Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle who would win?

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Dark Match Winner
Bret Hart (end of 96-98) vs. Kurt Angle (2001-05)

Pertty simple question. Who do you think would win if both men were in their prime. Now Im talking in general not just the years I mentioned, I figure those years were right when they had great matches on a pretty consitant basis, but I know there will be plenty of people who would aruge that. So take into account anything you want, if both were in their prime who would win. And just to make it interesting lets say it was a 60 min Iron Man match.

Your thoughts.....
whoever creative decided to put over during the match but if ur asking who was better in there prime i would give the slight edge to Kurt. I dont know why to be honest i guess i just loved him when he was a heel with austin and mcmahon. The good old days with Austin playing the guitar and Kurt's little hat. Plus Brock vs Angle at wrestlemania tops any of my bret hart favorites.
well this personally is my all time dream match.... both in their prime it would be a hard decesion but i think i would have to go with Angle in terms of physicality. all due respect to bret hart, but i think angle's style is more agressive not just technical and fancy like brets. im not discounting brets style at all, cuz to me his ring psychology is much better than kurts, the way he works on an opponents specific part of the body and sells really good too. But if i were to book this match i would have them go to a time limit draw of 60 minutes, no not an iron man match, just a one fall match cuz i think that would add to the suspense cuz in an iron man they have to go the time limit regardless but in a one fall it can end anytime. A time limit draw with no rematch. i know that would piss alot of people off, me included but idk which one is actually better all around
It really comes down to these factors

Who is the referee.
Bret Hart would do well against certain referees. Certain referees could quite quickly, usually in the range of 2.7-2.9 seconds as opposed to the regular 3.0 seconds. However, certain referees have had three counts lasting up to 3.3 seconds. Kurt Angle typically kicks out at 2.8 seconds. If he was against a referee with a faster count, Bret Hart might be able to sneak out a bit of a quick count win.

Ring announcer
This most determining factor. Kurt Angle's career took place largely in a new era of ring announcer. But would he be able to compete in a time of Ed Whalen? I think not. Whalen took no shit, but if someone like Lilian Garcia were be the Ring announcer, I believe the advantage were to be his.

Canada is defiantly Bret's territory. In fact, everywhere outside of America is Brets location. But America could be split. Pittsburgh is Angles, Atlanta is his, but the location means little if it is anywhere else in America.

One thing I have noticed while watching wrestling is long hair being an issue. Bret Hart has long hair, and Kurt could use this to pull, giving himself the advantage. The only way for Bret to overcome this is to grease his hair up more, stopping the advantage Kurt would have.

I think with these circumstances, Bret Hart has the advantage to win.
One of the best dream matches to never happen. I see this one very similar to a Hart/Perfect; Angle/Benoit match. Lot's of ring psychology and feeling each other out. GREAT chain wrestling, submission locks and reversals. 30-40 minute match. I see Bret reversing the angle slam or ankle lock into a small package for the win. I'm a Bret mark though...

I can also see bret tapping cleanly to the ankle lock in the middle of the ring after not being able to reverse/escape for 2 minutes
This match would be match of the century if it were to have ever went down. The story telling would have set the standard for years to come. The ending could have started with a time limit draw as Angle was in the sharpshooter about to tap for the first and only fall. After the match is restarted we can wrap it up with an Angle win during the overtime period via Hart passing out while in the that choke he slapped on Nigel. It would have been seen as an upset but appropiate because Angle went back to his roots. Only an Olympic gold medalist could have taken the excellence of execution to the limit and bring out something new to go beyond the limit.

This match could only get better if we had Striker and JR calling this match with Hebner as the ref to add fire to the 'controversial' win.
This is pretty tough for me. I have huge respect for both of thier in ring skills. But...I would have to go with Kurt Angle simply because he has fought a more diverse group of wrestlers. He's had matches with power houses like lesnar, High flyers like AJ and Rey, and more importantly bret has never stepped into the ring with anyone like SAMOA JOE. However back in undertakers day he was like him, strong but very agile for 6 10. That and it would depend on the build up to the match with sneak attacks, promos, etc.

Anyhow odds are it would end with a role up cause we both know neither of these guys will tapout to each others move because the move is old as hell.

First let me say that a 60 minute iron man match between these two in their prime would be worth the full price of a pay-per-view in itself. That said, onto the winner.

Creatively, I'd have to go with Angle, and the only real edge in my eyes is because Angle cuts a much more intense, emotional promo, so he'd be able to get the win, and use it in the future.

