Tag Divson ?

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I don't think they even need two brands. They do super shows every week and only six or so matches can fit on a ppv so there's no need to build storylines for more than one roster. There's a reason they don't have a third brand anymore. They can barely come up with ideas for two shows, how are they going to come up with ideas interesting enough to make people want to watch a bunch of nobodies?
I personally do not think WWE needs more than just RAW.

Obviously they will continue with the 2, but looking at it from an entertainment and fan standpoint, one supershow every week would work (like how they do RAW). But again, that only works if ppv's were not every other week. That's another problem with WWE from a fan point of view. I am not dishing out roughly 80ish dollars a month to watch mediocre WWE ppv's that have filler matches and barely any build or hype to them.

If there was 1 ppv every 1-2 months, then yeah, I'd consider. I'd also be more eager to watch matches because if you have everyone on 1 show and only a 2 hour WWE time slot each week, you're not going to see the big stars in action...leading to a more significant ppv. It just makes it funner and more interesting. It makes things fresh, and keeps the stars away from the ring week in and week out which eliminates the process of them becoming "stale" within a month.

That's from a fan perspective, not a business standpoint.
I think they do need two brands.

RAW Should be the Sports Entertainment brand.

SmackDown should be the Wrestling Brand.

NXT should be a mixture of both. In fact I think NXT should be extended to two hours, or at least 90 min. All of the NXT alumni should be placed on the "NXT brand" regardless of current position on the card (this includes main eventers like Bryan and Barrett). Former NXT pros should occasionally make appearances on NXT to draw viewers (i.e. Miz, Punk). Everyone who was never part of the NXT competition in any form has no business being on NXT (Usos, Hawkins, Reks, Barretta). Because Daniel Bryan is the current World Heavyweight Champion, he should be crossing over to NXT and "representing what NXT is all about." It would actually help his heel character if he beat jobbers and then did his YES YES celebration like he had a hard fought match.

nd taking airtime away from the actual RAW stars.
Why would you even try anymore? Every time the WWE has tried to come up with an original idea for a third show, it starts out well, and then it goes to shits within a few months of air time. ECW began extremely well; that pun is so intended. ECW's first show consisted of ECW's original talent. While I don't particularly care about the original ECW, there was certainly cash to be made off of the defunct brand. From that, ECW transitioned into a show mainly for rookies to get some air time. At that time, I wouldn't even consider it a third brand; more of a developmental brand.

Superstars started out the same way; with tons of hype. Superstars like Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Edge, Shane McMahon, Cody Rhodes, Christian, Kane, Big Show and many other top WWE athletes were featured prominently on the show in the first couple of weeks. Now we have our superstar regulars. NXT also followed suit. First season was done real well. Second, some cracks started forming. Third and the rest of the season, fuck that. What am I getting at; WWE should never open up another brand unless they actually have a long term goal for it. Even then, I still doubt it. Superstars can serve as a brand for the lower-card superstars.

There's no need for another brand; two is just fine.
it doesn't need another brand it could do with a low card show for Smackdown and Raw, like Heat and Velocity were to the brands back in the day.

Superstars was meant to be a cross brand show, but they scrapped showing that in some areas, it still airs in Australia.

NXT has run it's course, the sooner it goes the better. If they want it to be the up and coming developmental programme why not just air FCW in it's place.

as for the forking out for 2 PPV's a month, u don't most months unless your PayTV provider has bizzare billing cycles. and $80 a month? wtf. sucks to live there, the WWE PPV's only cost $30 (that's $60 at most) in Australia. and TNA is only $25 not that anyone pays for those. Noone forcing you to pay for them anyway, there's always alternatives to paying to watch them, may be crap quality and slow but there are alternatives
it doesn't need another brand it could do with a low card show for Smackdown and Raw, like Heat and Velocity were to the brands back in the day.

Superstars was meant to be a cross brand show, but they scrapped showing that in some areas, it still airs in Australia.

