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How to improve the draft? ELIMINATE IT

There should be only one brand that has 2 different shows as it was before the split. Raw is already a supershow, and Smackdown constantly has Raw wrestlers on it, so they should stop dragging it out and just pull the band aid all the way off. There's a lot more I could say but what it boils down to is that one roster would fix a lot of WWE's problems.
Remember the Draft is written directly for non-kayfabe folks, so it never makes a bit of real sense on why things happen (especially the biggest bullshit double Cena draft last year, that did nothing but make a joke of the system and piss off Smackdown loyals).

Cena alone would raise ratings, no denying this, keep in mind, ratings are not heavily based off the smarks in the IWC, Cena draws no arguing that.

CM Punk to Smackdown hurts CM Punk's strongest quality right now, and that is his gimmick with rebelion that basically spits in the face of kayfabe constantly. Not being live totally ruins the impact of Punk (I missed some of his promos and spoiled it for myself on accident.... trust me, it loses a lot of affect when you hear his promos after the fact).

It's actually a pretty good scam to keep Smackdown's roster loaded, and leave Raw's just so-so, since RAW ratings will go up from the entire roster.

hopefully they eventually just drop the juvenile "SUPERSHOW" moniker and just get back to being 1 family with 2 major shows, and I wouldn't be surprised if this is the last draft for now, since it is an exercise in futility with the current order of events.

Why the shit would they put their biggest draw on Smackdown? Putting Cena on smackdown is the equivalent of the Rays putting Evan Longoria on the Durham Bulls.

This analogy breaks so many rules of bad internet analogies that it saddens me.
Smackdown is supposed to be held as an equal to RAW, not being live, and having less star power are the key reasons it's kept behind RAW usually. WWE fixing half that problem is nothing like wasting COMPETITIVE TALENT IN A COMPETITIVE SPORT(I will give you that star power is the only real "competition" in wrestling). Baseball/Basketball to Wrestling doesn't work.
What I was thinking was at Mania have both Bryan and Punk retain their titles and come draft time, draft Punk to Smackdown and have both world titles on the one show. And have the new GM of both shows announce that their will only be one World heavyweight champion and at Extreme Rules their will be a unification match. You could even work in the fact that Punk despises Smackdown and he repulses the idea of having to be based on that show. (Though this could be seen as WWE admitting Smackdown is the lesser show) But that could then lead to a feud later with someone who is a Smackdown faithful IE Mysterio.

The only problem I can see with this is that we will be left without anything going on Raw as Cena will be starting a new feud. Jericho will have to start a new feud and Taker and HHH will disappear from television.
Therefore you could still unify the two titles on Smackdown and instead of having one title for both shows introduce a new title for Raw. This way we will finally get to see Punk V Bryan with an official winner and it will give Raw superstars new feuds to get the post Mania ball rolling again.
The only way to make the draft more important is to make the brand war more important. Back when the brands split and the draft started, WWE made it a battle between two separate products. Now it just feels like RAW and Smackdown are two shows for the same product. Unless they bring back a total brand split, the draft will be irrelevant.
The whole reason the brand split happened in the first place was the sheer size of the roster after the invasion storyline. Given the lack of depth in the current roster there's no need for 2 separate brands, and it seems like Vince is unofficially ending the brand split altogether. I mean after Mania there'll be one GM, and both rosters on one show too (RAW supershow). Is there any point in keeping smackdown at all?
In order for SmackDown to be taken seriously, Vince needs to invest time and energy into that show. Yes adding a Cena and Or Punk with Miz ove there would be nice as far as star power goes, but ultimately will mean nothing if the blue brand isn't be pushed hard enough in the media outlets.