Talent wise, this is a very, very tough desicion, but I'm giving it to Bret. I think he has the slight advantage in the ring psychology department
I am going to get a lot of hate but here it goes:
Bret would win.

Kurt is a 2nd rate Benoit clone, Bret beat Benoit numerous times. I understand that people admire Kurt for his olympic gold medal win and phenominal WMXIX match with Lesnar. (both with a broken neck) However, I believe Kurt is dramatically overrated because of his same routine every match and failure to evolve himself night after night,like a Shawn Micheals, Jericho, Undertaker, Bryan Danielson, AJ styles, etc. etc. Even Bret switched up his routine and even created new moves ala Figure 4 and Sharpshooter on the ring post.
Good points, But who would do the story telling, I can't see WWE doing it right, they would screw it up somehow with there kid friendly programming, and TNA...maybe, if they keep it serious like they have been doing with the Kurt/Double J, or Kurt/ Desmond, or Kurt/AJ. Bret had classic matches proved that his was the best, But I would have to give it to the gold medalist, Bret is was my all time favorite Technical Wrestler, until Kurt came along. Kurt has proved time and time again why is the best. He can go toe to toe with anybody, and pretty much doing anything you can do, but better. Rather it's technical wrestling, brawling or doing a moonsault off the top of a cage.
I'd say Kurt Angle cause I don't think Hart would have a problem putting Angle over. That was not a knock against Hart btw.
I don't think it'd matter who won. This match with both in their prime would be the greatest of all time. Just imagine the series these 2 could had.
I know this is cliche but everybody would win. Especially us fans
Once upon a time when i worked for a pizza chain i had a disgruntled customer tell me "...should'a... could'a... would'as mean s**t..."
This sums up exactly how i feel about this match, as in my opinion it COULD have been one of if not the greatest "pro-wrestling" bout of all time.
Now it is very possible to go on and on and on about the great accomplishments that both of these exemplary athletes had in the world of "Pro-Wrestling" but considering the actual topic of this thread i will try to contain myself.
Bret Hart was a "made man" in WWF. He was the type of athlete that truely exemplified "paying dues" in the world of wrestling. He was a crucial factor in elevating main-event calibur talent, be it in the tag ranks or as a singles competitor, with his ability to make ANY match, on ANY stage, against ANY opponent a great story and meaningful. Mostly every match he was involved in always elevated him yet at the same time displayed the strengths of his opponent. If you look back at Brets "overall career" in the WWF he lost many very meaningful bouts and often put others over, however at the same time was always considered a threat to any title, because he was just head and shoulders above the rest of the wrestling community when it came to in ring ability throughout the 80's and 90's. Never a very vocal competitor in a world of many, many, MANY words he let his matches speak for themselves and they spoke volumes above the highest decibel level possibly spoken. The first REAL triple crown winner of the WWF when titles actually meant a great deal. Perhaps i am bias because, i am forever a believer that Bret Hart is the greatest to ever grace a "Pro-Wrestling" ring, but can anyone honestly think of another wrestler EVER that was able to speak so little, and still be able to captivate a WORLD WIDE... yes World Wide audience. I could go on and on and on...
However let me move on to who i believe to be the second greatest wrestling pro of all time. Kurt Angle. This guy is really something else. He completely turned wrestling inside out when he debuted in the WWF. He is an olympic gold medalist, as well as a two time D-1 champion. This guy was perfect to be the next great american hero in the faux world of pro wrestling. After many videos promoting his debut (sadly an art long lost since the extreme intrusion of the net... but i am guilty as well) he comes out at Survivor Series and immediately begins to talk about how great he is on his way to the ring! Really?!?! I loved it! I thought it was such a perfect "swerve" that wasn't directly in your face but made you ask... "..wait? what? who the hell is this guy?!?!" Then when he would enter the ring from that moment on you took him seriously. Even in his first match against Shawn Stasiak (really) you could see that this guy had "IT". His amateur background as well as Olympic gold meant nothing until he proved it in the world of the WWF and prove it he did! He went straight to "Euro-Continental" gold... to a FANTASTIC, absolutely fantastic feud/drama with Triple H and Stephanie Mcmahon, to WWf Heavyweight Champion. His ability to blend the "catch-as-catch-can" style with the edgier style WWF was going twords at the time was nothing short of extraordinary. It didn't hurt that he was able to work with such greats as Benoit, Triple H, The Rock, Austin, and Chris Jericho (a man quietly yet assuredly creeping into that greatest of all time spot, and rightfully so) Kurt Angle brought a legitimacy to the sport that was greatly appreciated and eventually aided in the collapse of WCW. (do not kid yourself... WWF was so great at this time when they actually showcased wrestling... The year 2000 was the most perfect blend of wrestling and story within the WWF and Kurt Angle was a big big part of that)
I feel i have gotten way away from the subject sort of but when i think of this match... these two greats... in their prime... i can't help but ramble on about how great wrestling is because of their contributions... So here we go... Kurt Angle vs. Bret Hart in and Ironman Match. Kurt Angle would win 3-2 in the world of WWF/E because, they would put on such a clinic that could never ever be topped by any other PURE match PERIOD! Bret Hart could afford the loss and still be considered an all time great as he often did... and Kurt Angle could take the win in the last seconds, costing Bret Hart no credibility and equally shooting these two great athletes to an even higher platform than they currently reside on... miles above the rest.
Poorly said? probably so...
However this is just one mans opinion... so take it for what its worth -T-Dub
Pertty simple question. Who do you think would win if both men were in their prime. Now Im talking in general not just the years I mentioned, I figure those years were right when they had great matches on a pretty consitant basis, but I know there will be plenty of people who would aruge that. So take into account anything you want, if both were in their prime who would win. And just to make it interesting lets say it was a 60 min Iron Man match.