NXT has run it's course, the sooner it goes the better. If they want it to be the up and coming developmental programme why not just air FCW in it's place.

as for the forking out for 2 PPV's a month, u don't most months unless your PayTV provider has bizzare billing cycles. and $80 a month? wtf. sucks to live there, the WWE PPV's only cost $30 (that's $60 at most) in Australia. and TNA is only $25 not that anyone pays for those. Noone forcing you to pay for them anyway, there's always alternatives to paying to watch them, may be crap quality and slow but there are alternatives

The difference between FCW and NXT is that NXT allows the up and coming performers to get used to performing in front of bigger crowds. FCW by comparison is simply a glorified indy promotion that happens to be connected to the WWE.
I dont think so. They tried with the whole Nexus thing and that didnt workout so they just made them a stable and now you have to watch it on the internet.

I honestly think they need one brand and trim the roster. Do we really wanna see Trent Beratta and Hawkins just job out to everyone. In the Attitude era we didnt have 2 brands. You we either on top or almost there. Thast when all the belts ment something. Rember the Ladder match for the Int belt.

I'm just saying there so much you can do and benefit from with one brand. They story lines can be played out longer and have more of an impact. Like with Undertaker and the ministry vs VKM. You could create better tag teams and make it a little deeper. So its not the Uso and Primo n Epico or Santino and whoever you have him teamed up with weeke after week.
No third brand is needed - the brand extension for tv purposes needs killing off once and for all.

House shows, keep a de-facto split purely so 2 house shows can be run on the same night.

Raw and Smackdown need a Heat and Velocity type program too, maybe tape an extra match for Superstars and then have Superstars be 5 or 6 matches and have that on a Saturday.

Then just have your major stars appear on both Raw and Smackdown, lower talent appear on just one of the shows each week and then on Superstrs, and new talent start off on Superstars only.

Simple, anyone care to disagree?
If there were to be a third brand what would the purpose of the brand be. You see right now in the WWE we have Raw, SD, NXT, and Supertars which quite frankly IMO that are more than enough shows.
Khalifa's thread got me thinking about the Brand Extension of the early 2000's, asking whether or not it hurt the WWE. It is an interesting thread, and many people are split. Some think it hurt, some think it helped. But it inspired me to make this new thread, calling for another Brand Extension now in 2012. Let me explain:

The WWE has obviously abandoned its Brand Extension in terms of keeping Raw and Smackdown superstars separate now. Although superstars are deemed Raw or Smackdown guys, it doesn't make the smallest difference, as guys are appearing on both shows with ease, the GM's have become laughing stocks, and there's no sense of pride or competition between the brands.

Wrestling thrives off of competition. Wrestling had its high points, in my opinion, during the times of the greatest competition. During the times of the territory system way back when, wrestling was huge. Then WWF began to take over, wrestling seemed to dip for a while. Then it got HUGE again during the WWF/WCW/ECW rivalry days. When WWE became a virtual monopoly, it dipped again, but was still pretty good during the Brand Extension of the early 2000's. WWE's Raw and Smackdown competed with each, stole stars from each other, etc., and it was compelling stuff.

But now all that competition has gone away. The only sense of "competition" in the world of wrestling now is WWE and TNA. In other words, it doesn't exist. I think wrestling is at its best when there is a sense of war, in some fashion. That's why I think its time for the WWE to re-enforce the Brand Extension. I think the WWE should hold a Draft similar to the one of the early 2000's in which McMahon and Flair drafted superstars to their shows, but this time it would be the GM's doing it.

Here's my theory: this will shake up the WWE, allow developing guys (and there's A LOT of them) time in which to work on their respective shows, and bring a sense of that war-like competition back to the WWE and wrestling.

Now, I've touched upon the points that it would shake up the WWE and refresh it and that it would bring back an exciting sense of competition, but now I will explain further about my point on developing talent. It's no secret that the WWE has a ton of young talent, and there's young guys that are just floating around, sometimes not even appearing at all throughout the week on WWE programming, such as a Jack Swagger. A former world champion and the current U.S. Champion not even appearing? Yet we see an 8-Women's Diva match? Now, I'm not a supporter of Swagger, but that doesn't seem right to me. If the shows split up again with slightly smaller rosters, everyone will be able to be showcased. Then we can see who will sink or swim, and guys will begin to emerge. Remember how Zack Ryder had to get over via the internet? If the shows had more time to feature developing guys, then we could see more Ryder's emerge in front of our eyes. I know I'm being optimistic, but I think the WWE needs to do this with so many young guys. I mean, who's really established in the WWE? Just a handful- Cena, Orton, Punk, Jericho, Christian, Big Show, Kane, Undertaker (limited appearances), Triple H (limited appearances), and that's about it. SO many guys are still developing, even bigger name guys like Del Rio and Miz. Why not commit time, effort, and storylines to them with more time on their respective shows.

