Brett Dibiase?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So apparently Brett Dibiase was "the fan" that did the run in spot at Summerslam. So what do you think will come of it?

WWE is known to use their developmental talents in extra roles but why would they use Brett in the spot and not make mention of him being the brother of Ted or a second generation star?

Legacy will probably address this on Monday Night Raw but what is your opinion?

Should Brett join Legacy?, possibly replacing his brother for his rumored face turn? or turn Legacy into a four man stable?
I think that the Brett DiBiase run in was worked very well, considering that many of the fans where tossing up the idea of whether or not it was scripted. Seeing as how the ref, the commentators, Cena & Orton acted towards the run-in, the fact the camera hardly showed attacker & how it wasn't shown in the package at the end, I applaud the angle. Very well executed that left me thinking it was a real-run in.

As for the joining of Legacy, I don't think so. Ted's brother only recently signed a developmental contract this year & does not have the right amount of experience in the FCW territory to be brought up. There are other wrestlers on the roster who most likely deserve to be brought up. Even if Brett was to moved onto RAW with his brother, the only thing I can picture is the brothers to become a tag team... but that is really pushing the limits. I believe Brett DiBiase will remain on the FCW roster for a few more months & will be brought into th main scene once Legacy is split.
If this is the case and Brett Dibiase was indeed the "fan" at Summerslam then I say FUCK YEAH!!!

I was at home watching the ppv with family and I was saying the whole time how Legacy should add another member tonight. Think about it, Legacy has been around for quite some time now and it's only fitting that they add another member. Personally, I was actually hoping that it would be Joe Henning as Curt Henning was one of the best ever, but Dibiase is a good choice as well. I say turn Legacy into a 4 man stable and run with it. Hell if they wanted to make them truly dominant, they could bring up Henning in the near future as well. It's about time that the WWE has a dominating stable once again! I will admit, I was confused and thought that it was an actualy fan that jumped into the ring b/c it just kinda happened out of nowhere and security seemed to jump on the guy and get him out of there pretty quick. I am happy to see that Legacy may FINALLY be getting a new member!!!
I think it's pretty badass. I was convinced it was real, and I loved it. I look back on it, re-watching it and whatnot, all 3 people in the ring did a DAMN good job of selling it. Cena and Orton's face were priceless, and the ref was doing his thing too. I think they didn't mention it for obvious reasons, because they didn't want to let the fans think it was a new member of Legacy, and that it was just a anti-Cena fan. Whatever their purpose, it worked very well imo.
As much as we and I want this to turn into a 4 man stable, it wont. Brett is only 21 and he just signed with WWE developmental earlier this year. We're going to see the usual legacy until they disband, which honestly I cant predict. And i personally think a huge stable nowadays wont run well. The PG rating kills the whole 6 or 7 man stable. When was the last time the wwe had more than a 3 man stable........Evolution as far as I know, and that broke up the night after SS 04 after Randy won his 1st wwe title.

The last time wwe had a 4 or more man stable was Evolution and thats when raw was not rated PG. If youre looking for an evil meniacal stable with 5 or 6 guys that jus kick ass and make the faces lives a living hell, you and me will be waiting quiteee a long time
Im with Falkon on this, Brett doing the run in was probably a way to get us in the internet wrestling community talking, the way they did this was awesome, it left me scratching my head guessing if it was a work or a shoot, and this time it really was a work good going WWE.

maybe thsi could be a way to work Brett into the whole legacy angle, with Ted and Cody getting the rub from DX, this could be a way to expand the faction but where this situation goes is anyones guess, we will have to tune in tonight to see how this develops and whats next for the evil trio and if the WWE has plans to work this into an angle or not, so this situation at this time is anyones guess.
It's difficult to say whether Brett will be coming up to the main roster, it's possible that they just wanted someone to do the run-in in order to add yet another finish to the Orton/Cena match. They did a similar thing at Wrestlemania this year with Sim Snuka playing the role of camera man for the Undertaker's suicidal leap, so the Brett Dibiase run in may just be another case of that.

However, if he does break on to the main roster, it would be one hell of a quick call up considering he has only been in FCW a certain amount of time and he's only 21...but stranger things have happened I suppose.