Your thoughts.....

Ok so we're talking Bret Hart and Kurt Angle, both being the versions of them from when they were at their absolute best, and in a 60 minute Iron Man match? Wow.... that would be amazing to see. As for who would win....

Angle may be among the best, but I definitely think Hart would win. He isn't referred to as "The best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be" for nothing. Bret Hart in his prime was quite simply in the top tier for greatest ever in terms of in-ring ability. The only way Angle could win this (even if he's in his prime too) would be if he was booked to win. If we are talking a non-scripted purely abilities-based Iron Man match between these two guys in their prime, then it's no contest. Bret Hart would win because he in his prime was the best and on a level of his own.
I'm assuming this question is asking more who we think was the best in their prime? That would be an amazing match to see if it was possible, I'd pay a lot to see it. Angle won my favourite match of all time, and his in-ring ability is up there with the best. That being said, Hart is the best. He has had some fantastic matches, and is known by most as one of the best. Angle, while a huge star, isn't quite as good.
this would be a dream match indeed no doubt the two top technical wrestlers in wrestling locking up, i couldn't decide so i did a graph......

speed angle1 bret 0
angle wins easily hear,angle was extremly quick in actual running speed athleticism and grapple takedowns bret wasn't slow but not fast neither.

strength angle2 bret 0
more closer, angle had freakish strength angle slammed big show is not a easy feat,bet was a lot stronger than he looked he has comftably suplexed undetaker and diesel so he is strong but angle was a powerhouse,angle the winner.

angle 2 bret 1
both have great expeirience but bret slightly edges this bret was around for a lot longer than kurt so he has more expeirience, but bret used his expeirience a lot more than kurt, who at times lost his cool and got naive and oblivious to what was around him at the time, bret wins this.

angle 2 bret 1
this was a tie, they both had tremendous stamina and could last for long times without getting tired,they both could take huge beatings too and are about the same in that department,tie.

angle 2 bret 2
this was mighty tough because both really believed they were the best in there harts, angle was a olympic gold medalist,so he was used to winning anyway, especially important stuff, bret is a candian national hero and the prize asset of his father stu hart's dungeon, wrestling is in his blood from he was born and losing must be the worst thing in the world to bret, which is why i slightly go to bret on this one but close.

tie breaker decider

sudden death move
angle 3 bret 2 angle wins this one here due to fact he has moves he can hit out of nowhere more than bret and more finishing moves to put people away than bret, angle just about wins this
I am going to get a lot of hate but here it goes:
Bret would win.

Kurt is a 2nd rate Benoit clone, Bret beat Benoit numerous times. I understand that people admire Kurt for his olympic gold medal win and phenominal WMXIX match with Lesnar. (both with a broken neck) However, I believe Kurt is dramatically overrated because of his same routine every match and failure to evolve himself night after night,like a Shawn Micheals, Jericho, Undertaker, Bryan Danielson, AJ styles, etc. etc. Even Bret switched up his routine and even created new moves ala Figure 4 and Sharpshooter on the ring post.

A 2nd rate Benoit clone? :lmao: Seriously? Angle proved in matches with Benoit he was as good if not better. Same routine? Uhhh dont most wrestlers have a move set that might be a routine? That's what happens man, you get a move set and stick with what get's you the damn win! :rolleyes:
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