Breaking Point - D-Generation X vs. Legacy (Submissions Count Anywhere Match)



Triple H & Shawn Michaels made a triumphant return as D-Generation X at SummerSlam. But the opponents they conquered at The Biggest Event of the Summer – The Legacy’s Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase – established themselves not only as a force to be reckoned with, but as a persistent thorn that refuses to leave DX’s collective side.

Well, The Game & HBK are determined to pluck that thorn once and for all at WWE Breaking Point – in the first-ever Submissions Count Anywhere Match.

They had a pretty decent match at SummerSlam. I wouldn't be surprised if Legacy picked up the win here though. Hopefully Shawn applies the sharpshooter at some point.

"When in Montreal..."

They had a pretty decent match at SummerSlam. I wouldn't be surprised if Legacy picked up the win here though. Hopefully Shawn applies the sharpshooter at some point.

"When in Montreal..."

If you ask me this is going to be a great match. I do not see nothing bad coming from this. Summerslam was aweosme and feel this is going to be far better. Going to be a very interesting night.
I'm pretty excited about this match, not just because of who is in it, either. That much speaks for itself with Legacy on one hand (the new generation) and DX (the older generation) attempting to prove something here. However, the stipulations have a ton of possibilities. I mean, four people in a submission match, that's interesting enough, but four people in a submissions count anywhere match? That's going to be killer.

Also, whadaya wanna bet that both Cena and Orton get involved in this one? Just seems like the WWE won't be able to resist getting them in on either side to cause a bit of trouble.

Either way, the possibilities here are phenomenal given the involvement of those involved as well as the fact that this match hasn't been done before.
This match might not be the best @ Breaking Point but it'll be a solid performance from both teams.
this will for sure steal the show and if gets to main event the show the only guy with a submission move is the sharpshooter by hbk, correct me if im wrong but could vince want to acctually go to montreal and have hbk do the sharpshooter in the middle of the crowd? if so the crowds gonna go nuts. while were at it why not shock the world and have hitman come back to interfere or the hart dynasty to jump in and beat down both dx and legacy? either way im ordering this one
If HBK locked in the Sharpshooter in the middle of the crowd, and the Hart Dynasty came out and beat down both teams, the roof would, honest to goodness, pop off. It would have to be the main event though. Then they would have so much hype coming into Raw the next night, it wouldn't even be funny
I would pay money just to see that happen. This would be perfect for the Hart Dynasty to get instant heat (anywhere besides Canada). Plus have them team up with Legacy for a few months against D-X leading to Survivor Series and its Orton Dibiase Rhodes Kidd and David Hart Smith vs D-X, Cena, and Cryme Tyme. That would be great in my mind, and I actually want to buy this but wont be able to.
someone get vkm on the phone and make this happen! montreal screwjob meets the kliq! and adding to mr baller's idea of having heart dynasty team with legacy have one of the two teams get a no dq match against jerishow and have the other team come out beat them down and take the belts giving one set of tag straps to legacy one to heart dynasty untill they eventually turn and feud with each other putting all partyies involved over HUGE!
Just like their Summerslam match and their Raw match, this match is sure to be a great one. Add in their location and match type, and you have scene set for a very interesting confrontation. As usual, this will be my most looked forward to match on the card.
I'm excited for this match. But i don't really see DX losing....without Legacy cheating and having some interference. (and i like the idea of The Hart dynasty coming in while HBK has the sharpshooter locked on...that place will go nuts!) But sadly i can't remember the last time a "good guy" has actually tapped out to a "Bad Guy" I mean look at Jericho....when was the last time the Walls of Jericho actually made someone tap. Not too many times since his heel hopefully somebody interferes (hopefully Orton so he can actually get involved with "Legacy's" affairs making them actually seem like a real stable) because i don't see HHH or HBK tapping out to anybody. Legacy really needs this win one way or another.
First off, what a bizarre name for this match. "Submissions Count Anywhere"? Just strange. By that they obviously mean we're going to have an old fashioned street fight/brawl here, and that could be pretty damn entertaining if they come up with some creative spots. I enjoyed the match between these four at Summerslam, and wouldn't mind seeing it again. I would like to see Legacy get the win though, they really need it more than DX does at all. I wonder how the looming Legacy break-up angle will play into this? You have to imagine it's only a matter of time before Rhodes is out of Legacy.

