Brickhouse Brown


Pre-Show Stalwart
Apologies if this has already been posted in another of the forums. Just haven't run across it yet.

One of my favorite wrestlers, Brickhouse Brown, is suffering from cancer and has been given six months to a year to live. Brown was a very underrated wrestler; he had a fantastic physique, gave a great interview and was an exceptional tag wrestler. He was a mainstay in Memphis, the USWA and Continental and a part of a couple fine tag teams with Norvell Austin as the PYT's and with Iceman Parsons as the Blackbirds.

A benefit show was supposed to run on 6/16 which included Jimmy Valiant, Rocky Johnson, Bruise Brothers (Porkchop Cash & Mad Dog), and Jackie (Ms Texas) but I haven't heard the results of it. More benefits are planned which will include names such as Tracy Smothers, Bill Dundee, Reggie B. Fine (who is putting on show in Memphis), Iceman King Parsons, Koko B Ware, and more names to be announced.

If you're in the area, hopefully you can show up and support Brickhouse. He was a helluva wrestler and I can only hope these final shows help him financially and show him how appreciated his career was.

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