If the shows were split up, the tag division and the midcard belts would be able to receive more attention as well, and some storylines may even be thrown their way. I'd like to see those divisions get some more attention, I think they deserve them.

I think it would be great if the WWE re-enforced the Brand Extension. With all their young talent, it would allow them to develop and showcase their skills. I think it's time. What do you guys think?
They will probably "re-enforce" it after Mania. Even before the Supershows, the RTWM has always had people crossing over willy nilly. And you hardly see RAW guys showing up on SmackDown anymore.
I would like to see that, but there's a few problems I have IMO:

1) They would have to go back two sets of Tag Team Titles and there's only, what, 2 legit tag teams right now?

2) They would have to go back to Brand only ppvs and there's jus not enough talent like there used to be to build up ppvs. Outside of Sheamus, Orton, Bryan, and Rhodes, who else is there that people would want to buy the ppv to see?

Unless you mean, have RAW and Smackdown on all ppvs, but just have them wrestle on their own shows?

Like I mean, you want them to go back to Brand only ppvs or keep it how it is now, except, RAW superstars appear on RAW and Smackdown superstars appear on Smackdown?
1) They would have to go back two sets of Tag Team Titles and there's only, what, 2 legit tag teams right now?

2) They would have to go back to Brand only ppvs and there's jus not enough talent like there used to be to build up ppvs. Outside of Sheamus, Orton, Bryan, and Rhodes, who else is there that people would want to buy the ppv to see?

it could Work with the Tag and Divas title opperating like the WWE Undisputed did when they started the brand extension, (i.e the champion/s appear on both shows fueding with whoever is the number 1 contender, Upon losing their title they would take the place of the person who defeated them on their Brand.)

PPV's dual branded with the titles defended only on PPV's

at least thats how i'd see it work
No it just adds more to the story line and i guess Ace attends both shows so if they did put him as SD GM he would be there anyway futhering his power story
would it be so wrong to keep both brands and to have them compete against each other on the same night having the monday night wars back? this idea has been thrown around by fans for years. i know that production is expensive so having two live shows is not cost effective, then why no have Smackdown be live every other week the WWE use to do with Raw?
By the way before I start this thread I would just like to say I haven't made a thread here at wrestlezone for almost a year. Ok Raw Supershow, I liked it at first when Triple H announced it cuz it kinda reminds me of how it was like Back then, but in my opinion, I think its better off just as Plain RAW. I am SICK AND TIRED of Smackdown superstars coming over to RAW and taking up the undercards time. I mean lets look at ppl like Alex Riley, Michael Mcgillicutty, they haven't appeared on RAW since September..when RAW supershow started..:banghead: and Im tired of seeing people like Daniel Bryan, Big Show, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, etc coming over on RAW. They should stay on the show their assigned to. I mean this also effects my most favorite time of the year, the WWE Draft. If superstars are drafted to smackdown there wouldn't be any point at all for that as they would just continue to appear on RAW. Agree? Disagree? I think they should end it.. Now let me hear your guys's opinions on RAW "Supershow"
I would rather see Henry, Orton and Bryan than Micheal Mcguillicuty (sp) who gets no reaction to the OP. Also a month ago A Ry jobbed to Brodus Clay on Smackdown. I think the whole extension should just end to be honest. Make it one again.
Just watching Raw tonight and something occurred to me. I've thought the two shows should just become one show because they don't have the star power and roster depth they had to make the 2 shows work when they started doing them, at least in my opinion. Then I thought of what could be a great way to end it. Punk, Bryan, and Jericho in a triple threat match at WrestleMania to crown an undisputed champion and combine the shows. To take it one step further they could even do a 60 minute iron man triple threat match. I think they could really pull off a great hour match with their talent. What do you think?
The idea of the Super Show, which has also been happening on Smackdown, is to showcase Raw and Smackdown talent on both shows to both audiences.

