Brock Lesnar VS Bo Dallas on Monday Night Raw!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Almost every time Brock shows up on Raw, he's part of some brawl or scuffle. But I wonder why WWE doesn't make a "match" out of it. I know that he has a 3-match-a-year deal in his contract, but surely, they can make exceptions for matches that are pretty much squashes or angles, and doesn't have traditional bell-to-bell action.

I was thinking about this when reading about Bo's undefeated streak. I thought Bo should cut a promo on the Undertaker about how he can start a streak again and get back up from 0 and maybe some day be like Bo. He then issues an open challenge to any boliever who thinks he can beat him. Brock and Paul come out. Bo is scared shitless. From the ramp, Paul tells Bo that he can beat Brock Lesnar as long as he bolieves! Once Brock hits the ring, the ref immediately rings the bell, Brock F5's him and gets a pin, immediately conquering another streak.

I think that would be a great way to reintroduce Brock Lesnar on Raw, and they can keep hitting the notes about how Brock conquers streaks.

Do you think an angle like this is possible or do you think his contract prohibits any sort of match even if it's a non-match?? It's the only explanation for why they haven't had Brock squash anyone before. I think he can benefit a lot from being booked in some dominant squashes on Raw and making it look like he's actually working more than 3 matches a year.
wwe did have brock squash some one before, mark henry
it didnt really do anything for either guy, and bo losing the streak now would be the end for him, wwe runs little angles as is, if bos loses creative will have nothing foe him and he'll just be another jobber like zack ryder
WWE essentially had Lesnar squash Mark Henry and Big Show earlier in the year. At the Royal Rumble, Lesnar attacked Big Show before the match officially began and pinned him approximately 02:21 after the bell rang and the match officially started.

Having Bo Dallas look like a complete and utter fool at the hands of Brock Lesnar doesn't benefit anybody. Sure, the fans would probably pop for it but that fleeting example of immediate gratification could have negative consequences for Bo Dallas that could last for months.

Raw will be in Miami this Monday and, if I'm not mistaken, at the very same arena in which Brock Lesnar returned the night after WrestleMania 28 and left John Cena laying with the F5. Since it's practically written in the stars that Cena retains the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Battleground this Sunday, it's perfectly logical and obvious that Brock Lesnar is the "Plan C" that Paul Heyman briefly mentioned while interacting with Trips & Steph backstage this past Monday. Cena will be out celebrating his title defense, Lesnar's music hits, the crowd pops like crazy, Lesnar comes out with Heyman in tow, Heyman addresses Cena for a while, either asking, demanding or flat out stating that The Authority grant Brock Lesnar a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Cena responds in a serious manner, I doubt he's gonna be quipping 9th grade jokes like the ones we used to do in homeroom with someone like Lesnar. He accepts and makes some smart ass/confident remark and the two of them start brawling. Either the locker room empties to break them up like they did 2+ years ago or Lesnar gets the best of Cena and leaves him laying in the center of the ring.
wwe did have brock squash some one before, mark henry it didnt really do anything for either guy,
But it wasn't a match, which is my main point here. Had Brock done the same thing to Henry, but ended it with a pinfall and 3-count, it would just add more to his character and momentum. He did the same thing with The Miz. He blindsides these with cheapshots, kicks their ass and leaves them in the ring. If the bell had rung, those beatdowns would have had much more credibility.

and bo losing the streak now would be the end for him
I disagree. Him being humbled by a defeat would be great for his character. He can talk about how he's going to get back up because he bolieves in himself and the fans bolieve in him too. Bo needs to lose at some point, and I think that's the best way to do it.

wwe runs little angles as is, if bos loses creative will have nothing foe him and he'll just be another jobber like zack ryder
Maybe, or maybe he starts cheating during matches and cutting promos about how he bolieves in himself, despite the fact he obviously feels he needs to cheat to win. That would be some great character development for Bo.

He doesn't need to beat up or squash anyone. He's more over than anyone in the company right now and we'll see that as fact on Monday. Arrive, make it clear he is after title and end of return. Simple and very effective.
This is fine. If it kills Bo so be it. I expect if he isn't gone in the next couple years he will be working next to his brother as a Wyatt following lackey or tag partner.

This segment works but I think anything Heyman and Lesnar do this week will work. It will probably be too long bit it will be good TV. Throw just about any wrestler at Lesnar right now for a squash will work.
I wouldn't mind seeing something play out along the lines of Brock coming back and claiming he wants a title match at Summerslam, but then Stephanie or Triple H and or a returning Vince comes out and says "no part time wrestlers is getting a title match anymore".

It would add a little something to the story, and give people the hope that Lesnar will become a regular. Rather then just knowing how its all going to play out between now and Wrestlemania 31.
Asinine idea. Brock Lesnar is a legend. He will not come to RAW to encounter a fatuous clown like Bo Dallas. Lesnar should not be downgraded to irrelevant feuds. Hopefully he comes back with a goal set, and hungrier for the title than ever. He needs to go on a serious run. Lesnar isn't a joke.
It wouldn't work. It would be a face move by Brock to accept the challenge and come out and beat Bo. Why would they build up an ultimate heel just to have him come down and do a face thing and then go back to doing heelish things?

