Bring Back Cyber Sunday?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was thinking about PPVs lately, and how some are bad, and some are worth watching. Then WWE Cyber Sunday was brought to my attention. Now here me out, it wasn't a horrible PPV idea, and I loved the Cyber Sunday of '08.

Here is a video of the highlights:

I really enjoyed that PPV, and so it got me thinking. Should the WWE bring back Cyber Sunday? I mean, it's pretty interesting to see what the WWE Universe "voted" for. Also, the three choices that you had to vote for were actually matches that would be worth seeing, for example, if you had to chose between a No DQ match, a Last Man Standing match, or a Steel Cage match. These choices were bearable, unlike the episodes of Raw where the WWE Universe had to choose between "over the top rope match, body slam contest, or dance off".

What are your thoughts?
Would you like to see Cyber Sunday brought back?
I'll stick with the Raw Viewer's Choice thing. Even at times, that gets unbearable. I cannot imagine paying $60 for a pay-per-veiw with no major title changes or no real storyline build up. In all honesty, I hated Cyber Sunday. If the polls weren't rigged, it sure seemed like nothing major would've happened. How exactly can you allow the audience to pick who faces the WWE Champion and actually expect the viewer's pick to win the belt? Even today, do you honestly think that Cyber Sunday wouldn't be one of those PPVs that have a two week build up with a three match card? I didn't like the ppv and it was definitely one of those desperate atempts to get something going in the WWE at the time. So no. Cyber Sunday and Taboo Tuesday can go fuck itself.
As a matter of fact I would like to see Cyber Sunday come back, I enjoyed the concept and I was disappointed to see it brought to an end. I think that considering what a flop Capitol Punishment was this would be the perfect oppertunity to replace it with a PPV that everyone is familiar with. Not only is the concept of Cyber Sunday fun for the WWE Universe and interesting but it's track record was pretty impressive when it comes to good matches and I think it's one of the more underrated PPVs without good reason. I would love to see Cyber Sunday make a return and hopefully it would do so by taking the place of Capitol Punishment because that was pretty weak.

These shows SUCKED. It's really hard to buy a PPV when you have no idea what the main event will be. Also you get a lot of stuff where there's one possible answer (debate, arm wrestling, street fight) and it defeats the purpose of the show. Also you rarely got matches that meant anything as they were thrown on there for no apparent reason other than a match like that was needed. I don't get the appeal of this being a PPV and having it as a 3 hour special Raw is WAY better.
No, the concept of Taboo Tuesday was at the time unheard of and quickly became stale hense why it went to Sunday's, again the concept as-a one time only deal was unique but as an annual pay per view didn't catch on. WWE made the shows predictable and who would have thought it? the show WE make ALL the choices and WWE give us limited options to pick from and it felt stale because it wasn't OUR choices, the only show I felt was enjoyed and worth watching was Cyber Sunday 2006, the rest had the odd match here and there that you could watch online but as a whole the concept felt like it lacked something in my opinion.
I think these gimmick Raw's where people get to vote on the matches is good enough. Cyber Sunday would've worked had the wrestlers you could choose from had some interaction with the fans where they'll influence you to vote for them. Better than nothing.
I remember the first "taboo tuesday." if there was ever an example of low ppv buyrates because of a shocking name it was that one. the only two good things on that show was Edge spearing HBK and "costing" him the title (although HHH wasn't going to lose that title until wm21.) The other realatively good thing was the Orton/Flair cage match, although it only lasted 10 or so minutes.

The following cyber sunday's were mediocre at best. King Booker winning the triple threat against show and cena was a great main event, and Austin's appearances as referee added a slight interest.

Keep it for a 3 hour raw, or maybe do it on a Smackdown live show, just not as a PPV!
Never cared for Cyber Sunday or Taboo Tuesday to be honest.

Usually the matches weren't that good (although they did have exceptions) but my big issue is if you are buying a $40-$50 PPV its nice to know what you are getting before the event, not during and I don't really care for that aspect. I like the concept but if they do voting I think it would be best to know everything a day or 2 before the event starts because that way the people paying know what they are getting. I think the reason buyrates often suffered for Cyber Sunday was that reason as well as most of the time nothing feels like its part of a storyline and the matches don't mean anything, it just feels like a gimmick. The only match I can remember being apart of a legit feud was Flair vs. HHH, other than that every match gave you a big whatever feeling and you didn't really care what was happening.