SmackDown is more of the wrestling show and not as much of the drama, which may hurt it as far as bring in the casual fans, but Vince is going to have to mix it up for sure and really put the effort into it.
So, what I think is that have one big-ass roster, but have RAW focus on the storylines, & Smackdown can focus on the wrestling. That way, everyone gets what they want.
For the draft to matter at all the whole supershow thing needs to stop. The brands need to be split, smackdown guys on smackdown and raw guys on raw. I think after WM the brand should be split again with a complete shakeup of each brand. Champions stay on each side then everyone else is picked like it was done with the first draft with Flair and Vince. No "random" roulette type thing on the big screen. I say Laurenitis wins at WM he then is GM of both Raw and Smackdown. He then designates Vikki as assistant to the GM of SD and Otunga for raw. Then JL drafts a list of the new rosters shaking everything up completely. Guys like Cena or Jericho on SD and moving Bryan or Henry to raw. Then we go back to the old split.

They need to make big names switch brands not just the usual, Rey Mysterio or Kofi Kingston, those guys switch almost every year. Actually shake things up make Smackdown an equal show to raw star power wise. Also if any guys are returning such as RVD or Big Daddy V have them be surprise entrants in the draft.
1) Make it a Draft
As it stands right now it is a lottery. The GM's have no choice of who is on there show, we watch the screen and then are show a picture of who the pick is. They need to make it a real draft, where the GM's select Super Stars. It would highlight the fueds between the GM's & Super Stars. GM's could try and out menuever the other. It would make it more interesting thats for sure. You build weeks in advance outlining the plot of each GM for the Draft. You could have Super Stars voice their opinions to GM's trying to keep certain individuals off certain shows, for instance if The Miz is fueding with Cena he could approach Teddy Long and ask him to draft Cena.

1A) Remove SuperShows
As long as there are SuperShows there is no point to having a WWE Draft. If they have SuperShows keep it the 2nd half of the year, leading up to Survivor Series to WrestleMania, but after Mania go back to distinct brands. Having Super Stars exclusing to one brand make you tune in each week. Moving Cena perminately to Smack Down would force Cenation to tune in to SmackDown.

2) Make Major Moves on PPV
I would make the draft a PPV. You can put matches between picks or even have the match determine which show gets the draft pick. You could even make the loser of the match join the others show. If you were to move 8 talents throughout the draft/show you could have a pick between each match. I would also include trades. I remember when Triple H was drafted to SmackDown and didn't want to go and I believe Bischoff was GM traded 3 guys to keep him on Raw. You could do the same thing today, have Teddy draft someone Johnny wants and Johnny trades some key pieces to keep him on Raw. Again I think doing it on a PPV would be something different and better than some of these PPV's we get now.

3) Highlight Mid-Carders
I think moving mid-card talents on Raw & SmackDown is appropriate. Having 1 or 2 moves on each show leading up to The Draft PPV. I also think highlighting the midcarders could help elevate them to the next level. Half the time some of these guys barely get TV time, you need to have a chance to get to know them, see them on TV inorder to like them.

4) Eliminate Brand Extension
The brand extension has run its course. Ratings are down, people want to see the top stars on Raw & Smackdown. While I like having the Brand Extension I know that we don't need it anymore.
Open to either/or...

The only thing they need to do is stop with this f*****g 'supershow' crap!

*They either make it clear and go back to Raw & Smackdown full rosters every week and one champion


*Exclusive Brands; More/Better Storylines and more focus on Superstars/Divas
Sadly the way the Supershow concept has been presented is the very reason we need the brand extension. The main event guys will eat up all the screen time on both shows and the midcarders will get nothing but scraps and filler matches.
For the record, you come off as a self-important dick when you say that "it makes too much sense so it probably won't happen." It might make sense to you, but it doesn't make a lot of business sense, especially the FCW part.

Any FCW guy will come out to a tepid response at best. Not exactly the best way to build a guy for future success. Initial reactions mean a lot, and bringing a guy out that will make the majority of the crowd go "Who!?" is a horrible way to debut.

The draft is fine as it is, and doesn't need tinkering to add FCW guys to the mix. It would make no sense from a money-making perspective.

In my opinion, being selected for a draft with an accompanying video package, with John Laurinitis or Teddy Long calling you up on Primetime TV, which is also the most important show of the WWE, is a whole lot better debut than going up against Jobber McSucksALot, winning while half of the crowd is taking a piss break, only to be fodder to a John Morrison or Mark Henry less than 6 months later.

