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Bragging Rights: Miz v Morrison


Dark Match Winner
the Miz is now the United States Champion in a good match. I think it would be obvious if we see John Morrison v The Miz (SD-RAW mid card champions). I would love it, because they are 2 wrestlers that are trying to breaktrough.

I want to see this big match. What fo you thing?
With Morrison having a feud already going, we could see another IC Title match, since the last one was as great as it was. That way, Morrison can win, and then Miz can win his title match, and then we'll get a showdown between them in the ME, which is what everyone really wants anyway.

If they get a match against each other, I'm positive it could be MOTN. Miz has shown he can carry matches well, and Morrison has shown he can steal the show. Why not pair them up, and let their chemistry give you an instant classic?
I don't believe we'll see an IC Title match with Morrison. I think Miz getting the US Title pretty much sets up a champion vs. champion ex-partners match. It's pretty logical. Plus since it seems Bragging Rights is going to consist of a big tag match from winners of the matches earlier in the night. Those matches will likely not be feud type matches of any kind. I'm looking forward to the Iron Man match, and if I get to see Miz/Morrison... it's going to be a good PPV for me since I'm attending. I've had a great time at the PPVs I've been to and I don't expect this to be any different.
Not a bad idea for a match but I think the WWE would like a little more build before they pursue a program with these two versus each other.

Like last friday on smackdown. They were at opposite ends of that tag team match. They touched a little bit on their history and when they got in the ring together we definitely got teased with how great a Miz Vs. Morrison match would be. At bragging rights they will probably win their respective matches and be in that huge SmackDown Vs. Raw main event where they will face each other once again at opposing sides. Fast Foreward they will probably have some interaction at the Royal Rumble. Then one of two things will happen. 1. They will both end up in the Money In The Bank to further tease a match-up between the two or 2. They will take advantage of the fact that there have been many interbrand matches in Wrestlemania history and finally have the match happen there. If they both happen to keep their respective championships then they can have a unification title match with the winner walking out with both the United States and Intercontinental Championships. While they build up their mania match they can bring up how they competed in a title unification bout last year only this time one of them is garunteed to go home with the gold. If that happens the newly unified U.S./I.C. champion will get the same rights as the Unified Tag Team Champs(You know the whole being able to appear on any brand thing). A guy can dream can't he.

I don't think WWE will pull the trigger on the fued just yet. Something tells me that WWE has something bigger planned for these two whether build it up and eventually fight at Wrestlemania be it One on One or MITB(which in the case of the bank it would further build that match up). Or eventually have them on the same roster after Wrestlemania and have the fued reach fruition that way.

But then again we are talking about the WWE so we'll probably see them face each other on Superstars or something stupid like that.
i personally don't want to see this match up (gasp)

mainly because everyone thought that the miz would get buried after they split. which is not the case because they never really had a falling out match. if the miz and morrison were to had faced off on say the smackdown after the draft it would've killed what chances the miz had of being an eligible singles competitor

now granted thats much more unlikely in this scenario but it still could happen and i kinda like how there was no aftermath and there is still this deeply brewed past between these 2 that wasn't blown off in a match. like in that tag match and the decade of smackdown. they started off and it got the fans to start popping up like popcorn... even if only briefly

now imagine a few years or so in the future when both of these men are major league competitors. when the miz and morrison have been world champion and they have a stare off in the beginning of a tag match. fans will remember back to there olddays nad the announcers will bring it up. then when they do lock up....

thats how i c it
It's nice how these 2 guys started as a makeshift tag team on ECW, go to SmackDown and then carry the load as tag team champions for months and months. Then they split and pursue singles careers and they have both won their respective titles in incredible matches. Now they are at the top of the mid-card.

Yeah this would be a good match to see, and we'll get a sneak peak in the tag team main event at Bragging Rights after the successfully defend their titles. To see how far they've come and to face off against eachother in a main event will be an awesome sight.
I think pairing these two up again is a good idea, especially for a match at 'Mania XXVI. I don't think it would necessarily lead to burying one or the other, as long as it's done properly. Meaning, they'd have to have a knock down drag out match, like HBK/Jericho from Wrestlemania XIX. Neither HBK nor Jericho walked out of that one looking bad. Lots of false finishes in a fast paced match. Not sure how I feel about the title unification, but maybe it could work.
i could see this happening at bragging rights. champion v champion, winner gets to say they r better than the other, because that is the idea of the ppv right?? ofcourse there will be plenty of time for them to have a long feud. these two will deffinatelly be in some sort of ME feud over the title one day. oooh i cant wait for that day!!!! i predict they will head line wrestlemania with in the next 8 years (seams like a long time i kno but we have to wait for orton and cena to get passed their prime before miz or morrison will have a true chance of carrying the company and getting the spotlight at mania)
It makes a lot of sense, considering we never did get a blowoff match between the two. I always thought they would've done a match on "Superstars" or something, but now with this PPV coming up, it seems like the right time! Morrison's popularity continues to rise, while The Miz garners some (no pun intended) awesome heat!