So if they ever brought it back I say this:

1) Make the matches themselves (except for ones that have no storyline going in anyway)
2) Let the audience determine the stipulation of the matches for 9-10 matches.
3) Let the audience know what was voted BEFORE the event
No. for the simple fact that wwe has the power to over-ride any vote. I think it happened on raw before. 80% sure and there was a massive outcry that the votes didnt even matter. However if it was brought back i do have a match in mind. Mark Henry vs Brodus Clay.
I have mixed emotions about Taboo Tuesday / Cyber Sunday. I liked the whole voting thing. It would have been better if they didn’t steer the votes a certain way and had us vote on the opponents and the stipulations of each match, instead of just one or the other. Having it on Raw was good and it would be better to have it on Smackdown as well. I’d rather see it as a special show for that whole week, let’s say the season premiere of both shows around the Fall.

Maybe the WWE should have a FaceBook match and / or a Twitter match on every PPV where the fans vote on whatever it is the WWE puts out there. One or two WWE Universe voted match(es) every month can’t hurt .
As Twitter is evident each week on Raw, when WWE goes interactive it leads to negativity and bad results. Cyber Sunday was extremely poor and un-appealing. I get the idea as to why you'd want to bring this back but it wouldn't help push guys because they are never going to shine so be it unless they shockingly do come out on top.
I always thought that the Cyber Sunday PPV had potential as a concept. After all reality shows did make it really big in this decade and this was something similar and unlike say a Tough Enough, it was a part of the main show. However as the other posters have pointed out, it was dumbed down to an extreme. On most occasions, there was only one clear choice that the people were going to choose. In other matches where there were choices, the choices amounted to nothing because there were no title changes or results out of the ordinary.

In today's world, it would not work. There are too many gimmick PPV's and adding another one would make no difference. The best way to use this concept in my opinion would be to have one match stipulation chosen by public vote at a Big Four PPV.
This event was dominantly predictable but yet again the element of surprise was always a possibility which made it watchable to me. Cyber Sunday/Taboo Tuesday is not a good concept for a pay-per-view. Earlier we had "Power To The People" and despite the controversy of the incorrect outcomes. It was steal something out of the ordinary which is what the fans want. So DO NOT BRING BACK CYBER SUNDAY ON PPV!!!

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Hell no I do not want to see the return of Cyber Sunday! It was one of the most predictable event of the year, isn't it supposed to be SO unpredictable when WWE monopolizes you with 2 stupid choices and one that you actually want to see and or, suck less than the others . Like the Viewers choice Raw the votes were never rigged its just that the choices were! If they had writing done for a cage match they would give you the choice for a "stretcher match, Street Fight, and STEEL CAGE!" guess which one would win? Someone above me said that there are too many gimmick PPVs but hey at least the gimmick events usually are more entertaining than the NON gimmick PPVs. These shows usually sucked as well not due to the voting problem but the quality was never even there to begin with. The October PPV will always be the filler PPV, no doubt about that. That is why you never really see a classic show come out of the month because they just want to get to SS already.
Problem with Cyber Sunday was the whole interest was in the voting, not in the actual results of the matches themselves, which was the big problem. While it drew a lot of people to vote, and interest around it, the actual results were non-eventful anyway.

A viewers choice Raw would work better than a similar PPV does
I do not want to see Cyber Sunday come back. Even though people could vote they usually gave us really stupid options and I recall a few times where I ended up not voting due to lack of interest.

It always seemed like the option(s) WWE would have "wanted" to win would end up winning. Quick, someone call The Miz and R-Truth so they can add that to their list of reasons why there's a conspiracy.... ;)

In all seriousness though.... This show should not come back because it usually had bad options to vote on and was full of lazy booking. They always tried to put it over as a fun show but I recall the Cyber Sunday shows often being below average. There are several other PPV shows I would bring back before this one. That's just me though.
My problem with Cyber Sunday / Taboo Tuesday was that the WWE really tried to lead the viewers on in which direction to take the vote. They would sell one of the options more heavily than the others (i.e. Stone Cold as ref, there was no way Randy Orton would have beaten him in a vote - especially considering the buildup).

What WWE should do is an interactive Raw or SmackDown with the same concept - interactive voting and they could even tweak things by using Twitter (a ha!) or WWE's facebook page.

I agree with most others here, it's an interesting concept but its difficult to pay money to watch this as a PPV. I wouldn't mind watching this on a Raw, I'm sure the viewership for something special like this would be extraordinary.
I loved cyber sunday. I honestly just liked to think about what would happen with each of the match types. If there was a highflyer involved, and the choices were a hell in a cell, ladder, or tables match, you can just form a picture in your mind of how they would do the ladder match, how they would put the person through the table. That's what i liked about cybersunday

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