Brock Lesnar: What's Next After WrestleMania XXX?

Who Tries To Take The Pain?

  • Batista

  • CM Punk

  • Roman Reigns

  • Daniel Bryan

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For the past several months, it's been heavily rumored that Brock Lesnar will be the latest to challenge The Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania. Over the past week or so, there've also been rumors of Lesnar possibly returning to the UFC in the near future but, according to Dave Meltzer, Lesnar's deal is exclusive with WWE and expires next year after WrestleMania XXXI. So the question is what WWE does next for Lesnar following his bout, win or lose, at WrestleMania XXX?

Depending on how well he's received by the audience over the next several months, it's possible that WWE could set something up for either Extreme Rules or SummerSlam between Lesnar and Batista. Lesnar has worked Extreme Rules & SummerSlam during his deal, so I could see WWE setting up a WWE WHC feud between them if Batista goes against Orton at WM and wins the title. Again though, as with Orton, I think there'd be good number of fans not all that interested in this program. I might be wrong, but it's just a feeling I have. After all, even though I thought Triple H & Lesnar put on three great matches in which they worked their asses off, a lot of fans simply weren't into the program. You could hear crickets chirp at their match at WrestleMania 29 and I think there's a real chance that could go down with this program.

Another program would involve reigniting the feud between Lesnar and CM Punk as they had, arguably, the best match in WWE this year. A POSSIBLE downside to it is the involvement of Paul Heyman and we saw a lot of Punk vs. Heyman overkill in the latter months of 2013. However, the downside there was Punk was essentially fighting a manager, so if they keep the focus on him and Lesnar, then I think it'd work out just fine.

Depending on what they do with Roman Reigns, he might be a viable candidate for a feud against Brock Lesnar. There's talk of giving him a babyface singles run but, for me, it's a little too early to speculate about a feud with Lesnar as we've no idea how Reigns will do on his own. He may very well shine and rise to the occasion, or he might wind up being the next Ryback.

Another interesting possibility, to me at least, would involve Lesnar against Daniel Bryan. WWE has built Bryan up as this scrappy, passionate, fearless underdog who can hold his own against anybody. Brock Lesnar is viewed as a legit badass because, frankly, he is. We've seen Bryan in entertaining David vs. Goliath scenarios before against the likes of Big Show & Mark Henry, but I think this would has a ton of potential; especially with Paul Heyman as Lesnar's manager/mouthpiece.

So who do you think WWE will/should put Lesnar against following WrestleMania XXXI?
I'd get Brock vs. Batista done as soon as they can. Who knows how long either/both of them will be around? As it is, their comparable size makes for an interesting visual Triple H and John Cena, Batista looks believable to face Brock; I can see them fronting each other without the fans seeing a mismatch.

By the same token, I feel Daniel Bryan is too small to look credible against Brock Lesnar....and of more concern is whether Brock can tone down his repertoire enough to not hurt Bryan for real. Working for the notion that the match-up could work is Brock's contest against CM Punk: I incorrectly thought those two couldn't mix it up and make it look real.....but they did..... meaning Brock was able to cool it with his mixed martial arts background and not destroy Phil Brooks' skinny body.

Still, we've already seen Punk in the ring with Brock; I'm not excited about a rematch, although if Creative could find a storyline that stirs interest, maybe it will happen yet.

Roman Reigns? I can't see Brock Lesnar turning good, so it seems Reigns would have to in order to set up a Brock-Roman match. As it is, while Reigns is a brute, I don't know that he can wrestle well enough to bring off a slam-bang contest with Brock. That's not to say he can't, by the's just that he's functioned mainly as a henchman so far; a guy who takes sneak shots rather than handle himself as a solid ring wrestler. If he turns face, maybe we'll find out.

In any case, if Brock returns for the Royal Rumble, the company's work will be cut out for them in getting a scenario ready in time for WM30.
I believe that batista is next to fight lesnar after mania. I am pretty sure everyone wants to see it and a storyline couldn't be too hard to make. On a side note,
I have a question...
- do you guys believe that lesnar cares about the fans and knows how much we love it when he comes and fights?
I really cannot think of a proper thing to do for Lesnar post Wrestlemania because he's faced most of the top stars and there are none left. It would be like getting him involved just because he's under contract.

But I think if the Authority storyline continues post Wrestlemania, then I see Brock being portrayed as the Face of the company and the champion.