It'd be interesting to see how a match between these two would go. They could steal the show, and I think it'd be fun to watch.
well if you are watching raw then you now know that we get to see miz v morrison, us champ v intercontinental champ, raw v smackdown.

while i marked when i heard this information the live raw crowd did not give a shit. i mean they really didnt give a dam. they were completely careless about the great news they just recieved. they barrely even booed miz. so i simply say WTF!!!!

u have got to be kidding!!!! me two of the best young talents in the wwe. two future maineventers and two future leaders of the company (ya thats right miz and morrison are the future) and no 1 even cares???

please tell me there is some1 else out there that cant wait to see this match
For those of you that just witness the great Promo by the Miz, it's seems like this was likely to happen anyway. I know there are have been threads before about speculation but now that its official I wonder how the match would play out. I see WWE is pushing the Miz for his mic skills correctly and even if he's using Jeff Jarrett's finishing move :lmao: he'll be more known for it because of the WWE fanbase and critics. I see this match shaping up to be good nonetheless and I for one dont know how the WWE would have the outcome be. We'll lets discuss who the spoils should go to.

Once again, hurray for a talking US Champ.
This should be very good, atleast if the WWE gives them the proper time to go out and work. Both men have continued to improve by leaps and bounds since breaking up as a tag team, and having the two of them face off after this amount of time could produce some great results. The chemistry these two have is great, so I fully expect this match to possibly steal the show. I hope those lofty expectations don't lead to disappointment, but that's how much faith I have in these two's abilities.
HELL yes, liking the sound of this, very much. I really wish it wouldve been given more time to build, as at this point, this is a pretty intersting and high profile encounter. this is one of those things were it is VERY hard to pick a victor, as bothg men are rolling with tons of momentum coming into this. Ill be very interested to see this, as I have a feeling these two are gonna light it up, regardless of how much time they are given.
I think we all want to see what would happen if we are given the chance to witness two of the better "youngsters" in the WWE in a match. I personally agree with NSL. The Miz has really come on leaps and bounds since he wrestled against Cena and has really learned to carry matches and pace himself appropriately. We know that he can give us a solid match and his pairings with Kofi and Swagger recently have shown us that he can put on a good match against different opponents.

Morrison is the same. Since he split up with the Miz, he has become one of the most talked about people in the business. People realise that he is a quality prospect and by giving him the mid-card title on Smackdown, he has really gone from strength to strength. Hi rivalry with Ziggler has been really good so far and I think that he has really shown us that he can wrestle as well as steal the show.

By putting them together in a feud, we all get to see something that we have waited to see for a while and I am sure that it would be a great rivalry and match series if it were to happen.
These 2 should put on a heck of a match to wet our appetites for JoMo's eventual drafting to RAW next April and full blown feud then being given to us between these up and comers. I predict a Miz win here (not clean) and he will be able to run his mouth until JoMo get drafted and wins the feud.
These 2 should put on a heck of a match to wet our appetites for JoMo's eventual drafting to RAW next April and full blown feud then being given to us between these up and comers. I predict a Miz win here (not clean) and he will be able to run his mouth until JoMo get drafted and wins the feud.

I don't think there's going to be a feud. When they split, Miz made the first move by laying out Morrison, and Morrison hasn't had a chance to retaliate. With the IC belt being bigger than the US belt, and the fact that he needs his "revenge", I'd give Morrison the win.
I think that this is an excellent match. I loved them as a tag team, and now we will get to see them go one on one at Bragging Rights. Many of you hate on The Miz and his mat game but you have to admit that he is better than some of the superstars that you see in the ring rite now. And also I have been waiting to see this match since Miz turned On Morrison. I thought that whne Miz beat down Morrison we were going to see that, but it didnt happen and now we get to see it!
Now that Miz/Morrison is confirmed for Bragging Rights, I'm super stoked to be in attendance. These two have done nothing but shine and improve over the past year and especially done so since their split. You have to be completely batshit insane to not look forward to this match.

The only thing I wasn't a fan of was how it came to be. I'm with NorCal when I wish it could have been built a little better. Like have the Miz come out this past week, cut a similar promo about his newly won title, challenge Morrison to a match at Bragging Rights, have Morrison accept and cut a promo on Smackdown. Next week, maybe have them interfere in each other's matches on their respective shows (even though they are different shows, the way superstars flip flop from show to show now between the draft is just redonkulous), and then have the match. I wouldn't even mind if this feud went a few months. A cross-promotional feud is something we would totally overlook even though they're on seperate shows. We figure "Well, they put everyone on each show half the time anyway, so why not do a Miz/Morrison feud?" We've already seen them when they were on ECW wrestling on all 3 brands, sometimes twice a night depending what they would do on ECW.

I'd love to think I'm going to see an amazing match between the two at Bragging Rights, but even I want the feud to continue. I want more than one match between them. I want to see what Jericho/Ron Mysterio did. A few matches, each one being significantly better than the previous. Hey... I can dream right?
Yes, it will be a good match. Am I stoked for it.....somewhat. I know these two will put on a solid match, possibly even match of the night. What I'm not liking is the abruptness of it.