What would work though with your idea is this.

Take your idea about Bo talking about his undefeated streak and bring up the Undertaker. Then issue the challenge or not but either way have the lights go down and have the Undertaker's music hit. Make people think the Undertaker is coming out but it's Paul and Brock. Have Paul cut one of his promos and just leave it at that.

It does nothing for Bo except gives him a little bit of camera time but it would draw heat to Paul and Brock.

The only issue I could see is that it would be kind of weird timing for Bo to randomly bring up the Undertaker.
I ll start watching wwe once Brock Lesner beats john semen@ summerslam and is the new heavyweight champion now its booooooring
I like how Brock Lesner is a serious nightmare threat that he build himself up to be and not a useless jobber he was a few years ago when he lost to john semen and HHH he will definitely win @ summerslam and save us from the paper champion we have now
Okay let's view this seriously Brock Lesnar is getting serious heat and of course love by the IWC. Bo Dallas is getting a push and is actually getting a reaction. He only is because of his gimmick andthe win streak. Now let's look at this logically, Lesnar squashing Bo ruins his momentum and will probably derail his push. If Bo wins at all, the momentum from Lesnar beating Taker at Mania is gone. Neither guy can get anything from this feud. Lesnar doesn't need a small little rub from a guy who's only been wrestling on Raw for a few months. If you want you can have him squash Adam'd be the same thing. No one get's over from this, horrible idea in my opinion
LOL, why?

Kills Bo. Does nothing for Brock. Talk about pointless. Brock Lesnar doesn't need to be "reintroduced on Raw". He's never not been over or credible. Whenever he shows up, he's automatically got that already.

And Bo actually has potential and is doing well. Feeding him to Brock Lesnar? They're supposed to be building new stars, not destroying them for no reason.
Bo's a midcard heel. In what booking fantasy does the most over heel in probably 20 years return to the company and squash another heel in a midcard bout?
Interesting concept of how Brock Lesnar should return. I Believe that after the who BOLIEVE character buzz runs out, or BRAY WYATTS character becomes stale, that bo dallas and bray should become a tag team and emphazise that they are brothers. That looks like a good tag team due to the fact that the WWE is missing tagteams. But i hope BRAY can an establiished main eventer.
if i were to book this, I'd actually have Bo Dallas win the match, yeah you heard me right, Bo Dallas would beat Brock Lesner, by DQ, because of Cesaro.

As it seems that Cesaro has now been left high and dry by his former advocate, Cesaro would interfere in the match, however because Cesaro is intelligent and manipulative, whether a face or heel, he would attack Bo Dallas thus giving Brock the loss. An obvious set back going into a title match with Cena. I picture Cesare and Lesner staring each other down with Dalls slowly rising to his feet and then Boom! European uppercut to Dallas. ring the bell.

This would make Brock look vulnerable in his match with Cena, which I think he will win, and it sets up a great feud post-SS with Cesaro and Lesner. It also keeps the Bo Dallas streak alive. OH MY GOD the heat of "I beat the man who beat the Undertaker's streak", especially out of Bo's mouth. It would be money. Money I tell you!
If this is just about Brock beating another "streak", I could see this happening. Lesnar destroying Bo Dallas does have plenty of positives here. Brock does not work many matches or gets in the ring with too many guys. If he gets in the ring and has a "match" with Bo Dallas, that's immediately a win for Bo Dallas. Despite if he loses or not, he immediately gets a rub from Brock. There aren't any midcard guys getting a match with Brock Lesnar these days. Bo can go on talking about being more humble since he was squashed by Brock. I like how another poster said something about Bo beginning to cheat to win. He could do that, and be delusional about how he wins matches. He wins simply because he Bolieves himself. Hell, he could even become a Paul Heyman guy because he feels like he could learn something more about Bolieving in himself like Brock did when he conquered the Undertaker's streak.

Nothing really has to be a bad booking scenario. It's all about how it's played off on TV. Maybe you all just need to BOlieve!
Absolutely not it will kill all the momentum that Bo has and he should not lose to anyone in the next few months.As I said in an other topic a few weeks ago I would have booked Bo with a giantic undefeated streak until Wrestle Mania 31 with him having the IC title from battleground to WM 31 and then lose the title maybe to Bray Wyatt or even to Goldberg.
I like how Brock Lesner is a serious nightmare threat that he build himself up to be and not a useless jobber he was a few years ago when he lost to john semen and HHH he will definitely win @ summerslam and save us from the paper champion we have now

Are you five?

Anyways Lesnar needs to be kept at a minimum and his only matches should be on PPV.

Giving away a free match of his (no matter how short) is not smart. If his only matches are on PPV, then people will feel compelled to buy it just to see him. Plus Brock is a heel. It might split the crowd if he feuds with Cena but he is still a heel.

Bo is still new and a loss like that would hurt him. You can't just squash new characters for a one night reaction. Long term damage with almost no short term benefit. Lose, lose situation.
I remember when Brock destroyed 3MB - that was brilliant. Good times.

As long as Brock squawks after hurting someone tonight I do not care.

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