As many of you know not everyone who watches Monday Night Raw, watches Smackdown, so displaying Smackdown talent on Raw helps promote the talent on Smackdown and possibly gain the show more viewers.

If a lesser know face or heel is featured in a match on Raw they gain more exposure, if Little Jimmy becomes interested in said talent, there's an opportunity to make more money off of that talent.

Having Raw and Smackdown Supershow's leading up to WM is a great idea because it gets people interested in all the story lines the WWE is presenting at WM, which hopefully will increase the buyrates.
I agree. The Raw Supershow is a total waste. Hopefully the GM feud will end in one guy running both shows, and finishing the horrid roster split for good.
I would rather see Henry, Orton and Bryan than Micheal Mcguillicuty (sp) who gets no reaction to the OP. Also a month ago A Ry jobbed to Brodus Clay on Smackdown. I think the whole extension should just end to be honest. Make it one again.

That in a nutshell,

Raw has a supershow because the vacuum of talent is clear as day. The brand split is just a problem that can be solved by not having it. You can rest the likes of Cena, Orton etc but maintain having big names on the show without it damaging the brand. Those who make it on Smackdown appear on Raw, its basically how it is working at the moment. The best young talent coming through is on Smackdown, has been the case for a long while.

Hopefully this whole Ace/Long storyline is heading into having one roster again and the roster trimmed back, new characters developed and longer build up in feuds (one great advantage of Smackdown appearing on Raw... its done wonders to Sheamus, Henry, Rhodes, Bryan in terms of developing them and building them)

If any show needs to end its NxT and it should be replaced by Heat (and Sunday Night Heat, on weeks with PPVs). That's where the likes of A-Ry belong for the time being, have them appear on Heat and Superstars, developed feuds, see what works and what doesn't and give them main event slots on Sunday Night Heat.
The Supershow may not be going anytime soon...I mean, look at freakin' NXT right now, nothing but filler until the big event eventually happens.

They're using some Smackdown talent to compete in there matches, why not just make WWE one again? Because at this rate, the brand concept isn't doing good ratings wise or anything to actually help it with the constant mistakes I'm seeing every night on Friday.

And if that's worse, Randy Orton is coming back and his persona can simply be compared with a stale cracker.

Let's face it, we need a new team of writers.
By the way before I start this thread I would just like to say I haven't made a thread here at wrestlezone for almost a year. Ok Raw Supershow, I liked it at first when Triple H announced it cuz it kinda reminds me of how it was like Back then, but in my opinion, I think its better off just as Plain RAW. I am SICK AND TIRED of Smackdown superstars coming over to RAW and taking up the undercards time. I mean lets look at ppl like Alex Riley, Michael Mcgillicutty, they haven't appeared on RAW since September..when RAW supershow started..:banghead: and Im tired of seeing people like Daniel Bryan, Big Show, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, etc coming over on RAW. They should stay on the show their assigned to. I mean this also effects my most favorite time of the year, the WWE Draft. If superstars are drafted to smackdown there wouldn't be any point at all for that as they would just continue to appear on RAW. Agree? Disagree? I think they should end it.. Now let me hear your guys's opinions on RAW "Supershow"

Dude, I would rather see Bryan, show, Henry, Orton, etc than McGillicutty and A-Ry. Seriously, I like the Supershow, hate the name. Just wish the brand extension would finally end and have everyone on both shows. It's all one damn company, we don't need two world champs running around and don't need 2 separate "brands." The draft is always pointless because even when they do get drafted, then half a year later, someone makes a jump to the other show anyway. Combine the roster back together like it used to be.
The SuperShow needs to end, the Brand Extension NEEDS to continue. No Brand Extension means the same four or five guys dominating TWO shows a week until the end of time. I for one can't handle John Cena and Randy Orton in double doses.

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