Could be a good match. I'll be looking forward to this one.
HBK, Montreal, Submission match......Sharpshooter will happen. Especially the way they let DX shoot a bit the other night.

I am thinking Dusty Rhodes gets involved in this match somehow. He was the best special guest host, and the WWE got a bit of momentum from his presence.

DX should put legacy over here. Ted should lock a Million Dollar Dream on HBK to end it. Legacy could use the rub. They are on the way up, putting on good matches, and this is the one they need to win.

I hope something happens in this match to set up a Legacy vs DX/Cena Survivor series match. I think this is what it looks like is has been building to. Plus, a traditional Survior Series match, featuring the champ, whichever it is of the two would be nice. If it's Cena, you can have HHH turn on him and set up a new hierarchy. If Breaking Point is where that sets it motion, I'd be happy, but Legacy needs this one.
I'll be looking forward to this because if their Summerslam bout was anything to go by, this Submissions Count Anywhere Match should be good. I like the unusual stipulation here (I think it means it'll be an all out brawl and probably wont end in the ring) and I really think Legacy should go over, as while they have been constantly getting better, they still need that big PPV win to give them more credibility and this could be the chance to do all that. With the announcement of this match we now know that Legacy will, in the least, be sticking together until Breaking Point and that is a good thing because I still think it's too early for either Dibiase or Rhodes to go out on their own just yet.
As from the whole card so far, this is the match that I am going to join the most due to the fact of what the history between DX/Legacy & what it says on the paper.

The SummerSlam tag team match between these two can be arguably considered to be the match of the entire night. It really showed DiBiase's & Rhodes dominance as a tag team & showed they can achieve more than just being Orton's lacky henchmen. The way HBK & HHH let Legacy get the best of them & put them over the entire match was simply epic... the way they performed could not have been matched that night.

Secondly, it is the first ever wins count anywhere match with the stipulation being submissions only where the participants in the match have much hatred for each other. These guys gave it there all in a normal tag match, having them push their limits further by allowing no DQ's, no CountOut's & no tagging (presumably) will give these four freedom to intensify the feud & explore what they could potentially do to each other. From many segments, the crowd knows of how Legacy can utilise rule-bendings to their advantages & HHH/HBK have had loads of experience in special stipulation matches.

I am just going to MTFO during the whole match as it is in Montreal & it will be interesting to see how DX will be taken given what took place there with HBK... even more so when he applies the Sharpshooter & how crazy the crowd will make it seem. So, with the crowd going to uberly into the match, this is promising to be the match of the night once again for the pairings.
Hmmm this should be a most intruiging match, one would want Legacy to win if only for the fact that it would elevate them to at which it would be difficult to deny their credibility as a talented and dominate team and stable, but personally i feel that the finish is irrelevant as they will be continuing this fued, and also as my interest would be more with what will appear within the match itself.

I am looking forward to seeing which submission moves are pulled out in an attempt to win the match, and i am hoping that we will see a crossface and a sharpshooter from DX, because the fans in Canada would simply go wild to see those moves being pulled off, we will of course see HBK lock in an inverted figure four, but i hope to see the return of the indian deathlock from HHH. On the other side of things i hope we see Ted do the Million Dollar Dream, and also what submission moves that Legacy would pull out.

So in the end while i both hope and predict that Legacy will walk away with the victory, if the match is anything like their Summerslam match i would not begrude another victory to DX, though i trust that this is just part of their build towards a big match at Survivor series and that they have only competed once(properly) so this feud still has some good legs on it
Excited for this match. I dont see HHH or HBK tapping out at all so I dont see how they will lose the match. Maybe a no-contest. The idea of putting the Hart Dynasty in this match would be really cool but I still dont think it should be the main event.