If he was to eventually be revealed as the 'crazed fan' then they could use him in such a way as to turn Ted face (as has been rumoured will happen), which may lead to Orton and Rhodes v Ted and Brett. At the moment though, I would say he'll stay on FCW but we'll find out soon enough I'm sure. For all it's worth, I don't think Legacy really need another member but Brett could be useful in getting his brother out of the group if Ted is indeed becoming a face...
To the people saying Brett won't be involved in Legacy etc it just makes no logical sense. Lets think about it here:

Legacy were beaten by DX, they need that extra person as they are playing a gang warfare type thing.

It helped Randy Orton (leader of the group) retain the world title.

They picked Brett out of everyone to do it. I mean come on, if you want someone to be a random fan and just that, have it someone from FCW that would have no links whatsoever. Bett DiBiase is an obvious link, to have him as the fan would mean he will be in the storyline.
Also, the one thing I was thinking of. Ted is going to be turning face towards the end of the year with his Marine 2 DVD coming out. Legacy cannot last for just a meer year, it needs to go on. The replacement bring Brett would be a great idea. I don't care if you say he's 21, Randy Orton debuted when he was 22 and was World Champ by 24! How can you say he's too young?!

I like the idea that they pan this out, not rush it, like the fan keeps coming back until it turns they reveal it kayfabe wise as Brett. This can work guys, I mean, do we honestly keep watch of the FCW? No-one know how good or bad Brett is, but if he's getting used like this, it must mean he's doing some right down there!
I suspect that they'll adress it on RAW tonight. I see this incident leading to the Ted face turn. I have a scenario already planned out for it,

Brett comes out, asking for a spot in Legacy, after much consideration, Orton says no. Ted has mixed feelings about this decision. One RAW, Ted Dibiase appears backstage where Ted Jr. Is getting ready for his match. Ted Sr. Says he has to make a choice, his "friends" or his family. Ted chooses family and becomes face and starts a tag team with his brother.

Anyway, i really liked the fan segment last night, well done
This is a little of subject but posted earlier was the idea of Brett DiBiase & Joe Hennig joining Legacy. DX seem to be going back to the "DX Army" feel so I say bring back the DX Army to feud with a bigger Legacy. Last night, Beth Phoenix won a Battle Royal with help from Chavo. Beth could replace Chyna and turning face could feud with Chavo who could join Legacy. More superstars could then be added giving them a push in DX such as MVP who could renew his feud with Orton/Legacy.
Really the WWE can go a lot of different directions with Legacy right now. I went to an FCW event over the weekend and saw that most of the roster is second and third generation superstars. So really they can call up any number of guys now from Brett Dibiase & Hennig (who is a great worker), the Rotundo Bros, and even Wes Brisco to name a few. It's really exciting to see these guys work.
Brett Dibiase isn't ready for the big show, but I expect great things from him as he works himself up in FCW. Hopefully The Legacy will still be around by the time he joins the main roster. I love watching 2nd and 3rd generation superstars wrestle. Reminds me of when I watched their forebears duke it out.
If a developemental guy was going to join Legacy after this it would have made sense to use Joe Henning. He is a former FCW Champ and is looks more ready for the big leagues. Bret probably was probably used because he looks "average." He appears small for a wrestler.
I agree. After seeing Brett work this weekend, I don't think he's ready for the spotlight of Raw or the main roster. However, the experience should prove to be invaluable because he'll be able to improve so much.
I have to agree with other posters that said Brett will join legacy or be involved in WWE television to some extent. It doesn't make sense that they would choose brett out of all those guys on the FCW roster if that wasn't the intention.

The guy who said that they chose brett because he was small for a wrestler. Umm... don't think he's the smallest guy on the FCW roster.

Also about the fan run in... WWE did a good job with that but it could have been great. The way it happened out of no where was good. The way they didn't show it in the package later was good. But having the fan on camera as long as they did had 'work' all over it. I'll admit, they got me for like 10 seconds, then they showed security dragging him out of the arena and that killed it for me. Because everyone knows... well apparently not everyone, that the WWE never shows idiot fans who run in. If it happens, protocol is to switch to the camera furthest away from the incident or cut to the announcers.