Him facing someone like Bryan or a face Batista would be great.
Honestly my mouth is watering at the possibility of a Batista-Lesnar program especially if its for The WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Its one of the dream matches that can now be a very real possibilty. Knowing Triple H and how much stroke he now has you know this match would happen. IMO I feel this match is best safed for SummerSlam. Some long term booking surrounding these two men would be great. I feel that a real big man Heavyweight match has been missing in The WWE for quite sometime.

I love your idea of a Lesnar-DBryan fued especially with Heyman in the mix. Him and DBryan nattering back and forth would be golden. Also makes the possibility of a great match. I would have this match at Extreme Rules. A nice hot and fresh fued would do wonders.

And lastly I feel another strong candidate would be a Lesnar-Sheamus program. I have this feeling that Sheamus will be reutrning as a heel sooner rather than later and if Lesnar does return as more of a face these two powerhouses would make for a great match. Imagine if Sheamus returns as another one of Triple H's hired guns and sicks him on Lesnar.

All in all Lesnar is still one of the finest wrestlers in the world and there is alot of potential with him in the company.
Brock Lesnar's future has so many routes that is pretty much impossible for a wrestling fan not to like his presence for only two or three matches per year. He can work heel for the rest of his life and feel fresh but he could also turn babyface and be the most anticipated thing of the shows. If I can get my two cents in I'll have to say that I would like to see CM Punk get a rematch but it should be Lesnar/Punk and not involve Paul Heyman again because that's already watered down - but this time have some sort of stipulation, like the winner gets a WWE World Heavyweight Title Shot or Paul Heyman gets fired from WWE.

But I don't think that WWE will use Lesnar for yet another series of matches like they did with Triple H, nothing wrong about what they did but Lesnar's schedule makes it harder for people to care or invest in a storyline. Another rematch that I would absolutely love to see is a John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar - Hell In A Cell Match for the WWE World Title - I loved their first match, really did and it made Cena feel a whole new fresh babyface.

But let's explore new routes shall we? Considering Brock Lesnar's stays a villain, he could very well face Daniel Bryan. I mean the size thing is a problem sure, but it's not impossible for a smaller guy to beat a big guy and logically they have a lot of ways to make it happen - it would for sure give a boost to Daniel Bryan and god knows how much he needs it, because for me he is pretty much stale if not for the overness of the "YES!" and "NO!" chants. Also I made Mark Henry's thread a few days ago and I would like to see him going after Brock Lesnar, I mean it does not need to be a WrestleMania main event, but it could be a program for the Royal Rumble, however business speaking Big E. Langston should get the opportunity to face Lesnar in a big stage. If you read the sheets and believe in some news I think that you are already sold for a Brock Lesnar v. Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX, probably even the main event of the show if the storyline backs up the potential of the match.

If Brock Lesnar turns babyface which I really think should happen, I would love to see him go after Randy Orton. Those two are my personal favorites growing up and the potential of a clash between them just makes my mind explode. Randy Orton is always menacing as an heel and Lesnar's a real beast, so it would be great television watching Orton trying to find ways of putting Lesnar down - it would without a doubt be yet another marquee rivalry for Randy Orton's career. I would also like to see a Sheamus return as a villain and have a match with Lesnar, I mean it would just work looks alone but Sheamus is not just a brawler, he is a good wrestler and I find their work very similiar and the mix would work perfectly in my mind. Now a big shot - I would love to see Lesnar working against The Shield in a Gauntlet Match 3 on 1 with Reigns going over in the end, it would be such a boost that not even Reigns would know what to do with it.

Really excited for the return of Lesnar to the WWE, it really doesn't matter who his opponent is - I mean, him alone made me salivate for a program with The Miz when he attacked him so I think I can say that WWE has a 90% shot of putting a smile on my face as far as Brock's future goes.

Honorable Mentions to:
Batista - Likely at SummerSlam this year.
The Rock - If he returns yet again.
Alberto Del Rio - I'm a fan of Del Rio, he could work with Lesnar. The match alone would be fantastic.
I've got to go with the above. If Brock can make a solid return and come back with bigger heat than when he left, I see Brock and Daniel Bryan as a good match. If Brock can come back as a beastly figure a Bryan feud can play well into the whole underdog gimmick that Bryan thrives on.

I thoroughly believe alot of Bryan's success is in large part due to a rejection of the typical main eventers, same with CM Punk. Personally it doesn't interest me, because I believe main event wrestlers should appear athletic or formidable in size, but then again everyone these days is either a hipster or a straight edge kid so what can you do but please the fans?