Im just gunna go ahead and predict that this match is towards the end of the show, it should be a great hardcore match, and i think it ends with HBK getting someone to tap from the sharpshooter.
how about a nice back and forth matchup until around the 20 minute mark where shawn has rhodes or dibiase in the sharpshooter. out comes the hart dynasty to beat down shawn. hhh tries to make the save and orton comes out and FINALLY helps legacy. cena tries to make the save then rhodes gets up and helps beat down cena. now rhodes kidd smith and orton are now beating down hhh and cena. rhodes hits cross rhodes on shawn and then dibiase picks him locks in the cobra clutch. dibiase hits him with dreamstreet and locks in the million dollar dream until shawn passes out. now we have survivor series already set up
This will undoubtedly be a very great match. Unlike their Summerslam bout, it's really anybody's ball game. At Summerslam, we all knew that DX would come out victorious with that being their first match back and all. However, it's possible for either team to win.

With this being the first-ever "Submissions Count Anywhere" match, it is really making me look forward to this match even more. I think it will be much easier to pick the winner of this match after watching Raw next week. With all that happen this past week on Raw with Cody Rhodes, Dusty Rhodes, and randy Orton. It may seem that Cody might not have his head in the game in their Breaking Point match.

I hope this turns out to be a great match, going for about 15 to 20 minutes. As for the ending, if it's not controversial and it doesn't end like some of you said with The Hart Dynasty. Then all I can say is, I don't see Triple H tapping out. If DX loses, HBK would likely be the one to tap out. Whereas Legacy, I would think DiBiase would be the one to tap out. Although it could also be Rhodes. A double-submission also wouldn't surprise me. So, I'm not sure who to give the win to. After watching Raw, I will give my prediction.
I'm really liking the potential for the Hart Dynasty to get involved and feuding with DX. But with the HD being on Smackdown it's very unlikely, and I don't see DX just moving away from Orton and Legacy.

What is known is that this match will probably steal the show if it's just half as decent as their SummerSlam match. With DX winning their return match, it would only be fair for Legacy to win this one and DX maybe win a rubber match. But I just can't imagine either HHH or Shawn submitting, unless it's from passing out.
This match could get very ugly very fast and even steal the show. I like the idea of the Hart Dynasty coming out with Bret Hart and screwing over DX hardcore! It would be great. If indeed HBK hit the sharpshooter in the ring, the whole place would come down to a point where security would have to bail out just to save themselves!!!
Does anyone else find it a bit odd that on Raw this past week, HHH put Orton in the Sharpshooter, whereas H.B.K put Masters in the Figure 4? I would have thought that the users of the moves would be the other way round, since they have strong ties to the respective moves (H.B.K-Bret Hart, HHH-Ric Flair)

Probably nothing, just thought it was a bit weird.
I don't see HHH and HBK jobbing here. It's a chaotic environment with submissions counting anywhere. This may be sort of an entertaining match with HBK making one of the members of Legacy submit to the Sharpshooter or something. Who knows really? I just know that DX is not going to put Legacy over in this bout. It's a matter of how entertaining it's going to be.
OK, in Montreal DX is MOST LIKELY gonna get heel heat, so I'm interested to see how all of this will play out. I rememebr when the RAW was in MOntreal in like 2005 and HBK came out for a promo and the crowd absolutely shat on him, then picked up their own feces and proceeded to throw it at him thus shitting on him even worse. It was unreal heat, and i expect something similar.

I also would be very surprised if there wasn't some sort of Montreal screwjob based ending, because they will probably never let that go and continually play it up. The Hart Dynasty could possibly get involved, personally i think that would be really cool. Maybe they could join forces with Legacy or something. If they did, that would perfectly set up the 5 man survivor series team: Orton, Dibiase, Rhodes, Kidd and Smith against a babyface team. Actually a while back i thought it would be DX vs. the Hart Dynasty at Breaking Point (this was back when the pay per view was first announced). Realistically, i think that match would've been better but this match can be successful too as long as DX makes Legacy look good like the did at Summerslam.
Wow, this match will be HUGE. Klown Karnage was right. Doesn't even have to be about the people. Just the match itself. Plus, johny blaze 3:16 was wrong. HBK has sharpshooter, but TRIPLE H has figure four. He has pulled it out from time to time when needed. Evolution gave him that idea of a move.
im really looking forward to this match. obviously DX will win but i would like to see a member of legacy introduce some kind of submission finisher (preferably cody coz im a mark for dibiase and dream streat.) and in montreal it will be soo funny to see how much heat DX get

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