The people who thought this was real for more than 30 seconds are clearly marks. And you all surprise me that it surprises you when the WWE pulls shit like this. Any company that has their top star committing necrophilia inside a coffin in a funeral home with a chick is a company that's capable of anything big or small.
Oh my god... sometimes when I read some of these posts I just look at them in total disbelief... just when I think the IWC is getting smarter...

Anyway, I agree with Lee, Deej, and Phoenix.

First of all, the angle was SOOO well done. I marked out like crazy for the entire chain of events. I'm going to run them by again from my personal point of view:


First, Orton gets himself DQ'ed... but most of us knew the match would get restarted. Then, he gets counted out... a little bit more obvious, but it gets restarted again. Then, he pins Cena with his feet on the ropes. This is when I jumped out of my chair thinking, "Man, this is smart booking. He looks like the sneakiest ass hole on the planet. He tried all of the 'done before' ways of getting out of the match and keeping his title and fails, but he STILL pulls out the win in the end!" Then the ref ran into the ring and began the argument of Orton's feet on the ropes. Now, I threw my hands up in the air shaking my head saying, "OK, Cena wins again... everyone is going to get their Summerslam 'happy ending' now." Then Cena locks in the STF. Orton scrambles and almost reaches the ropes but Cena stops him, drags him back, and re-applies the pressure. Once again, this has all been done before. I was SURE that Orton was going to tap. Out of nowhere comes (somewhat of) a crazed fan and then the whole world turned upside down... Orton, Cena, and the ref froze, and the security guys POUNCED the guy and dragged him into the back while the camera never got an angle showing his face. The match was temporarily paused, and my jaw dropped. In a WWE world where 99.99999% of occurrences are scripted (no matter how they look on TV), they got me once again. Call me gullable or naive, but for a split second I really thought something unscripted had occurred. Then out of nowhere Orton hits the RKO on Cena on the ropes and then another RKO in the ring and got the win. THAT'S when it clicked that the run-in was a work. I was shocked and excited, and this is the goal that WWE sets during their PPV's... to shock and excite us.

Now, I didn't know it was the younger DiBiase that made the run-in until I saw this thread, and it makes perfect sense. Just like Lee said, if Brett doesn't join Legacy, it would be a storyline as confusing as King of the Ring 1993 when Hogan was defeated by Yokozuna as a result of a random "Japanese photographer" shooting an exploding camera in Hogan's face, never to be revealed or heard from again. This would be pointless. I believe that Legacy will revel in the fact that it was another offspring of the DiBiase clan that thwarted John Cena, thus allowing Orton to keep his title.

Now I see that many of you say that the 21 year old Brett DiBiase isn't ready to be moved up to the main roster. So I ask all of you, HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW?? I mean, Kurt Angle was a prodigy of the system and moved up the ranks to the main roster faster than anyone I had ever seen, and he became one of the best in-ring generals of the past decade. For all we know, Brett could've been training somewhere besides FCW for the past 10 years and could be a young master of the pro-wrestling craft by now. So where does it actually say that Brett won't be ready?? People, you all need to stop the smark-speculation and just sit back and enjoy the product.
I'm sure you did.

How you didn't know Cena would lose last night is kinda funny. The only reason most people give a shit about cena right now is because he's chasing the title. No one wants to see orton chase the title. And why is that... because CENA IS MORE OVER!!! next thing you'll tell me is that you were surprised Punk won the WHC

Umm... yea, you're killing me here.

I wonder why...

You're gullible and naive.

It didn't click when Vince stood trial and admitted wrestling's fake.

Wow... nice spam (or borderline spam, if not infracted for it.)

Anyway, congratulations of being the smarkest of the smarks. I, for one, ENJOY the wrestling product. If you saw the ending coming, then good for you. However, I'll continue to suspend my disbelief and allow myself to enjoy the show for what it has been, what it is, and what it is becoming.