But hey, I'm a self-important dick, what do I really know?
Now the draft is coming up could this work...

Having Cena and Lesnar to SD! with having Orton and Daniels to Raw. Obviously more drafts get made but these would be the big power moves.

I think it could work but let me state i doubt WWE would do it.

SD! rating would surely pick up hell of a lot more. I think Cena needs to move also he's been on Raw for years and it's pretty boring for big fueds he can obviously come over to Raw to promote it as would Lesnar.

Now the way it looks with the number 1&2 guys going to SD! you move Orton(4) to go and join Punk(3)

I think Raw still has the power if Orton/Daniels came over and it gives more focus to guys who need it, Cena is the centre of attention and that's fine but you need to built up and comers. If people think Orton isn't enough you could bring over Christian and put Swagger on SD! also.

But with Del Rio (apparently in line for a push) Punk, Orton(if it happens) Miz, Christian(If it happens) even at a possiblilty and it could give a chance for Ziggler to get in and around the Main event more (which people have been wanting).

My questions are...Do you think this could work? If you have any doubt who would you bring over to sort the balance?

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Absolutely NOT. Lesnar returns, attacks Cena and they both get drafted, so they can continue their rivalry in peace on SmackDown? That would make no sense. The draft is supposed to be random

John Cena is the face of the WWE, he needs to stay on the A-show - Monday Night RAW.
Let's just draft everyone over to Smackdown, seeing as Raw features superstars from both shows anyway. And actually Smackdown often has Raw stars appear as well.

What is the point of the draft again??????

And now with Johnny being GM of both shows, I can see the crossovers happening more and more. I think having the same GM for both shows is the final straw to end the brand split
Christian is definitely the big name I say needs to be moved over. They set it up so perfectly with Punk taking Christian out. Christian proves day after day after he first won the World Heavyweight Championship that he can hang with the guys like Cena and Orton. It seems like the most natural choice after this feud with Punk and Jericho, too.

also, I'd say a name like Rey Mysterio can probably go back to the blue brand whenever he returns at this point. He wasn't exactly getting the best reactions when he moved to RAW, and I think Sin Cara vs Mysterio seems to be the major thing everyone wants, so it could very well be a major part of Smackdown when they both return.

Kane is also probably a very good choice, he'll flounder on RAW, but considering how he beat Orton at Mania, it may be a good sign for Smackdown to get him and for him to dominate in a similar role to his 2010 World Heavyweight Championship run.

Finally, Wade could probably get a really good shot on RAW if he's moved over there. I'd say have him beat Orton just to hype it up once he returns, then move him about as high up on the card as they can.
no way this will happen as far as cena and lesnar. lesnar in truth is a smackdown level wrestler as shown in his first run with his terrible mic skills and that last match of his which still stands as the worst match ive ever seen. however he now has the extra appeal of being an ex mma star so he is too ppopular to put onto smackdown. i think cody rhodes will make the move to raw with swagger going the other way. there may be remote possibility of cena to smackdown but i doubt it. i think christian, kane, brodus clay and miz may make their way back to smackdown not sure about the other way. bryan should be on the bigger show:lol: but it wont happen and a few no hopers will change shows to be jobbers for a different set of wrestlers. Ultimately the lines between the shows have blurred except for the biggest talent so all in all i wouldnt expect the draft to make much of an impact.
It'll be interesting to see what happens from here, especially considering the brand split is pretty much over. DoubleK has some interesting suggestions - the return of Rey Mysterio would be great to bring at the draft, and he has a natural opponent in Sin Cara.

Putting Swagger and Vickie Guerrero on Smackdown would also be a pretty good idea, leaving Dolph to move up the ranks on Raw. I would like to see a few more main eventers on Smackdown. I currently have no intention of watching the show because it lacks big name superstars, but even someone like Santino on Smackdown would have an impact on whether or not I decide to watch.

Regardless, the draft is shaping up to be very exciting.
Can't see there being a draft this year, if there is what's the point? :s .. You can argue the roster is weak, it is, but having it split over two weakens it even more IMO.