John Morrison has had time to establish himself as a fighting and strong Intercontinental champ, whilst Miz is barely a week removed from winning his US Title. He comes out for, like, two minutes on Raw and delivers the news to a crowd who could give a shit less.

The way to make this feud more effective is to have them go for months, taking on all competitors and continuously retaining their titles. Then one could talk smack about the other, and the feud is on. They do not even have to interfere in each other's matches. Just have one come out and stand at the top of the entrance ramp during the other's match, as if he is scouting him. Then the other could do it to him. Have this happen for weeks, throw in some promos, and there you go. Have a badass blowoff match at Mania.

Now, they may give these guys proper build over the next few weeks leading up to Bragging Rights..but I think it would be loads better if you give it a few months to brew. Also, seeing that the fact that Raw is the "entertainment" show, and that hardly any Raw superstars venture over to Smackdown...I doubt there will be nothing more than promos to keep this match relevant.
This could be an absolutely amazing match. Of course, they need to be given some real time on the card for that to happen. Both guys have really done well since the split of the Dirt Sheet Duo, as evidenced by their current Champion status (even if JoMo does owe his to Rey Rey's suspension).

With John's high flying tendencies, and Miz's more ground based game, these two have a whole bunch of different directions they could go with this match. JoMo and Dolph put on a damn fine match at HIAC, and I expect better of Miz as a champion. There should be plenty of eye catching spots in this one.

Now, as to the finish...it seems logical that John would go over here...to give SmackDown! something positive going into what appears, on paper, to be a slaughter in the Main Event. I think, however, Miz should win clean. Have RAW win the Main Event, too...and then run this thing to Survivor Series, with SmackDown! challenging RAW based on the fact that all four of their top stars were in the WHC Match. Have another RAW vs. SmackDown! main even, this time headed by the respective champions of each brand (and thus no WWE or WHC title matches, which would be a nice change of pace). At SS, then, you run the Team WWE vs. Team WHC, US vs. IC, and Diva's vs. Women's as three matches to determine the superior brand...

Yeah, I just want Miz v. Morrison II.

Either way, Miz v. Morrison I will kick untold amounts of ass. End of story.
These are 2 guys trying to break out. A loss for Morrison could hurt his potential push pf becoming a main eventer but a Miz loss would hurt him along with the title he just got for this champion vs champion match. I take Miz here because there is plenty of talent on SmackDown for Morrison to regain any lost momentum.
I'm looking forward to this match and it could be a very very good one if the WWE pulls it off right. Personally, I think the ending of this match should follow along the lines of the AJ Styles/Kurt Angle match on Impact.

Both these guys are young, up and coming and have improved by leaps and bounds. Morrison has been a good IC champ thus far, but he's at a point in his reign where a loss is going to hurt him a little. Now, The Miz hasn't wrestled yet as US champ and losing this match will also hurt him, only much more so than Morrison. Even though neither title is on the line, both reputations will be hurt with a loss.

Seeing as how both guys are on different rosters and won't be up against each other anytime again soon, I think the match should end with a no contest or double DQ. Give them a good 20 minutes or so, let them go out there and let it all hang out and sort of leave everyone wanting more. Make it a good back and forth match with both of them giving as good as they get, neither backing up a step and just taking it to each other. Morrison will look good, The Miz will gain some credibility with being able to take everything the IC champ has and keep coming back for more, etc. Everybody wins with this scenario.
This match could potentially be a show stealer. Both are rising stars, and future main-eventers. Morrison is extremely athletic and awes people with his insane in-ring ability. Miz does hilarious mic work and pulls off his heel role extremely well.
IMO this is the ONLY reason to watch this ppv.no other match can catch my attention bc it's been done before.cena/orton,need I say more?fatal four way won't b good unless there is a HEEL turn.three faces and one heel dos t make for a good every manfor himself match,it makes it unwatchable.the me will be boring unless Cody dominates or does something to make it interesting.other than that why else watch this ppv other than miz vs Morrison?the ONLY thing that could potentially hurt this match is if Miz/Morrison doesn't show up to fight (which I doubt),or if it doesn't get ENOUGH time.wwe could give it time but not enough to be a great match,which I expect it will be.this could be THE FEUD for the rest of the year.if wwe were smart,which they aren't,they would continue this feud till wm26.let these guys go at it and then at wm unify the titles.ending the feud in what would b a classic ladder or cage or stipulation match.

I wanna c miz go over because it woud kill his momentum after winnng the title and make it hard to him to remain relevant a d a believable champ.whereas Morrison has plenty of believable competition to ramp him up again following a loss.
I attended Bragging Rights tonight and it was a very good PPV. Not great. But very good. I'm curious to know how this match with Miz/Morrision came off on TV. I was really anticipating this match and it seemed to be a little lacking IMO. If anyone can shed some light on this that got the PPV, that'd be great. Or I'll just download it tomorrow and re-watch it.

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