Summerslam was a great event and the #2 show of the year so far for me. I was surprised, intrigued, and thoroughly entertained throughout the show. $40 well spent, in my opinion. And if they developed a new talent and increase Legacy's numbers in the process, then I'm all for it. I just hope this Brett DiBiase lives up to the MONSTER push that he just got. If this is played out correctly, there is potential for a HUGE heel to appear from the shadows.
The angle of the fan run in was well execute by all the players in the game, but I realized it was a work when Orton allowed the distraction to get the win. Now does this mean Brett Dibiase will become part of legacy, I'm not too sure about that. But why would the WWE use Dibiase in this angle when I am sure they could use almost anyone in the role?
Then I thought maybe if he joins legacy maybe Waltman comes back and joins Dx, except where would this leave Cena? There is onething for sure Vince played his cards well on this one as the internet is a buzz about this, and guess what most of us are going to tune in raw tonight to see if anything comes from it.
WWE did what IMO wanted and blurred the spot last night with Dibiase. Now they could have used anyone to do this spot but they used Dibiase knowing the internet would pick up on it and would make a least a few more of us to tune in tonight to Raw to see where this angle goes now. IMO Legacy will address the situation but they will NOT reveal the persons name, i think they will in their own heel way thank the person or maybe even bash the person for getting involved for interfeering swerving us all again. When Cena Vs. Orton happens yet again next month on PPV Dibiase will again interfere and i believe this will happen 2-3 more times all the while Dibiase is in between his WWE spots training up to be on the main roster. He should be up on the roster by years end REPLACING Ted Jr. when he gets kicked out of Legacy. Being 21 is irrelevant its about how progressed he is and we can all speculate all day about that but 2 people at minimum know how far along he is and thats Dibiase himself and Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon. Mcmahon would have just used anyone in place of Dibiase unless he had other plans for him.
I think that him joining Legacy would be a great idea. In my opinion, they could really use another member. Even if Brett isn't completely ready for the main roster yet, this would be a good place for him to start. There isn't much pressure on him as he is the 4th guy, but he gets some experience on the main roster. He already has the "look" and the wrestling background, so he'd be a perfect fit. It's not like he has to go out there and wrestle 5 star matches immeadiately, but putting him in Legacy is a good and logical way to introduce him.
I agree with those who have said that Brett will have some sort of angle with Legacy. It's pretty obvious people, he was chosen to do the run-in, because he will have a bigger role in things to come. If it was supposed to be a random 'fan' run-in and nothing more were to come of it, then they would have grabbed someone else. Instead they use Ted's brother, which means this wasn't a one time thing at all. I am sure we will find out more tonight on Raw for sure. Legacy will likely address it, or Cena might start it off, only to have Legacy come out and introduce Brett.

Another thing I agree with, how can you say he's not ready for the main roster? Yeah he's only been with development for a few months, but that doesn't mean nothing. If in those few months he showed that he was a awesome talent and already well above being in the farm leagues, then WWE will bring him up. Just because there are others in the farm league who may be ready to make the move up to the WWE, doesn't mean they will if the WWE doesn't have anything for them at the moment. If Brett is ready and they have an angle for him, he will be brought up.

However while I am sure he will start off in Legacy or have something to do with them, who knows how long it will last and where he will go from there. If he's any good, I could see him getting teamed up with his brother as a tag team down the road. However we all know how that would end... one of Vince's brother feuds. It always happens. But we really don't know for sure what will happen. All I know is I hope Raw is good tonight and they shed more light on this 'run-in'.
At Summerslam, when Randy Orton vs John Cena was currently going on, a fan interfered in the match. This fan was later to be revealed Brett DiBiase.

I believe tonight on Raw, Orton will introduce Dibiase as his newest member and let him in his brother be the tag team and let Cody Rhodes be the midcard star. (Despite Ted being more ready)

Do you guys agree or disagree?
OK, the "fan" will most likely show up again in the NO DQ main event tonight on RAW. He'll help Legacy and eventually will join them. Him and his brother Ted could be the tag team, with Rhodes as the midcarder.
Brett looked calm on camera, but he's way too green right now. Teaming with his bro would be nice but since Ted is about to go face soon, that may not work out. He'll be on the main roster sometime in the next year, but he should def go back down to FCW and stay there and grow for a while. IMO, he looks kinda better than Ted.

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