Bret Hart's Praise Of Melina.....Is She The Best In The World?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
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From Wrestlezone Home Page:
Bret Hart has praised WWE Divas Champion Melina in an audio interview with Ministry of Slam. In the past, Bret has praised her work and referred to her as his favorite wrestler today. In this audio interview, he says: “I think there's some great wrestlers in the WWE. I think Melina is, you know to me is really creative and imaginative, and she's an innovator and she comes up with some great matches, I love watching her wrestle. In a lot of ways I think she’s the best wrestler in the world right now.”

I'm assuming The Hitman is talking about "female wrestlers" when he sais best in the world. Anyway, I was kind of surprised to read this considering that the overall opinion of WWE divas is that they are nothing more than eye candy, and average wrestlers at best. While Melina is one of the very few in WWE that stand out as far as wrestling, and charisma goes, still best in the world?

Now I'm going to get to the question that's on everyone's mind....what about the Knockouts? While they might not be as hot or sexy as the WWE divas, when it comes to wrestling they out shine the divas.

Here's the audio link if you want to listen:

Is Bret's praise of Melina a big deal? Is Melina the best in the world? If not, then who do you think is? Thoughts?
Bret praising Melina is a big deal within the women's wrestling world, but I don't agree. Melina is among the best in the WWE, but she's average by comparison to not only the Knockouts, but most of the women in the indies.

I don't think Bret is the type to make comment like this, just to get his voice heard and his name in headlines, so I will say that maybe I'm just partial, and maybe we all are. We see the Divas, and how they're used, and automatically assume they're crap.

I'm still not going to say she's the best. I'd say the best overall right now is Cheerleader Melissa/Alissa Flash. She's routinely at the top of the companies she works for, and faces nobody but the best, and still puts on 5 star matches.
Well it all depends on ones point of view, I for one don't think she is the best in the world. In WWE I find her the most entertaining so she is the best there but I wouldn't say she is the best in the world. Like NSL said Alissa Flash is top notch, she is incredible for a woman's wrestler, can put on great matches and is also entertaining. I also got to give props to Hamada and Sarita, that might be though that they can do flips and shit :lmao:
I'd say the best overall right now is Cheerleader Melissa/Alissa Flash. She's routinely at the top of the companies she works for, and faces nobody but the best, and still puts on 5 star matches.

Going to have to agree with you on that. While I like Melina, and she is my favorite diva, I can't call her "best in the world". Alissa Flash puts on some pretty damn good matches, and her ability to be three people was just amazing. And like you said, Flash constantly faces the best, while Melina doesn't.
Bret Hart doesn't sound like the kind of guy that would say that Melina (of all people) is "The best wrestler in the world"..Kurt Angle owns that title!

Melina's wrestling skills and backstage reputation ain't enough to be a "world caliber" wrestler in my book, I know that. Women like Sara Del Rey, Sarita, Alissa Flash, Gail Kim, and Awesome Kong should be getting that kind of praise...not Melina.
My friend and I were just arguing about something like this. While we both agreed that Natalya was the best diva in the WWE, we disagreed on who was the best of the divas actually being used now. My friend said Melina, while I thought it was Mickie James. For Bret Hart to say that Melina is "the best in the world", is a bit odd if you ask me. I always thought Bret Hart, himself was the best in the world. However, if you're talking about divas, I always gave that title to Lita. It must really mean something for the best to call someone else the best, so... I guess Melina is pretty damn good!
Melina is NOT the best woman's wrestler in the world. do we know if he watches any other product than WWE? maybe maybe not. In my honest opinion there are FAR BETTER WOMEN'S WRESTLERS THAN MELINA. Bret should take a look at SHIMMER. Also he SHOULD take a look at the Japaneese JOSHI'S like Megumi Kudo, Manami Toyota etc. maybe than his opinion will be worth a damn.
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Is Bret's praise of Melina a big deal? Is Melina the best in the world? If not, then who do you think is? Thoughts?

I think that Bret praising Melina this way is a big deal because it is coming from a former champion who is still popular among fans. However.... Bret may be one of my favorite wrestlers, but not even he could convince me that Melina is THAT great. I just never could get into her. She's alright as a face, but that's the best she'll ever be to me is "alright". As a heel I absolutely HATED her. The only good thing about her is her entrance, and those loud screams she does during matches are cool sometimes. I just don't like her.

It's hard to say who the best in the world is.... we ARE talking just divas, right? If only currently active divas count then that makes it a tough choice. I guess Beth Phoenix, but no one stands out enough right now to be worthy of "the best in the world". Certainly not Melina.
Melina's among my top 2 Divas in WWE today in terms of wrestling ability. She has a pretty unique style, gets a good pop and has charisma in all the right frames.

But no way is she the best wrestler today. Not even the best in the female division. She is a contender and still has time on her hands to grow and develop to reach that level but I'd bet on Taylor Wilde or Alissa Flash taking her down in a pinch.
Melina's among my top 2 Divas in WWE today in terms of wrestling ability. She has a pretty unique style, gets a good pop and has charisma in all the right frames.

But no way is she the best wrestler today. Not even the best in the female division. She is a contender and still has time on her hands to grow and develop to reach that level but I'd bet on Taylor Wilde or Alissa Flash taking her down in a pinch.

Definitely. Taylor Wilde would destroy Melina and Alissa Flash could beat her too. I just never liked her though, like I mentioned in my previous post. I don't see Melina ever coming close to what Bret said about her. No currently active diva on the WWE roster could claim comments like that right now because no one stands out enough.
I'd say it is a big deal. Bret was considered to be the best wrestler of his time, so him endorsing one wrestler to the point of saying 'yes, she's the best in the world' is a big thing. he knows what a great wrestler is, after all he was one.

is he right? I'd say no. as people mentioned, The mentioned Knockouts blow her out of the water, as do Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Gail Kim, and possibly Natalya (i haven't seen her wrestle much). That said, she does have the best entrance out of any of them (with the beautiful people being a close second); if that counts for anything, and she is pretty good.
Is Melina talented? Without a doubt. She's probably the best in the WWE. She also doesnt have much competition. Beth Phoenix is really solid in the ring, but she's just filling the manly female void left by Chyna. Mickie James isnt too bad, but she's just not as good as she used to be right now. Plus she's getting fat. So maybe, in the WWE, Melina is the best and even thats arguable but much less of a stretch than to say she's the best in the world.

I kinda like Mark Madden's comment about all this.

Here's what he said:

"Is there any way Bret’s not banging Melina, or has, or wants to? 'The best wrestler in the world right now'? That’s insane. Unless it works. Then, it’s genius."
Melina is definitely talented, there's no doubt about that, but I wouldn't say she's the best in the WWE, let alone best wrestler in the world.

She is definitely one of the best in the WWE, but we are forgetting that some of the people that have talent aren't being utilized properly if at all. Look at Natalya and Beth, they've both hardly seen any ring action in the last couple of months, and actually I've only ever seen Natalya in the one match against Mickie James. But that's off topic.

She's definitely not the best in the world, not in the women's division, or the overall picture.

If I had to pick someone who was the best in the world, I might say someone like Bryan Danielson or AJ Styles. These two men have insane ability and quite the vast moveset. I'm sure there are moves they know that they have never even used on television. They are the total package in my eyes, they both have the look of a champion, the skillset to have new and exciting matches in the ring with just about anyone, and both men can cut excellent promos.

So no, Melina is not the best in the world, sorry.

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