays brock and sides with punk starting a feud or have heyman on neutral sides and they fight for heyman. (3) This is the one I think will happen. Punk gets tired of listening to heyman like foley said and he attacks heyman . Next week gets confronted by heyman attacks again but brock music hits comes and fights off punk and they feud. As for wrestlemania I can only see him facing triple h or undertaker.
I actually don't wanna see Punk & Lesnar w/ Heyman. I wanna see Punk vs. Lesnar rather than Punk vs. Cena/Rock. Taker vs. Cena/Rock would be better imo. After Punk retains his title in HIAC, Lesnar comes out and Heyman turns on Punk. Then, Lesnar kicks Punk's ass and gives him a lesson on respect. :lmao:
Brock needs to stay away from Punk. I dont want to see them team up together. Brock's character is an ass kicker that no one can control. It would be corny watching him start a faction with other wrestlers. He needs to be a loner with only Heyman as his agent or whatever he is.

I would be disappointed if we get Triple H vs Lesnar part 2 at WM. I wouldn't mind seeing Brock vs Orton (brings back legend killer) or Undertaker at WM.
Personally I wanna see Brock vs. Orton when Lesnar comes back and I keep thinking it should happen at Survivor Series too since I do think of SS as Orton's PPV aswell as Taker's, considering Orton's history at the PPV.

What they could do is just have Paul bring back Brock and have him interfere in a match between Punk & Cena or someone else and Brock helps Punk out. Then on the next RAW, Brock & Paul come out to cut a promo and they get interrupted by HHH before Brock & Trips start fighting with each other, Brock gets the upper hand & beats down HHH until Orton runs out to save his former Evolution chum out, starting up the feud between the two predators.

As for Lesnar & Punk, well like the majority in this thread, I don't think they should be an alliance. Like Jack Hammer said, Brock just doesn't seem to care for anyone else but Paul Heyman & himself and putting him in an alliance would go against that - but I wouldn't mind if they were both managed by Heyman at the same time, so long as they remain loners. Them helping each other out 1 or 2 times wouldn't hurt though, they'd be doing it as favour for Heyman.
Not too sure if the casual fan has forgotten about Lesner, but an impact return would seem likely.

If the fan was that "casual" that he has forgotten the guy who headlined and won at Summerslam under a couple of months back - then I don't think that fan is the sort to be parting money on PPV's anyway...
Brock Lesnar comes out on the Raw after Survivor Series and attacks Cm Punk declaring that he is going after the Wwe Championship, he hits Punk with the F-5 then walks back up the ramp. Just as he is about to leave the arena Triple H attacks him from behind and leaves him laying unconscious on the floor. Triple H then starts walking away but turns back and says Im not done with you. The next Week Triple H comes out to explain what happened and he says that he will fight Lesnar again, but this time it will be a The Royal Rumble, Triple H then jumps out of the ring and as he is about to go backstage he turns round and shouts down the Microphone, By the way Brock, it will be Hell In a Cell. Lesnar protests but they have the Match with Triple H defeated Brock Lesnar and ending the feud.
Brock will make a apperence at the rumble and get to the last two and the lights go out and the next thing is brocks on the outside cena wins the rumble then at the top of the ramp with a mic is taker and he says brock vs undertaker baried alive match at mania

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