WHEN the WWE puts the strap on Bryan, having Lesnar come back and wreck him several times will build a great feud up and continue his underdog push against a much more athletic opponent.
I'd hope that whatever the case may be with Brock...WWE gets more dates out of him in the second half o 2014. I'm seeing the mini-feud with Big E leading into the Rumble. The Taker program for 'Mainia. And then morph into a Batista feud by SummerSlam.

With those done, all without the top belt involved. I hope they use him as a heel challenger to the WWE/WHC by the fall (SSeries?).

Turn him face by Rumble 2015 and end high at that 'Mainia, providing that he didn't re-up.

If anything I WANT A RAW MATCH!!! On match for those who can afford the ppvs or don't stream...
Honestly, I hope they don't do Brock/Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Brock is too big of a draw to be used as a sub-main event to possible Wrestlemania main events - Cena vs. Bray Wyatt, Orton vs. Batista and HHH vs. Punk.

If anything like many suggested, go with Batista vs. Brock at Wrestlemania - two big guys, part of that historic OVW class
id like to see Shamous face the beast. could b a good rivalry. about the best thing i could think of for a face Shamous.
While I'm personally not very interested in seeing it it's almost a certainty that Brock vs Batista will happen in 2014, I just pray it's not at WrestleMania for the World title.

I don't see Brock vs Bryan happening, Sheamus and Orton remain outside possibilities.

It's possible that Big E gets a match with Brock at the Rumble but I dunno, Brock looking anything but dominant against a mid carder is not smart and getting muderlized by Brock in a glorified squash doesn't do anything for Big E. A brawl on Raw might be a better idea.

Lesnar vs Reigns seems like a match WWE would do on paper, but I'd say Mania 31 would be earliest they should consider it. Brock needs to work with experienced guys who can cope with his stiff and unorthodox style, Reigns is still a rookie as far as singles wrestling goes and nowhere near ready for a match with Brock.
Last nights Raw was interesting. Brock wants the Title and Brock usually gets what Brock wants. I think we could be edging towards a Cena vs Brock match at Mania 30. Even though Brock lost last time he came out looking strong and dominant and lets not forget, it was originally meant to be Brock vs Rock at Mania 30.

The rumors at the moment are of a Brock vs Taker match at Mania 30, but I think they may hold this one off until Mania 31 as Brocks contract expires after that and he probably wont be around for a while so a loss won't do him any harm if they start to build him now. I just don't know where that will leave Taker for Mania 30.

Royal Rumble - Brock vs Henry
Mania 30 - Brock vs Cena
Summerslam - Brock vs Batista
Mania 31 - Brock vs Taker

That would be ideal in my opinion. Brock can then cite wins over Cena, Triple H, Punk, Henry and Batista in his build up towards Taker making him look unstoppable.
ahhhh man it looks like it'll be mark henry... snooooree

mark henry sells "the pain" he took last night and then he comes back during the rumble match eliminating brock as one of the last contenders , this will set up their match at mania....::bathroom break::
What's the deal with people saying Batista vs Brock should be at SS? Why not mania? We've seen him vs Cena and Punk, not again....Undertaker is obviously going to win and I think maybe next year it'd be a better idea since Mania 30 should be more exciting because of the milestone n all. I'd say. Batista winning the Rumble with Brock beating the winner of Cena vs Orton at the next ppv makes the most sense. Then follow the rest up with...

Batista vs Brock : WWE Title
Cena vs Undertaker (against Super Cena it'd be suspenseful)
Punk vs HBK (since Austin obviously isn't coming back...bastard)
Bryan vs HHH
Orton vs Jericho

A little of the new school vs Oldschool going on there.
Last nights Raw was interesting. Brock wants the Title and Brock usually gets what Brock wants. I think we could be edging towards a Cena vs Brock match at Mania 30. Even though Brock lost last time he came out looking strong and dominant and lets not forget, it was originally meant to be Brock vs Rock at Mania 30.

The rumors at the moment are of a Brock vs Taker match at Mania 30, but I think they may hold this one off until Mania 31 as Brocks contract expires after that and he probably wont be around for a while so a loss won't do him any harm if they start to build him now. I just don't know where that will leave Taker for Mania 30.

Royal Rumble - Brock vs Henry
Mania 30 - Brock vs Cena
Summerslam - Brock vs Batista
Mania 31 - Brock vs Taker

That would be ideal in my opinion. Brock can then cite wins over Cena, Triple H, Punk, Henry and Batista in his build up towards Taker making him look unstoppable.

I wonder would Batista will be around for Summerslam since his movie comes out early August

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