If we have one, I'd like to see Bryan swap with Ryder other than that couldn't care less as they're be on both anyway.
Cena could easly get drafted to Smackdown and appear on the Supershow each week!!! I still dont see it happening but Cena could appear on both shows with ease.

Jericho can get drafted to Smackdown after Punk beats him at Extreme Rules.
Rey Mysterio will probably get drafted 'home'. Him and Sin Cara will be interesting.
Miz needs a change of scenary. Send him to the blue show. Turn him face.
Del Rio moving to Smackdown looks like a lock given his choice words to Sheamus. Plus WWE wants him to do a programme with Orton.

Wade Barrett should move back to Raw. Him and Punk could have an interesting fued.
Christian is another who could make a decent heel on Raw.
Mark Henry will move to Raw aswell. He is listed on the Raw House Shows.

Probs see 5-10 mid carders move aswell.
Are they going to do a draft? I wish they wouldn't. I was hoping with the "super shows" that the brand extensions were over and all the guys would be on both shows.
Cena could easly get drafted to Smackdown and appear on the Supershow each week

Well that's the thing, the supershow concept has virtually put an end to the brand extension, so the draft would make difference unless superstars reverted to appearing only on their respective shows.

Regardless, we've just had one of the biggest Raws in a long long time, setting up a rivalry that will define the rest of 2012, and OP wants to put that on the pre-recorded B show? :wtf:
I like the draft and I hope they never cancel it. I want too See Christian, Wade Barrett, Ted Dibiase, and Cody Rhodes on RAW, And I wish they would go back to the regular brand extension, cuz superstars appearing on both shows was good back in the days, but it sucks now.. I hate RAW Supershow, hope they change it BACK TO RAW. I want Mysterio to remain on RAW, cuz since he was here he didnt have that much feuds. He already had enough on smackdown, and he only had like 2 months on RAW. I Think REY Mysterio shouldnt be drafted at all, or maybe draft sin cara to raw if u want Mysterio vs Cara. Send Riley, Mason Ryan, Jericho, Kingston to Smackdown maybe turn Jericho face and he could carry the smackdown brand
They either gotta get a bunch more talent or end the brand split none of this half assed stuff. I would love it, even though it will never happen, if Smackdown was mainly tag team and cruiserweight wrestling with the world title division and raw the wwe title, 1 mid card title and the divas. The WWE Title remains the more important because it always will be.

You have one strong mid card division where future main eventers such as Dolph, Del Rio, Rhodes, Swagger, Kofi, Riley, Miz etc can all engage in feuds with one another to get themselves over. These guys are rushed to fast to the spotlight and need to be slowed down and given time to really get over and earn there spot in the main event.

As far as the tag division, bring in some teams. The Briscoe Brothers, bring back Haas/Benjamin, and bring up Bret DiBiase and team him with Hennig to form the fortunate sons, bring up the kings of wrestling, you got the Uso's, Primo/Epico and right there you got a great tag division. Build actual feuds for them, give them time to put on great tag matches.

Grab some cruiser weights, theres already a bunch of talented guys in fcw. Try to snag Kendrick or London for some veteran and well known talent. You already got Barreta, Gabriel, Tatsu, Bourne, JTG, Hunico, Sin Cara on the main roster. Seth Rollins can be one of the spotlights of the division.

Raw can have Cena, Orton, Lesnar, Sheamus, Jericho, Punk etc and have a solid main event scene. Instead of stretching it thin over two shows have it strong on one. The Divas division should be solely on this show, Kharma, Phoenix, Natalya, Tamina, Eve, Layla, Kelly, Bellas.
They really shouldnt end the brand extension. How on earth are guys like Rhodes, Barrett, Ziggler ever gunna win that elusive WWE/World Title if the extension has ended and there is only 1 title to go for?!

The brand extension should stay and they should develop the brands. Infact, they should tighten the brands and make superstars even more exclusive!!! Smackdown should be used for FCW Talent, Divas and Cruiserweights with a solid main event scene. I'd put Triple H on there in the main event to give some credibility. Send the Miz over from Raw and Del Rio back and things don't look so bad.

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